349 research outputs found

    Simulation of multiangular remote sensing products using small satellite formations

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    To completely capture the multiangular reflectance of an opaque surface, one must estimate the bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF), which seeks to represent variations in surface reflectance as a function of measurement and illumination angles at any time instant. The gap in angular sampling abilities of existing single satellites in Earth observation missions can be complemented by small satellites in formation flight. The formation would have intercalibrated spectrometer payloads making reflectance measurements, at many zenith and azimuthal angles simultaneously. We use a systems engineering tool coupled with a science evaluation tool to demonstrate the performance impact and mission feasibility. Formation designs are generated and compared to each other and multisensor single spacecraft, in terms of estimation error of BRDF and its dependent products such as albedo, light use efficiency (LUE), and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI). Performance is benchmarked with respect to data from previous airborne campaigns (NASA's Cloud Absorption Radiometer), and tower measurements (AMSPEC II), and assuming known BRDF models. Simulations show that a formation of six small satellites produces lesser average error (21.82%) than larger single spacecraft (23.2%), purely in terms of angular sampling benefits. The average monolithic albedo error of 3.6% is outperformed by a formation of three satellites (1.86%), when arranged optimally and by a formation of seven to eight satellites when arranged in any way. An eight-satellite formation reduces albedo errors to 0.67% and LUE errors from 89.77% (monolithic) to 78.69%. The average NDVI for an eight satellite, nominally maintained formation is better than the monolithic 0.038

    Intra-cluster globular clusters around NGC 1399 in Fornax?

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    Aims. We investigate whether the globular clusters (GCs) in the recently published sample of GCs in the Fornax cluster by Bergond and coworkers are indeed intra-cluster objects. Methods. We combine their catalogue of radial velocity measurements with our CTIO MOSAIC photometry in the Washington system and analyse the relation of metal-poor and metal-rich GCs with their host galaxies. Results. The metal-rich GCs appear to be kinematically associated with their respective host galaxies. The vast majority of the metal-poor GCs found in between the galaxies of the Fornax cluster have velocities that are consistent with their being members of the very extended NGC 1399 GC system. We find that when the sample is restricted to the most accurate velocity measurements, the GC velocity dispersion profile can be described with a mass model derived for the NGC 1399 GC system, within 80kpc. We identify one "vagrant" GC whose radial velocity suggests that it is not bound to any galaxy unless its orbit has a very large apogalactic distance.Facultad de Ciencias AstronĂłmicas y GeofĂ­sica

    An improved image fusion approach based on enhanced spatial and temporal the adaptive reflectance fusion model

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    High spatiotemporal resolution satellite imagery is useful for natural resource management and monitoring for land-use and land-cover change and ecosystem dynamics. However, acquisitions from a single satellite can be limited, due to trade-offs in either spatial or temporal resolution. The spatial and temporal adaptive reflectance fusion model (STARFM) and the enhanced STARFM (ESTARFM) were developed to produce new images with high spatial and high temporal resolution using images from multiple sources. Nonetheless, there were some shortcomings in these models, especially for the procedure of searching spectrally similar neighbor pixels in the models. In order to improve these modelsâ?? capacity and accuracy, we developed a modified version of ESTARFM (mESTARFM) and tested the performance of two approaches (ESTARFM and mESTARFM) in three study areas located in Canada and China at different time intervals. The results show that mESTARFM improved the accuracy of the simulated reflectance at fine resolution to some extent

    A search for massive UCDs in the Centaurus Galaxy Cluster

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    We recently initiated a search for ultra-compact dwarf galaxies (UCDs) in the Centaurus galaxy cluster (Mieske et al. 2007), resulting in the discovery of 27 compact objects with -12.2<M_V<-10.9 mag. Our overall survey completeness was 15-20% within 120 kpc projected clustercentric distance. In order to better constrain the luminosity distribution of the brightest UCDs in Centaurus, we continue our search by substantially improving our survey completeness specifically in the regime M_V<-12 mag (V_0<21.3 mag). Using VIMOS at the VLT, we obtain low-resolution spectra of 400 compact objects with 19.3<V_0<21.3 mag (-14<M_V<-12 mag at the Centaurus distance) in the central 25' of the Centaurus cluster, which corresponds to a projected radius of ~150 kpc. Our survey yields complete area coverage within ~120 kpc. For 94% of the sources included in the masks we successfully measure a redshift. Due to incompleteness in the slit assignment, our final completeness in the area surveyed is 52%. Among our targets we find three new UCDs in the magnitude range -12.2<M_V<-12 mag, hence at the faint limit of our survey. One of them is covered by archival HST WFPC2 imaging, yielding a size estimate of r_h <= 8-9 pc. At 95% confidence we can reject the hypothesis that in the area surveyed there are more than 2 massive UCDs with M_V<-12.2 mag and r_eff <=70 pc. Our survey hence confirms the extreme rareness of massive UCDs. We find that the radial distributions of Centaurus and Fornax UCDs with respect to their host clusters' centers agree within the 2 sigma level.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, accepted as Research Note for A&

    The specific frequencies of ultra-compact dwarf galaxies

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    We aim at quantifying the specific frequency of UCDs in a range of environments and at relating this to the frequency of globular clusters (GCs) and potential progenitor dwarf galaxies. Are the frequencies of UCDs consistent with being the bright tail of the GC luminosity function (GCLF)? We propose a definition for the specific frequency of UCDs, S_{N,UCD}=N_{UCD}*10^{0.4*(M_{V,host}-M_{V,0})}*c_{w}. The parameter M_{V,0} is the zeropoint of the definition, chosen such that the specific frequency of UCDs is the same as those of globular clusters, S_{N,GC}, if UCDs follow a simple extrapolation of the GCLF. The parameter c_{w} is a correction term for the GCLF width sigma. We apply our definition of S_{N,UCD} to results of spectroscopic UCD searches in the Fornax, Hydra and Centaurus galaxy clusters, two Hickson Compact Groups, and the Local Group. This includes a large database of 180 confirmed UCDs in Fornax. We find that the specific frequencies derived for UCDs match those of GCs very well, to within 10-50%. The ratio {S_{N,UCD}}/{S_{N,GC}} is 1.00 +- 0.44 for the four environments Fornax, Hydra, Centaurus, and Local Group, which have S_{N,GC} values. This good match also holds for individual giant galaxies in Fornax and in the Fornax intracluster-space. The error ranges of the derived UCD specific frequencies in the various environments then imply that not more than 50% of UCDs were formed from dwarf galaxies. We show that such a scenario would require >90% of primordial dwarfs in galaxy cluster centers (<100 kpc) to have been stripped of their stars. We conclude that the number counts of UCDs are fully consistent with them being the bright tail of the GC population. From a statistical point of view there is no need to invoke an additional formation channel.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, A&A accepted. Press release http://www.aanda.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=788&Itemid=27

    The upward shift in altitude of pine mistletoe ( Viscum album ssp. austriacum ) in Switzerland—the result of climate warming?

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    Pine mistletoe (Viscum album ssp. austriacum) is common in natural Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forests in the alpine Rhone Valley, Switzerland. This semi-parasite, which is regarded as an indicator species for temperature, increases the drought stress on trees and may contribute to the observed pine decline in the region. We recorded mistletoes on representative plots of the Swiss National Forest Inventory ranging from 450 to 1,550m a.s.l. We found mistletoe on 37% of the trees and on 56% of all plots. Trees infested with mistletoe had a significantly higher mortality rate than non-infested trees. We compared the current mistletoe occurrence with records from a survey in 1910. The current upper limit, 1,250m, is roughly 200m above the limit of 1,000-1,100m found in the earlier survey 100 years ago. Applying a spatial model to meteorological data we obtained monthly mean temperatures for all sites. In a logistic regression mean winter temperature, pine proportion and geographic exposition significantly explained mistletoe occurrence. Using mean monthly January and July temperatures for 1961-1990, we calculated Skre's plant respiration equivalent (RE) and regressed it against elevation to obtain the RE value at the current mistletoe elevation limit. We used this RE value and temperature from 1870-1899 in the regression and found the past elevation limit to be at 1,060m, agreeing with the 1910 survey. For the predicted temperature rise by 2030, the limit for mistletoe would increase above 1,600m altitud

    A search for ultra-compact dwarf galaxies in the Centaurus galaxy cluster

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    Aim: To extend the investigations of ultra-compact dwarf galaxies (UCDs) beyond the well studied Fornax and Virgo clusters. Methods: We measured spectroscopic redshifts of about 400 compact object candidates with 19.2 < V < 22.4 mag in the central region of the Centaurus galaxy cluster (d=43Mpc), using VIMOS@VLT. The luminosity range of the candidates covers that of bright globular clusters (GCs) and of UCDs in Fornax and Virgo. Results: We confirm the cluster membership of 27 compact objects, covering an absolute magnitude range -12.2 < M_V < -10.9 mag. We do not find counterparts to the two very large and bright UCDs in Fornax and Virgo with M_V=-13.5 mag, possibly due to survey incompleteness. The compact objects' distribution in magnitude and space is consistent with that of the GC population. Their kinematics and spatial distribution associate them to the central galaxies rather than to the overall cluster potential. The compact objects have a mean metallicity consistent with that of the metal-rich globular cluster sub-population. Compact objects with high S/N spectra exhibit solar [alpha/Fe] abundances, consistent with typical dwarf elliptical galaxy values and unlike galactic bulge globular clusters. HST based size estimates for a sub-sample of eight compact objects reveal the existence of one very large object with half-light radius r_h around 30 pc, having M_V=-11.6 mag (~10^7 M_sun). This source shows super-solar [alpha/Fe] abundances. Seven further sources are only marginally larger than typical GCs with r_h in the range 4 to 10 pc. Conclusions: We consider the largest compact object found to be the only bona-fide UCD detected in our study. In order to improve our understanding of UCDs in Centaurus, a significant increase of our survey completeness is necessary.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    The dark matter halo of NGC 1399 - CDM or MOND?

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    Context: Central galaxies in galaxy clusters may be key discriminants in the competition between the cold dark matter (CDM) paradigm and modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND). Aims: We investigate the dark halo of NGC 1399, the central galaxy of the Fornax cluster, out to a galactocentric distance of 80 kpc. Methods: The data base consists of 656 radial velocities of globular clusters obtained with MXU/VLT and GMOS/Gemini, which is the largest sample so far for any galaxy. We performed a Jeans analysis for a non-rotating isotropic model. Results: An NFW halo with the parameters rs = 50 kpc and gs = 0.0065 M⊙/pc3 provides a good description of our data, fitting well to the X-ray mass. More massive halos are also permitted that agree with the mass of the Fornax cluster as derived from galaxy velocities. We compare this halo with the expected MOND models under isotropy and find that additional dark matter on the order of the stellar mass is needed to get agreement. A fully radial infinite globular cluster system would be needed to change this conclusion. Conclusions: Regarding CDM, we cannot draw firm conclusions. To really constrain a cluster wide halo, more data covering a larger radius are necessary. The MOND result appears as a small-scale variant of the finding that MOND in galaxy clusters still needs dark matter.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y GeofísicasInstituto de Astrofísica de La Plat

    Progress in Remote Sensing of Photosynthetic Activity over the Amazon Basin

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    Although quantifying the massive exchange of carbon that takes place over the Amazon Basin remains a challenge, progress is being made as the remote sensing community moves from using traditional, reflectance-based vegetation indices, such as the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), to the more functional Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI). This new index, together with satellite-derived estimates of canopy light interception and Sun-Induced Fluorescence (SIF), provide improved estimates of Gross Primary Production (GPP). This paper traces the development of these new approaches, compares the results of their analyses from multiple years of data acquired across the Amazon Basin and suggests further improvements in instrument design, data acquisition and processing. We demonstrated that our estimates of PRI are in generally good agreement with eddy-flux tower measurements of photosynthetic light use efficiency (epsilon) at four sites in the Amazon Basin: r(exp 2) values ranged from 0.37 to 0.51 for northern flux sites and to 0.78for southern flux sites. This is a significant advance over previous approaches seeking to establish a link between global-scale photosynthetic activity and remotely-sensed data. When combined with measurements of Sun-Induced Fluorescence (SIF), PRI provides realistic estimates of seasonal variation in photosynthesis over the Amazon that relate well to the wet and dry seasons. We anticipate that our findings will steer the development of improved approaches to estimate photosynthetic activity over the tropics

    Remote Sensing of Tropical Ecosystems: Atmospheric Correction and Cloud Masking Matter

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    Tropical rainforests are significant contributors to the global cycles of energy, water and carbon. As a result, monitoring of the vegetation status over regions such as Amazonia has been a long standing interest of Earth scientists trying to determine the effect of climate change and anthropogenic disturbance on the tropical ecosystems and its feedback on the Earth's climate. Satellite-based remote sensing is the only practical approach for observing the vegetation dynamics of regions like the Amazon over useful spatial and temporal scales, but recent years have seen much controversy over satellite-derived vegetation states in Amaznia, with studies predicting opposite feedbacks depending on data processing technique and interpretation. Recent results suggest that some of this uncertainty could stem from a lack of quality in atmospheric correction and cloud screening. In this paper, we assess these uncertainties by comparing the current standard surface reflectance products (MYD09, MYD09GA) and derived composites (MYD09A1, MCD43A4 and MYD13A2 - Vegetation Index) from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) onboard the Aqua satellite to results obtained from the Multi-Angle Implementation of Atmospheric Correction (MAIAC) algorithm. MAIAC uses a new cloud screening technique, and novel aerosol retrieval and atmospheric correction procedures which are based on time-series and spatial analyses. Our results show considerable improvements of MAIAC processed surface reflectance compared to MYD09/MYD13 with noise levels reduced by a factor of up to 10. Uncertainties in the current MODIS surface reflectance product were mainly due to residual cloud and aerosol contamination which affected the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI): During the wet season, with cloud cover ranging between 90 percent and 99 percent, conventionally processed NDVI was significantly depressed due to undetected clouds. A smaller reduction in NDVI due to increased aerosol levels was observed during the dry season, with an inverse dependence of NDVI on aerosol optical thickness (AOT). NDVI observations processed with MAIAC showed highly reproducible and stable inter-annual patterns with little or no dependence on cloud cover, and no significant dependence on AOT (p less than 0.05). In addition to a better detection of cloudy pixels, MAIAC obtained about 20-80 percent more cloud free pixels, depending on season, a considerable amount for land analysis given the very high cloud cover (75-99 percent) observed at any given time in the area. We conclude that a new generation of atmospheric correction algorithms, such as MAIAC, can help to dramatically improve vegetation estimates over tropical rain forest, ultimately leading to reduced uncertainties in satellite-derived vegetation products globally
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