64 research outputs found

    Provision of mental health care to healthcare workers during COVID-19: A call for the practice of vulnerability.

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    Significance:The Commentary outlines the lived experience of a liaison psychiatrist working as part of a frontline COVIDteam in a large public hospital in Cape Town, South Africa and explores several important themes including vulnerability in health care, connection with patient experience, group processing of trauma, reintegration following trauma, and the importance of embedded mental health care in all health systems. The frontline psychological experience has been similar to wartime combat and the collective stressors experienced by healthcare workers must be recognised as such to ensure appropriate support is provided to help them recover

    The relationship between neurocognitive disorders, prospective memory impairment and white matter damage in clade C HIV-positive subjects

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    Includes bibliographical references.AIMS: To examine the relationship between prospective memory, cognitive function and Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI)/ White matter integrity of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) positive individuals in the Western Cape. We hypothesize that: 1. Individuals infected with HIV will exhibit significantly poorer microstructural integrity of the white matter than HIV negative individuals, as determined by in vivo diffusion tensor imaging. We expect that values of fractional anisotropy (FA) - a measure of directional water diffusion- in the frontal white matter will be significantly lower among HIV patients compared to controls 2. Lower FA measured in the frontal white matter will correlate significantly with impaired performance on tests of prospective memor

    Children’s experience and attitudes towards the police, personal safety and public spaces: findings from the 2009/10 British Crime Survey interviews with children aged 10 to 15, supplementary volume 3 to Crime in England and Wales 2009/10

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    The British Crime Survey (BCS) is a face-to-face victimisation survey of around 46,000 adults resident in households in England and Wales. The survey has been carried out since 19821, asking adults aged 16 or over about their experiences of crime in the 12 months prior to interview as well as their attitudes towards different crime-related issues such as the police, criminal justice system, and perceptions of crime and anti-social behaviour. One of the key recommendations of crime statistics reviews carried out in 2006 was that the BCS should be extended to include populations currently not covered by the survey, for example, people aged under 16 (Smith, 2006; Statistics Commission, 2006). An announcement was made in May 2008 that the BCS would be extended to include children aged 10 to 15 following independent expert advice (Pickering et al., 2008). After a period of testing, development and consultation, data collection began in January 2009. A methodological report detailing all aspects of this process was published on 21 October 2010 (see Fitzpatrick et al., 2010)

    Pre-exposure prophylaxis as an opportunity for engagement in HIV prevention among South African adolescents

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    Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) offers a potential biomedical strategy to reduce HIV incidence among adolescent populations disproportionately affected by HIV. There is limited evidence on the social and clinical implications, including engagement in HIV prevention efforts, of PrEP for South African adolescents, who face high HIV risk. We conducted a mixed-methods study in Western Cape, South Africa from 2015 to 2016. Adolescents (N = 35) aged 16–17 and clinical service providers working with adolescents (N = 25) were recruited from community and clinic settings. Adolescents and service providers completed a survey about their overall perceptions of PrEP and completed interviews guided by semi-structured protocols. We performed descriptive analysis of quantitative data using SPSS and thematic analysis of qualitative data using NVivo. The majority of adolescents endorsed future PrEP use for themselves and partners, and all clinical service providers endorsed future PrEP use for sexually active adolescents. Both adolescents and service providers identified PrEP as an opportunity to engage youth as active participants in HIV prevention. Service providers also viewed PrEP as a potential mechanism for shifting life trajectories. Findings from this study enhance our understanding of the considerations needed to engage adolescents and clinical service providers in the roll-out of oral PrEP in South Africa

    Topological organization of whole-brain white matter in HIV infection

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    Infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is associated with neuroimaging alterations. However, little is known about the topological organization of whole-brain networks and the corresponding association with cognition. As such, we examined structural whole-brain white matter connectivity patterns and cognitive performance in 29 HIV+ young adults (mean age = 25.9) with limited or no HIV treatment history. HIV+ participants and demographically similar HIV− controls (n = 16) residing in South Africa underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and neuropsychological testing. Structural network models were constructed using diffusion MRI-based multifiber tractography and T(1)-weighted MRI-based regional gray matter segmentation. Global network measures included whole-brain structural integration, connection strength, and structural segregation. Cognition was measured using a neuropsychological global deficit score (GDS) as well as individual cognitive domains. Results revealed that HIV+ participants exhibited significant disruptions to whole-brain networks, characterized by weaker structural integration (characteristic path length and efficiency), connection strength, and structural segregation (clustering coefficient) than HIV− controls (p < 0.05). GDSs and performance on learning/recall tasks were negatively correlated with the clustering coefficient (p < 0.05) in HIV+ participants. Results from this study indicate disruption to brain network integrity in treatment-limited HIV+ young adults with corresponding abnormalities in cognitive performance

    Neuropsychological outcomes in adults commencing highly active anti-retroviral treatment in South Africa: a prospective study.

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    BACKGROUND: Infection with HIV may result in significant neuropsychological impairment, especially in late stage disease. To date, there have been no cohort studies of the impact of highly active anti-retroviral treatment (HAART) in South Africa where clade C HIV is predominant. METHODS: Participants in the current study were recruited from a larger study of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND) and included a group of individuals commencing HAART (n = 82). Baseline and one-year neuropsychological function was assessed using a detailed battery, and summary global deficit scores (GDS) obtained. Associations with change in GDS were calculated. RESULTS: Participants had a median CD4 cell count of 166 at baseline and 350 at follow-up. There were significant difference across groups of GDS severity at baseline with respect to level of education and GDS change at one year (p = 0.00 and 0.00 respectively). Participants with severe impairment at baseline improved significantly more than those with lesser degrees of impairment. Significant improvements were observed in the domains of attention, verbal fluency, motor function, and executive functions. There were unadjusted associations between GDS change and male gender, lower levels of education, baseline CD4 count and baseline GDS severity. In an adjusted model, only baseline GDS severity (p = 0.00) remained significant, with a lower level of education nearing significance (p = 0.05). The overall model was highly significant (p = 00; r-squared = 0.58). DISCUSSION: In individuals in late stage HIV commencing HAART in South Africa, those with severe baseline neuropsychological impairment improved significantly more than those less impaired. While improvement across a number of neuropsychological domains was observed, high rates of impairment persisted. CONCLUSIONS: The effects of HAART and participant variables, such as test experience, require clarification. Studies with larger comparison groups, and where HIV disease characteristics are needed to establish whether the trends we identified are clinically meaningful

    The impact of brain lesion characteristics and the corticospinal tract wiring on mirror movements in unilateral cerebral palsy.

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    Mirror movements (MM) influence bimanual performance in children with unilateral cerebral palsy (uCP). Whilst MM are related to brain lesion characteristics and the corticospinal tract (CST) wiring pattern, the combined impact of these neurological factors remains unknown. Forty-nine children with uCP (mean age 10y6mo) performed a repetitive squeezing task to quantify similarity (MM-similarity) and strength (MM-intensity) of the MM activity. We used MRI data to evaluate lesion type (periventricular white matter, N = 30; cortico-subcortical, N = 19), extent of ipsilesional damage, presence of bilateral lesions, and damage to basal ganglia, thalamus and corpus callosum. The CST wiring was assessed with Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (17 CSTcontralateral, 16 CSTipsilateral, 16 CSTbilateral). Data was analyzed with regression analyses. In the more-affected hand, MM-similarity and intensity were higher with CSTbilateral/ipsilateral. In the less-affected hand, MM-similarity was higher in children with (1) CSTcontra with CSC lesions, (2) CSTbilat/ipsi with PVL lesions and (3) CSTbilat/ipsi with unilateralized lesions. MM-intensity was higher with larger damage to the corpus callosum and unilateral lesions. A complex combination of neurological factors influences MM characteristics, and the mechanisms differ between hands

    Developing family interventions for adolescent HIV prevention in South Africa.

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    Adolescents and young people account for 40% of all new HIV infections each year, with South Africa one of the hardest hit countries, and having the largest population of people living with HIV. Although adolescent HIV prevention has been delivered through diverse modalities in South Africa, and although family-based approaches for adolescent HIV prevention have great potential for highly affected settings such as South Africa, there is a scarcity of empirically tested family-based adolescent HIV preventive interventions in this setting. We therefore conducted focus groups and in-depth interviews with key informants including clinicians, researchers, and other individuals representing organizations providing HIV and related health services to adolescents and parents (N = 82). We explored family perspectives and interactions around topics such as communication about sex, HIV, and relationships. Participants described aspects of family interactions that presented both challenges and opportunities for family-based adolescent HIV prevention. Parent-child communication on sexual topics were taboo, with these conversations perceived by some adults as an invitation for children to engage in HIV risk behavior. Parents experienced social sanctions for discussing sex and adolescents who asked about sex were often viewed as disrespectful and needing discipline. However, participants also identified context-appropriate strategies for addressing family challenges around HIV prevention including family meetings, communal parenting, building efficacy around parent-adolescent communication around sexual topics, and the need to strengthen family bonding and positive parenting. Findings indicate the need for a family intervention and identify strategies for development of family-based interventions for adolescent HIV prevention. These findings will inform design of a family intervention to be tested in a randomized pilot trial (ClinicalTrials.gov #NCT02432352)

    Methods of deliberate self-harm in a tertiary hospital in South Africa

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    CITATION: Pieterse, D. et al. 2020. Methods of deliberate self-harm in a tertiary hospital in South Africa. South African Journal of Psychiatry, 26:a1399, doi:10.4102/sajpsychiatry.v26i0.1399.The original publication is available at https://sajp.org.zaBackground: Little is known about the methods of deliberate self-harm (DSH) in South Africa (SA), despite the importance of means restriction as a public health strategy to reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with self-harm. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the range of methods used in DSH and identify the socio-demographic and clinical factors associated with violent and non-violent methods of DSH among patients treated at a tertiary hospital in SA. Setting: The study was conducted at an urban, tertiary level emergency department at Groote Schuur hospital in Cape Town, South Africa. Method: Data were collected from 238 consecutive DSH patients who presented for emergency department treatment at the hospital. Logistic regression models were used to explore the factors associated with violent and non-violent methods of DSH. Results: Self-poisoning was the most common method of self-harm (80.3%). Prescription medication was the most common form of self-poison (57.6%), while a large number of patients used non-prescription paracetamol (40.9%). In the regression analysis, male gender, stating that the reason for DSH was to escape a situation and history of substance use were associated with violent method of DSH. Conclusion: Improved monitoring of prescription medications commonly used in DSH is integral to public health suicide prevention strategies in SA. This study underscores the need for substance use interventions in the healthcare setting.South African Medical Research Councilhttps://sajp.org.za/index.php/sajp/article/view/1399Publisher's versio

    Identifying and prioritising unanswered research questions for people with hyperacusis: James Lind Alliance Hyperacusis Priority Setting Partnership

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    Objective To determine research priorities in hyperacusis that key stakeholders agree are the most important. Design/setting A priority setting partnership using two international surveys, and a UK prioritisation workshop, adhering to the six-staged methodology outlined by the James Lind Alliance. Participants People with lived experience of hyperacusis, parents/carers, family and friends, educational professionals and healthcare professionals who support and/or treat adults and children who experience hyperacusis, including but not limited to surgeons, audiologists, psychologists and hearing therapists. Methods The priority setting partnership was conducted from August 2017 to July 2018. An international identification survey asked respondents to submit any questions/uncertainties about hyperacusis. Uncertainties were categorised, refined and rephrased into representative indicative questions using thematic analysis techniques. These questions were verified as ‘unanswered’ through searches of current evidence. A second international survey asked respondents to vote for their top 10 priority questions. A shortlist of questions that represented votes from all stakeholder groups was prioritised into a top 10 at the final prioritisation workshop (UK). Results In the identification survey, 312 respondents submitted 2730 uncertainties. Of those uncertainties, 593 were removed as out of scope, and the remaining were refined into 85 indicative questions. None of the indicative questions had already been answered in research. The second survey collected votes from 327 respondents, which resulted in a shortlist of 28 representative questions for the final workshop. Consensus was reached on the top 10 priorities for future research, including identifying causes and underlying mechanisms, effective management and training for healthcare professionals. Conclusions These priorities were identified and shaped by people with lived experience, parents/carers and healthcare professionals, and as such are an essential resource for directing future research in hyperacusis. Researchers and funders should focus on addressing these priorities.Additional co-authors: Tracey Pollard, Helen Henshaw, Toto A Gronlund, Derek J Hoar
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