61 research outputs found

    Evaluating user experience in joint activities between schools and museums in virtual worlds

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    This version of the article has been accepted for publication, after peer review (when applicable) and is subject to Springer Nature’s AM terms of use, but is not the Version of Record and does not reflect post-acceptance improvements, or any corrections. The Version of Record is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10209-014-0367-y[Abstract] The use of virtual worlds in the school is an extraordinary tool to engage the children in the process of e-learning. Although one can find many examples that describe the use of such a technology in teaching regular educational contents, very few examples replicate other classical outdoor educational activities such as a visit to a museum, including the remote interaction with the docents of the visited institution. In this work, the results of a study of the user experience of three groups of children within a flexible virtual space that connects schools and museums are described and evaluated. This integrated educational space not only includes the exploration of exhibition areas but also the telepresence talks on the part of museum personnel, simulations, educational work in the form of virtual quests, all within a multi-user virtual environment based on OpenSim and simultaneously accessible from the different institutions involved in the experiment. The results obtained could serve as a starting point for a future implementation of this platform for connecting educational institutions and museums across an entire city.This version of the article has been accepted for publication, after peer review (when applicable) and is subject to Springer Nature’s AM terms of use, but is not the Version of Record and does not reflect post-acceptance improvements, or any corrections. The Version of Record is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10209-014-0367-

    A comparative study on user gestural inputs for navigation in NUI‑based 3D virtual environments

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    This version of the article has been accepted for publication, after peer review (when applicable) and is subject to Springer Nature’s AM terms of use, but is not the Version of Record and does not reflect post-acceptance improvements, or any corrections. The Version of Record is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10209-020-00766-z[Abstract] This paper describes the results of a case study intended to compare three different user movement paradigms (metaphoric, symbolic and natural) designed to control the visit of virtual environments for a NUI-based museum installation. It also evaluates the effects of previous expertise with 3D video games in the results for users that took part in the study. The study evaluates the performance of each movement scheme for the navigation of the environment, the degree of intuitiveness perceived by the users, and the user experience. The analysis is based on the data collected in an experiment with 28 participants sorted into two groups, separating users with less previous expertise in 3D videogames from those who considered themselves as frequent players. During the experiment, the participants completed two different tasks with every movement scheme in random order. During the course of the test, the system monitored and recorded the user movements in order to extract relevant data about time to complete the task, number of collisions and time spent in a collision condition. A post-task questionnaire was carried out immediately after completion of every task. At the end of the session, users also took a test questionnaire. In addition, the authors asked users for general comments and recommendations for improvement. The results show that the natural movement scheme stands out as the most adequate for the contemplation of the virtual environment and the most balanced at a general level for the three variables considered. The symbolic scheme proved the most efficient. The natural movement scheme and symbolic scheme appear to be the most appropriate to navigate such digital environments as those present in museum installations for any kind of user


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    In this paper, the authors propose a new way to navigate inside virtual architectural environments such as those used in the field of Virtual Archaeology. This approach is based on the study of human movement inside real buildings. Authors describe the design of a computer aided navigation system that could facilitate visitors of virtual reconstructions in taking their journey inside digital 3D environments in a more human-like manner. This research considers aspects related to human attention and non-linear narratives in order to develop a new computer aided navigation paradigm using excellent capabilities of real-time visualisation, interaction and human-computer interfacing provided by a game engine. This system obtains information from the virtual environment, which is perceptually enriched by the presence of metainformation associated to the importance in terms of interest of every part, space or element present in the scene. Using this tool, the designer of the experience can influence the user walkthrough in the virtual archaeological environment to meet the expectations of the visit, follow thematic paths or adapt to different user profiles

    Assisted navigation for digital architectural walkthroughs in Natural User Interface‑based installations

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    Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature.[Abstract] The architectural experience of visiting a virtual building and exploring its contents requires tools to provide visitors with accessible and pleasurable ways to conduct their stroll and facilitate the contemplation and enjoyment of the contents displayed. Natural user interfaces (NUI) are effective and engaging tools for interacting with digital content. In this paper, the authors combine their previous work in the research lines of natural user interfaces and assisted navigation, putting them together on a UX test scenario and studying their combined effect. The testbed consisted of an installation controlled using a depth camera for NUI interaction and applying an attractor-based approach of assisted navigation. The UX experiment consisted of five stages, with three test sets of increasing complexity. The system monitored and recorded the users’ movements on each test during the experiment to extract quantitative data. After each task, users filled out specific questionnaires that provided qualitative information. The study also evaluates the influence of users’ previous expertise on 3D video games in their performance taking the test. The results indicate the benefits of combining both technologies and how they enhance the virtual visit experience. Furthermore, the combined use of natural interaction and assisted navigation facilitates universal access to installations of this kind, frequently found in museums and exhibits, independently of previous user expertise in interactive 3D environments, such as video games

    Galicia Dixital. Una exposición de patrimonio e-tangible. El Museo Vacío

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    [ES] Galicia Dixital es una exposición que abrió sus puertas en Santiago de Compostela para mostar a sus visitantes, a través de las nuevas tecnologías audiovisuales la cultura y el patrimonio de esta comunidad autónoma, a la vez que se les ilustra en el uso y aplicaciones de tecnologías de vanguardia. Este artículo describe algunas de sus instalaciones y en especial el Museo Vacío, un entorno de realidad virtual completamente inmersiva donde el usuario puede caminar físicamente visitando mundos virtuales, describiendo algunos de los ejemplos de aplicación del mismo dentro de la exposición.[EN] Galicia Dixital is an exhibition located in Santiago de Compostela whith the mission to show the culture and heritage of this region through the use of new audiovisual technologies, whilst to demonstrate the use and applications of avant-garde technology. This paper describes some of the installations present there with special emphasis in The Empty Museum, a fully immersive virtual reality installation where the user can walk physically visiting virtual worlds. A group of examples of contents designed for this medium will be also described.Hernández Ibáñez, LA. (2010). Galicia Dixital. Una exposición de patrimonio e-tangible. El Museo Vacío. Virtual Archaeology Review. 1(1):39-43. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2010.4765OJS394311OTERO, A. ; MARTÍN, R.; GUTIERREZ, E.; FLORES, J. (2007) Simulación virtual de una tradición medieval: O 'Botafumeiro'. I Simposio de Informática Gráfica y Patrimonio Histórico (SIGPHI), 2007HERNÁNDEZ, Luis; TAIBO, Javier; SEOANE, Antonio. (1999) Una Aplicación para la Navegación en Tiempo Real sobre Grandes Modelos Topográficos. Actas del IX Congreso Español de Informática Gráfica CEIG. Jaen, Julio 1999.MILEKIC, S. (2006) Magic and Multimedia. Actas de Archives and Museums Informatics: Museums & The Web 2006.JOCH, A. (2004) In museums, no stodginess on display. Architectural Record Digital. Versión en línea http://nano.arts.ucla.edu/nano_pub_updates04/2004_archrec/arch/features/digital/archives/0401da-1.html.HERNÁNDEZ, Luis, TAIBO, Javier, SEOANE, (2001) Antonio Immersive video for virtual tourism. Proc. SPIE Vol. 4520, p. 63-73, Video Technologies for Multimedia Applications, 2001HERNÁNDEZ, Luis, TAIBO, Javier, SEOANE, Antonio, LÓPEZ, Ruben, LÓPEZ, Rocío. (2003) The Empty Museum: Multi-user Interaction in an Immersive and Physically Walkable VR Space. International Conference on CYBERWORLS. 2003 http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/cyber.2003.1253488HERNANDEZ, Luis, TAIBO, Javier, BLANCO, David, IGLESIAS, José, SEOANE, Antonio, JASPE, Alberto. (2007) Physically Walking in Digital Spaces - A Virtual Reality Installation for Exploration of Historical Heritage International Journal of Architectural Computing, Volume 5, Number 3, September 200

    Educational Warehouse: Modular, Private and Secure Cloudable Architecture System for Educational Data Storage, Analysis and Access

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    [Abstract] Data in the educational context are becoming increasingly important in decision-making and teaching-learning processes. Similar to the industrial context, educational institutions are adopting data-processing technologies at all levels. To achieve representative results, the processes of extraction, transformation and uploading of educational data should be ubiquitous because, without useful data, either internal or external, it is difficult to perform a proper analysis and to obtain unbiased educational results. It should be noted that the source and type of data are heterogeneous and that the analytical processes can be so diverse that it opens up a practical problem of management and access to the data generated. At the same time, ensuring the privacy, identity, confidentiality and security of students and their data is a “sine qua non” condition for complying with the legal issues involved while achieving the required ethical premises. This work proposes a modular and scalable data system architecture that solves the complexity of data management and access. On the one hand, it allows educational institutions to collect any data generated in both the teaching-learning and management processes. On the other hand, it will enable external access to this data under appropriate privacy and security conditions.Generalitat de Catalunya; 2017 SGR 93

    Integración de SIG con visualización 3D interactiva para la gestión y seguimiento de excavaciones arqueológicas

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    [ES] Los Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) disponen de grandes capacidades de gestión de información. Sin embargo, en muchos caso no existen o son limitadas las capacidades de visualización de dicha información sobre terreno tridimensional con gran detalle, las cuales pueden ser de gran ayuda o deseables en múltiples aplicaciones. En este artículo se presenta la integración del SANTI, un sistema de visualización tridimensional de grandes extensiones de terreno e información geográfica, con gvSIG, un SIG de software libre y gratuito. Se describirán las capacidades del sistema de visualización, cuál ha sido el planteamiento para realizar la conexión entre ambos sistemas y como se está aplicando en un proyecto en desarrollo para la gestión de la excavación de Castro de la Lanzada, situado en la costa de Galicia (España).[EN] Geographic Information Systems (GIS) provide large information management capabilities. However, in many cases the feature of the visualization of this data over a huge detailed three-dimensional terrain does not exist or are limited, wich can be very useful or desirable in many applications. This paper presents the integration of SANTI, a three-dimensional visualization system of large terrain areas and geographical data, with gvSIG, a free GIS software. We describe the capabilities of the visualization system, the approach to connect the two systems and how it is applied to a project in development for the management of the excavation of the Castro de la Lanzada located at the Galician coast (Spain).Seoane Nolasco, AJ.; Hernández Ibáñez, LA. (2012). Integración de SIG con visualización 3D interactiva para la gestión y seguimiento de excavaciones arqueológicas. Virtual Archaeology Review. 3(5):58-62. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2012.4508OJS586235HERNÁNDEZ, L. TAIBO, J. SEOANE, A. LÓPEZ, R. JASPE, A. VARELA, A. (2005): "Real-time visualization of geospatial features through the integration of GIS with a realistic 3D terrain dynamic visualization system". XXII International Cartographic Conference (ICC2005). The International Cartographic Association (ICA-ACI). A Coruña.HERNÁNDEZ, L. TAIBO, J. y SEOANE, A. (1999): "Una aplicación para la navegación en tiempo real sobre grandes modelos topográficos". In IX Congreso Español de Informática Gráfica, CEIG.LONGLEY, P. y BATTY, M. (Ed.) (2003): Advanced Spatial Analysis: The CASA Book of GIS. ESRI.VARELA, A. HERNÁNDEZ, L. TAIBO, J. SEOANE, A. LÓPEZ, R. JASPE, A. (2005): Gestión del tráfico mediante la integración de un GIS con un sistema de navegación realista en 3D sobre el territorio. Congreso ITS. Málaga

    An Augmented Reality Facility to Run Hybrid Physical-Numerical Flood Models

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    [Abstract] This article presents a novel installation for the development of hybrid physical-numerical flood models in an augmented reality environment. This installation extends the concept introduced by the well-known Augmented Reality-SandBox (AR-Sandbox) module, which presents a more educational, and less research-based and professional application. It consists of a physical scale topography built in a sandbox into which other elements (such as buildings, roads or dikes) can be incorporated. A scanner generates, in real time, a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) from the sandbox topography, which serves as a basis for the simulation of overland flow using professional hydraulic software (Iber+). The hydraulic and hydrological parameters (surface roughness, inlet discharges, boundary conditions) are entered with a simple Graphical User Interface (GUI) developed specifically for this project, as indeed was the entire system that allows the visualization of the simulation results. This allows us to obtain quantitative results of flood extension and magnitude, which are represented directly over the physical topography, yielding a realistic visual effect. This installation is conceived for both educational and professional uses. An example of its use is presented, through which its accuracy can be appreciated, and which also illustrates its potential.Xunta de Galicia; ED431E2018/1

    Patrimonio histórico y metaversos. Estudio de caso de la recreación interactiva de la Torre de Hércules en Second Life

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    [ES] El potencial de los metaversos, mundos virtuales tridimensionales multiusuario on-line, donde los usuarios crean sus contenidos, que abarcan campos tan diversos como la cultura, la ciencia, la educación o la recreación patrimonial entre otras, va mas allá de actuar como generador de conexiones humanas y de alojar actividades sociales compartidas, abren la posibilidad de compartir experiencias vivenciales en un mismo “lugar físico virtual”. Este artículo describe la experiencia de los autores en la reconstrucción virtual interactiva de la emblemática Torre de Hércules de A Coruña en Second Life, realizada con fines divulgativos, incidiendo en la problemática encontrada y las soluciones técnicas empleadas para su realización.[EN] Metaverses, those virtual worlds online where users can create content, have a potential that covers very diverse fields such as culture, science, education and cultural heritage. It goes beyond acting as a generator of human connections and a host of social activities, opening the possibility of sharing the same living experience in a "virtual physical place". This paper describes the experience of the authors in the interactive virtual reconstruction of the emblematic Torre de Hercules of A Coruña in Second Life, made for educational purposes, focusing on the problems encountered and the technical solutions used for its realization.Barneche Naya, V.; Hernández Ibáñez, LA.; Torrente Torrente, B. (2010). Patrimonio histórico y metaversos. Estudio de caso de la recreación interactiva de la Torre de Hércules en Second Life. Virtual Archaeology Review. 1(2):69-72. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2010.4689OJS69721

    Aplicación para la inspección espacial, volumétrica y seccional interactiva de la Catedral de Santiago de Compostela

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    [ES] El presente artículo describe el proceso de diseño, producción e implementación de una aplicación destinada a permitir el análisis formal interactivo de la Catedral de Santiago de Compostela. La complejidad geométrica del modelo edificio para el detalle requerido, derivada principalmente de la profusión de elementos estilísticospresentes en el mismo y que constituye al fin y al cabo una de sus señas características, impuso utilizar soluciones basadas en cálculo de radiosidad por refinamiento progresivo para la generación de un modelo que pudiese ser manipulable en tiempo real, con calidad visual de iluminación global, a la vez que seccionable interactivamente mediante interacción multitáctil.[EN] This paper describes the design, production and implementation of an application for the formal analysis of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. The geometrical complexity of the model of this building for the level of detail required, derived from the profusion of stylistic elements present, that constitutes one of its signs of identity leaded to use the progressive refinement radiosity method to generate a model which could be handled in real-time, adding the visual quality of globalillumination, to be implemented in an application that allows the user to interactively inspect and cross-section the model.Barneche Naya, V.; Hernández Ibáñez, LA.; Jaspe Villanueva, A.; Fariña Fernández, G. (2012). Aplicación para la inspección espacial, volumétrica y seccional interactiva de la Catedral de Santiago de Compostela. Virtual Archaeology Review. 3(6):78-82. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2012.4448OJS788236CONANT, KENNETH, J. (1983): "Arquitectura románica da Catedral de Santiago de Compostela" Ed. Colexio Oficial de Arquitectos de Galicia. Vigo.FRANCO TABOADA, J.A, y TARRIO CARRODEGUAS, S. (1999): "As Catedrais de Galicia. Descrición Gráfica". Departamento de Representación e Teoría Arquitectónicas. Ed. Xunta de Galicia. Santiago de Compostela.ILUX (2010): "Catedral, Libro de Piedra" Ilux Visual Technologies. [on-line] [Consulta 15-04-2011] http://www.ilux.es/es/catedralMARTIN, S. & EINARSSON, P. (2010): "Real Time Radiosity Architecture" Presentación en el curso "Advances in Real-Time Rendering" en SIGGRAPH 2010 [online] [Consulta 15-04-2011]http://publications.dice.se/attachments/Siggraph10-ARR-RealtimeRadiosityArchitecture.pptMARTZ. P. et al. (2007): "OpenSceneGraph Reference Manual v2.2", Ed. Kuehne. B. and Marktz. P [online] [Consulta 15-04-2011] http://www.osgbooks.com/books/osg_refman22.htmlTAÍN GUZMÁN, M. (1999): "Trazas, Planos y Proyectos del Archivo de la Catedral de Santiago", Ed. Diputación Provincial de A Coruña