25 research outputs found

    Clinical-morphological characteristics and peculiarities of treatment of paraururicular fistulas in children

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    The aim: Determining the frequency of occurrence of paraauricular fistula in children and comparing the results of their own experience regarding their clinical manifestations, treatment principles and morphological features with existing scientific data. Materials and methods: The results of a comprehensive examination and surgical treatment of 25 children with paraauricular fistulas. Results: Most often, para-auricular fistula was observed in infants 22 – (88%). In 18 persons (72%), they were unilateral, in 10 – (40%) hereditary. In 8 – (32%), fistula was diagnosed immediately after birth. In 17 – (68%) the pathology was not clinically manifested, but was an accidental finding during the next medical examination. Morphological research has shown that congenital paraauricular fistula is a formed canal intimately associated with the epithelium and cartilage, and the presence of epithelial lining on the fistula wall with constant support of the inflammatory process makes it impossible to heal even against the background of multicomponent treatment. Conclusions: Due to the topographic-anatomical localization, features of the clinic of the born fistula, surgical treatment does not always allow to achieve the desired results, and requires repeated interventions during recurrence. It is possible to prevent recurrence by the extensive use of additional diagnostic manipu

    The impact of regular physical activity on fatigue, depression and quality of life in persons with multiple sclerosis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The purpose of this study was to compare fatigue, depression and quality of life scores in persons with multiple sclerosis who do (Exercisers) and do not (Non-exercisers) regularly participate in physical activity.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A cross-sectional questionnaire study of 121 patients with MS (age 25–65 yr) living in Queensland, Australia was conducted. Physical activity level, depression, fatigue and quality of life were assessed using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire, Health Status Questionnaire Short Form 36, Becks Depression Inventory and Modified Fatigue Impact Scale.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>52 participants performed at least two 30-min exercise sessions·wk<sup>-1 </sup>(Exercisers) and 69 did not participate in regular physical activity (Non-exercisers). Exercisers reported favourable fatigue, depression and quality of life scores when compared to Non-exercisers. Significant weak correlations were found between both leisure-time and overall reported physical activity levels and some subscales of the quality of life and fatigue questionnaires. Additionally, some quality of life subscale scores indicated that regular physical activity had a greater benefit in subjects with moderate MS.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Favourable fatigue, depression and quality of life scores were reported by persons with MS who regularly participated in physical activity, when compared to persons with MS who were classified as Non-exercisers.</p

    Coronectomy as a method for surgical treatment of impacted mandibular third molars

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    У статті наведено результати ретроспективного аналізу архівного матеріалу та власних спостережень 32 клінічних випадків проведення коронектомії третіх нижніх молярів. Проведено систематизацію показань до проведення операції, дана характеристику особливостей перебігу післяопераційного періоду з акцентуванням уваги на необхідності рентгенологічного контролю та вимірювання відстані міграції коренів після оперативного втручання. Виникнення сенсорних порушень після коронектомії 3НМ спостерігалось при С2-С3 положенні за класифікацією G.Pell, B.Gregory (1933) та при мезіоангулярному і вертикальному положенні за класифікацією G.Winter (1926). Середнє арифметичне значення відстані міграції коренів у групі спостереження становило 3.6 мм±1,69 за 12 місяців післяопераційного періоду. Оптимальним терміном повторного оперативного втручання з метою видалення коренів є інтервал від 12 до 24 місяців після коронектомії ЗНМ. В статье приведены результаты ретроспективного анализа архивного материала и собственных наблюдений 32 клинических случаев проведения коронектомии третьих нижних моляров. Проведена систематизация показаний к проведению операции, данная характеристика особенностей течения послеоперационного периода с акцентированием внимания на необходимости рентгенологического контроля и измерения расстояния миграции корней после оперативного вмешательства. Возникновение сенсорных нарушений после коронектомии 3НМ наблюдалось при С2-С3 положении по классификации G.Pell, B.Gregory (1933) и при мезиоангулярному и вертикальном положении по классификации G.Winter (1926). Среднее арифметическое значение расстояния миграции корней в группе наблюдения составило 3,6±1,69 мм за 12 месяцев послеоперационного периода. Оптимальным сроком повторного оперативного вмешательства с целью удаления корней является интервал от 12 до 24 месяцев после коронектомии ОНР. The article presents the archival material retrospective analysis results and own observations of 32 clinical cases with the third lower molars coronectomy. Systematization of indications for the operation has been performed, as well as characteristics of the postoperative period features, focusing on the need for radiological monitoring and measuring the distance of the roots migration after surgery. The occurrence of sensory impairments after coronectomy of 3NM was observed at the C2-C3 position according to the G.Pell, B.Gregory classification (1933) and at the mesio-angular and vertical position according to the G.Winter classification (1926). The arithmetic mean of the distance of migration of roots in the observation group was 3.6 ± 1.69 mm over 12 months of the postoperative period. The optimal period of reoperation for root removal is the interval from 12 to 24 months after the coronectomy of the OHP

    Disease modifying treatments and symptomatic drugs for cognitive impairment in multiple sclerosis: where do we stand?

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    Abstract Cognitive dysfunction is frequent in multiple sclerosis patients and has important and negative consequences for daily activities and quality of life of subjects. Disease modifying treatments for multiple sclerosis reduce the incidence of relapses and may prevent disease progression, but the influence on cognitive impairment is unclear, due to several limitations of the available studies. Moreover, symptomatic drugs for the improvement of already established cognitive deficits have been tested in small pilot studies, providing conflicting or mainly negative results. Currently, specific pharmacological therapies for the management of cognitive deficits in MS have not yet been developed. We will provide an updated overview of available evidence of pharmacological approaches for ameliorating cognitive deficits, based either on disease modifying treatments or symptomatic drugs