1,402 research outputs found

    Electron-Ion Recombination Rate Coefficients and Photoionization Cross Sections for Astrophysically Abundant Elements VI. Ni II

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    We present the first detailed ab initio quantum mechanical calculations for total and state-specific recombination rate coefficients for e + Ni III --> Ni II. These rates are obtained using a unified treatment for total electron-ion recombination that treats the nonresonant radiative recombination and the resonant dielectronic recombination in a self-consistent unified manner in the close coupling approximation. Large-scale calculations are carried out using a 49-state wavefunction expansion from core configurations 3d^8, 3d^74s, and 3d^64p that permits the inclusion of prominent dipole allowed core transitions. These extensive calculations for the recombination rates of Ni II required hundreds of CPU hours on the Cray T90. The total recombination rate coefficients are provided for a wide range of temperature. The state-specific recombination rates for 532 bound states of doublet and quartet symmetries, and the corresponding photoionization cross sections for leaving the core in the ground state, are presented. Present total recombination rate coefficients differ considerably from the currently used data in astrophysical models.Comment: ApJ Suppl. (submitted), 4 figure

    Origin of entropy convergence in hydrophobic hydration and protein folding

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    An information theory model is used to construct a molecular explanation why hydrophobic solvation entropies measured in calorimetry of protein unfolding converge at a common temperature. The entropy convergence follows from the weak temperature dependence of occupancy fluctuations for molecular-scale volumes in water. The macroscopic expression of the contrasting entropic behavior between water and common organic solvents is the relative temperature insensitivity of the water isothermal compressibility. The information theory model provides a quantitative description of small molecule hydration and predicts a negative entropy at convergence. Interpretations of entropic contributions to protein folding should account for this result.Comment: Phys. Rev. Letts. (in press 1996), 3 pages, 3 figure

    The Rich Mid-Infrared Environments of Two Highly-Obscured X-ray Binaries: Spitzer Observations of IGR J16318-4848 and GX 301-2

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    We present the results of Spitzer mid-infrared spectroscopic observations of two highly-obscured massive X-ray binaries: IGR J16318-4848 and GX301-2. Our observations reveal for the first time the extremely rich mid-infrared environments of this type of source, including multiple continuum emission components (a hot component with T > 700 K and a warm component with T ~ 180 K) with apparent silicate absorption features, numerous HI recombination lines, many forbidden ionic lines of low ionization potentials, and pure rotational H2 lines. This indicates that both sources have hot and warm circumstellar dust, ionized stellar winds, extended low-density ionized regions, and photo-dissociated regions. It appears difficult to attribute the total optical extinction of both sources to the hot and warm dust components, which suggests that there could be an otherwise observable colder dust component responsible for the most of the optical extinction and silicate absorption features. The observed mid-infrared spectra are similar to those from Luminous Blue Variables, indicating that the highly-obscured massive X-ray binaries may represent a previously unknown evolutionary phase of X-ray binaries with early-type optical companions. Our results highlight the importance and utility of mid-infrared spectroscopy to investigate highly-obscured X-ray binaries.Comment: To appear in ApJ Letter

    Reionization Constraints on the Contribution of Primordial Compact Objects to Dark Matter

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    Many lines of evidence suggest that nonbaryonic dark matter constitutes roughly 30% of the critical closure density, but the composition of this dark matter is unknown. One class of candidates for the dark matter is compact objects formed in the early universe, with typical masses M between 0.1 and 1 solar masses to correspond to the mass scale of objects found with microlensing observing projects. Specific candidates of this type include black holes formed at the epoch of the QCD phase transition, quark stars, and boson stars. Here we show that accretion onto these objects produces substantial ionization in the early universe, with an optical depth to Thomson scattering out to z=1100 of approximately tau=2-4 [f_CO\epsilon_{-1}(M/Msun)]^{1/2} (H_0/65)^{-1}, where \epsilon_{-1} is the accretion efficiency \epsilon\equiv L/{\dot M}c^2 divided by 0.1 and f_CO is the fraction of matter in the compact objects. The current upper limit to the scattering optical depth, based on the anisotropy of the microwave background, is approximately 0.4. Therefore, if accretion onto these objects is relatively efficient, they cannot be the main component of nonbaryonic dark matter.Comment: 12 pages including one figure, uses aaspp4, submitted to Ap

    The first detection of near-infrared CN bands in active galactic nuclei: signature of star formation

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    We present the first detection of the near-infrared CN absorption band in the nuclear spectra of active galactic nuclei (AGN). This feature is a recent star formation tracer, being particularly strong in carbon stars. The equivalent width of the CN line correlates with that of the CO at 2.3 microns, as expected in stellar populations (SP) with ages between ~ 0.2 and ~ 2 Gyr. The presence of the 1.1 microns CN band in the spectra of the sources is taken as an unambiguous evidence of the presence of young/intermediate SP close to the central source of the AGN. Near-infrared bands can be powerful age indicators for star formation connected to AGN, the understanding of which is crucial in the context of galaxy formation and AGN feedback.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letters. 4 pages, 3 figure

    Fluorescent Excitation of Spectral Lines in Planetary Nebulae

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    Fluorescent excitation of spectral lines is demonstrated as a function of temperature-luminosity and the distance of the emitting region from the central stars of planetary nebulae. The electron densities and temperatures are determined, and the method is exemplified through a detailed analysis of spectral observations of a high excitation PN, NGC 6741, observed by Hyung and Aller(1997). Fluorescence should also be important in the determination of element abundances. It is suggested that the method could be generally applied to determine or constrain the luminosity and the region of spectral emission in other intensively radiative sources such as novae, supernovae, and active galactic nuclei.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures (fig.4 in color), ApJ (in press

    K-band Spectroscopy of Clusters in NGC 4038/4039

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    Integral field spectroscopy in the K-band (1.9-2.4um) was performed on four IR-bright star clusters and the two nuclei in NGC 4038/4039 (``The Antennae''). Two of the clusters are located in the overlap region of the two galaxies, and together comprise ~25% of the total 15um and ~10% of the total 4.8 GHz emission from this pair of merging galaxies. The other two clusters, each of them spatially resolved into two components, are located in the northern galaxy, one in the western and one in the eastern loop of blue clusters. Comparing our analysis of Brgamma, CO band-heads, He I (2.058um), Halpha (from archival HST data), and V-K colors with stellar population synthesis models indicates that the clusters are extincted (A_V ~ 0.7 - 4.3 mags) and young, displaying a significant age spread (4-13 Myrs). The starbursts in the nuclei are much older (65 Myrs), with the nucleus of NGC 4038 displaying a region of recent star formation northward of its K-band peak. Using our derived age estimates and assuming the parameters of the IMF (Salpeter slope, upper mass cut-off of 100 M_sun, Miller-Scalo between 1 M_sun and 0.1 M_sun), we find that the clusters have masses between 0.5 and 5 * 10^6M_sun.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, ApJ accepte

    A Near-Infrared Spectral Template for Quasars

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    We present a near-infrared quasar composite spectrum spanning the wavelength range 0.58 - 3.5 um. The spectrum has been constructed from observations of 27 quasars obtained at the NASA IRTF telescope and satisfying the criteria Ks < 14.5 and Mi < -23; the redshift range is 0.118 < z < 0.418. The signal-to-noise is moderate, reaching a maximum of 150 between 1.6 and 1.9 um. While a power-law fit to the continuum of the composite spectrum requires two breaks, a single power-law slope of alpha=-0.92 plus a 1260 K blackbody provides an excellent description of the spectrum from H-alpha to 3.5 um, strongly suggesting the presence of significant quantities of hot dust in this blue-selected quasar sample. We measure intensities and line widths for ten lines, finding that the Paschen line ratios rule out Case B recombination. We compute K-corrections for the J, H, K, and Spitzer 3.6 um bands which will be useful in analyzing observations of quasars up to z=10.Comment: 39 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Spectra will be made available in the online version of the journal, once published. Until then, if you wish to obtain the composite spectrum send an email request to eilatg[at]astro.columbia.ed