272 research outputs found

    Mensajes publicitarios en productos de alimentación. Análisis comparativo de Colacao y Nesquik

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    This research analyzes the transformation of the communication of the advertising message aimed at young people. A qualitative methodology based on the observation of the advertising phenomenon is established, which has been used as an examination tool, a content analysis model that has allowed the evaluation of the use of codes, the treatment of the strategy, and the compositional proposal of the messages in the media. The objects of study have been the brands Colacao and Nesquik. In the analysis, creative pieces were selected for pre-adolescents, aged between seven and twelve years, inclusive. It is a target of digital natives with valid skills to discriminate the message of the advertising content. The results show how brands make significant changes mainly related to content and the way of transmitting information and adapting the structure, objectives, and creative concepts to the interests of the recipient to increase the identification of the benefit with the interests of your audience.Esta investigación analiza la transformación de la comunicación del mensaje publicitario destinado jóvenes. Se establece una metodología cualitativa basada en la observación del fenómeno publicitario en la que se ha utilizado comoherramienta de examen un modelo de análisis de contenido que ha permitido la valoración del uso de códigos, el tratamiento de la estrategia y la propuesta compositiva de los mensajes en los medios. El objeto de estudio han sido las marcas Colacao y Nesquik. En el análisis han sido seleccionadas piezas creativas destinadas a preadolescentes, de edades comprendidas entre siete y doce años. Se trata de un target de nativos digitales con habilidades válidas para discriminar el mensaje de los contenidos publicitarios. Los resultados muestran como las marcas realizan cambios significativos referidos principalmente al contenido y a la forma de transmitir la información, y adaptando la estructura, los objetivos y los conceptos creativos a los intereses del receptor con el propósito de incrementar la identificación del beneficio con los intereses de su público

    Dietary Options for Rodents in the Study of Obesity

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    Abstract: Obesity and its associated metabolic diseases are currently a priority research area. The increase in global prevalence at different ages is having an enormous economic and health impact. Genetic and environmental factors play a crucial role in the development of obesity, and diet is one of the main factors that contributes directly to the obesogenic phenotype. Scientific evidence has shown that increased fat intake is associated with the increase in body weight that triggers obesity. Rodent animal models have been extremely useful in the study of obesity since weight gain can easily be induced with a high-fat diet. Here, we review the dietary patterns and physiological mechanisms involved in the dynamics of energy balance. We report the main dietary options for the study of obesity and the variables to consider in the use of a high-fat diet, and assess the progression of obesity and diet-induced thermogenesis. Keywords: obesity; diet; high-fat diet; diet-induced thermogenesis; body mass index; rodent

    Carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1C : from cognition to cancer

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    Carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1 (CPT1) C was the last member of the CPT1 family of genes to be discovered. CPT1A and CPT1B were identified as the gate-keeper enzymes for the entry of long-chain fatty acids (as carnitine esters) into mitochondria and their further oxidation, and they show differences in their kinetics and tissue expression. Although CPT1C exhibits high sequence similarity to CPT1A and CPT1B, it is specifically expressed in neurons (a cell-type that does not use fatty acids as fuel to any major extent), it is localized in the endoplasmic reticulum of cells, and it has minimal CPT1 catalytic activity with l-carnitine and acyl-CoA esters. The lack of an easily measurable biological activity has hampered attempts to elucidate the cellular and physiological role of CPT1C but has not diminished the interest of the biomedical research community in this CPT1 isoform. The observations that CPT1C binds malonyl-CoA and long-chain acyl-CoA suggest that it is a sensor of lipid metabolism in neurons, where it appears to impact ceramide and triacylglycerol (TAG) metabolism. CPT1C global knock-out mice show a wide range of brain disorders, including impaired cognition and spatial learning, motor deficits, and a deregulation in food intake and energy homeostasis. The first disease-causing CPT1C mutation was recently described in humans, with Cpt1c being identified as the gene causing hereditary spastic paraplegia. The putative role of CPT1C in the regulation of complex-lipid metabolism is supported by the observation that it is highly expressed in certain virulent tumor cells, conferring them resistance to glucose- and oxygen-deprivation. Therefore, CPT1C may be a promising target in the treatment of cancer. Here we review the molecular, biochemical, and structural properties of CPT1C and discuss its potential roles in brain function, and cancer

    Inhibitors of lipogenic enzymes as a potential therapy against cancer

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    Cancer cells rely on several metabolic pathways such as lipid metabolism to meet the increase in energy demand, cell division, and growth and successfully adapt to challenging environments. Fatty acid synthesis is therefore commonly enhanced in many cancer cell lines. Thus, relevant efforts are being made by the scientific community to inhibit the enzymes involved in lipid metabolism to disrupt cancer cell proliferation. We review the rapidly expanding body of inhibitors that target lipid metabolism, their side effects, and current status in clinical trials as potential therapeutic approaches against cancer. We focus on their molecular, biochemical and structural properties, selectivity and effectiveness and discuss their potential role as antitumor drugs. Keywords: cancer drugs; lipid metabolism; lipogenic enzyme inhibitors

    La metodología flipped classroom en educación superior. Resultados de uso de LYNDA como recurso para las pre-clases / Application of LYNDA as a teaching resource in the project of educational innovation in the excellence of teaching

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    This essay mainly represents the spirit that transcends philosophy framed in the new EEES, and in line with these new approaches to teaching, this paper raises new pedagogical resources that give greater prominence to the student in the learning process. Running away from the traditional lectures and written works, they raised this initiative based on the flipped classroom methodology and advantages offered TICS to the student. This pedagogical model transfers the work of processes of learning outside the classroom, devoting class time to work the aspects in which it is required the teacher´s support and experience. This text presents two projects of flipped classroom methodology. Both cases had started with the objective of implementing the educational platform Lynda as training in university teaching resource. They proposed to the student conduct training sessions with the teacher. So they had to employ Lynda platform and viewing videos of courses related to the materials. Each one had goals and different evaluation criteria, but they shared the same methodology. The results obtained make to think about need to motivate the student to invest time before the session with the teacher.Siguiendo el espíritu que trasciende la filosofía enmarcada en el nuevo EEES, y en línea con estos nuevos enfoques de la docencia, este trabajo plantea nuevos recursos pedagógicos que den mayor protagonismo al alumno en el proceso de aprendizaje. Huyendo así de las tradicionales clases magistrales y los trabajos escritos, plantearon esta iniciativa basada en la metodología flipped classroom y las ventajas que ofrecen las nuevas tecnologías al alumno. El término flipped classroom ha sido traducido literalmente como clase al revés o clase invertida. Este modelo pedagógico transfiere el trabajo de determinados procesos de aprendizaje fuera del aula, dedicando el tiempo de clase a trabajar los aspectos en que es necesaria la ayuda y experiencia del docente. En este texto se presentan dos proyectos de metodología de aula invertida. Ambos casos partían con el objetivo general de implantar la plataforma educativa Lynda como recurso de formación en la docencia universitaria. En ellos se proponía al alumno realizar formación previa a las sesiones con el docente. Para ello debían emplear la plataforma Lynda y visionar videos de cursos relacionados con las materias. Cada uno tenía objetivos y criterios de evaluación diferentes, pero compartían metodología.Los resultados obtenidos en ambos hacen reflexionar sobre la necesidad de motivar al alumno para invertir tiempo previo a la sesión con el docente

    New forms of masculinity in Western films: The end of the Marlboro Man?

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    Westerns are one of the most masculine and stereotypical of film genres. In a social and film context where gender equality is increasingly important, it is worth looking at the evolution of the genre in recent years. Especially because, as André Bazin said, the Western is “cinema par excellence” (1966) and its analysis allows a reflection on cinema itself. Taking the figure of the Marlboro Man as a prototype, this study carries out an analysis of three selected case studies: Brokeback Mountain, Jane Got a Gun and Godless, two films and a miniseries with main characters that do not follow heteronormative masculinity. Ang Lee’s work broke new ground not only in Westerns but also in industrial cinema by making homosexuality visible, while Gavin O’Connor’s showed the possibility of a woman playing the leading role in a classic Western. The miniseries produced by Netflix combines both by giving leading roles to female characters, some of them gay, while reflecting on homosexuality. It was noted that the portrayal of masculinity in Western films remains valid in all three cases, but it allows women and homosexuals to access leading roles, often by acquiring typically masculine attributes

    Estratègies de modulació de l'oxidació d'àcids grassos com a tractament per combatre l'obesitat

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    L'estil de vida actual, amb dietes d'alt contingut calòric i falta d'exercici físic, fa que la incidència d'obesitat s'incrementi notablement. Augmentar la degradació de greixos o bé reduir la ingesta calòrica poden ser potencials estratègies terapèutiques. L'enzim carnitina palmitoïltransferasa I (CPT1) és el pas limitant de l'oxidació dels àcids grassos. En aquest article, es mostra com la modulació de la seva activitat en diferents teixits, com el fetge, el teixit adipós o l'hipotàlem, pot ser clau a l'hora d'augmentar la despesa energètica i controlar la ingesta d'aliments.Current lifestyles, with high-energy diets and little exercise, are triggering an alarming growth in obesity. Strategies that enhance fat degradation or reduce caloric food intake could be considered therapeutic interventions to reduce not only obesity, but also its associated disorders. The enzyme carnitine palmitoyltransferase I (CPT1) is the critical rate-determining regulator of fatty acid oxidation. In this paper, we show that this enzyme might play a key role in different tissues, such as liver, adipose tissue and hypothalamus, increasing energy expenditure and controlling food intake

    Ceramides and mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in obesity

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    : Obesity is an epidemic, complex disease that is characterized by increased glucose, lipids, and low-grade inflammation in the circulation, among other factors. It creates the perfect scenario for the production of ceramide, the building block of the sphingolipid family of lipids, which is involved in metabolic disorders such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. In addition, obesity causes a decrease in fatty acid oxidation (FAO), which contributes to lipid accumulation within the cells, conferringmore susceptibility to cell dysfunction. C16:0 ceramide, a specific ceramide species, has been identified recently as the principal mediator of obesity-derived insulin resistance, impaired fatty acid oxidation, and hepatic steatosis. In this review, we have sought to cover the importance of the ceramide species and their metabolism, the main ceramide signaling pathways in obesity, and the link between C16:0 ceramide, FAO, and obesity.¿Fucho, R., Casals, N., Serra, D., Herrero, L. Ceramides and mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in obesity. FASEB J. 31, 000-000 (2017). www.fasebj.or

    Mechanisms of Impaired Brown Adipose Tissue Recruitment in Obesity

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    Brown adipose tissue (BAT) dissipates energy to produce heat. Thus, it has the potential to regulate body temperature by thermogenesis. For the last decade, BAT has been in the spotlight due to its rediscovery in adult humans. This is evidenced by over a hundred clinical trials that are currently registered to target BAT as a therapeutic tool in the treatment of metabolic diseases, such as obesity or diabetes. The goal of most of these trials is to activate the BAT thermogenic program via several approaches such as adrenergic stimulation, natriuretic peptides, retinoids, capsinoids, thyroid hormones, or glucocorticoids. However, the impact of BAT activation on total body energy consumption and the potential effect on weight loss is still limited. Other studies have focused on increasing the mass of thermogenic BAT. This can be relevant in obesity, where the activity and abundance of BAT have been shown to be drastically reduced. The aim of this review is to describe pathological processes associated with obesity that may influence the correct differentiation of BAT, such as catecholamine resistance, inflammation, oxidative stress, and endoplasmic reticulum stress. This will shed light on the thermogenic potential of BAT as a therapeutic approach to target obesity-induced metabolic diseases. Keywords: differentiation, BAT recruitment, preadipocyte, obesity, catecholamine, inflammation, oxidative stress, endoplasmic reticulum stres

    Antiviral compounds obtained from microalgae commonly used as carotenoid sources

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    Pressurized liquid extraction (PLE), an environmentally friendly technique, has been used to obtain antiviral compounds from microalgae commonly used as carotenoid sources: Haematococcus pluvialis and Dunaliella salina. The antiviral properties of PLE extracts (hexane, ethanol and water) were evaluated against herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) at different stages during viral infection. Pretreatment of Vero cells with 75 μg mL -1 of H. pluvialis ethanol extract inhibited virus infection by approximately 85%, whereas the same concentration of water and hexane extracts reduced the virus infectivity 75% and 50%, respectively. D. salina extracts were less effective than H. pluvialis extracts and presented a different behaviour since water and ethanol extracts produced a similar virus inhibition (65%). Moreover, H. pluvialis ethanol extract was also the most effective against HSV-1 intracellular replication. The antiviral activity of water PLE extracts was found to correlate with polysaccharides since the polysaccharide-rich fraction isolated from these extracts showed higher antiviral activity than the original water extracts. A gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) characterization of the H. pluvialis ethanol extract showed the antiviral activity of this extract could be partially related with the presence of short-chain fatty acids, although other compounds could be involved in this activity; meanwhile, in the case of D. salina ethanol extract other compounds seemed to be implied, such as: β-ionone, neophytadiene, phytol, palmitic acid and α-linolenic acid. The results demonstrate the use of PLE allows obtaining antiviral compounds from microalgae used as carotenoids sources, which gives the microalgae biomass an added value. © 2011 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.This work has been financed by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (AGL2005-06726-C04), the programme CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010 (CDS2007-00063) and the regional programme ALIBIRD-CM S-0505/AGR-0153 from the Comunidad de Madrid, Spain.S0505/AGR-0153/ALIBIRDPeer Reviewe