19 research outputs found

    Délibérer en régime de démocratie représentative : la forme de vie politique à l'aune de la raison pratique

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    Les gouvernements reprĂ©sentatifs contemporains font face Ă  des transformations sociales qui encouragent la recherche d’une nouvelle politique dĂ©mocratique, autant en thĂ©orie qu’en pratique. Une des avenues les plus influentes et prometteuses renvoie Ă  l’idĂ©e de « dĂ©mocratie dĂ©libĂ©rative », qui promeut un idĂ©al de conversation publique et de participation politique afin d’assurer la lĂ©gitimitĂ© des normes communes. La prĂ©sente recherche propose d’analyser cette idĂ©e dans une perspective aristotĂ©licienne et de dĂ©gager certains critĂšres pour l’évaluation d’un bon raisonnement dĂ©libĂ©ratif. Nous mettrons notamment de l’avant une conception de la raison pratique qui insiste sur l’adĂ©quation de la dĂ©libĂ©ration Ă  l’action qu’elle est censĂ©e causer, afin de montrer le potentiel Ă©pistĂ©mique de l’action elle-mĂȘme. Nous verrons alors que l’étude de la dĂ©libĂ©ration politique ne peut se passer d’une rĂ©flexion sur la forme de vie commune qui encadre l’exercice dĂ©libĂ©ratif. En plus des textes d’Aristote, notre recherche s’appuie principalement sur deux philosophes contemporains, Alasdair MacIntyre et Pierre Manent.Contemporary representative regimes confront social changes that led to new ideas about democratic government, in theory as well as in practice. One of the most influential of these is « deliberative democracy », which promotes public conversation and political participation as a mode of producing legitimate social norms. The present work seeks to investigate this idea in an Aristotelian framework and to draw criterions for the evaluation of an appropriate deliberative reasoning. It will especially put forth a conception of pratical reason which insists on the needed consistency between deliberation and the action it is supposed to produce, in order to demonstrate the epistemic potential of action itself. It will thereafter be shown that the study of political deliberation must include a reflexion on the common form of life that frames the deliberative practice. In addition to the works of Aristotle, this research leans upon those of the philosophers Alasdair MacIntyre and Pierre Manent

    Modes et approches du cinéma documentaire : réflexion autour du projet American Utopias

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    Ce mĂ©moire de recherche-crĂ©ation prend comme point de dĂ©part le film documentaire American Utopias que j’ai rĂ©alisĂ© en 2014-2015. Le film nous plonge au cƓur du quotidien de cinq communautĂ©s alternatives et expĂ©rimentales des États-Unis et rĂ©flĂ©chit aux multiples dĂ©fis et enjeux que vivent leurs membres. OrganisĂ© autour du thĂšme de l’utopie, ce rĂ©cit de voyage documentaire nous fait connaĂźtre tour Ă  tour une communautĂ© de mini-maisons Ă  Washington D.C., une communautĂ© « Earthship » Ă  Ithaca, une communautĂ© vivant sans Ă©lectricitĂ© et sans pĂ©trole au Missouri, un laboratoire urbain dans le dĂ©sert de l’Arizona et le festival Burning Man au Nevada. La portion thĂ©orique de ce mĂ©moire s’organise quant Ă  elle autour de la question des approches du cinĂ©ma documentaire. Prenant comme appui la typologie de Bill Nichols, il s’agit ici de voir comment chaque approche privilĂ©giĂ©e par le crĂ©ateur de documentaire renvoie au rĂ©el d’une maniĂšre qui lui est propre. GrĂące Ă  une approche autopoĂŻĂ©tique et un travail d’analyse de films, ce mĂ©moire cherche Ă©galement Ă  circonscrire les forces et les limites intrinsĂšques Ă  chaque mode. Ce faisant, le lecteur est amenĂ© Ă  mieux comprendre les motivations qui soutiennent certains choix de crĂ©ation dans American Utopias.This research-creation project explores the theories of Bill Nichols, in particular his typology of documentary modes, from a creator’s perspective. Our intention is to revisit the creative process of American Utopias, a documentary on alternative communities in United States of America, by linking some of the key creative choices of the filmmaker to Nichols’ work. Furthermore, our objective is to help defining the strengths and weaknesses of each mode described by the theoretician with concrete examples derived from movies analysis and direct experience. Created in 2014-15, American Utopias aims to show how different people have conceived and created original, ecofriendly and sustainable homes. It focuses on a three months journey made by the director through the USA to visit ecovillages, earthships, tiny house communities, the Burning Man Festival and other creative and unique places. On a philosophical and human point of view, it also reflects on the notion of utopia

    Interaction entre douleur et plasticité dans le systÚme nerveux central et périphérique

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    La douleur ainsi que l’apprentissage moteur sont deux Ă©lĂ©ments importants Ă  considĂ©rer en contexte de rĂ©adaptation. MĂȘme s’ils sont souvent abordĂ©s de maniĂšre isolĂ©e, des interactions ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©es entre ces deux phĂ©nomĂšnes. En effet, de nombreuses Ă©tudes montrent que les exercices de rĂ©adaptation musculaire pourraient rĂ©duire le dĂ©veloppement de douleur pathologique. D’autre part, il semble que l’activitĂ© nociceptive pourrait altĂ©rer la plasticitĂ© du systĂšme moteur, une composante essentielle dans l’apprentissage d’une tĂąche motrice. Des recherches rĂ©centes ont aussi montrĂ© que la douleur pouvait interfĂ©rer avec la plasticitĂ© du systĂšme moteur, mĂȘme aprĂšs que les signaux de douleurs se soient dissipĂ©s. Toutefois, ces observations ont Ă©tĂ© faites chez l’animal Ă  la suite d’une lĂ©sion de la moelle Ă©piniĂšre. De ce fait, la comprĂ©hension de cette interaction entre le systĂšme nociceptif et la plasticitĂ© motrice est assez limitĂ©e. Dans ce mĂ©moire, l’effet d’un Ă©pisode de douleur passĂ© sur la capacitĂ© d’apprentissage d’une tĂąche motrice a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©, chez le rat intact. Pour ce faire, nous avons Ă©laborĂ© une tĂąche dans laquelle les rats devaient apprendre Ă  se dĂ©placer d’un cĂŽtĂ© Ă  l’autre d’un couloir sur des barres mĂ©talliques dont l’espacement pouvait ĂȘtre modifiĂ©. L’injection de substances inflammatoires Ă  diffĂ©rentes durĂ©es d’action a permis d’identifier l’impact d’un Ă©pisode de douleur rĂ©cent sur la capacitĂ© d’apprentissage d’une tĂąche motrice. Nos rĂ©sultats montrent que, tout comme chez l’animal ayant une lĂ©sion de la moelle Ă©piniĂšre, la douleur peut interfĂ©rer avec l’apprentissage d’une tĂąche motrice mĂȘme lorsque le systĂšme nerveux est intact. De plus, il semble que les dĂ©ficits d'apprentissage moteur puissent Ă©galement ĂȘtre influencĂ©s par la durĂ©e de l'Ă©pisode douloureuse antĂ©rieure.Pain and motor learning are two important elements in rehabilitation context. Despite being mostly studied independently, important interactions exist between them in the context of spinal cord injury. Indeed, many studies show that rehabilitation exercises could reduce the development of pathological pain. On the other hand, it seems that the nociceptive activity could alter motor system plasticity. Recent studies have also shown that pain can interfere with motor plasticity, even when the acute pain signals have dissipated. However, these observations have mostly been made in animals following a spinal cord injury. As a result, this interaction between the nociceptive system and motor plasticity is poorly understood. In this master’s thesis, the effect of a prior pain episode on the motor learning ability was evaluated in neurologically intact rats. To do this, we trained rodents to walk on a custommade horizontal ladder. After initial training, the rats underwent a week-long rest, during which they were randomly assigned to a control group, or one out of two pain conditions. Nociceptive stimuli were then used to identify the impact of a prior pain episode on the motor learning ability. Our results show that pain can interfere with motor learning even in neurologically intact animals. Motor learning deficits also appear to be influenced by the duration of the previous pain episode. Taken together, these results suggest that previous pain episodes may negatively influence motor learning, and that the amplitude and duration of the learning disability is proportional to the duration of the prior pain episode

    Challenges and considerations for in-flight monitoring of pilots and crews

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    Human functional state assessment research has employed neurological, physiological and behavioral monitoring for several decades, but few real world applications have emerged in safety systems. For instance, physiological monitoring of flight crews is done experimentally, but is generally not available for normal operations despite safety incentives. This presentation will address critical challenges in research and development of monitoring solutions, and how they can be overcome. We will consider three applications: health monitoring in exploration class space mission crews; vigilance monitoring in civilian commercial airline crews; and pilot state assessment in military flight training

    Psychophysiological models of hypovigilance detection: A scoping review

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    Hypovigilance represents a major contributor to accidents. In operational contexts, the burden of monitoring/managing vigilance often rests on operators. Recent advances in sensing technologies allow for the development of psychophysiology‐based (hypo)vigilance prediction models. Still, these models remain scarcely applied to operational situations and need better understanding. The current scoping review provides a state of knowledge regarding psychophysiological models of hypovigilance detection. Records evaluating vigilance measuring tools with gold standard comparisons and hypovigilance prediction performances were extracted from MEDLINE, PsychInfo, and Inspec. Exclusion criteria comprised aspects related to language, non‐empirical papers, and sleep studies. The Quality Assessment tool for Diagnostic Accuracy Studies (QUADAS) and the Prediction model Risk Of Bias ASsessment Tool (PROBAST) were used for bias evaluation. Twenty‐one records were reviewed. They were mainly characterized by participant selection and analysis biases. Papers predominantly focused on driving and employed several common psychophysiological techniques. Yet, prediction methods and gold standards varied widely. Overall, we outline the main strategies used to assess hypovigilance, their principal limitations, and we discuss applications of these models

    Single-Turnover Variable Chlorophyll Fluorescence as a Tool for Assessing Phytoplankton Photosynthesis and Primary Productivity: Opportunities, Caveats and Recommendations

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    Phytoplankton photosynthetic physiology can be investigated through single-turnover variable chlorophyll fluorescence (ST-ChlF) approaches, which carry unique potential to autonomously collect data at high spatial and temporal resolution. Over the past decades, significant progress has been made in the development and application of ST-ChlF methods in aquatic ecosystems, and in the interpretation of the resulting observations. At the same time, however, an increasing number of sensor types, sampling protocols, and data processing algorithms have created confusion and uncertainty among potential users, with a growing divergence of practice among different research groups. In this review, we assist the existing and upcoming user community by providing an overview of current approaches and consensus recommendations for the use of ST-ChlF measurements to examine in-situ phytoplankton productivity and photo-physiology. We argue that a consistency of practice and adherence to basic operational and quality control standards is critical to ensuring data inter-comparability. Large datasets of inter-comparable and globally coherent ST-ChlF observations hold the potential to reveal large-scale patterns and trends in phytoplankton photo-physiology, photosynthetic rates and bottom-up controls on primary productivity. As such, they hold great potential to provide invaluable physiological observations on the scales relevant for the development and validation of ecosystem models and remote sensing algorithms

    Évaluation des dĂ©terminants cardiomĂ©taboliques de l'hypertension Ă  l'effort : la condition cardiorespiratoire, la rĂ©sistance Ă  l'insuline et l'obĂ©sitĂ© abdominale

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    Les individus prĂ©sentant de la rĂ©sistance Ă  l'insuline et une faible condition cardiorespiratoire sont souvent caractĂ©risĂ©s par une circonfĂ©rence de taille et des tensions Ă  l'effort Ă©levĂ©es. L'objectif de l'Ă©tude est d'Ă©valuer l'implication de l'obĂ©sitĂ© abdominale Ă  la relation entre la rĂ©sistance Ă  l'insuline, une faible condition cardiorespiratoire et l'augmentation de la tension artĂ©rielle Ă  l'effort. Parmi les dĂ©terminants cardiomĂ©taboliques Ă©tudiĂ©s, les rĂ©sultats de cette Ă©tude transversale montrent que les individus prĂ©sentant une circonfĂ©rence de taille Ă©levĂ©e sont caractĂ©risĂ©s par une Ă©lĂ©vation de leur tension artĂ©rielle systolique Ă  l'effort, indĂ©pendamment des niveaux d'insuline et de la condition cardiorespiratoire. La mesure de la circonfĂ©rence de taille pourrait ĂȘtre un outil clinique complĂ©mentaire Ă  la mesure de la tension artĂ©rielle, afin d'identifier les individus prĂ©sentant des troubles hĂ©modynamiques, incluant l'hypertension Ă  l'effort

    A framework for Pb-210 model selection and its application to 37 cores from Eastern Canada to identify the dynamics and drivers of lake sedimentation rates

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    Lake sedimentation rate represents a synthetic metric of ecosystem functioning. Many localized studies have reported a significant association between land use/land cover changes and lake sediment mass accumulation rates, with a few global syntheses echoing these findings at larger scales. In the literature, studies evaluating lead-210 (Pb-210) for establishing sediment chronologies will report at least one of three dating models, but the constant rate of supply (CRS) model is the most widely used. However, it is often unclear how or why this model is selected, despite its influence on the interpretation of many subsequent analyses about ecosystem dynamics and functioning. It would thus be advantageous to design an objective and semi-automated way of choosing among dating models. We measured radioisotopic activities in 37 sediment cores across four ecozones of Eastern Canada and developed an approach to assess model fit for the three commonly applied dating models. The derived chronologies were then used to evaluate the spatial and temporal variation in sedimentation rates across four ecozones in Canada (covering a surface area of 2.2 x 10(6) km(2)). We observed a recent increase in lake sedimentation rates across most lakes, as has been observed globally, albeit with significant differences in the magnitude of sedimentation rates across ecozones. Across all lakes, we found that regional human population counts and mean annual air temperatures were significant temporal predictors of variation in mass accumulation rates. Overall, this analytical framework offers an objective approach for assessing fit and selecting among sediment age models, which contributes to a more robust quantification of sedimentation rates. With this first application, we provide a quantitative assessment of how lake sedimentation rates have varied across a northern lake-rich region and have responded to environmental change

    MĂ©moire concernant les effets nĂ©fastes de l’exposition au bruit chez les travailleurs au QuĂ©bec

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    1) personne contact parmi le groupe [email protected] 2) adresse URL : https://www.facebook.com/bruitsanteeTravail rĂ©alisĂ© dans le cadre du cours PHA1415RĂ©sumĂ© La limite actuelle de bruit au QuĂ©bec se situe Ă  90 dBA pour une exposition quotidienne de 8 heures, selon un facteur de bissection de 5. Elle a Ă©tĂ© fixĂ©e en 1979 dans le rĂšglement sur la santĂ© et la sĂ©curitĂ© au travail (RSST), article 223 de la Loi sur la santĂ© et la sĂ©curitĂ© au travail (LSST), et n’a jamais Ă©tĂ© modifiĂ©e par la suite, malgrĂ© le fait qu’il avait Ă©tĂ© prĂ©vu de la diminuer de moitiĂ© ultĂ©rieurement. Ainsi, le QuĂ©bec accuse un retard par rapport aux autres provinces canadiennes, et mĂȘme par rapport Ă  plusieurs autres pays industrialisĂ©s, qui ont adoptĂ© une limite de 85 dBA pour une exposition de 8 heures, avec un facteur de bissection de 3. Une rĂ©duction de la limite quĂ©bĂ©coise actuelle vers cette derniĂšre limite permettrait de rĂ©duire l’incidence des problĂšmes de santĂ© chez les travailleurs exposĂ©s Ă  de hauts niveaux de bruit. En effet, le bruit peut causer des problĂšmes de santĂ© auditifs, tels que la surditĂ© et les acouphĂšnes, ainsi que des problĂšmes extra-auditifs, comme les problĂšmes cardiovasculaires, les troubles du sommeil et le stress professionnel. Par ailleurs, il pose aussi des risques pour la sĂ©curitĂ© des travailleurs, entraĂźnant notamment une augmentation des accidents de travail menant Ă  une hospitalisation. D’ailleurs, les coĂ»ts grandissants reliĂ©s aux indemnitĂ©s des travailleurs dĂ©montrent un rĂ©el problĂšme au QuĂ©bec. Nous recommandons entre autres au gouvernement d’amender le rĂšglement sur la santĂ© et la sĂ©curitĂ© au travail (RSST) afin de se conformer Ă  la limite de bruit des autres provinces canadiennes, en tenant compte des techniques actuelles de rĂ©duction du bruit et du rĂŽle limitĂ© qu’ont les protecteurs auditifs dans la protection des travailleurs.