717 research outputs found

    A fast multi-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic formulation of the transition region adaptive conduction (TRAC) method

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    The research leading to these results has received funding from the UK Science and Technology Facilities Council (consolidated grant ST/N000609/1), the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 647214). IDM received funding from the Research Council of Norway through its Centres of Excellence scheme, project number 262622. CDJ acknowledges support from the International Space Science Institute (ISSI), Bern, Switzerland to the International Teams on “Observed Multi-Scale Variability of Coronal Loops as a Probe of Coronal Heating” and “Interrogating Field-Aligned Solar Flare Models: Comparing, Contrasting and Improving”.We have demonstrated that the transition region adaptive conduction (TRAC) method permits fast and accurate numerical solutions of the field-aligned hydrodynamic equations, successfully removing the influence of numerical resolution on the coronal density response to impulsive heating. This is achieved by adjusting the parallel thermal conductivity, radiative loss, and heating rates to broaden the transition region (TR), below a global cutoff temperature, so that the steep gradients are spatially resolved even when using coarse numerical grids. Implementing the original 1D formulation of TRAC in multi-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) models would require tracing a large number of magnetic field lines at every time step in order to prescribe a global cutoff temperature to each field line. In this paper, we present a highly efficient formulation of the TRAC method for use in multi-dimensional MHD simulations, which does not rely on field line tracing. In the TR, adaptive local cutoff temperatures are used instead of global cutoff temperatures to broaden any unresolved parts of the atmosphere. These local cutoff temperatures are calculated using only local grid cell quantities, enabling the MHD extension of TRAC to efficiently account for the magnetic field evolution, without tracing field lines. Consistent with analytical predictions, we show that this approach successfully preserves the properties of the original TRAC method. In particular, the total radiative losses and heating remain conserved under the MHD formulation. Results from 2D MHD simulations of impulsive heating in unsheared and sheared arcades of coronal loops are also presented. These simulations benchmark the MHD TRAC method against a series of 1D models and demonstrate the versatility and robustness of the method in multi-dimensional magnetic fields. We show, for the first time, that pressure differences, generated during the evaporation phase of impulsive heating events, can produce current layers that are significantly narrower than the transverse energy deposition.PostprintPeer reviewe

    A fast multi-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic formulation of the transition region adaptive conduction (TRAC) method

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    We have demonstrated that the transition region adaptive conduction (TRAC) method permits fast and accurate numerical solutions of the field-aligned hydrodynamic equations, successfully removing the influence of numerical resolution on the coronal density response to impulsive heating. This is achieved by adjusting the parallel thermal conductivity, radiative loss, and heating rates to broaden the transition region (TR), below a global cutoff temperature, so that the steep gradients are spatially resolved even when using coarse numerical grids. Implementing the original 1D formulation of TRAC in multi-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) models would require tracing a large number of magnetic field lines at every time step in order to prescribe a global cutoff temperature to each field line. In this paper, we present a highly efficient formulation of the TRAC method for use in multi-dimensional MHD simulations, which does not rely on field line tracing. In the TR, adaptive local cutoff temperatures are used instead of global cutoff temperatures to broaden any unresolved parts of the atmosphere. These local cutoff temperatures are calculated using only local grid cell quantities, enabling the MHD extension of TRAC to efficiently account for the magnetic field evolution, without tracing field lines. Consistent with analytical predictions, we show that this approach successfully preserves the properties of the original TRAC method. In particular, the total radiative losses and heating remain conserved under the MHD formulation. Results from 2D MHD simulations of impulsive heating in unsheared and sheared arcades of coronal loops are also presented. These simulations benchmark the MHD TRAC method against a series of 1D models and demonstrate the versatility and robustness of the method in multi-dimensional magnetic fields. We show, for the first time, that pressure differences, generated during the evaporation phase of impulsive heating events, can produce current layers that are significantly narrower than the transverse energy deposition

    Asymmetric triplex metallohelices with high and selective activity against cancer cells

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    Small cationic amphiphilic α-helical peptides are emerging as agents for the treatment of cancer and infection, but they are costly and display unfavourable pharmacokinetics. Helical coordination complexes may offer a three-dimensional scaffold for the synthesis of mimetic architectures. However, the high symmetry and modest functionality of current systems offer little scope to tailor the structure to interact with specific biomolecular targets, or to create libraries for phenotypic screens. Here, we report the highly stereoselective asymmetric self-assembly of very stable, functionalized metallohelices. Their anti-parallel head-to-head-to-tail ‘triplex’ strand arrangement creates an amphipathic functional topology akin to that of the active sub-units of, for example, host-defence peptides and ​p53. The metallohelices display high, structure-dependent toxicity to the human colon carcinoma cell-line HCT116 ​p53++, causing dramatic changes in the cell cycle without DNA damage. They have lower toxicity to human breast adenocarcinoma cells (MDA-MB-468) and, most remarkably, they show no significant toxicity to the bacteria methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. At a glanc

    Evaluation of two lyophilized molecular assays to rapidly detect foot-and-mouth disease virus directly from clinical samples in field settings

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    Accurate, timely diagnosis is essential for the control, monitoring and eradication of foot‐and‐mouth disease (FMD). Clinical samples from suspect cases are normally tested at reference laboratories. However, transport of samples to these centralized facilities can be a lengthy process that can impose delays on critical decision making. These concerns have motivated work to evaluate simple‐to‐use technologies, including molecular‐based diagnostic platforms, that can be deployed closer to suspect cases of FMD. In this context, FMD virus (FMDV)‐specific reverse transcription loop‐mediated isothermal amplification (RT‐LAMP) and real‐time RT‐PCR (rRT‐PCR) assays, compatible with simple sample preparation methods and in situ visualization, have been developed which share equivalent analytical sensitivity with laboratory‐based rRT‐PCR. However, the lack of robust ‘ready‐to‐use kits’ that utilize stabilized reagents limits the deployment of these tests into field settings. To address this gap, this study describes the performance of lyophilized rRT‐PCR and RT‐LAMP assays to detect FMDV. Both of these assays are compatible with the use of fluorescence to monitor amplification in real‐time, and for the RT‐LAMP assays end point detection could also be achieved using molecular lateral flow devices. Lyophilization of reagents did not adversely affect the performance of the assays. Importantly, when these assays were deployed into challenging laboratory and field settings within East Africa they proved to be reliable in their ability to detect FMDV in a range of clinical samples from acutely infected as well as convalescent cattle. These data support the use of highly sensitive molecular assays into field settings for simple and rapid detection of FMDV

    The dragon/snake motif in the illuminated old Glagolitic manuscripts

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    Motiv zmaja/zmije jedan je od motiva koji je ukraĆĄavao najstarije glagoljske knjige. U ovom se radu nastavljaju istraĆŸivanja provedena prije petnaest godina, sada s naglaskom na proučavanju umjetničke vrijednosti često ponavljanog zoomorfnog, odnosno teratoloĆĄkog motiva. Iako je prvotno utvrđeno kako je riječ o zmajevoj glavi, zbog stalne ambivalencije između pojmova zmije i zmaja, iz obzora se ne smije ispustiti povezanost s motivom zmije. Kao motiv najčeơće se pojavljuje u ukraĆĄenim inicijalima. Na primjerima iz Assemanijeva evanđelja i Sinajskog psaltira u radu se iznose tumačenja dvostruke simbolike inicijala: s jedne strane kao ilustracija slova kojom dominira teratoloĆĄki motiv, a s druge strane kao poruka povezana s ostatkom teksta.The motif, embellishing the earliest Glagolitic books, reveals itself as a meaningful, polysemic image and partakes in a visual paradigm, which the decorators abode by. In this paper the author proceeds with a theme taken up nearly fifteen years ago, now exploring in detail the artistic specificity of the repetitive zoomorphic or, rather, teratological motif. Previously it has been identified as a dragon head but the persisting ambivalence in the notions of the snake/serpent and the dragon cannot be ignored. As it has been applied most of all to the decorated initials, some interpretations of the twofold symbolism of the letter – as a ‘picture’ in itself and as a message related to the text – are offered on examples from the codices Assemanianus and Psalterium Sinaiticum

    Lead content in the atmosphere of a storage battery factory

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    Prije 10 godina (6) opisala sam radne uvjete u jednoj tvornici akumulatora s obzirom na opasnost od olovne praĆĄine u atmosferi. Tom prilikom preporučene su upravi poduzeća mjere, kako bi se opasnost trovanja smanjila. Kod uzoraka uzetih ove godine rezultati pokazuju, da se situacija na velikom broju radnih mjesta znatno pogorĆĄala. Mjerene koncentracije prekoračuju za 10 do 200 puta dozvoljenu maksimalnu vrijednost od 0,15 mg/m3, a svega 5% rezultata je niĆŸih od 0,2 mg/m3. NajviĆĄe rezultata nalazimo između 2 do 6 mg/m3.Environmental conditions in a storage battery factory are described. The results of lead determination in air obtained in 1959 are compared with the results in 1949. In general all the results were 10-200 times above the permissible concentration Limits, and compared with the results obtained in 1949 a general increase of the number of high (14-30 mg/m3) results was established. Various improvements of working conditions are advised

    Direct detection and characterization of foot-and-mouth disease virus in East Africa using a field-ready real-time PCR platform

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    Effective control and monitoring of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) relies upon rapid and accurate disease confirmation. Currently, clinical samples are usually tested in reference laboratories using standardized assays recommended by The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE). However, the requirements for prompt and serotype-specific diagnosis during FMD outbreaks, and the need to establish robust laboratory testing capacity in FMD-endemic countries have motivated the development of simple diagnostic platforms to support local decision-making. Using a portable thermocycler, the T-CORℱ 8, this study describes the laboratory and field evaluation of a commercially available, lyophilized pan-serotype-specific real-time RT-PCR (rRT-PCR) assay and a newly available FMD virus (FMDV) typing assay (East Africa-specific for serotypes: O, A, Southern African Territories [SAT] 1 and 2). Analytical sensitivity, diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of the pan-serotype-specific lyophilized assay were comparable to that of an OIE-recommended laboratory-based rRT-PCR (determined using a panel of 57 FMDV-positive samples and six non-FMDV vesicular disease samples for differential diagnosis). The FMDV-typing assay was able to correctly identify the serotype of 33/36 FMDV-positive samples (no cross-reactivity between serotypes was evident). Furthermore, the assays were able to accurately detect and type FMDV RNA in multiple sample types, including epithelial tissue suspensions, serum, oesophageal–pharyngeal (OP) fluid and oral swabs, both with and without the use of nucleic acid extraction. When deployed in laboratory and field settings in Tanzania, Kenya and Ethiopia, both assays reliably detected and serotyped FMDV RNA in samples (n = 144) collected from pre-clinical, clinical and clinically recovered cattle. These data support the use of field-ready rRT-PCR platforms in endemic settings for simple, highly sensitive and rapid detection and/or characterization of FMDV

    Race and sex: teachers' views on who gets ahead in schools?

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    The research reported here was part of a large study of the impact of age, disability, race and sex on the teaching profession in England. The basic question asked in this research was how do these factors interact with career aspirations and achievements of classteachers, promoted teachers and headteachers? There were three different data sources: a large postal survey drawn from diverse geographic regions across England with over 2000 respondents; face‐to‐face individual interviews with over 100 teachers in 18 case study schools from across all of the main regions of England; discussions with special interest groups of teachers. Not surprisingly, the answer to the above question was complex. Nonetheless, the paper's conclusion highlights some of the noteworthy themes across this broad sample of teachers from primary, secondary and special schools

    Critical Dynamics of a Vortex Loop Model for the Superconducting Transition

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    We calculate analytically the dynamic critical exponent zMCz_{MC} measured in Monte Carlo simulations for a vortex loop model of the superconducting transition, and account for the simulation results. In the weak screening limit, where magnetic fluctuations are neglected, the dynamic exponent is found to be zMC=3/2z_{MC} = 3/2. In the perfect screening limit, zMC=5/2z_{MC} = 5/2. We relate zMCz_{MC} to the actual value of zz observable in experiments and find that z∌2z \sim 2, consistent with some experimental results

    Exploring the theoretical foundations of visual art programmes for people living with dementia

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    Despite the growing international innovations for visual arts interventions in dementia care, limited attention has been paid to their theoretical basis. In response, this paper explores how and why visual art interventions in dementia care influence changes in outcomes. The theory building process consists of a realist review of primary research on visual art programmes. This aims to uncover what works, for whom, how, why and in what circumstances. We undertook a qualitative exploration of stakeholder perspectives of art programmes, and then synthesised these two pieces of work alongside broader theory to produce a conceptual framework for intervention development, further research and practice. This suggests effective programmes are realised through essential attributes of two key conditions (provocative and stimulating aesthetic experience; dynamic and responsive artistic practice). These conditions are important for cognitive, social and individual responses, leading to benefits for people with early to more advanced dementia. This work represents a starting point at identifying theories of change for arts interventions, and for further research to critically examine, refine and strengthen the evidence base for the arts in dementia care. Understanding the theoretical basis of interventions is important for service development, evaluation and implementation
