12,964 research outputs found

    Furnace and support equipment for space processing

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    A core facility capable of performing a majority of materials processing experiments is discussed. Experiment classes are described, the needs peculiar to each experiment type are outlined, and projected facility requirements to perform the experiments are treated. Control equipment (automatic control) and variations of the Czochralski method for use in space are discussed

    The van Hove distribution function for Brownian hard spheres: dynamical test particle theory and computer simulations for bulk dynamics

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    We describe a test particle approach based on dynamical density functional theory (DDFT) for studying the correlated time evolution of the particles that constitute a fluid. Our theory provides a means of calculating the van Hove distribution function by treating its self and distinct parts as the two components of a binary fluid mixture, with the `self' component having only one particle, the `distinct' component consisting of all the other particles, and using DDFT to calculate the time evolution of the density profiles for the two components. We apply this approach to a bulk fluid of Brownian hard spheres and compare to results for the van Hove function and the intermediate scattering function from Brownian dynamics computer simulations. We find good agreement at low and intermediate densities using the very simple Ramakrishnan-Yussouff [Phys. Rev. B 19, 2775 (1979)] approximation for the excess free energy functional. Since the DDFT is based on the equilibrium Helmholtz free energy functional, we can probe a free energy landscape that underlies the dynamics. Within the mean-field approximation we find that as the particle density increases, this landscape develops a minimum, while an exact treatment of a model confined situation shows that for an ergodic fluid this landscape should be monotonic. We discuss possible implications for slow, glassy and arrested dynamics at high densities.Comment: Submitted to Journal of Chemical Physic

    Average of trial peaks versus peak of average profile : impact on change of direction biomechanics

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    The aims of this study were twofold: firstly, to compare lower limb kinematic and kinetic variables during a sprint and 90° cutting task between two averaging methods of obtaining discrete data (peak of average profile vs. average of individual trial peaks); secondly, to determine the effect of averaging methods on participant ranking of each variable within a group. Twenty-two participants, from multiple sports, performed a 90° cut, whereby lower limb kinematics and kinetics were assessed via 3D motion and ground reaction force (GRF) analysis. Six of the eight dependent variables (vertical and horizontal GRF; hip flexor, knee flexor, and knee abduction moments, and knee abduction angle) were significantly greater (p ≤ 0.001, g = 0.10-0.37, 2.74-10.40%) when expressed as an average of trial peaks compared to peak of average profiles. Trivial (g ≤ 0.04) and minimal differences (≤ 0.94%) were observed in peak hip and knee flexion angle between averaging methods. Very strong correlations (ρ ≥ 0.901, p <0.001) were observed for rankings of participants between averaging methods for all variables. Practitioners and researchers should obtain discrete data based on the average of trial peaks because it is not influenced by misalignments and variations in trial peak locations, in contrast to the peak from average profile

    The Mid-IR and X-ray Selected QSO Luminosity Function

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    We present the J-band luminosity function of 1838 mid-infrared and X-ray selected AGNs in the redshift range 0<z<5.85. These luminosity functions are constructed by combining the deep multi-wavelength broad-band observations from the UV to the mid-IR of the NDWFS Bootes field with the X-ray observations of the XBootes survey and the spectroscopic observations of the same field by AGES. Our sample is primarily composed of IRAC-selected AGNs, targeted using modifications of the Stern et al.(2005) criteria, complemented by MIPS 24 microns and X-ray selected AGNs to alleviate the biases of IRAC mid-IR selection against z~4.5 quasars and AGNs faint with respect to their hosts. This sample provides an accurate link between low and high redshift AGN luminosity functions and does not suffer from the usual incompleteness of optical samples at z~3. We find that the space density of the brightest quasars strongly decreases from z=3 to z=0, while the space density of faint quasars is at least flat, and possibly increasing, over the same redshift range. At z>3 we observe a decrease in the space density of quasars of all brightnesses. We model the luminosity function by a double power-law and find that its evolution cannot be described by either pure luminosity or pure density evolution, but must be a combination of both. Our best-fit model has bright and faint power-law indices consistent with the low redshift measurements based on the 2QZ and 2SLAQ surveys and it generally agrees with the number of bright quasars predicted by other LFs at all redshifts. If we construct the QSO luminosity function using only the IRAC-selected AGNs, we find that the biases inherent to this selection method significantly modify the behavior of phi*(z) only for z<1 and have no significant impact upon the characteristic magnitude M*_J(z).Comment: Corrected minor typo in equations (4) and (6). Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal. 56 pages + 6 tables + 16 figure

    A fault-tolerant multiprocessor architecture for aircraft, volume 1

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    A fault-tolerant multiprocessor architecture is reported. This architecture, together with a comprehensive information system architecture, has important potential for future aircraft applications. A preliminary definition and assessment of a suitable multiprocessor architecture for such applications is developed