15 research outputs found

    Gisi Marimas: Giat Literasi Dengan Makan Bergizi Dan Minum Yang Sehat Bersama Perpustakaan Cemerlang Desa Watualang

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    Abstract; This article discusses the importance of eating nutritious food and drinking healthy which is echoed by the Watualang Village Cemerlang Library to the community. Cemerlang Library is a library transformation based on social inclusion that focuses on community welfare and as a problem solver for phenomena that occur in society. One of the breakthroughs of social inclusion is the Cemerlang library of Watualang village in the form of the "Gisi Marimas" activity which stands for "Active Literacy by Eating Nutritious and Drinking Healthy". The research method is in the form of descriptive qualitative, by describing words and statements as well as evaluating validity through cross-checking of information sources. The results of the research show that the Watualang village Cemerlang library intensively organizes progressive activities in the form of food processing practicum activities. The results of Gisi Marimas can support the body's source of nutrition and energy. Regular consumption of healthy food can also provide many benefits, ranging from boosting immunity, strengthening muscles and bones, reducing the risk of chronic disease, improving digestion, and maintaining ideal body weight. Keywords; Literacy, Nutritious Food, Healthy Drinks, Brilliant Library of Watualang Village, Social Inclusio

    Sedulur Sikep Samin: antara Pandangan dan Sistem Pengetahuan

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    This article discusses the knowledge system that exists in the community, along with Samin's Sikep, which has been reaping the pros and cons of the community. This assessment has become a stigma against Samin's existence from the past until now. This paper is a reflection of the anthropology carried out by researchers in the context of the knowledge system of the Sedulur Sikep Samin Blora community. The formulations of the problems in this journal are a) how Sedulur Sikep Samin builds awareness of the knowledge they have, b) how Sedulur Sikep interprets the principles of life in everyday life, c) how Sedulur Sikep builds the symbol of knowledge it has. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative, with the results that describe the knowledge system assumptions of the Sedulur Sikep Samin Blora community to become the identity and symbol of the community itself as a knowledge-based society and a paradoxical, dynamic journey "to the truth", and multidimensional


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    AbstractThe legendary Rempeyek still exists in the modern era. The crunchy, savory and delicious taste is very popular with the public. Because of this large number of enthusiasts, it is necessary to develop rempeyek as a traditional food. One of the UMKM that initiated rempeyek is in Tawun village. This growing UMKM has become a medium for preserving fast food in the form of rempeyek. The aim of this service is to provide assistance to UMKM Rempeyek Risky so that they can change the mindset of teenagers and the community in carrying out creativity. This service is carried out in 3 steps, namely preparation, implementation and reporting. The results obtained are that product marketing is very important in order to attract the attention and interest of the wider community in buying rempeyek products. "RISKY REMPEYEK" is a brand that has developed into an UMKM in Tawun village in introducing or maintaining rempeyek in the modern era by providing many variants of contents such as peanuts, soybeans, and others.Keywords: Rempeyek, Traditional Food, Tawun villag


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    Hanifah Hikmawati. NIM S701508009. 2015. Karakteristik dan Konflik Tokoh Investigator (Al-Muchaqiq) dalam Naskah Drama “Luzu<mu Ma< La< Yalzamu” karya Taufi<q Al-Chaki<m (Pendekatan Psikologi Sastra). Jurusan Kajian Budaya Pascasarjana Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta. Penelitian ini membahas; (1) Bagaimana struktur yang membangun cerita dalam kaitannya dengan peran tokoh utama pada naskah drama “Luzu<mu Ma< La< Yalzamu” berdasarkan teori struktural ‘Abdul-Ba<sith ‘Abdur-Raza<q Badr, (2) Bagaimana karakteristik dan konflik tokoh utama dalam naskah drama “Luzu<mu Ma< La< Yalzamu” berdasarkan teori psikoanalisis Sigmund Freud. Metode dalam penelitian ini ialah kualitatif deskriptif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) Mendeskripsikan struktur yang membangun cerita dalam kaitannya dengan peran tokoh utama pada naskah drama “Luzu<mu Ma< La< Yalzamu” berdasarkan teori struktural ‘Abdul-Ba<sith ‘Abdur-Raza<q Badr, (2) Mendeskripsikan karakteristik dan konflik tokoh utama dalam naskah drama “Luzu<mu Ma< La< Yalzamu” berdasarkan teori psikoanalisis Sigmund Freud. Hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan beberapa hal sebagai berikut; Pertama, kondisi dan perkembangan jiwa seseorang tidak terlepas dari pengaruh eksternal yaitu pengaruh psikologis yang ditimbulkan oleh kekuatan dari luar diri pribadi yang dapat bernilai positif dan negatif. Kondisi dan perkembangan jiwa seseorang tidak terlepas pula dari pengaruh faktor internal yang berasal dari pribadi itu sendiri. Faktor internal ditentukan oleh kekuatan psikis yang ditimbulkan dari ketiga sistem kepribadian yaitu id, ego, superego. Kedua, dalam naskah drama Luzu<mu Ma< La< Yalzamu ini, sebagian besar karakteristik dan konflik yang menyelimuti tokoh utama berasal dari dorongan eksternal. Berbagai kesalahan dan penyimpangan yang dilakukan tokoh lain membuat tokoh utama, investigator, turut merasakan konflik serta mempunyai klasifikasi emosi. Hal ini membuat investigator melakukan mekanisme pertahanan terhadap konflikkonflik yang dihadapinya. Kata Kunci : Karakteristik, Konflik dan Psikologi Sastra

    Diang angon

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    Diang Angon menjadi salah satu potret tradisi perdesaan yang kental dengan menggembala. Anak-anak belia dididik menjadi pribadi giat dengan mengakrabi binatang ternak. Tidak hanya “angon”, masyarakat desa juga terbiasa menyulutkan “diang” untuk mengusir nyamuk dan lalat yang menghinggapi tubuh ternak. Kedua kearifan lokal ini lalu diwariskan secara turun-temurun pada generasi


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    Abstract: This article discusses the results of the village youth Watualang dedication engaged in the field ofreligion as an effort to counter radicalism and improve the quality through education. Islamic Youth Watualang(Riswa) formed on 16 September 2016 the village youth organizations who continue to make innovation andcreativity to uphold the values of peace, brotherhood and unity. The existence of this youth group as well ascontemporary teen mediator associations that give a new color on the style propaganda comfortable. To get to thebottom of what makes this group is born, then formulated some formulation of the problem in ease of discussionand analysis in this article. First, how is the phenomenon of radicalism and terrorism threaten the younggeneration in Indonesia ?. Second, how does the existence of the Islamic Youth Watualang in proselytizing toshield themselves from the dangers of radicalism and terrorism. The method used is descriptive qualitative bypresenting source data from the journal and the results of previous studies, as well as some documentation ofdevotion to Riswa. The results obtained in this devotion is actively carrying out routine readings Riswa Maulidurmessengers in Tadarus Poetry Night event (Matapu), smeinar-seminars, educational outbound, and some otherforms of propaganda

    Oneness of God’s Concept from Rimba Watualang

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    This article examines the intelligence process and attitude of Islamic Teens of Watualang (Remaja Islam Watualang or it is abbreviated as Riswa) which is quite striking in terms of the religious progressivity agenda. The agenda is arranged to have a synergy with the concept of nationalism and nationality. The group comes to the society as the efforts to reaffirm the understanding of Islamic as Ahlussunah Waljamaah in the middle of the religious extremism and radicalism. The encouragement for oneness of God (Tauhid) concept from Riswa becomes the pattern of syncretic Islam. It is implemented by Riswa to convince the teens to promote the moderate concept of Islam. The conception developed over the vision is to foster the pillars of humanity which includes ukhuwah insaniyyah, ukhuwah Islamiyyah, and ukhuwah wathaniyyah. In order to find out the fundamental motivation of Riswa’s establishment, the authors managed two research problems to clearly examine the research findings. They are: (1) What is the reason of the Islamic Teens of Watualang’s establishment? (2) How do the group members implement intelligence attitude to identify the moderate and syncretic pattern of Islamic preaching? The theory of intelligence and adaptation are implemented as a motivational breakdown analysis to obtain Riswa’s legitimacy. The above explanation is elaborated in a descriptive analysis and model forms


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    abstract The existence of tambourine art in the modern era can still be felt through strengthening efforts that continue to be echoed by Muslim communities in rural, urban, and Islamic boarding schools which cannot be separated from the cultural characteristics of the Indonesian people. This journal discusses the youth of Watualang village in maintaining the art of tambourine in the era of globalization and increasingly diverse social challenges. The formulation of the problem in this journal, namely; How is the existence of tambourine art for the youth of Watualang village?, (2) What is the impact of the matapu activity initiated by the youth of Watualang village?. This journal uses a descriptive qualitative method. The results of the study revealed that the existence of tambourine art was still maintained in the form of an activity called "Matapu". Matapu became the integration of tambourine art and youth in Watualang village by implying pure tambourine art as a medium for syiar, da'wah, and interpretation of poetry/poetry. This is an encouragement for the youth of Watualang village to continue to perpetuate the wealth of the archipelago's arts in carrying out Islamic da'wah jihad as well as efforts to embrace the predicate of faith.&nbsp; Keywords: tambourine art, Islamic da'wah, youth in Watualang villageabstrak Eksistensi seni rebana di era modern masih bisa dirasakan melalui upaya-upaya penguatan yang terus digaungkan oleh masyarakat muslim di pedesaan, perkotaan, maupun di pesantren yang tak lepas dari ciri khas kultural masyarakat nusantara. Jurnal ini membahas remaja desa Watualang dalam mempertahankan seni rebana di era globalisasi dan tantangan sosial yang kian beragam. Rumusan masalah dalam jurnal ini, yaitu; Bagaimana eksistensi seni rebana bagi remaja desa Watualang?, (2) Bagaimana dampak dari kegiatan matapu yang digagas remaja desa Watualang?. &nbsp;Jurnal ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa keberadaan seni rebana masih terjaga berupa kegiatan bernama “Matapu”. Matapu menjadi integrasi seni rebana dan remaja desa Watualang dengan mengimplikasikan seni rebana murni sebagai media syiar, dakwah, dan interpretasi terhadap syair/puisi. Hal ini menjadi penyemangat remaja desa Watualang untuk terus melanggengkan kekayaan seni nusantara dalam melangsungkan jihad dakwah Islam sekaligus upaya merengkuh predikat keimanan. Kata kunci : seni rebana, dakwah Islam, remaja desa Watualang

    Agricultural Land, Pesticides and Habitus of Muslim Farmers in Ngawi Regency

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    This article discusses the relationship between humans and nature in terms of the use of agricultural pesticides from the perspective of Pierre Bourdieu. Pesticides are an alternative route chosen by farmers in realizing in organic farming. The lifestyle of Indonesian farmers is the use of agricultural pesticides, which are considered effective in growing crops to get maximum results. The methodology in this article uses descriptive qualitative. The results obtained in this article indicate that farmers' lifestyle or habit of using pesticides is often carried out because pesticides are considered the right solution in farming. However, their use of course also refers to the doses and dosages that have been imposed based on state law provisions and religious recommendations. Islam. The use of pesticides must still pay attention to the conditions of the natural environment by understanding the control of Plant Destruction Organisms (OPT) concerning facilities and methods used in plant protection (including tools and machines, natural enemies, and pesticides) must not disturb health and threaten human safety, cause disturbance and damage to natural resources and or the environment. This government regulation is commensurate with the recommendation of the Islamic religion regarding the permissibility of using pesticides as a lifestyle for farmers, as long as it is not excessive. The use must be following the dosage, and not damage human health and the natural environment