11 research outputs found

    Perancangan Sistem Pemilah Barang Pada Sistem Konveyor Berdasarkan Barcode Menggunakan PLC HMI

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    Perkembangan teknologi industri semakin mengarah kepada sistem otomasi. Salah satu penggunaan teknologi otomasi yang digunakan sebuah industri adalah penggunaan konveyor yang bertujuan untuk memindahkan barang yang diproduksi dari suatu tempat ke tempat yang lain serta penggunaan konveyor untuk proses penyortiran. Dalam proses pengidentifikasian barang dalam industri digunakan teknologi barcode. Teknologi barcode telah banyak membantu perusahaan didalam mengontrol kegiatan di dalamnya. Banyak hal detail dalam operasional yang perlu diawasi secara ketat, misalkan dalam pengontrolan box desain. Karena sedikit saja kesalahan dalam pengontrolan box desain, bisa menyebabkan mix up atau campuran dalam produk dan dapat merugikan perusahaan. Teknologi barcode efisien untuk digunakan pada sistem pemilahan barang menggunakan konveyor. Untuk itu pada pada penelitian ini dilakukan perancangan sistem penyortir barang pada konveyor menggunakan barcode scanner. Penelitian ini menggunakan Modul Feedback 34-120 Dual Conveyor Workcell dengan controller PLC Mitsubishi FX2N-32MR. Dengan menggunakan barcode scanner sebagai pembaca tag barcode yang ditempelkan pada tiap benda yang melintas pada konveyor, dan nantinya Arduino akan menerima masukan dari barcode scanner. Lalu Arduino akan mengirimkan ke relay, dari relay lalu ke PLC untuk menggerakkan solenoid yang bertugas untuk memasukkan benda ke masingmasing kotak distibusi yang telah ditentukan. Terdapat sensor IR pada masingmasing kotak distribusi yang berguna untuk mendeteksi benda yang telah masuk ke dalam kotak distribusi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan prototype penyortir barang pada konveyor dengan menggunakan tag Barcode dan Barcode Scanner sebagai sensor pendeteksi barang dapat berjalan dengan baik. Pada hasil pengujian dapat mengidentifikasi 4 jenis tag Barcode dengan baik dalam jarak 20 cm dari benda. Pada sampel pertama bahwa saat benda 1 terdeteksi oleh Barcode Scanner maka akan terbaca kode barangnya yaitu “36000291452”, relay 1 aktif dan solenoid 1 juga aktif. Benda 1 akan tersortir oleh solenoid 1 dan akan masuk ke kotak distribusi 1, jika telah masuk maka IR 1 akan mendeteksi adanya barang yang masuk dan mengembalikan solenoid 1 terbuka kembali atau tidak aktif


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    The aims of this research are to determine the satisfaction, and loyalty of consumers to Raja Sereh Bananaand Cavendish Banana products in Bandar Lampung City. The research is conducted in June to July 2018.The samples are consumers of Raja Sereh Banana and Cavendish Banana that are recruited byaccidentalsampling. The number of consumer respondents are 80 people, divided by 40 respondent of Raja SerehBanana and 40 respondent of Cavendish Banana. This research is conducted in two different locations,namely traditional market (Pasir Gintung Market) and modern market (Gelael Supermarket). The researchdata is analyzed by descriptive analysis, namely Consumer Satisfaction Index Analysis (CSI) and LoyaltyPyramid. The results of this research showed that Raja Sereh Banana and Cavendish Banana consumerswere “satisfied” and “loyal”. Consumer satisfaction of Raja Sereh Banana was 74.66 percent and theconsumer satisfaction of Cavendish Banana consumer was 71.09 percent. The level of consumer loyalty wasclassified as a buyer who was committed with a value of 85.00 percent for Raja Sereh Banana and 90.00percent for Cavendish Banana.Key words:bananas, consumer, loyalty, satisfactio

    Social Practices of Covid-19 Resilient Village in Mitigating the Covid-19 Pandemic Disaster in Jember, Indonesia

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    ABSTRACT: Covid-19, a global pandemic disaster since early 2020, has affected the Jember District. Lawgriez Village, as a selected resilient village, was chosen as a pilot village through a competition organized by the Regent of Jember at that time. There are good social practices in mitigating the Covid-19 pandemic in this village. These social practices include habitus, economic capital, social capital, cultural capital, and symbolic capital, and the domain of Lawgriez Village serves as the strength of this village in implementing policies for mitigating the Covid-19 pandemic along with its health protocols. The theory used in this research is the theory of social practice by Pierre Bourdieu. A qualitative research method with a phenomenological approach was chosen by the researcher to determine, examine, and analyze the data and techniques during data collection through observation, in-depth interviews, and focus group discussions. Purposive sampling was selected as the technique for determining informants. The social practices of the Covid-19 resilient village are institutionalized within a structured institution of the resilient village, accompanied by cooperation from various stakeholders. The self-created and responsive social practices in tackling the Covid-19 pandemic are inseparable from the unity and solidarity of Lawgriez residents. The branding of Lawgriez as a village located near the RSTP Jember has become a reinforcing identity and distinctive characteristic known to the people of Jember


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    Wisata Sejarah Megalitikum di kecamatan Arjasa merupakan salah satu potensi wisata di kabupaten Jember. Peninggalan situs purbakala menjadi bagian dari cagar budaya dan pelestarian sejarah. Dalam pengembangan sumber daya manusia, salah satu faktor yang berperan penting adalah kompetensi pengelola wisata, untuk itu pengembangan dan pendampingan para pengelola menjadi penting untuk dilakukan. Pelayanan dan interaksi pengelola kepada pengunjung menjadi salah satu faktor pendorong wisatawan untuk mempromosikan dan datang kembali ke destinasi wisata. Dengan adanya pengembangan wisata, dampak ekonomi yang terasa adalah peningkatan pendapatan bagi masyarakat sekitar, khususnya desa Arjasa. Berdasarkan permasalahan yang ada, maka kelompok riset TOP SUN melaksanakan pengabdian desa binaan dengan hibah dari LP2M Universitas Jember melalui dukungan penguatan kapasitas sumber daya dalam pengembangan wisata sejarah megalitikum terhadap masyarakat pengelola desa Arjasa melalui POKDARWIS dan pemuda desa Arjasa. Berdasarkan hasil analisis situasi dan permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh mitra di desa Arjasa, dilakukan Upaya peningkatan sumber daya manusia (SDM) melalui pelatihan teknik pramuwisata serta penguatan kompetensi berupa kemampuan berbahasa Inggris. Dukungan lain berupa penguatan awareness melalui pengadaan papan petunjuk arah guna mempermudah wisatawan berkunjung ke obyek wisata, Dukungan ketiga, melalui diskusi bersama untuk menginisiasi potensi paket wisata edukasi sejarah kepada siswa sekolah. Pengabdian ini dilaksanakan untuk meningkatkan kapasitas pengelola dibidang Bahasa asing, kapasitas interpretasi sejarah megalitikum, Pendampingan ini dilakukan melalui pertemuan, pengadaan sarana berupa pengadaan papan interpretasi serta penyediaan video profil kawasan obyek wisata sejarah megalitikum. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan dalam empat tahapan yaitu, survei permasalahan mitra, perencanaan, pengembangan sistem manajemen wisata dan pelatihan masyarakat. Kegiatan pengabdian ini telah menghasilkan produk berupa kapasitas pengelola dalam menyapa maupun berkomunikasi dengan pengunjung, tersediaya papan petunjuk arah dan video profil desa Arjasa


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    Guyangan Village is one the village that located in strategic position by its diversity on tourism potencies and wide spread of livelihood in agriculture, horticulture and plantation. In 2021, this village have awarded as the one of tourism village by 29 villages in Probolinggo Regency.  The harvest of agriculture of rice field, corn, and horticulture such cubic, tomato and potatoes, as well as coffee, durian and dairy cows and beef cattle. By its wide spread potencies of nature to be attract by visitors, especially of Batu Pertapaan Sites, Sendang Biru Waterfall, Jaran Goyang Waterfall, Dewi Rengganis Waterfall, Gligir Waterfall, Watulesung Waterfall and Live Garden. This research aims to develop of skill of hospitality community of Dewi Rengganis in Seventh Charms and also Management of Tourism Village. The methodology used the Socialization of Seventh Charms, Tutorial method and service to the visitors, Discussion method in understanding and experience of local community and also Evaluation method through hospitality community of Dewi Renggani

    Analisis kepuasan dan loyalitas konsumen terhadap pisang raja sereh dan pisang cavendish di Kota Bandar Lampung [Skripsi]

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    Bibliografi halaman 97-102xxi, 96 halaman : ilustrasi ; 28 cm

    Analysis of Potency and Strategy Identification of Wuluhan Subdistrict as A Super Priority Destination Area in Jember Regency

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    The potential of Wuluhan sub-district attracts the government to make a super priority area. This research with a cooperative tourism planning perspective will later present a normative model of tourism planning in Wuluhan area which requires integrative collaboration between government institutions and various stakeholders, both at the autonomous level and the public also private sectors. The analysis method in this research uses the PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal) method, the strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat (SWOT) matrix analysis method and the quantitave strategy planning matrix  (QSPM) method. The attractions in the four villages are agrotourism attractions, river tubing tourism, sports tourism, and recreational tourism. Accessibility to the four villages still needs development in terms of directional signage and improving road conditions. The amenities available in each village are still minimal and need improvement to support priority destinations. Ancillary services in each village already have tourism awareness group (pokdarwis), but there is still a need to improve human resources and governance. Based on the SWOT analysis, it was found: S-O strategy, W-O strategy, S-T strategy and W-T strategy to support super priority tourist areas

    Creative strategies of local resources in managing geotourism in the Ijen Geopark Bondowoso, East Java, Indonesia

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    This paper aims to explain the process of developing creative strategies for empowering community capabilities and local resources in managing geotourism in the Ijen Geopark development area of the Bondowoso region. The location is in the Ijen District as a depiction area for developing the Ijen Geopark. The perspective used in this study is a resource-based view with valuable, rare, imitable, non-substitutable (VRIN) analysis to identify the effectiveness of the performance of local geotourism resources. The results showed that the daily management of geoparks has collaborated with institutions in rural areas in building sustainable competitive advantages to manage geotourism oriented to VRIN criteria in the delineation area of the development of the Ijen Geopark