707 research outputs found

    Natural Language for Hardware Verification: Semantic Interpretation and Model Checking

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    odel checking, which allows the designer to check that certain desired properties hold of the system. However, the normal 1 a b s 0 b c s 1 a c s 2 s 0 s 1 s 0 s 1 s 2 s 2 s 1 s 0 Figure 1: A CTL structure and corresponding computation tree requirement that specifications be expressed in temporal logic has proved an obstacle to its adoption by circuit designers---hence the motivation for a natural language interface. 2.2 Computation Tree Logic The SMV program implements a model checking algorithm where circuit properties are expressed in the temporal logic CTL [CES86]. In models of CTL, the temporal order < defines a tree which branches towards the future. CTL formulas that start with A express necessity. AG f is true at a time<F

    Z/i1 hybrid virulence plasmids carrying antimicrobial resistance genes in s. Typhimurium from australian food animal production

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    © MDPI AG. All rights reserved. Knowledge of mobile genetic elements that capture and disseminate antimicrobial resistance genes between diverse environments, particularly across human–animal boundaries, is key to understanding the role anthropogenic activities have in the evolution of antimicrobial resistance. Plasmids that circulate within the Enterobacteriaceae and the Proteobacteria more broadly are well placed to acquire resistance genes sourced from separate niche environments and provide a platform for smaller mobile elements such as IS26 to assemble these genes into large, complex genomic structures. Here, we characterised two atypical Z/I1 hybrid plasmids, pSTM32-108 and pSTM37-118, hosting antimicrobial resistance and virulence associated genes within endemic pathogen Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium 1,4,[5],12:i:-, sourced from Australian swine production facilities during 2013. We showed that the plasmids found in S. Typhimurium 1,4,[5],12:i:-are close relatives of two plasmids identified from Escherichia coli of human and bovine origin in Australia circa 1998. The older plasmids, pO26-CRL125 and pO111-CRL115, encoded a putative serine protease autotransporter and were host to a complex resistance region composed of a hybrid Tn21-Tn1721 mercury resistance transposon and composite IS26 transposon Tn6026. This gave a broad antimicrobial resistance profile keyed towards first generation antimicrobials used in Australian agriculture but also included a class 1 integron hosting the trimethoprim resistance gene dfrA5. Genes encoding resistance to ampicillin, trimethoprim, sulphonamides, streptomycin, aminoglycosides, tetracyclines and mercury were a feature of these plasmids. Phylogenetic analyses showed very little genetic drift in the sequences of these plasmids over the past 15 years; however, some alterations within the complex resistance regions present on each plasmid have led to the loss of various resistance genes, presumably as a result of the activity of IS26. These alterations may reflect the specific selective pressures placed on the host strains over time. Our studies suggest that these plasmids and variants of them are endemic in Australian food production systems

    The combinatorics of resource sharing

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    We discuss general models of resource-sharing computations, with emphasis on the combinatorial structures and concepts that underlie the various deadlock models that have been proposed, the design of algorithms and deadlock-handling policies, and concurrency issues. These structures are mostly graph-theoretic in nature, or partially ordered sets for the establishment of priorities among processes and acquisition orders on resources. We also discuss graph-coloring concepts as they relate to resource sharing.Comment: R. Correa et alii (eds.), Models for Parallel and Distributed Computation, pp. 27-52. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 200

    Lonely but avoidant—the unfortunate juxtaposition of loneliness and self-disgust

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    Loneliness is prevalent worldwide and is a known risk factor for numerous physical and mental health outcomes. The health consequences of chronic loneliness coupled with the cost on public health care has necessitated the development of interventions and campaigns to end loneliness globally. According to a recent meta-analysis, such interventions focus on improving social skills, increasing opportunities for social contact/support (i.e., reducing social isolation) or addressing maladaptive cognition (e.g., irrational thoughts, self-defeating, and self-blame thoughts). The results showed that changing maladaptive thoughts offer “the best chance” for alleviating feelings of loneliness. In accordance with the latter approach, this paper proposes a new paradigm in understanding and treating loneliness that takes into account self-disgust, an aversive self-conscious affective state that reflects disgust directed towards the self. Based on findings from published and unpublished data, it is argued that interventions against loneliness that focus exclusively on improving social skills and increasing opportunities for social contact may be ineffective because lonelier people experience more self-disgust, which makes them more socially inhibited and reluctant to connect with other people. Future interventions should consider self-disgust in the treatment of loneliness and explore ways to counter feelings of self-disgust

    Of, By, and For Which People? Government and Contested Heritage in the American Midwest

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    Two government-owned and managed heritage sites in Indiana, USA, offer an opportunity to explore the role of governments in adjudicating the competing paradigms of value and contested uses. Strawtown Koteewi is a Hamilton County park and Mounds State Park is part of the Indiana Department of Natural Resources statewide park system. Each site has come under scrutiny in recent years. Strawtown Koteewi is one of the most significant sites in the area for understanding the history of Native peoples. After almost a decade of archaeological excavations, several Native American groups, under the auspices of the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), initiated repatriation processes for the recovery of human remains, and some objected to the ongoing archaeological research. At Mounds State Park a coalition of citizens opposed a planned dam project intended to ensure a safe and plentiful water supply and to spur economic development in the area. In each case, the government entities have had to navigate the political landscapes of competing claims about the sites. These case studies expose the fissures between authorized heritage discourse and the paradigms of meaning among the diverse constituencies of the sites, and they highlight the tenuous position of public governance in privileging competing cultural, economic, and social interests. While not unique, the state and county agencies’ positions within these fields of power and their strategic choices reveal some of the barriers and constraints that limit their actions as well as the deep-seated ideologies of policies that perpetuate settler colonial politics in the control and interpretation of indigenous heritage

    HCN Channels Are Not Required for Mechanotransduction in Sensory Hair Cells of the Mouse Inner Ear

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    The molecular composition of the hair cell transduction channel has not been identified. Here we explore the novel hypothesis that hair cell transduction channels include HCN subunits. The HCN family of ion channels includes four members, HCN1-4. They were orginally identified as the molecular correlates of the hyperpolarization-activated, cyclic nucleotide gated ion channels that carry currents known as If, IQ or Ih. However, based on recent evidence it has been suggested that HCN subunits may also be components of the elusive hair cell transduction channel. To investigate this hypothesis we examined expression of mRNA that encodes HCN1-4 in sensory epithelia of the mouse inner ear, immunolocalization of HCN subunits 1, 2 and 4, uptake of the transduction channel permeable dye, FM1-43 and electrophysiological measurement of mechanotransduction current. Dye uptake and transduction current were assayed in cochlear and vestibular hair cells of wildtype mice exposed to HCN channel blockers or a dominant-negative form of HCN2 that contained a pore mutation and in mutant mice that lacked HCN1, HCN2 or both. We found robust expression of HCNs 1, 2 and 4 but little evidence that localized HCN subunits in hair bundles, the site of mechanotransduction. Although high concentrations of the HCN antagonist, ZD7288, blocked 50–70% of the transduction current, we found no reduction of transduction current in either cochlear or vestibular hair cells of HCN1- or HCN2- deficient mice relative to wild-type mice. Furthermore, mice that lacked both HCN1 and HCN2 also had normal transduction currents. Lastly, we found that mice exposed to the dominant-negative mutant form of HCN2 had normal transduction currents as well. Taken together, the evidence suggests that HCN subunits are not required for mechanotransduction in hair cells of the mouse inner ear

    Small-scale coexistence of two mouse lemur species (Microcebus berthae and M. murinus) within a homogeneous competitive environment

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    Understanding the co-occurrence of ecologically similar species remains a puzzling issue in community ecology. The species-rich mouse lemurs (Microcebus spec.) are distributed over nearly all remaining forest areas of Madagascar with a high variability in species distribution patterns. Locally, many congeneric species pairs seem to co-occur, but only little detailed information on spatial patterns is available. Here, we present the results of an intensive capture–mark–recapture study of sympatric Microcebus berthae and M. murinus populations that revealed small-scale mutual spatial exclusion. Nearest neighbour analysis indicated a spatial aggregation in Microcebus murinus but not in M. berthae. Although the diet of both species differed in proportions of food categories, they used the same food sources and had high feeding niche overlap. Also, forest structure related to the spatial distribution of main food sources did not explain spatial segregation because parts used by each species exclusively did not differ in density of trees, dead wood and lianas. We propose that life history trade-offs that result in species aggregation and a relative increase in the strength of intra-specific over inter-specific competition best explain the observed pattern of co-occurrence of ecologically similar congeneric Microcebus species

    Neuronal Shot Noise and Brownian 1/f21/f^2 Behavior in the Local Field Potential

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    We demonstrate that human electrophysiological recordings of the local field potential (LFP) from intracranial electrodes, acquired from a variety of cerebral regions, show a ubiquitous 1/f21/f^2 scaling within the power spectrum. We develop a quantitative model that treats the generation of these fields in an analogous way to that of electronic shot noise, and use this model to specifically address the cause of this 1/f21/f^2 Brownian noise. The model gives way to two analytically tractable solutions, both displaying Brownian noise: 1) uncorrelated cells that display sharp initial activity, whose extracellular fields slowly decay and 2) rapidly firing, temporally correlated cells that generate UP-DOWN states