886 research outputs found

    To Level The Playing Field, Develop Interest

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    Individuals do not all come to tasks, activities, or assignments with the same readiness to engage. Differences in the ability to focus, comprehend, or problem-solve can lead to inequalities of outcome and make learners less likely to realize their potential. Given that interest development supports persistence, conscientiousness, and the ability to work with negative feedback, educators and policymakers could help to increase educational opportunity for all by promoting the development of interest. Interest is a cognitive and motivational variable that describes (a) engagement, or participation, with some content (such as physics, writing, or baseball) and also (b) the motivation to continue to seek opportunities to engage with that content: seeking information, posing questions, and tackling challenge. Interest works because the information search it creates is rewarding. The development of interest heightens understanding and sustains engaged work. It also positively influences outcomes such as performance and continued enrollment. Even the development of a little interest can make a difference. Educators and policymakers can enhance educational opportunities by promoting interest development. Methods are described

    Understanding Interest And Self-Efficacy In The Reading And Writing Of Students With Persisting Specific Learning Disabilities During Middle Childhood And Early Adolescence

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    Three methodological approaches were applied to understand the role of interest and self-efficacy in reading and/or writing in students without and with persisting specific learning disabilities (SLDs) in literacy. For each approach students in grades 4 to 9 completed a survey in which they rated 10 reading items and 10 writing items on a Scale 1 to 5; all items were the same but domain varied. The first approach applied Principal Component Analysis with Varimax Rotation to a sample that varied in specific kinds of literacy achievement. The second approach applied bidirectional multiple regressions in a sample of students with diagnosed SLDs-WL to (a) predict literacy achievement from ratings on interest and self-efficacy survey items; and (b) predict ratings on interest and self-efficacy survey items from literacy achievement. The third approach correlated ratings on the surveys with BOLD activation on an fMRI word reading/spelling task in a brain region associated with approach/avoidance and affect in a sample with diagnosed SLDs-WL. The first approach identified two components for the reading items (each correlated differently with reading skills) and two components for the writing items (each correlated differently with writing skills), but the components were not the same for both domains. Multiple regressions supported predicting interest and self-efficacy ratings from current reading achievement, rather than predicting reading achievement from interest and self-efficacy ratings, but also bidirectional relationships between interest or self-efficacy in writing and writing achievement. The third approach found negative correlations with amygdala connectivity for 2 reading items, but 5 positive and 2 negative correlations with amygdala connectivity for writing items; negative correlations may reflect avoidance and positive correlations approach. Collectively results show the relevance and domain-specificity of interest and self-efficacy in reading and writing for students with persisting SLDs in literacy

    Virtuous Insightfulness

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    Insight often strikes us blind; when we aren’t expecting it, we suddenly see a connection that previously eluded us—a kind of ‘Aha!’ experience. People with a propensity to such experiences are regarded as insightful, and insightfulness is a paradigmatic intellectual virtue. What’s not clear, however, is just what it is in virtue of which being such that these experiences tend to happen to one renders one intellectually virtuous. This paper draws from both virtue epistemology as well as empirical work on the psychology of problem solving and creativity to make some inroads in accounting for insightfulness as an intellectual virtue. Important to the view advanced is that virtuously insightful individuals manifest certain skills which both cultivate insight experiences (even if not by directly bringing them about) and enable such individuals to move in an epistemically responsible way from insight experience to epistemic endorsement

    Autoimmun betegségek adatbázisának relációs alapokra helyezése

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    Diplomamunkámban egy orvosi adatbázis létrehozásának lépéseit mutatom be. Az adatbázis egy speciális és ritka autoimmun betegséghez kapcsolódó adatok tárolására jött létre, melyet a III. Belgyógyászati Klinika megrendelésére készítettem. Az elemzés, tervezés modellezés után létrejött egy (legalább) 3NF-ben lévő relációs séma. Ennek feltöltését valós adatokkal az adatmigráció fejezetben részletezem. Legvégül a lekérdezések következnek, melyek a valóságban felmerült problémákra adnak választ.régi képzésProgramtervező matematikus (PTM

    A képzett tér Závada Péter A széplélek című térdrámájáról és annak színpadi adaptációjáról

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    Polimerek degradációjának mértékét és mechanizmusát meghatározó tényezők, valamint a stabilizálás egyes kérdéseinek vizsgálata = Study of the factors determining the extent and mechanism of polymer degradation, as well as certain aspects of its stabilization

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    A poliolefinek degradációját számos tényező befolyásolja. A kutatás célja összefüggések megállapítása volt a poliolefinek - elsősorban a polietilének - előállítási körülményei, a polimer por szerkezete, a feldolgozás során lejátszódó kémiai reakciók, a feldolgozott polimer tulajdonságai, valamint a stabilizátorok típusa és hatékonysága között. A kitűzött cél eléréséhez különböző analitikai módszereket dolgoztunk ki. Összefüggést állapítottunk meg a különböző katalizátorokkal előállított lineáris polietilének kémiai szerkezete, tulajdonságai és stabilitása között. Megállapítottuk, hogy a polimer feldolgozása során lejátszódó kémiai reakciók irányát és sebességét, továbbá a stabilizátorok fogyását a polimer por vinil koncentrációja, valamint a polimerbe beépült oxigéntartalmú csoportok jelentősen befolyásolják. Feltártuk a különböző módszerekkel vizsgált szilárdsági jellemzők és a polimer kémiai szerkezete, valamint reológiai tulajdonságai közötti összefüggéseket. Meghatároztuk három különböző kémiai szerkezetű foszfortartalmú stabilizátor hatékonyságát lineáris polietilénekben, és elemeztük a hatásmechanizmust. Feltártuk az antioxidáns molekulák közötti specifikus kölcsönhatások szerepét a hatékonyságban. Tanulmányoztuk a stabilizátorok hidrolitikus stabilitását és annak hatását a polimer tulajdonságaira, valamint a környezetre. | The degradation of polyolefins is determined by different parameters. The aim of the work was determining relationships between the polymerization conditions of polyolefins - first of all polyethylenes -, the chemical structure of the polymer powder, the chemical reactions during processing, the properties of the polymer processed, as well as the type and the efficiency of antioxidants. Different analytical methods were developed. Relationships were established among the chemical structure of linear polyethylene powder polymerized by different catalysts, the properties and the stability of the polymer processed. It was found that the direction and the rate of chemical reactions, as well as the stabilizer consumption during processing are affected strongly by the vinyl group content of the nascent polymer powder and the oxygen containing groups built in the polymer chain. Relationships were established between the mechanical properties of the film determined by different methods, as well as the chemical structure and the rheological characteristics of the polymer. The efficiency of three phosphorous antioxidants of different chemical structure was determined in linear polyethylenes, and their stabilization mechanism was analyzed. The role of specific interaction between antioxidants in the stabilization efficiency was determined. The hydrolytic stability of antioxidants, as well as its effect on the polymer properties and the environment was studied

    Magyarországon végzett infrarenalis aortaaneurysma-műtétek eredményei az Érsebészeti Regiszter adatai alapján (2010–2014)

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    Absztrakt Bevezetés: A Magyar Angiológiai és Érsebészeti Társaság az Érsebészeti Regiszter létrehozása után elhatározta, hogy az egyes beavatkozások eredményeiről rendszeresen beszámol. Célkitűzés: A szerzők 5 év alatt végzett infrarenalis aortaaneurysma-műtétek eredményeinek bemutatását tűzték ki célul. Módszer: A prospektíven rögzített multicentrikus adatokat retrospektíve dolgozták fel. Az Érsebészeti Regiszter 2010. január 1. és 2014. december 31. közötti adatainak statisztikai elemzéséhez Fischer-féle egzakt próbát és esélyhányadost használtak. Eredmények: Az 1435 beavatkozás 16,72%-ára aneurysmaruptura miatt került sor. A műtétek 78,4%-át 5 nagy betegforgalmú intézet végezte. A rupturált aortaaneurysma csoportba tartozó betegek életkora 71,77±9,82 (átlag±SD) év, a perioperatív mortalitás 33,75%, a nem rupturált aortaaneurysma csoport átlagéletkora 69,50±8,46 év, a perioperatív mortalitás 3,51% volt. Endovascularis beavatkozásoknál mindkét csoportban szignifikánsan kisebb volt a halálozás (rupturált: p<0,05, OR = 0,11; nem rupturált: p<0,05, OR = 0,26), illetve az ápolási időszak (rupturált: p<0,05, OR = 4,55; nem rupturált: p<0,001, OR = 4,27) a nyitott műtétekhez képest. Nagy betegforgalmú intézetekben mindkét csoportban szignifikánsan kisebb volt a halálozás (rupturált: p<0,0001, OR = 0,32; nem rupturált: p<0,0001, OR = 0,23) és az ápolási időszak (rupturált: p<0,05, OR = 3,16; nem rupturált: p<0,001, OR = 3,84) a kis betegforgalmú intézetekhez képest. Következtetések: Stentgraft-implantáció és nagy betegforgalmú intézetek esetében szignifikánsan alacsonyabb a perioperatív mortalitás és a posztoperatív ápolási napok száma. Orv. Hetil., 2015, 156(49), 1991–2002

    LoC-SERS technique toward drug quantification in complex materials

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    LoC-SERS Technique Toward Drug Quantification in Complex Matrices Kumulative Dissertation Zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades doctor rerum naturalium (Dr. rer. nat.) vorgelegt dem Rat der Chemisch-Geowissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena M. Sc. Izabella Jolán Hidi geboren am 27. Februar 1987 in Deva, Rumänien Abstract Detection and quantification of drugs in complex matrices challenged each analytical method at its moment of development and implementation. On one side, clinical samples, i.e. blood and urine, are routinely analyzed for diagnosis and treatment follow-up purposes. On the other side, monitoring the successful removal of pharmaceutically active compounds in waste and surface water is of high interest to overcome the occurrence of antibacterial resistance in the ecosystem. Among the newly developed analytical techniques, surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) has high potential to be considered as an alternative analytical technique for the detection of clinically and environmentally relevant molecules in complex matrices. The biggest barrier for its application is the low reproducibility of measurements and automation. A solution that requires low-cost SERS substrates and offers reproducible and automated measurement conditions at the same time is represented by the droplet based lab-on-a-chip SERS (LoC-SERS) technique. This platform offers the advantage of highly precise controlled manipulation of nanoparticle and sample solution via computer controlled systems and a direct, on chip detection. The aim of the present thesis was to assess the potential and limitations of the LoC-SERS technique to detect and quantify drugs in various complex matrices. As SERS active substrates, easy-to-prepare silver nanoparticles in a colloidal solution were employed and as sample clean-up procedure filtration and dilution with water was carried out. Urine samples originating from healthy volunteers and patients with urinary tract infection, as well as river water sample were included in the present study. Analytical performances, such as lower limit of detection (LOD), linear and dynamic range and measurement reproducibility, were tested for methotrexate, levofloxacin, nitroxoline and ciprofloxacin. Furthermore, the potential of the LoC-SERS platform for on-site applications is also demonstrated by replacing the bench-top Raman microscope by a portable one

    Triggering And Maintaining Interest In Early Phases Of Interest Development

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    This article reports on the complexities of triggering and maintaining interest, a process that is initiated when something catches the attention of a learner. Triggering interest (the initiation of the psychological state of interest) can occur in both earlier and later phases of interest development. However, in this study we focus on this process in earlier phases of interest development. Findings from a study of the activity of eight, Black, inner-city, middle school-age participants in an out-of-school biology workshop are described. We address the identification and generalizability of potential triggers for interest across activities and explore the relationship between triggers for interest and learner characteristics. Taken together, findings from the study suggest that learners do not perceive and respond identically to potential triggers for interest; and that the triggering process is nuanced by particular activity, and the readiness of the learner to respond