38 research outputs found


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    Humor in dakwah has an important position. The difficult material can be accepted by mad'u easily. Beside to attract attention, humor also can be used as a tool of education for mad'u and as a tool critic to against inequality that happens in society without loss the basic character of smooth and not provocative. Using improper of humor will cause a blurring the essence and purpose dakwah. There are four ethical criteria of humor which must be considered by dai. First, humor educative is humor which has the content of educating and the mission of enlightenment. Second, critical humor is humor who stimulate dai to do analysis a number of inequality and imbalance reality of life. Third, not racist, humor not contains insult, desecration, stigmatic against someone, institution, religion, race, and class. Fourth, doesn’t contain pornographic. Humor is not exploit sensational body through talk of dirty and porn.***Humor dalam dakwah menempati posisi penting. Materi yang sulit dapat dengan mudah dicerna mad’u melalui humor. Selain untuk menarik perhatian, humor juga bisa digunakan sebagai sarana edukasi mad’u dan bahkan dapat dipakai sebagai alat kritik tajam terhadap ketimpangan yang terjadi di masyarakat dengan tanpa kehilangan karakter dasarnya yang halus serta tidak provokatif. Namun penggunaan humor yang tidak tepat akan menyebabkan kaburnya esensi dan tujuan dakwah. Terdapat empat kriteria etis humor yang harus diperhatikan dai yaitu Pertama, humor edukatif yakni humor yang memiliki kandungan pesan mendidik dan membawa misi pencerahan, Kedua, humor kritis yakni humor yang menstimulus dai untuk melakukan analisis terhadap sejumlah ketimpangan dan ketidakseimbangan realitas kehidupan, Ketiga, tidak rasis, humor tidak berisi hinaan, penodaan, dan citraan stigmatis terhadap seseorang, lembaga, agama, ras, atau golongan, Keempat, Tidak berunsur pornografi, yaitu humor yang tidak mengeksploitasi tubuh dan sensasional badaniyah melalui pembicaraan jorok dan porno


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    Humor in dakwah has an important position. The difficult material can be accepted by mad'u easily. Beside to attract attention, humor also can be used as a tool of education for mad'u and as a tool critic to against inequality that happens in society without loss the basic character of smooth and not provocative. Using improper of humor will cause a blurring the essence and purpose dakwah. There are four ethical criteria of humor which must be considered by dai. First, humor educative is humor which has the content of educating and the mission of enlightenment. Second, critical humor is humor who stimulate dai to do analysis a number of inequality and imbalance reality of life. Third, not racist, humor not contains insult, desecration, stigmatic against someone, institution, religion, race, and class. Fourth, doesn’t contain pornographic. Humor is not exploit sensational body through talk of dirty and porn.***Humor dalam dakwah menempati posisi penting. Materi yang sulit dapat dengan mudah dicerna mad’u melalui humor. Selain untuk menarik perhatian, humor juga bisa digunakan sebagai sarana edukasi mad’u dan bahkan dapat dipakai sebagai alat kritik tajam terhadap ketimpangan yang terjadi di masyarakat dengan tanpa kehilangan karakter dasarnya yang halus serta tidak provokatif. Namun penggunaan humor yang tidak tepat akan menyebabkan kaburnya esensi dan tujuan dakwah. Terdapat empat kriteria etis humor yang harus diperhatikan dai yaitu Pertama, humor edukatif yakni humor yang memiliki kandungan pesan mendidik dan membawa misi pencerahan, Kedua, humor kritis yakni humor yang menstimulus dai untuk melakukan analisis terhadap sejumlah ketimpangan dan ketidakseimbangan realitas kehidupan, Ketiga, tidak rasis, humor tidak berisi hinaan, penodaan, dan citraan stigmatis terhadap seseorang, lembaga, agama, ras, atau golongan, Keempat, Tidak berunsur pornografi, yaitu humor yang tidak mengeksploitasi tubuh dan sensasional badaniyah melalui pembicaraan jorok dan porno

    Analisis Struktur Mikro, Nilai Kekerasan dan Ketahanan Oksidasi Campuran NiCrBSi-40SiC, NiCrBSi-40WC-Co dan Cr3C2-20NiCr Pada Proses Pelapisan HVOF

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    Komponen water wall tube yang terdapat pada boiler tipe circulating fluidized bed (CFB) bekerja pada temperatur sangat tinggi (800–900oC) dan beroperasi pada lingkungan yang abrasive. Kondisi kerja tersebut sering mengakibatkan terjadinya degradasi pada komponen water wall tube. Proses degradasi yang sering terjadi diantaranya adalah pengikisan dan oksidasi temperatur tinggi. Salah satu cara yang bisa dilakukan untuk mengatasi permasalahan ini adalah dengan mengaplikasikan pelapisan dengan jenis pelapisan tahan aus dan oksidasi yang memiliki konduktifitas termal yang baik, seperti High Velocity Oxygen Fuel (HVOF) coating dengan menggunakan bahan pelapis berupa carbide–metal (cermet) alloys. Pada penelitian ini pelapisan dilakukan pada plat baja karbon rendah dengan variasi bahan pelapis berupa NiCrBSi-40SiC, NiCrBSi-40WC-Co dan Cr3C2-20NiCr. Proses pelapisan dilakukan menggunakan peralatan HVOF. Metode pengujian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah pengujian kekerasan mikro, pengamatan struktur mikro dan pengujian siklus termal. Dari penelitian ini didapatkan hasil bahwa struktur mikro lapisan NiCrBSi-40WC-Co dan NiCrBSi-40SiC memiliki struktur lapisan yang padat dengan sedikit porositas, tidak ada retakan dan mempunyai persebaran karbida yang merata. Sedangkan pada lapisan Cr3C2-20NiCr terdapat banyak porositas yang disebabkan oleh unmelted particle. Kualitas ikatan antara substrate dan lapisan pada interface dari ketiga spesimen terlihat bagus. Nilai kekerasan mikro tertinggi sebesar 859 HV didapat pada lapisan NiCrBSi-40WC-Co, hal ini membuktikan bahwa penggunaan karbida tungsten (WC) memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap nilai kekerasan lapisan. Proses pelapisan pada material mampu mengurangi laju oksidasi temperatur tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan material tanpa pelapisan. ======================================================================================================= The water wall tube of a circulating fluidized bed (CFB) boiler works at very high temperatures (800-900oC) and operates in an abrasive environment. Such working conditions often result in degradation of the water wall tube. Degradation processes that often occur include the erosion and high temperature oxidation. One way to cope with this problem is by using thin wear and oxidation resistant coatings with good thermal conductivities, such as High Velocity Oxygen Fuel (HVOF) coating using cermet (carbide–metal) alloys. In this research, low carbon steel was used as substrate with a variety of feedstock materials such as NiCrBSi-40SiC, NiCrBSi-40WC-Co and Cr3C2-20NiCr. The coating process was carried out using HVOF equipment. Micro-hardness test, microstructure observation and thermocyclic oxidation tests are the testing method used in this research. The result of this research has shown that the typical cross-sectional microstructures of the HVOF-sprayed NiCrBSi-40WC-Co and NiCrBSi-40SiC has dense structure with low porosity, crack-free and has uniform carbide. While in Cr3C2-20NiCr there are many porosity caused by unmelted particle. Adherence between substrate and coating in all specimen seems to be good with a low presence of either cracks or voids in the interface. Maximum value of about 859 HV was obtained from the coating NiCrBSi-40WC-Co, it proves that the use of tungsten carbide (WC) had a significant effect on the coating hardness. The application of coating process on the material is capable of reducing the high temperature oxidation rate when compared to the material without coating

    The Uniqueness of Islamic Journalism at the Indonesian Islamic Universities in the Digital Age

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    Islamic journalism has been intensely discussed among Islamic Universities in Indonesia. This study at least can be identified into three models. First, is the study of Islamic journalism as an activity that informs issues, events and phenomena related to Islamic values. Second, is the study of Islamic journalism as an Islamic way and method of journalistic activities. Third, the study of journalism as Islamic principles is the basis for journalistic activities. This study aims to complement the previous studies that gave few concerns to a comprehensive understanding of Islamic journalism, particularly the different concept with journalism studies. This study relies on primary and secondary data using a qualitative descriptive approach. Primary data was taken from Focus Group Discussion (FGD) by inviting 6 heads of the Islamic Journalism Study Program of Islamic Universities, lecturers, practitioners of journalistic and media, alumni, and communication students. At the same time, the secondary data was taken from the academic curriculum of several journalistic programs across the archipelago, namely UIN Walisongo Semarang, UNPAD Bandung, UGM Yogyakarta, UNDIP Semarang, UNAIR Surabaya, UI Jakarta, and other online sources. This study found that each university has uniqueness in formulating its curriculum, especially in integrating the concepts of Journalism and Islam

    Branding fashion muslim (studi analisis brand wearing klamby)

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    The halal industry in Indonesia is undergoing development. This is supported by 87.17% of Indonesia's population are Muslims. One of the growing industries is the Muslim clothing industry.  Modest fashion, a term for fashion trends with a more polite and closed fashion concept. One of the famous Muslim fashions is Wearing Klamby. A local fashion brand from Yogyakarta whose collections have local content. This paper aims to see how Muslim fashion branding is used by Wearing Klamby. During of competition in the Muslim fashion business, branding is an important thing as a form of differentiation with other products, Brand can give life to a product. Branding Wearing Klamby as a product that loves the country is shown with the tagline " The Beauty Indonesia in your daily wear". WearingKlamby is one of the strong fashion products in its Branding. This paper uses a qualitative method with descriptive type with analytic using 7 principles of Fashion Branding according to Bruno Hasson. The data was obtained from social media and news. The results of this paper show that Klamby uses 7 principles of Fashion Branding Bruno Hasson in forming Muslim fashionbranding Wearing Klamby including creating a logo that Stands Out, Building Myths about Brands, Creating evocative Events, using celebrity endorsers, making members as living brand, and do it your way. The existence of the brand can form brand loyalty to consumers Wearing Klamby


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    The aims of this study were to identify the morphometric measurements and body weights of Thin-tailed ewe, examine the qualitative characteristics of ewe and examine the close relationship between body weight and other body measurements. This study used 40 female Thin-tailed Ewe aged under 1 year. The method used was purposive sampling. Parameters observed were face length, ear length, chest circumference, chest width, chest depth, body length, shoulder height, hip height, hip width, front leg length, hind leg length, tail length and body weight. Data were analyzed using correlation and simple linear regression analysis. The results showed that the qualitative characteristics of Thin-Tailed ewes were small body shape, white fur color with black spots around the eyes, nose and other body parts. The morphometric measurements most closely related to body weight were chest width and chest circumference. Based on the result, it can be concluded that the determination value in the chest, the equation from chest determination can be used to predict body weight of Thin-Tailed ewe. the equation of y = 1.2118x - 10.532 means that every 9.52 cm increase in the chest will be accompanied by an increase in body weight of 1 kg.   Keywords: Body Weight, Ewe, Morphometri

    Branding fashion muslim (studi analisis brand wearing klamby)

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    The halal industry in Indonesia is undergoing development. This is supported by 87.17% of Indonesia's population are Muslims. One of the growing industries is the Muslim clothing industry.  Modest fashion, a term for fashion trends with a more polite and closed fashion concept. One of the famous Muslim fashions is Wearing Klamby. A local fashion brand from Yogyakarta whose collections have local content. This paper aims to see how Muslim fashion branding is used by Wearing Klamby. During of competition in the Muslim fashion business, branding is an important thing as a form of differentiation with other products, Brand can give life to a product. Branding Wearing Klamby as a product that loves the country is shown with the tagline " The Beauty Indonesia in your daily wear". WearingKlamby is one of the strong fashion products in its Branding. This paper uses a qualitative method with descriptive type with analytic using 7 principles of Fashion Branding according to Bruno Hasson. The data was obtained from social media and news. The results of this paper show that Klamby uses 7 principles of Fashion Branding Bruno Hasson in forming Muslim fashionbranding Wearing Klamby including creating a logo that Stands Out, Building Myths about Brands, Creating evocative Events, using celebrity endorsers, making members as living brand, and do it your way. The existence of the brand can form brand loyalty to consumers Wearing Klamby

    Optimasi Molase dan Tibicos sebagai Media Fermentasi dalam Memproduksi Nutraceutical Feed Additive Menggunakan Response Surface Methodology (RSM)

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    ABSTRAK Molase merupakan hasil samping industri gula tebu yang biasa digunakan dalam proses fermentasi. kandungan molase seperti sukrosa bisa digunakan media pertumbuhan bakteri asam laktat dan yeast sebagai sumber probiotik ternak. Optimasi parameter fermentasi molase memegang peranan yang penting dalam keberhasilan dalam menghasilkan komponen bahan organik, disamping jenis mikroorganisme yang digunakan. Penambahan konsentrasi inokulum (tibicos), konsentrasi molase, dan lama fermentasi menjadi hal yang utama untuk dioptimasi agar bakteri asam laktat dan asam organik  dihasilkan optimal dan waktunya efisien menggunakan response surface methodology (RSM). Metode RSM berguna untuk menentukan nilai-nilai perlakuan (molase, tibicos, lama fermentasi dengan respon optimal terdiri dari 15 perlakuan faktorial bertujuan untuk menentukan variabel tetap dan variabel bebas. Penambahan tibicos dan lama fermentasi berpengaruh signifikan (P<0,05) terhadap jumlah bakteri asam laktat, namun interaksi antara konsentrasi molase dan kosentrasi tibicos (P<0,05) memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap respon pada tingkat probabilitas 95%. Interaksi kosentrasi tibicos dan lama fermentasi (P<0,05) memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap jumlah bakteri asam laktat. hasil optimasi, diperoleh nilai optimum kosentrasi molase 12,5%, Kosentrasi tibicos 10% dan waktu fermentasi 36 jam. Kondisi optimum tersebut diprediksi menghasilkan bakteri asam laktat dan prosentasi asam laktat sebesar 7,30333 log CFU/ml dan 0,386667%.Kata kunci: fermentasi, molase, tibicos, RSMABSTRAK Molasses is a by-product of the cane sugar industry which is commonly used in the fermentation process. Molasses such as sucrose can be used as a growth media for lactic acid bacteria and yeast as a source of animal probiotics. Optimization of molasses fermentation parameters plays an essential role in the success in producing components of organic matter, in addition to the types of microorganisms used. The RSM method is useful for determining treatment values (molasses, tibicos, fermentation time with optimal responses consisting of 15 factorial treatments aimed at determining fixed variables and independent variables. The addition of tibicos and fermentation time has a significant effect (P<0.05) on the number of bacteria lactic acid, but the interaction between the concentration of molasses and the concentration of tibicos (P<0.05) has a significant influence on the response at a probability level of 95%. Lactic acid optimization results obtained the optimum value of molasses concentration 12.5%, tibicos concentration 10% and fermentation time of 36 hours. The optimum conditions are predicted to produce lactic acid bacteria and lactic acid percentage of 7.30333 log CFU/ml and 0.386667 %.Keywords: fermentation, molasses, tibicos, RS


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    In general, the smoke fish Processing Society is a society with a lack of knowledge, so that the smoking equipment is not equipped with chimneys because of the expensive production cost, the marination using a simple tool-less Practical and unproductive. So, it is necessary to develop a semi-modern fumigation technology and the community is easy to use. Smoking cabinet utilization as an alternative to environmentally friendly smoking methods is the time to apply in Indonesia. The problem faced by partners in the process of the daily fish smoking worker using the extra power to back the smoked fish, the coal fan and the harmful for the worker is the smoke issued by the fuel so that it can Interfere with the worker's breathing and make sore eyes. By looking at the conditions in the community in processing the smoked fish are done in a traditional and long time, so the need for a more efficient fish-sucking equipment, to help improve the process of smoking fish and reducing air pollution. From the results of this devotion produced a fish smoke machine with a capacity of 10 kg, 60 Watt motor power with an average temperature of 76oC. This smoke machine can reduce the moisture content contained in fish by approximately 10%. Besides, the partners understand the use and maintenance of equipment and with such tools can reduce air pollution

    Gen Z voter behavior in the 2024 presidential election: A virtual ethnographic study on the Instagram accounts of presidential candidates

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    The 2024 presidential and vice-presidential general election is a topic that is being highlighted by the public, including young voters or what could be called Gen Z. The use of Instagram media by three presidential candidates to launch self-introductions and election campaigns is a reference for Gen Z voters in providing comments and assessment. This research aims to determine the behavior of Gen Z voters in the 2024 presidential election using qualitative ethnographic methods and descriptive analysis. The findings of this study show that Gen Z's behavior in responding to the 2024 presidential election includes two behaviors, namely rational and irrational. The rational behavior of Gen Z is shown by assessing the vision and mission of the presidential candidate pair and their track record of achievements. In contrast, the irrational behavior of Gen Z voters is shown by assessing the presidential candidate pair based on exciting content or popularity, even though it lacks substance. Therefore, these findings contribute to the development of user-based discourse that can deconstruct the dominance of discourse by those in power. This aligns with Islamic communication values in the form of 'freedom of action,' which guarantees each individual to accept or reject a discourse.***Pemilihan umum presiden dan wakil presiden 2024 menjadi topik yang disoroti oleh khalayak, termasuk para pemilih muda atau bisa disebut Gen Z.   Penggunaan media instagram oleh tiga kandidat calon presiden untuk melancarkan pengenalan diri dan kampanye pemilu menjadi rujukan pemilih gen Z dalam memberikan komentar dan penilaian. Riset ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perilaku pemilih Gen Z pada Pilpres 2024, dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif netnografis dan analisis deskriptif. Hasil temuan kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa perilaku Gen Z dalam menyikapi Pilpres 2024 meliputi dua perilaku, yaitu perilaku rasional dan irasional. Perilaku rasional Gen Z ditampilkan dengan menilai visi dan misi pasangan calon presiden serta track record prestasinya., sedangkan perilaku irasional pemilih Gen Z ditunjukkan dengan memberikan penilaian kepada pasangan calon presiden berdasarkan konten yang menarik atau kepopuleran meskipun minim substansi. Oleh karena itu, temuan ini berkontribusi bagi pengembangan wacana berbasis pengguna yang dapat mendekonstruksi dominasi wacana oleh penguasa. Hal ini sejalan dengan nilai-nilai komunikasi Islam berupa ‘kebebasan berbuat’ yang menjamin setiap individu untuk menerima atau menolak suatu wacana