53 research outputs found

    Preparation and characterization of polyethylene-based hybrid particles by an environmentally-friendly and aqueous solvent evaporation method

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    The present paper reports preparation procedure and characterization of micrometer-sized polyethylene (PE)-based hybrid particles containing various amounts of Mg(OH)2 powder treated with different amounts of methylhydrogen polysiloxane (MHS). The PE-based hybrid particles were fabricated by an environmentally-friendly and aqueous solvent evaporation method by employing different kinds of surfactants. The shape, microstructure and other properties of the resultant PE-based hybrid particles were dependent markedly on the changes in composition of raw materials, especially for the amount of MHS used for the treatment of Mg(OH)2 and the kind of surfactant. The particles fabricated by using 1 wt% MHS-treated Mg(OH)2 (ST-1) powder and polyoxyethylene (10) octylphenyl ether (Triton X-100) as a surfactant showed spherical shape and their primary particle sizes were about 4--10 μm, irrespective of the additive amount of ST-1 powder. These particles showed superior properties in terms of the actual content of MHS-treated Mg(OH)2 powder incorporated inside the hybrid particles, particle size distribution and particle shape, in comparison with other particles fabricated by using 5 wt% MHS-treated Mg(OH)2 (ST-5) powder and polyoxyethylene (8) octylphenyl ether (Triton X-114) as a surfactant. This is due to good affinity (average contact angle was 19.4°) between the ST-1 powder and the aqueous phase, i.e. a continuous phase, dissolving Triton X-100. Furthermore, a composite fabricated by employing these PE-based hybrid particles showed uniform and homogeneous distribution of ST-1 powder in the PE matrix

    Neurocytotoxic effects of iron-ions on the developing brain measured in vivo using medaka (Oryzias latipes), a vertebrate model

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    Purpose: Exposure to heavy-ion radiation is considered a critical health risk on long-term space missions. The developing central nervous system (CNS) is a highly radiosensitive tissue; however, the biological effects of heavy-ion radiation, which are greater than those of low-linear energy transfer (LET) radiation, are not well studied, especially in vivo in intact organisms. Here, we examined the effects of iron-ions on the developing CNS using vertebrate organism, fish embryos of medaka (Oryzias latipes)

    Quantifiable Biomarkers of Normal Aging in the Japanese Medaka Fish (Oryzias latipes)

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    BACKGROUND: Small laboratory fish share many anatomical and histological characteristics with other vertebrates, yet can be maintained in large numbers at low cost for lifetime studies. Here we characterize biomarkers associated with normal aging in the Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes), a species that has been widely used in toxicology studies and has potential utility as a model organism for experimental aging research. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The median lifespan of medaka was approximately 22 months under laboratory conditions. We performed quantitative histological analysis of tissues from age-grouped individuals representing young adults (6 months old), mature adults (16 months old), and adults that had survived beyond the median lifespan (24 months). Livers of 24-month old individuals showed extensive morphologic changes, including spongiosis hepatis, steatosis, ballooning degeneration, inflammation, and nuclear pyknosis. There were also phagolysosomes, vacuoles, and residual bodies in parenchymal cells and congestion of sinusoidal vessels. Livers of aged individuals were characterized by increases in lipofuscin deposits and in the number of TUNEL-positive apoptotic cells. Some of these degenerative characteristics were seen, to a lesser extent, in the livers of 16-month old individuals, but not in 6-month old individuals. The basal layer of the dermis showed an age-dependent decline in the number of dividing cells and an increase in senescence-associated β-galactosidase. The hearts of aged individuals were characterized by fibrosis and lipofuscin deposition. There was also a loss of pigmented cells from the retinal epithelium. By contrast, age-associated changes were not apparent in skeletal muscle, the ocular lens, or the brain. SIGNIFICANCE: The results provide a set of markers that can be used to trace the process of normal tissue aging in medaka and to evaluate the effect of environmental stressors

    Analysis of the Ush2a Gene in Medaka Fish (Oryzias latipes)

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    Patients suffering from Usher syndrome (USH) exhibit sensorineural hearing loss, retinitis pigmentosa (RP) and, in some cases, vestibular dysfunction. USH is the most common genetic disorder affecting hearing and vision and is included in a group of hereditary pathologies associated with defects in ciliary function known as ciliopathies. This syndrome is clinically classified into three types: USH1, USH2 and USH3. USH2 accounts for well over one-half of all Usher cases and mutations in the USH2A gene are responsible for the majority of USH2 cases, but also for atypical Usher syndrome and recessive non-syndromic RP. Because medaka fish (Oryzias latypes) is an attractive model organism for genetic-based studies in biomedical research, we investigated the expression and function of the USH2A ortholog in this teleost species. Ol-Ush2a encodes a protein of 5.445 aa codons, containing the same motif arrangement as the human USH2A. Ol-Ush2a is expressed during early stages of medaka fish development and persists into adulthood. Temporal Ol-Ush2a expression analysis using whole mount in situ hybridization (WMISH) on embryos at different embryonic stages showed restricted expression to otoliths and retina, suggesting that Ol-Ush2a might play a conserved role in the development and/or maintenance of retinal photoreceptors and cochlear hair cells. Knockdown of Ol-Ush2a in medaka fish caused embryonic developmental defects (small eyes and heads, otolith malformations and shortened bodies with curved tails) resulting in late embryo lethality. These embryonic defects, observed in our study and in other ciliary disorders, are associated with defective cell movement specifically implicated in left-right (LR) axis determination and planar cell polarity (PCP)