518 research outputs found

    Effect-Directed Analysis of Municipal Landfill Soil Reveals Novel Developmental Toxicants in the Zebrafish Danio rerio

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    Effect-directed analysis (EDA) is an approach used to identify (unknown) contaminants in complex samples which cause toxicity, using a combination of biology and chemistry. The goal of this work was to apply EDA to identify developmental toxicants in soil samples collected from a former municipal landfill site. Soil samples were extracted, fractionated, and tested for developmental effects with an embryotoxicity assay in the zebrafish Danio rerio. Gas chromatograph mass selective detection (GC-MSD) chemical screening was used to reveal candidate developmental toxicants in fractions showing effects. In a parallel study, liquid chromatography-hybrid linear ion trap Orbitrap mass spectrometry was also applied to one polar subfraction (Hoogenboom et al. J. Chromatogr. A2009, 1216, 510-519). EDA resulted in the identification of a number of previously unknown developmental toxicants, which were confirmed to be present in soil by GC-MS. These included 11H-benzo[b]fluorene, 9-methylacridine, 4-azapyrene, and 2-phenylquinoline, as well as one known developmental toxicant (retene). This work revealed the presence of novel contaminants in the environment that may affect vertebrate development, which are not subject to monitoring or regulation under current soil quality assessment guidelines. © 2011 American Chemical Society

    Testing Consumer Rationality using Perfect Graphs and Oriented Discs

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    Given a consumer data-set, the axioms of revealed preference proffer a binary test for rational behaviour. A natural (non-binary) measure of the degree of rationality exhibited by the consumer is the minimum number of data points whose removal induces a rationalisable data-set.We study the computational complexity of the resultant consumer rationality problem in this paper. This problem is, in the worst case, equivalent (in terms of approximation) to the directed feedback vertex set problem. Our main result is to obtain an exact threshold on the number of commodities that separates easy cases and hard cases. Specifically, for two-commodity markets the consumer rationality problem is polynomial time solvable; we prove this via a reduction to the vertex cover problem on perfect graphs. For three-commodity markets, however, the problem is NP-complete; we prove thisusing a reduction from planar 3-SAT that is based upon oriented-disc drawings

    Histological Chages of Testis and Caput Epididymis in the Goat after Cannulation of the Rete Testis

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    雄ヤギ5頭を用い, 精巣網カテーテル装着手術後の精巣および精巣上体頭の組織構造を観察するとともに精巣静脈血中のテストステロン濃度を調べた。カテーテル装着手術後の精巣は, いずれも萎縮し, 正常な精子形成過程が観察される精細管は少なかった。また, ライディヒ細胞の形態や染色性には異常は認められなかった。一方, 精巣上体頭では, 精巣上体管が萎縮し, 主細胞の高さは無傷のものよりも有意に減少した。同様の組織構造の変化は, 精巣輸出管を切除した場合の精巣および精巣上体頭でも認められた。精巣静脈血中のテストステロン濃度は無傷の場合94.4ng/mlであり, カテーテル装着手術後では86.5∿342.8ng/mlであった。 / The testis and caput epididymis of the goat after cannulation of the rete testis or efferentiectomy were examined histologically. The concentration of testosterone in testicular venous blood collected from the same animals was also measured by radioimmunoassay. After cannulation, seminiferous tubules showed a sign of degeneration, although no morphological change of Leydig cells was observed. Epididymal ducts were severely atrophied and the height of principal epithelial cells was significantly decreased. A similar damage was observed in the testis and epididymis after efferentiectomy. When the efferent duct bundle had been incompletely ligated at cannulation, or rete testis catheter was kept in place until sampling time, damages in the testis were less severe. And in the former case the epididymis was impaired less severely. The concentration of testosterone in testicular venous blood collected from an intact animal was 94.4ng/ml, while that obtained after cannulation was 86.5-342.8ng/ml. These results suggest that degeneration of germ cells in seminiferous tubules observed after cannulation of the rete testis or efferentiectomy may be caused by stagnation of rete testicular fluid in the tubules, and that testosterone in the fluid plays important roles in the maintenance of morphology and function of the principal cells in the caput epididymis

    The Paranormal is (Still) Normal: The Sociological Implications of a Survey of Paranormal Experiences in Great Britain

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    Historically, there has been limited sociological interest in the paranormal and no systematic study of reported paranormal experiences. There are also few medium-to-large-scale survey results with nationally representative populations focusing on paranormal experiences. This paper provides details of an exploratory survey conducted in 2009 with a nationally representative sample of 4,096 adults aged 16 years and over across Great Britain. Our findings show that 37% of British adults report at least one paranormal experience and that women, those who are middle-aged or individuals resident in the South West are more likely to report such experiences. These results establish incidence levels of reported paranormal experiences in contemporary Britain. We argue also that they merit a more sustained sociological consideration of the paranormal. In this respect we renew and update the robust justification and call for serious research positioning the paranormal as a social phenomenon, originally proposed well over thirty years ago by Greeley (1975)

    Experimental Mapping of the Canine KCNJ2 and KCNJ12 Gene Structures and Functional Analysis of the Canine KIR2.2 ion Channel

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    For many model organisms traditionally in use for cardiac electrophysiological studies, characterization of ion channel genes is lacking. We focused here on two genes encoding the inward rectifier current, KCNJ2 and KCNJ12, in the dog heart. A combination of RT-PCR, 5′-RACE, and 3′-RACE demonstrated the status of KCNJ2 as a two exon gene. The complete open reading frame (ORF) was located on the second exon. One transcription initiation site was mapped. Four differential transcription termination sites were found downstream of two consensus polyadenylation signals. The canine KCNJ12 gene was found to consist of three exons, with its ORF located on the third exon. One transcription initiation and one termination site were found. No alternative splicing was observed in right ventricle or brain cortex. The gene structure of canine KCNJ2 and KCNJ12 was conserved amongst other vertebrates, while current GenBank gene annotation was determined as incomplete. In silico translation of KCN12 revealed a non-conserved glycine rich stretch located near the carboxy-terminus of the KIR2.2 protein. However, no differences were observed when comparing dog with human KIR2.2 protein upon ectopic expression in COS-7 or HEK293 cells with respect to subcellular localization or electrophysiological properties