114 research outputs found

    Научные разработки ИЧМ в области брикетирования мелкофракционных шихтовых материалов

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    Рассмотрены разработки Института черной металлургии по горячему и холодному брикетированию мелкофракционных сырьевых материалов и промышленных отходов. Описана методология проведения работ от лабораторных исследований до разработки технологии и прессового оборудования. Показаны результаты промышленного внедрения разработок в последние годы, перспектив ность их дальнейшего развития

    Role of conflict in shaping fertility preferences in Rwanda

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    Conflicts affect the social and economic conditions that could account for the stall in fertility decline in Sub-Saharan Africa. For Rwanda, the total fertility rate decreased very rapidly to 6.1 in the eighties but stalled at that level in the nineties. Part of the stall can be attributed to a lack of fertility control, but the question is whether social upheaval also affects fertility preferences. We identify three mechanisms through which the Rwanda conflict have led to a preference for larger families: mortality experience, modernization and the attitudes of third parties.Using data from DHS, we tested the contribution of these mechanisms to the preference for small, medium or large families. With the exception of sibling mortality, there is a strong impact of these mechanisms on the preference for large families, yet they do not fully account for the shifts in preferences over the years

    Migratie en Ruimte

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    Migratie en Ruimte

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    Migratie en Ruimte

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    Neighbourhood immigrant concentration effects on migrant and native youth’s educational commitments, an enquiry into personality differences

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    Part of the research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007–2013) / ERC Grant Agreement n. 615159 (ERC Consolidator Grant DEPRIVEDHOODS, Socio-spatial inequality, deprived neighbourhoods, and neighbourhood effects) and from the Marie Curie programme under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007–2013) / Career Integration Grant n. PCIG10-GA-2011-303728 (CIG Grant NBHCHOICE, Neighbourhood choice, neighbourhood sorting, and neighbourhood effects).In the literature examining neighbourhood effects on educational outcomes, the socialisation mechanism is usually investigated by looking at the association between neighbourhood characteristics and educational attainment. The step in between, that adolescents actually internalise educational norms held by residents, is often assumed. We attempt to fill this gap by looking at how the internalisation of educational norms (commitments) is influenced by neighbourhoods’ immigrant concentration. We investigate this process for both migrant and native youth, as both groups might be influenced differently by immigrant concentrations. To test our hypothesis we used longitudinal panel data with five waves (N = 4255), combined with between-within models which control for a large portion of potential selection bias. These models have an advantage over naïve OLS models in that they predict the effect of change in neighbourhood characteristics on change in educational commitment, and therefore offer a more dynamic approach to modelling neighbourhood effects. Our results show that living in neighbourhoods with higher proportions of immigrants increases the educational commitments of migrant youth compared to living in neighbourhoods with lower proportions. Besides, we find that adolescents with a resilient personality experience less influence of the neighbourhood context on educational commitments than do adolescents with non-resilient personalities.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Zelfbouw in reflectie: evaluatie SEV-experimenten (C)PO/MO

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    Dit rapport betreft een evaluatie van circa 60 projecten die de Stuurgroep Experimenten Volkshuisvesting (SEV) in de afgelopen 10 à 15 jaar heeft ondersteund met betrekking tot (collectief) particulier en medeopdrachtgeverschap in de woningbouw. Aanleiding daartoe werd gevormd door de algemene behoefte aan meer keuzevrijheid en meer markt in de Nederlandse woningbouw. Tegelijkertijd werd indertijd verondersteld dat particulier opdrachtgeverschap beter aan zou sluiten bij de behoefte van de woonconsumenten, alsmede sneller en goedkoper te realiseren zou zijn dan de reguliere seriematige nieuwbouw. Als zodanig stonden deze doelstellingen ook centraal in de VROM beleidsnota „Mensen, Wensen, Wonen‟ van 2000. Mede naar aanleiding van de in de Tweede Kamer algemeen aanvaarde motie Van Gent/Duivesteijn, werd zelfs beoogd om vanaf 2005 ongeveer 1/3 van de nieuw te bouwen woningen in particulier opdrachtgeverschap te realiseren. Desalniettemin hebben (collectief) particulier en medeopdrachtgeverschap sindsdien niet zo‟n hoge vlucht gekend als beoogd. Het richtgetal van 33,3% van de totale bouwproductie is bij lange na niet gehaald. Sterker nog, daar waar midden jaren negentig van de afgelopen eeuw 17% van de totale Nederlandse bouwproductie in particulier opdrachtgeverschap werd gerealiseerd, is dit thans nog slechts een ruime 10%. Ook het aandeel van de verhuisgeneigden, die zeggen voor (C)PO/MO te willen gaan is in de afgelopen vier jaar afgenomen van 36% naar 28%

    Different urban settings affect multi-dimensional tourist-resident interactions

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    City centre areas of many tourism destinations are increasingly overcrowding but two tourism development trends are to some extent counterbalancing the crowding phenomenon. Firstly, the decentralisation of tourists aiming to avoid large crowds and product standardisation and, therefore, visiting sites away from the city centre, including suburban areas. Secondly, the rise of ‘new urban tourism’ which means that tourists seek to experience authentic city life in local neighbourhoods. However, systematic examination and comparison of the frequency, intensity and quality of tourist-resident interactions in different urban settings is lacking. This paper does so for tourist-resident interactions in Central (as city centre area), Sha Tin (as suburban area) and Mong Kok (as new urban tourism area) in Hong Kong. The results from the tourist perspective are mostly in line with expectations, only co-presence appeared not to take place relatively less in Sha Tin and focussed interaction not relatively more in Mong Kok. From the perspective of residents, as expected, Sha Tin stands out as a place with less co-presence and less focussed interaction with tourists, and a higher quality of interaction. However, the expectation that Mong Kok as a new urban tourism area would involve both more co-presence and focussed interaction and a lower quality of interaction is not substantiated through our study. Overall, tourists experience a higher quality of interactions than residents, but the asymmetry is smaller in the suburban setting