1,363 research outputs found

    Micromechanical finite element analyses of fire retardant woven fabric composites at elevated temperatures using unit cells at multiple length scales

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    This paper presents a micromechanical Finite Element (FE) model developed to predict the effective mechanical properties of glass fibre-reinforced (woven fabric) polymer composites with/without fire retardant particulate additives at elevated temperatures. The elevated mechanical properties of glass fibre-reinforced epoxy composites with/without fire retardants were predicted using three unit cells of varying length scales in micromechanical FE analysis. Theoretically predictions of flexural behaviour of these fibre-reinforced polymer composites at elevated temperatures were satisfactorily validated against experimentally measured data. The numerical model developed herein was then used for the prediction of other mechanical properties of fibre-reinforced polymer composites that would have been difficult to collect at elevated temperatures. Micromechanical FE models such as the one contained in this paper are useful to architectural engineers as they can be used to guide the design and qualification of new engineering composites that satisfy stringent Building codes in fire prone engineering applications

    Insulin Glargine in the Intensive Care Unit: A Model-Based Clinical Trial Design

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    Online 4 Oct 2012Introduction: Current succesful AGC (Accurate Glycemic Control) protocols require extra clinical effort and are impractical in less acute wards where patients are still susceptible to stress-induced hyperglycemia. Long-acting insulin Glargine has the potential to be used in a low effort controller. However, potential variability in efficacy and length of action, prevent direct in-hospital use in an AGC framework for less acute wards. Method: Clinically validated virtual trials based on data from stable ICU patients from the SPRINT cohort who would be transferred to such an approach are used to develop a 24-hour AGC protocol robust to different Glargine potencies (1.0x, 1.5x and 2.0x regular insulin) and initial dose sizes (dose = total insulin over prior 12, 18 and 24 hours). Glycemic control in this period is provided only by varying nutritional inputs. Performance is assessed as %BG in the 4.0-8.0mmol/L band and safety by %BG<4.0mmol/L. Results: The final protocol consisted of Glargine bolus size equal to insulin over the previous 18 hours. Compared to SPRINT there was a 6.9% - 9.5% absolute decrease in mild hypoglycemia (%BG<4.0mmol/L) and up to a 6.2% increase in %BG between 4.0 and 8.0mmol/L. When the efficacy is known (1.5x assumed) there were reductions of: 27% BG measurements, 59% insulin boluses, 67% nutrition changes, and 6.3% absolute in mild hypoglycemia. Conclusion: A robust 24-48 clinical trial has been designed to safely investigate the efficacy and kinetics of Glargine as a first step towards developing a Glargine-based protocol for less acute wards. Ensuring robustness to variability in Glargine efficacy significantly affects the performance and safety that can be obtained

    Automated Synthesis of Tableau Calculi

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    This paper presents a method for synthesising sound and complete tableau calculi. Given a specification of the formal semantics of a logic, the method generates a set of tableau inference rules that can then be used to reason within the logic. The method guarantees that the generated rules form a calculus which is sound and constructively complete. If the logic can be shown to admit finite filtration with respect to a well-defined first-order semantics then adding a general blocking mechanism provides a terminating tableau calculus. The process of generating tableau rules can be completely automated and produces, together with the blocking mechanism, an automated procedure for generating tableau decision procedures. For illustration we show the workability of the approach for a description logic with transitive roles and propositional intuitionistic logic.Comment: 32 page

    Are antimicrobial defences in bird eggs related to climatic conditions associated with risk of trans-shell microbial infection?

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    INTRODUCTION: All bird eggs are exposed to microbes in the environment, which if transmitted to the developing embryo, could cause hatching failure. However, the risk of trans-shell infection varies with environmental conditions and is higher for eggs laid in wetter environments. This might relate to generally higher microbial abundances and diversity in more humid environments, including on the surface of eggshells, as well as the need for moisture to facilitate microbial penetration of the eggshell. To protect against microbial infection, the albumen of avian eggs contains antimicrobial proteins, including lysozyme and ovotransferrin. We tested whether lysozyme and ovotransferrin activities varied in eggs of larks (Alaudidae) living along an arid-mesic gradient of environmental aridity, which we used as a proxy for risk of trans-shell infection. RESULTS: Contrary to expectations, lysozyme activity was highest in eggs from hotter, more arid locations, where we predicted the risk of trans-shell infection would be lower. Ovotransferrin concentrations did not vary with climatic factors. Temperature was a much better predictor of antimicrobial protein activity than precipitation, a result inconsistent with studies stressing the importance of moisture for trans-shell infection. CONCLUSIONS: Our study raises interesting questions about the links between temperature and lysozyme activity in eggs, but we find no support for the hypothesis that antimicrobial protein deposition is higher in eggs laid in wetter environments

    Environmental proxies of antigen exposure explain variation in immune investment better than indices of pace of life.

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    Investment in immune defences is predicted to covary with a variety of ecologically and evolutionarily relevant axes, with pace of life and environmental antigen exposure being two examples. These axes may themselves covary directly or inversely, and such relationships can lead to conflicting predictions regarding immune investment. If pace of life shapes immune investment then, following life history theory, slow-living, arid zone and tropical species should invest more in immunity than fast-living temperate species. Alternatively, if antigen exposure drives immune investment, then species in antigen-rich tropical and temperate environments are predicted to exhibit higher immune indices than species from antigen-poor arid locations. To test these contrasting predictions we investigated how variation in pace of life and antigen exposure influence immune investment in related lark species (Alaudidae) with differing life histories and predicted risks of exposure to environmental microbes and parasites. We used clutch size and total number of eggs laid per year as indicators of pace of life, and aridity, and the climatic variables that influence aridity, as correlates of antigen abundance. We quantified immune investment by measuring four indices of innate immunity. Pace of life explained little of the variation in immune investment, and only one immune measure correlated significantly with pace of life, but not in the predicted direction. Conversely, aridity, our proxy for environmental antigen exposure, was predictive of immune investment, and larks in more mesic environments had higher immune indices than those living in arid, low-risk locations. Our study suggests that abiotic environmental variables with strong ties to environmental antigen exposure can be important correlates of immunological variation.Financial support came from the Schure-Beijerinck-Poppings Fonds (to NPCH and AH), BirdLife Netherlands (to BIT), NSF grant IBN 0212587 (to JBW), and VENI and VIDI grants from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (to KDM and BIT).This is the accepted manuscript. The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007%2Fs00442-014-3136-y

    Application of monoclonal antibodies in quantifying fungal growth dynamics during aerobic spoilage of silage

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    Proliferation of filamentous fungi following ingress of oxygen to silage is an important cause of dry matter losses, resulting in significant waste. In addition, the production of mycotoxins by some filamentous fungi pose a risk to animal health through mycotoxicosis. Quantitative assessment of fungal growth in silage, through measurement of ergosterol content, colony forming units or temperature increase are limiting in representing fungal growth dynamics during aerobic spoilage due to being deficient in either representing fungal biomass or being able to identify specific genera. Here, we conducted a controlled environment aerobic exposure experiment to test the efficacy of a monoclonal antibody-based enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to detect the proliferation of fungal biomass in six silage samples. We compared this to temperature which has been traditionally deployed in such experiments and on-farm to detect aerobic deterioration. In addition, we quantified ergosterol, a second marker of fungal biomass. At 8 d post aerobic exposure, the ergosterol and ELISA methods indicated an increase in fungal biomass in one of the samples with a temperature increase observed after 16 d. A comparison of the methods with Pearson’s correlation coefficient showed a positive association between temperature and ergosterol and both markers of fungal biomass. This work indicates that the technology has potential to be used as an indicator of microbial degradation in preserved forage. Consequently, if developed as an on farm technique this could inform forage management decisions made by farmers, with the goal of decreasing dry matter losses, improving resource and nutrient efficiency and reducing risks to animal health

    Synaptic expression of TAR-DNA-binding protein 43 in the mouse spinal cord determined using super-resolution microscopy

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    Funding: This work was supported by Motor Neurone Disease (MND) Association UK (Miles/Apr18/863-791), Chief Scientist Office, RS Macdonald Charitable Trust, ALS CURE Project, the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme (695568 SYNNOVATE), Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative (529085), and the Wellcome Trust (Technology Development grant 202932).Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is characterised by a loss of motor neurons in the brain and spinal cord that is preceded by early-stage changes in synapses that may be associated with TAR-DNA-Binding Protein 43 (TDP-43) pathology. Cellular inclusions of hyperphosphorylated TDP-43 (pTDP-43) are a key hallmark of neurodegenerative diseases such ALS. However, there has been little characterisation of the synaptic expression of TDP-43 inside subpopulations of spinal cord synapses. This study utilises a range of high-resolution and super-resolution microscopy techniques with immunolabelling, as well as an aptamer-based TDP-43 labelling strategy visualised with single-molecule localisation microscopy, to characterise and quantify the presence of pTDP-43 in populations of excitatory synapses near where motor neurons reside in the lateral ventral horn of the mouse lumbar spinal cord. We observe that TDP-43 is expressed in approximately half of spinal cord synapses as nanoscale clusters. Synaptic TDP-43 clusters are found most abundantly at synapses associated with VGLUT1-positive presynaptic terminals, compared to VGLUT2-associated synapses. Our nanoscopy techniques showed no difference in the subsynaptic expression of pTDP-43 in the ALS mouse model, SOD1G93a, compared to healthy controls, despite prominent structural deficits in VGLUT1-associated synapses in SOD1G93a mice. This research characterizes the basic synaptic expression of TDP-43 with nanoscale precision and provides a framework with which to investigate the potential relationship between TDP-43 pathology and synaptic pathology in neurodegenerative diseases.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Effects of nitroethane and 2-nitropropanol against Campylobacter jejuni

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    Campylobacter jejuni is an important foodborne pathogen that colonizes the gut of swine. In this study, the effects of nitroethane and 2-nitropropanol (0, 10 and 20 mM) on growth of C. jejuni were tested during culture in Bolton broth adjusted to pH of 5.6, 7.0 or 8.2. Viable cell counts of samples taken at intervals during incubation revealed main effects (P\u3c0.0001) of nitroethane or 2-nitropropanol on mean specific growth rates thus demonstrating that these were inhibitory to C. jejuni. By 48 h of incubation, C. jejuni concentrations had increased by 1.9 log10 CFU/ml or higher in cultures containing no added nitrocompound
