1,624 research outputs found
Cotton Button, is a children\u27s clothing brand in South Tangerang has been established since 2014, which was born from the idea of a mother of two children who have experience in choosing fabrics on children\u27s clothing. Cotton Button focuses on children\u27s comfort and naturalness offered from organic cotton fabrics. Organic cotton fabric is a cloth derived from natural cotton seeds that are not modified, also planted without using pesticides both in plants and in their planting fields. Cotton Button\u27s has been promoting, but based on the data obtained, the promotions carried out have not been able to increase audience awareness of Cotton Button products. This caused a decline in sales in the city of Bandung. In connection with this phenomenon, the design of the Cotton Button clothing brand was designed.
Keywords strategy, promotion, bran
Penerapan Model Direct Instruction Dilengkapi Hierarki Konsep untuk Mengurangi Miskonsepsi Siswa Materi Hidrokarbon
The purpose of this research are determine the average percentage of misconception, reduce of misconception and to determine difference of student misconception on hydrocarbon material in X grade of SMA Negeri 2 Ambawang before and after given treatment was apply direct instruction model completed with hierarchy concept. The research method used was Pre-Experimental with One Group Pre-Test Post-Test Design. The sample were 26 students. The result of analysis data pretest and posttest showed that the average value of student missconception before give treatment are 73,9% and after given treatment decreased to 57,4%. The average result showed that can reduce student misconception on hydrocarbon material. The result of analysis pretest and posttest data using paired sample t-test showed there were difference student misconseption before and after given treatment by direct instruction model completed with hierarchy concept
Beberapa Aspek Perilaku Anopheles Sundaicus Di Desa Konda Maloba Kecamatan Katikutana Selatan Kabupaten Sumba Tengah
. Konda Maloba village is one of the areas of malaria risk is high enough. Research surveys conducted in the region with cross sectional data collection. The purpose of this paper is to investigate behavioral aspect of Anopheles sundaicus in Konda Maloba Village, Katikutana District, Central Sumba Regency includes breeding sites, density, characteristics of the environment, bitting and resting activity. Data collection was conducted by human-bait collection method and resting, the detention pra-matured mosquitos and propagation mullet observation. The result showed that the characteristics of breeding habitats of Anopheles sundaicus found in water flow with density 4.1, temperature 25ºC, pH 8.8, salinity 12%, cloudy, heliophilik and biota Cambarus virilis, Poa Annua, and Sphagnum sp. Of 681 An. sundaicus was captured through outdoor landing collection (30.90%), indoor landing collection (30.40%), resting on the wall (23.20%) and in the cage (15.95%). Indoor bitting activity of An. sundaicus reached a peak in November (MBR=7,21). The highest indoor man-hour density was experienced in November (MHD=0,78) during 01.00-02.00 a.m. The environmental characteristics and An. sundaicus behavior were potentially maintained malaria transmission in Konda Maloba village, South Katikutana
Uji Sitotoksisitas Ekstrak Ethanol 70 % Herba Ceplukan (Physalis Angulata Linn.) Terhadap Sel WiDr Secara in Vitro
Herba ceplukan (Physalis angulata Linn) merupakan salah satu bahan alam yang digunakanmasyarakat untuk pengobatan tradisional sebagai antikanker. Pada penelitian sebelumnya hasilpengujian ekstrak ethanol 70% herba ceplukan (Physalis angulata Linn.) terhadap Artemia salinaLeach (larva udang) dengan metode Brine Shirmp Lethality Test (BSLT) diketahui memiliki sifattoksik dengan nilai LC50 sebesar 39,63 μg/ml. Untuk itu dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuanmengetahui efek sitotoksisitas ekstrak ethanol 70% herba ceplukan dengan menentukan kadaryang menyebabkan 50% sel mati (LC50) terhadap sel kanker usus WiDr secara in vitro. Herbaceplukan (Physalis angulata Linn) diekstraksi dengan cara maserasi dengan penyari ethanol 70%.Sel kanker usus WiDr diperlakukan dengan ekstrak ethanol 70% herba ceplukan dengan seri kadaryaitu 1000, 500, 250, 125, 62.5, 31.25, 15.125 dan 7.81 μg/ml selama 24 jam. Sebagai kontrolpositif digunakan doksorubisin dengan seri kadar sebagai berikut: 2; 1; 0.5; 0.25; 0.12; 0.06; 0.03dan 0 .01 μg/ml. Uji sitotoksisitas dilakukan dengan menginkubasi sel kanker usus WiDr dengankepadatan akhir sel 2.104 sel / ml persumuran plat kultur. Uji sitotosisitas ini menggunakanmetode perhitungan langsung dengan bantuan alat haemocytometer. Hasil penelitian menunjukkanbahwa ekstrak ethanol 70% herba ceplukan (Physalis angulata Linn.) mempunyai sitotoksisitassebesar 86,84 ìg/ml terhadap sel kanker usus WiDr yang di atas nilai indikator positif sebagaibahan bersifat sitotoksik yaitu sebesar > 30 ìg/ml. Nilai tersebut juga sangat lebih tinggi biladibandingkan dengan nilai LC50 doksorubisin sebagai pembanding sebesar 0,113 μg/ml
Kearifan Lokal Adat Masyarakat Sunda dalam Hubungan dengan Lingkungan Alam
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendiskusikan kearifan lokal adat masyarakat Sunda dalam hubungan dengan lingkungan alam. Penelitian dilakukan secara kualitatif terhadap masyarakat Sunda Kanekes. Penelitian ini menghasilkan temuan bahwa pada dasarnya kearifan lokal masyarakat Sunda Kanekes disarikan dari pengalaman masyarakat Sunda lama yang sangat akrab dengan lingkungannya dan sudah lama hidup dalam budaya masyarakat peladang. Kearifan lokal adat, suatu kondisi sosial dan budaya yang didalamnya terkandung khasanah nilai-nilai budaya yang menghargai dan adaptif dengan alam sekitar, dan tertata secara ajeg dalam suatu tatanan adat istiadat suatu masyarakat. Walau sering dianggap kuno, nilai-nilai yang mereka ajarkan dan praktek yang mereka jalankan masih merupakan cara yang terbaik untuk memelihara lingkungan di zaman post-modern. The objective of this study is to discuss the wisdom of indigenous traditional Sundanese community in relation to natural environment. The research is done qualitatively in Kanekes Sundanese traditional community. The research found that the distinguished Kanekes local knowledge regarding to the environment is creatively developed by the community from their everyday exepriences of living with natures, being friends with nature and their experience as farming communities. The local wisdom of Kanekes community, which contains cultural values of respect and adaptive to the environment, and life based upon traditional norms. Though often stereotyped as primitive, their living values and practices of life are still the best instrument to conserve environment in post-modern age
Perbedaan Sebelum dan Sesudah Penerapan Ifrs terhadap Laba Bersih, Ekuitas dan Abnormal Return Saham pada Perusahaan yang Go Publik di Bei
This study aims to determine the differences before and after the implementation of IFRS on the financial statements of companies listed on the Stock Exchange. By looking at the difference in net income, equity and abnormal stock returns to firms in Indonesia in the IFRS convergence process using the Event Window is analyzed with nonparametric statistics: two paired sample test - Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. This research is a quantitative study that led to the investigation before and after the implementation of IFRS. The study population was all the companies listed on the Stock Exchange in 2011 and 2012. The research sample was determined using purposive and Judgement sampling, obtained 78 sample firms. The results showed that there are significant differences on net income, equity and firm abnormal stock returns after implementation of IFRS
Determinants of Condom-Use Behavior From Studies Using the Theory of Planned Behavior: a Literature Review
This is a review of publications addressing aspects of the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) in predicting condom-use behavior. Six articleswere identifi ed as the most relevant and are included in the bibliography based on the coverage of variables in theory that were studied in thearticles. There are various results from Six articles that discussed the Theory of Planned Behavior, the results suggest that the TPB providesa strong predictive power for condom-use behavior. The fi ndings suggest that the TPB predictors of Attitude towards the behavior, PerceivedBehavioral Control and Self Effi cacy proved to be the most signifi cant elements of the TPB model in explaining condom use intentions, andthat intentions is appropriate for at least partially explaining condom use behavior. Intention, however, are not necessarily implemented. Thepresent paper demonstrates that the TPB offers a rigorous empirical tool for demonstrating the validity of their argument. The TPB may be oneof the few theoretical frameworks on offer that can do justice to the dynamic relationship that exists between individual and collective levels ofexplanation in predicting condom use behavior. There are also some recommendations to be considered for future study of the theory.Key words: theory of planned behavior, condom-us
Alih Kode dan Campur Kode dalam Pengajaran Bahasa Indonesia Kelas XI SMAN 6 Kabupaten Bengkulu Tengah
Tujuan penulisan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh data empiris tentang beberapa aspek alih kode dan campur kode, dan mencari penyebab terjadinya alih kode dan campur kode yang terdapat di dalam pengajaran bahasa Indonesia di kelas XI SMAN 6 Kabupaten Bengkulu Tengah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik analisis isi (content analysis) dengan pendekatan sosiolinguistik. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, catatan membaca buku-buku, data internet, jurnal, yang berhubungan dengan objek penelitian terutama ilmu sosiolinguistik yang menjelaskan tentang alih kode dan campur kode. Lalu transkripsi tersebut diteliti berdasarkan teori yang ada, kemudian diklasifikasi dengan melakukan wawancara kepada guru yang bersangkutan. Dari hasil temuan penelitian dan pembahasan, diketahui alasan guru menggunakan alih kode dan campur kode pada pengajarannya, antara lain karena: (1) guru berusaha untuk mendefinisikan kembali situasi yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya (redefinition) agar siswa lebih memahami maksud dari ucapannya, (2) guru berusaha mencairkan suasana kelas yang monoton dengan menggunakan alih kode dan campur kode untuk menimbulkan kesan lucu, dan (3) guru harus mempertegas perintahnya (strengthen command) agar siswa lebih mengerti bahwa hal yang diperintahkan guru harus diikuti. Gejala sosial yang mendasari banyak atau sedikitnya kasus alih kode dan campur kode dalam pengajaran bahasa Indonesia adalah tingkat kemampuan berbahasa dari guru yang mengajarkan bahasa tersebut. Semakin tinggi kemampuan berbahasanya, maka akan semakin sedikit kasus alih kode itu terjadi, begitu juga sebaliknya.
Kata kunci: alih kode, campur kode, pengajaran bahasa Indonesia
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