578 research outputs found

    Studies of the Properties of Sputtered CoAg and CoNiAg Granular Magnetic Thin Films

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    The observation of the magnetoresistance effect has been focussed on the studies of the giant magnetoresistance (GMR) effect, throughout the world, by researchers and scientists after its discovery from magnetic multilayer. It has later been observed in granular alloys in which nanometer-sized magnetic granules such as Co, Ni, Fe, are embedded in an immiscible metallic matrix (Ag, Cu, Au, etc.). These magnetic alloys having GMR effect find potential applications in magnetic field sensor and read heads. In this work, granular thin films of CoAg and CoNiAg alloys have been prepared using Radio frequency (RF) Magnetron sputtering technique. A split target composed of high purity (99.99%) Co, Ni and Ag metals have been bombarded with argon atoms to form plasma, which condensed onto the glass substrate to form thin films of various thicknesses depending on the deposition time and RF power. The characteristics and magnetotransport properties of GMR materials based on the CoAg and CoNiAg have been investigated. Magnetoresistance (MR) is usually expressed as the fractional change in resistance of a specimen produced by an applied field, GMR = MfR. For non-magnetic films MR is quite small, however the presence of magnetic entities in the non-magnetic matrix, increases its MR .and hence it is termed as GMR

    Re-Designing Independent Campus Model in Islamic Boarding School Higher Education

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    This research has the purpose to (1) test the effectiveness of the MBKM program model at Nurul Jadid University through limited trials; (2) conduct an evaluation and revision of the model; (3) carry out a broader model trial for the development of future MBKM prototype programs. This research employs a Research and Development approach with two implementation phases. The research outcomes indicate that in the first phase, an exploratory research and prototype design of the MBKM program were conducted through the MBKM Santri Mengabdi and MBKM Santri Mengajar programs. In the second phase, a trial of the MBKM program design was conducted with a limited group, and the outcomes demonstrated the success of the MBKM Santri Mengabdi and MBKM Santri Mengajar programs, serving as prototypes for the independent development of MBKM by Nurul Jadid University. Through evaluation and revisions, it was found that the MBKM Santri Mengabdi and MBKM Santri Mengajar programs are suitable for broader implementation, even though some technical adjustments were identified. The outcomes of the program trial indicate that the MBKM Santri Mengabdi and MBKM Santri Mengajar programs are suitable for implementation and are proposed to be carried out in all research programs at Nurul Jadid University in Paiton, Probolinggo

    SUBJEKTIVITAS NETIZEN TERHADAP KEPEMIMPINAN TRI RISMAHARINI MELALUI MEDIA SOSIAL (Studi Fenomenologi Subjektivitas Netizen Terhadap Kepemimpinan Tri Rismaharini Melalui Media Sosial Facebook)

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    The presence and behavior of netizens not be overlooked anymore in social media, especially Facebook. They have to duplicate the real world. Netizens have proved that the objective world can be built through their subjective world. What is in the real world, can be built from the virtual world. This is a warning that the netizens are building a world revolution. Especially when talking about a figure they Rismaharini Tri as a public figure. It is important if then ask how subjectivity is run netizens in Tri Rismaharini looked at the figure in social media facebook. The support used is a phenomenological theory of Edmund Husserl, it is a basic principle in conducting research. And using the characteristic qualitative descriptive study, with emphasis on the phenomenological analysis approach as an attempt to describe the behavior of netizens and manage the data analysis interpretive phenomenology of Edmund Husserl. Resulting in some of the same and different behavior than netizen after passing through the stages 1) Reading and re- reading; 2) Initial noting; 3) Developing Emergent themes; 4) SearchingSAT for connections across emergent themes; 5) Moving the next cases; and 6) Looking for patterns across cases. The result is Expression - an expression they tend to have a positive view of the figure Tri Rismaharini. Keyword : Subjectivity , Netizen , Tri Rismaharini , Facebook, Phenomenolog

    Effects of deposition time and counter-electrode size on the fabrication of lscf-sdc carbonate composite cathode for sofc

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    The electrophoretic deposition (EPD) process has shown great potential in the development of cathodes for solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC). This study thus aimed to determine the feasibility of the electrophoretic deposition technique in producing composite cathode films. Two parameters were investigated, namely, the effects of counter electrode size and those of deposition time on the thickness and quality of an LSCF-SDC carbonate cathode composite deposited onto an SDC carbonate substrate. The effects of the changed parameters were observed by applying constant suspension pH and voltage. Five different deposition times ranging from 10 to 30 min were selected. The counter electrode sizes used were 25 × 25 mm2 and 50 × 50 mm2 . Then, the cathode composite films were sintered at 600°C for 90 min. Microstructural characterization and film thickness measurement were performed using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The 50 × 50 mm2 counter electrode was found to produce a cathode composite film with higher thickness. The effects of the selected parameters (deposition time and counter electrode size) were also determined by analyzing the weight and thickness of the obtained LSCF-SDC carbonate films. The results showed that for the selected time interval, a film thickness of 4.6 to 30.8 μm is generated. Further studies on fabricating LSCF-SDC carbonate cathode composites by electrophoretic deposition present promising potential given that the film thickness obtained agree well with those derived in previous studies on various types of cathode materials

    Dental caries and its associated factors among children aged 8-12 years in Libyan schools, Klang Valley, Malaysia

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    Background: Dental caries is a serious public health problem worldwide. Prevalence of dental caries among school children has increased in both developed and developing countries since the last few decades. Objective: To determine the association of dental caries with socio demographic factors among Libyan school children aged 8-12 years in Klang Valley, Malaysia. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in three Libyan primary schools in Klang Valley, Malaysia. Five hundred and seventy children aged 8-12 years participated. They were randomly selected using proportional stratified sampling method. Dental caries was assessed using the WHO (1987) criteria. Results: Response rate was 92.5%. The prevalence of dental caries was (55.8%), females have higher dental caries than males. Dental caries was found highly prevalent among; children their aged ≤10 years (64.7%), children whose father and mother have a job (58.5% and 58.7%) respectively, children whose father and mother have elementary level of education (69.6% and 61.0%) respectively. Chi square test showed significant association of dental caries with age group and father’s education level. Logistic regression analysis identified young age (OR=11.78, 95% Cl: 2.305 -26.276) was significant predictor of dental caries among children. Conclusions: Younger children are at higher risk of having dental caries in this study. Health education should be emphasized among younger Libyan school children

    Analysis of Student Readiness in E-Learning-Based Ecological Learning

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    In the 21st century, learning does not have to be in the real class. In this condition, teachers and students must be able to communicate and adapt to the development of information technology (IT). It is expected that teachers and students must be able to master the use of IT or the internet in e-learning. The purpose of this study was to determine the readiness of students in e-learning-based ecological learning. This approach is a quantitative approach with the type of research being descriptive. The method and design of survey research. The sample of this research is the total population of 340 students. The research instrument is a closing questionnaire, which is the result of adaptation from Tuntirojanawong research. In this study, the data collection was a questionnaire through the website:  Aceh Online Learning System: (SpadaAceh). The statistics used for the analysis of the questionnaire data are mean and standard deviation. The results of the study on the student readiness variable include 5 (five) indicators namely technology access (mean 3.52), technology skills (mean 3.51), learning ability (mean 3.65), time management skills (mean 3.51), and learning motivation (mean 3.51). The five indicators fall into the category "Ready but need a few improvements". It can be concluded that readiness students through technology access, technology skills, learning abilities, time management skills, and learning motivation are ready but needs a few improvement

    Electrical and Magnetoresistive Properties of Ag-Co/Cu-Fe Thin Films And Bulk Rare-Earth Manganese Perovskite (Ln-Ba-Mn-O)

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    This dissertation presents the study of granular thin films of Ag-Co-Fe and Ag-Cu-Fe alloys prepared by Radio Frequency (RF) Magnetron Sputtering Technique and doped with Pr, Nd, Al, Ru and Pd on Ln-Ba-Mn-O perovskite manganates (Ln=rare-earth). The main objective is to the electrical resistance and magnetoresistance of the Ag-Co-Fe and Ag-Cu-Fe thin film and rare earth perovskite system. In order to achieve this objective, several characterizations needed to be performed, such as Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis, atomic force microscope (AFM), XRay diffraction (XRD) measurement, magnetoresistance (MR) measurement and resistivity measurement. The surface morphology of thin film examined using a SEM and AFM, was found to be smooth and homogeneous. The elemental composition was determined through EDX. The optimum content of the magnetic element was about 10%,20%, 5% and 13% for AgCo2Fe2, AgCo2Fe3, AgCu2Fe2 and AgCu2Fe4 alloys, respectively. The crystal structure of the materials were analysed using a PHILIPS X-ray diffractometer. XRD diffractogram for the as-deposited films consists of (111), (200), (220) and (311) textured structure of Ag, which is dominated by (111) peak. The magnetoresistance (MR) effect was measured using a standard four-point probe technique and the measurements were performed at the room temperature and also at lower temperatures down 90 K. The lower temperatures were achieved using liquid nitrogen cryostat. Overall, MR increased with the decrease in temperature of the samples. The maximum MR value of 3.17%, 2.85% and 2.65% at 1 Tesla were obtained for the series of AgCo2Fe2 (Ts=300oC), AgCu2Fe2 (Ts=300oC) and AgCu2Fe4 (Ts=250oC), respectively which were measured at 90K. At the room temperature, the MR values for the AgCo2Fe2 and AgCu2Fe4 were higher than that of MR of AgCo2Fe3 and AgCu2Fe2 samples. The highest MR value at 1 Tesla for the annealed sample of AgCo2Fe2 (Ts=150oC) which was deposited for 120 minutes was about 3%, when the sample was annealed at 400oC for 60 minutes. The structural, electrical and magnetic properties of colossal magnetoresistance La2/3Ba1/3MnO3 and La1/2Ba1/2MnO3 doped with Pr, Nd, Al, Ru and Pd, while Pr2/3Ba1/3MnO3 was doped with Nd were also studied. Samples with various concentration of the dopant were prepared using solid state reaction method. XRD diffractogram showed a single phase pattern at low concentration with higher intensity of secondary phase at high concentration of the dopant. All samples showed the distorted orthorhombic structure. The electrical properties showed that the samples exhibited metal to insulator transition (MIT) characteristics except samples doped with Pd and Ru. Beyond specific doping level, the samples become insulator for Mn-site substitution and semiconducting behaviour for La-site substitution. This phenomenon occurred due to the smaller ionic size of dopant for La and Mn site substitution. Zener double exchange polynomial ρ = ρ0 + ρ2T2 + ρnTn, was observed well below the metalinsulator transition (Tp) temperature. Variable Range Hopping model and Adiabatic Small Polaron Hopping model well fitted at high temperature regime and values of the activation energy (Ea), density of states N(EF), Debye temperature (θD) and phonon frequency (v) could be estimated. It showed that Ea for all samples were within the range of ~30 meV to ~180 meV. Magnetoresistance measurement showed that MR ratio increased when decrease in temperature and and increase in dopant concentration. The maximum values of MR at La-site substitution was higher than at Ba-site and Mn-site substitutions. The highest MR value was 63.491% for sample (La1-xNdx)1/2Ba1/2MnO3 (x=1) measured for 150 K at 1 Tesla. All samples exhibit low-field magnetoresistance (LFMR) and high-field magnetoresistance (HFMR) regions except (La1- xNdx)1/2Ba1/2MnO3 samples. The LFMR ratio reduced with increasing temperature. The SEM micrographs indicated the grains sizes were reduced and level of porosity increased as the dopant content increased which can be seen in all samples except La2/3(Ba1- xPdx)1/3MnO3

    Jual Beli All You Can Eat Perspektif Fikih Empat Mazhab

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    All you can eat adalah akad jual beli makanan dengan bayar satu harga untuk dapat menikmati semua makanan yang dihidangkan ala buffet/prasmanan ber-gantung kemampuan seseorang menerima suplai makanan atau waktu yang ditentukan habis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses pelaksana-an jual beli makanan dengan sistem all you can eat dan mengetahui bagaimana pandangan empat mazhab mengenai jual beli sistem all you can eat di bebe-rapa restoran Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode Sosial Hukum Islam, dengan menggunakan metode ini diharap dapat mendeskripsikan analisis secara utuh sebagai satu kesatuan yang terintegrasi dalam penelitian mengenai perekonomian, khususnya dalam jual beli yang ter-jadi pada masyarakat. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan di dalam penelitian ini adalah studi kepustakaan. Setelah terkumpul, kemudian data dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode komparatif. Penelitian ini dida-sarkan atas pemikiran bahwa jual beli makanan dengan sistem all you can eat mengandung unsur gharar, karena barang yang dijual tidak diketahui ukuran, kuantitas, maupun takarannya. Jual beli dengan sistem ini mengukur kemam-puan seseorang menerima suplai makanan tanpa menakar makanan yang akan dijual. Restoran yang menggunakan sistem AYCE biasanya memiliki beberapa larangan yang apabila dilanggar akan berdampak adanya sanksi. Sebenarnya kasus semacam ini sudah pernah terjadi di masa Rasulullah Saw., terkait pen-jualan makan dengan tanpa ditakar atau ditimbang, yang disebut dengan juzaf atau subrah. Ulama empat mazhab sepakat akan kebolehan jual beli ini dengan mensyaratkan beberapa persyaratan yang berbeda antara empat mazhab. Jual beli all you can eat sudah memenuhi persyaratan tersebut. Selain itu juga da-lam penjualan makanan dengan sistem ini pihak restoran menyediakan fasi-litas alat memasak bagi konsumen. Barang tersebut merupakan barang yang dipinjam oleh konsumen, sehingga dalam penjualan dengan sistem AYCE terdapat dua akad yakni pinjaman dan jual beli juzaf. Sedangkan mengenai larangan dalam penjualan ini, menurut Hanafiyyah larangan tersebut termasuk syarat batil sehingga larangan tersebut tidak berlaku, sementara Malikiyyah, Syafi’iyyah dan Hanabilah mengategorikannya sebagai syarat sahih sehingga transaksinya sah dan syarat tersebut berlaku konsekuen. Dari sini dapat disim-pulkan bahwa terjadi khilaf di antara empat mazhab tentang hukum pelaksa-naan jual beli dengan sistem AYCE: Menurut Hanafiyyah sah tanpa keberla-kuan syarat, sedangkan menurut Malikiyyah, Syafi’iyyah, dan Hanabilah hukumnya sah dan syarat tersebut berlaku konsekuen

    Morphological Effect of CNT/Ti O

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    This research focused on the fabrication of dye-sensitized solar cell based on a photoanode of carbon nanotube/titanium dioxide (CNT/TiO2) nanocomposite photoanode synthesized through acid-catalyzed sol-gel method. The results show the improvement of the chemical and electrical properties of the solar cells annealed at different temperatures. The CNT/TiO2 colloidal solution was synthesized using titanium tetraisopropoxide and CNT/2-propanol solution. The thin films were doctor-bladed on a fluorine tin oxide glass before being annealed at 550, 650, and 750°C. The field emission scanning electron microscopy morphological images show that the thin films were homogenously distributed and maintained their spherical structures. The X-ray diffraction patterns show that the films consisted of anatase and rutile phases with large crystallite sizes due to temperature increment. The atomic force microscopy analysis presents the thin film roughness in terms of root mean square roughness. The photovoltaic performance was analyzed using IV curve and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The thin films annealed at 750°C had the highest energy conversion efficiency at 5.23%. The EIS analysis estimated the values of the effective electron lifetime (τeff), effective electron diffusion coefficient, effective electron diffusion (Ln), and effective recombination rate constant (keff). A large τeff, small keff, and longer Ln can improve photovoltaic performance efficiency