10 research outputs found

    Emergent Communities in Socio-Cognitive Networks

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    International audienceWe investigate a recent network model [13] which combines social and cognitive features. Each node in the social network holds a (possibly different) cognitive network that represent its beliefs. In this internal cognitive network a node denotes a concept and a link indicates whether the two linked concepts are taken to be of a similar or opposite nature. We show how these networks naturally organise into communities and use this to develop a method that detects communities in social networks. How they organise depends on the social structure and the ratio between the cognitive and social forces driving the propagation of beliefs

    Emergent Communities in Socio-cognitive Networks

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    International audienceWe investigate a recent network model [13] which combines social and cognitive features. Each node in the social network holds a (possibly different) cognitive network that represent its beliefs. In this internal cognitive network a node denotes a concept and a link indicates whether the two linked concepts are taken to be of a similar or opposite nature. We show how these networks naturally organise into communities and use this to develop a method that detects communities in social networks. How they organise depends on the social structure and the ratio between the cognitive and social forces driving the propagation of beliefs

    Approximations for Stochastic Graph Rewriting

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    In this note we present a method to compute approximate descriptions of a class of stochastic systems. For the method to apply, the system must be presented as a Markov chain on a state space consisting in graphs or graph-like objects, and jumps must be described by transformations which follow a finite set of local rules

    Reversible Sesqui-Pushout Rewriting

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    The paper proposes a variant of sesqui-pushout rewriting (SqPO) that allows one to develop the theory of nested application conditions (NACs) for arbitrary rule spans; this is a considerable generalisation compared with existing results for NACs, which only hold for linear rules (w.r.t. a suitable class of monos). Besides this main contribution, namely an adapted shifting construction for NACs, the paper presents a uniform commutativity result for a revised notion of independence that applies to arbitrary rules; these theorems hold in any category with (enough) stable pushouts and a class of monos rendering it weak adhesive HLR. To illustrate results and concepts, we use simple graphs, i.e. the category of binary endorelations and relation preserving functions, as it is a paradigmatic example of a category with stable pushouts; moreover, using regular monos to give semantics to NACs, we can shift NACs over arbitrary rule spans

    Annotation of rule-based models with formal semantics to enable creation, analysis, reuse and visualization

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    Motivation: Biological systems are complex and challenging to model and therefore model reuse is highly desirable. To promote model reuse, models should include both information about the specifics of simulations and the underlying biology in the form of metadata. The availability of computationally tractable metadata is especially important for the effective automated interpretation and processing of models. Metadata are typically represented as machine-readable annotations which enhance programmatic access to information about models. Rule-based languages have emerged as a modelling framework to represent the complexity of biological systems. Annotation approaches have been widely used for reaction-based formalisms such as SBML. However, rule-based languages still lack a rich annotation framework to add semantic information, such as machine-readable descriptions, to the components of a model. Results: We present an annotation framework and guidelines for annotating rule-based models, encoded in the commonly used Kappa and BioNetGen languages. We adapt widely adopted annotation approaches to rule-based models. We initially propose a syntax to store machine-readable annotations and describe a mapping between rule-based modelling entities, such as agents and rules, and their annotations. We then describe an ontology to both annotate these models and capture the information contained therein, and demonstrate annotating these models using examples. Finally, we present a proof of concept tool for extracting annotations from a model that can be queried and analyzed in a uniform way. The uniform representation of the annotations can be used to facilitate the creation, analysis, reuse and visualization of rule-based models. Although examples are given, using specific implementations the proposed techniques can be applied to rule-based models in general. Availability and implementation: The annotation ontology for rule-based models can be found at http://purl.org/rbm/rbmo. The krdf tool and associated executable examples are available at http://purl.org/rbm/rbmo/krdf. Contact: or [email protected]

    Thermodynamic graph-rewriting

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    International audienceWe develop a new thermodynamic approach to stochastic graph-rewriting. The ingredients are a finite set of reversible graph-rewriting rules called generating rules, a finite set of connected graphs P called energy patterns and an energy cost function. The idea is that the generators define the qualitative dynamics, by showing which transformations are possible, while the energy patterns and cost function specify the long-term probability π\pi of any reachable graph. Given the generators and energy patterns, we construct a finite set of rules which (i) has the same qualitative transition system as the generators; and (ii) when equipped with suitable rates, defines a continuous-time Markov chain of which π\pi is the unique fixed point. The construction relies on the use of site graphs and a technique of `growth policy' for quantitative rule refinement which is of independent interest. This division of labour between the qualitative and long-term quantitative aspects of the dynamics leads to intuitive and concise descriptions for realistic models (see the examples in S4 and S5). It also guarantees thermodynamical consistency (AKA detailed balance), otherwise known to be undecidable, which is important for some applications. Finally, it leads to parsimonious parameterizations of models, again an important point in some applications