1,195 research outputs found

    HAL/S programmer's guide

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    HAL/S is a programming language developed to satisfy the flight software requirements for the space shuttle program. The user's guide explains pertinent language operating procedures and described the various HAL/S facilities for manipulating integer, scalar, vector, and matrix data types

    HAL/S programmer's guide

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    This programming language was developed for the flight software of the NASA space shuttle program. HAL/S is intended to satisfy virtually all of the flight software requirements of the space shuttle. To achieve this, HAL/s incorporates a wide range of features, including applications-oriented data types and organizations, real time control mechanisms, and constructs for systems programming tasks. As the name indicates, HAL/S is a dialect of the original HAL language previously developed. Changes have been incorporated to simplify syntax, curb excessive generality, or facilitate flight code emission

    Soil penetrometer

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    An auger-type soil penetrometer for burrowing into soil formations is described. The auger, while initially moving along a predetermined path, may deviate from the path when encountering an obstruction in the soil. Alterations and modifications may be made in the structure so that it may be used for other purposes

    Cold-air investigation of a 4 1/2 stage turbine with stage-loading factor of 4.66 and high specific work output. 2: Stage group performance

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    The stage group performance of a 4 1/2 stage turbine with an average stage loading factor of 4.66 and high specific work output was determined in cold air at design equivalent speed. The four stage turbine configuration produced design equivalent work output with an efficiency of 0.856; a barely discernible difference from the 0.855 obtained for the complete 4 1/2 stage turbine in a previous investigation. The turbine was designed and the procedure embodied the following design features: (1) controlled vortex flow, (2) tailored radial work distribution, and (3) control of the location of the boundary-layer transition point on the airfoil suction surface. The efficiency forecast for the 4 1/2 stage turbine was 0.886, and the value predicted using a reference method was 0.862. The stage group performance results were used to determine the individual stage efficiencies for the condition at which design 4 1/2 stage work output was obtained. The efficiencies of stages one and four were about 0.020 lower than the predicted value, that of stage two was 0.014 lower, and that of stage three was about equal to the predicted value. Thus all the stages operated reasonably close to their expected performance levels, and the overall (4 1/2 stage) performance was not degraded by any particularly inefficient component

    Cold air investigation of 4 1/2-stage turbine with stage loading factor of 4.66 and high specific work output. 1: Overall performance

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    The turbine developed design specific work output at design speed at a total pressure ratio of 6.745 with a corresponding efficiency of 0.855. The efficiency (0.855)was 3.1 points lower than the estimated efficiency quoted by the contractor in the design report and 0.7 of a point lower than that determined by a reference prediction method. The performance of the turbine, which was a forced vortex design, agreed with the performance determined by the prediction method to about the same extent as did the performance of three reference high stage loading factor turbines, which were free vortex designs

    A New Method for Finishing Minicavities

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    Minicavities were prepared in 26 caries-free teeth. Cavity preparation and the finishing of the occlusal area and the gingival floor was done with diamond burs (diameter 1 mm, grain sizes 90 μm and 15 μm, respectively). For the finishing of the axial box margin and the proximo-cervicaI curved border, a new set was developed: It is composed of an EVA-system with the total amplitude reduced to 0.34 mm, and a highly flexible file (Cavishape, grain 15 μm). The shape of this file had to be modified in order to follow the proximo-cervical curvature. The efficiency of the new device was compared with the axial margin trimmer by means of scanning electron microscopy and a score system. The new device allowed a significantly better finishing of the proximo-cervical curvature and of the axial box margin

    Measurement Of Positron Annihilation Line Shapes With A Ge(Li) Detector

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    We observed that the annihilation radiation photopeak in a Ge(Li) detector is considerably broader than that of a γ ray of the same energy. It seems reasonable to assume that the increased width is the result of the Doppler broadening of the annihilation photopeak, i.e., the longitudinal Doppler shift of the radiations is measured, while the transverse shift is measured in the usual angular-correlation experiments. By using a computer stripping program to remove the distortion produced by the finite energy resolution of our detector, we obtain momentum distributions in agreement with those which have been published. Only one detector is necessary for these measurements, and all momentum channels are detected at once. However, the detector energy resolution severely limits the momentum resolution. Arguments are presented which indicate that no very large improvement in Ge(Li) detector resolution can be expected. © 1968 The American Physical Society

    HAL/S-360 compiler system specification

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    A three phase language compiler is described which produces IBM 360/370 compatible object modules and a set of simulation tables to aid in run time verification. A link edit step augments the standard OS linkage editor. A comprehensive run time system and library provide the HAL/S operating environment, error handling, a pseudo real time executive, and an extensive set of mathematical, conversion, I/O, and diagnostic routines. The specifications of the information flow and content for this system are also considered