17 research outputs found

    Biological Valuation Map of Flanders: A Sentinel-2 Imagery Analysis

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    In recent years, machine learning has become crucial in remote sensing analysis, particularly in the domain of Land-use/Land-cover (LULC). The synergy of machine learning and satellite imagery analysis has demonstrated significant productivity in this field, as evidenced by several studies. A notable challenge within this area is the semantic segmentation mapping of land usage over extensive territories, where the accessibility of accurate land-use data and the reliability of ground truth land-use labels pose significant difficulties. For example, providing a detailed and accurate pixel-wise labeled dataset of the Flanders region, a first-level administrative division of Belgium, can be particularly insightful. Yet there is a notable lack of regulated, formalized datasets and workflows for such studies in many regions globally. This paper introduces a comprehensive approach to addressing these gaps. We present a densely labeled ground truth map of Flanders paired with Sentinel-2 satellite imagery. Our methodology includes a formalized dataset division and sampling method, utilizing the topographic map layout 'Kaartbladversnijdingen,' and a detailed semantic segmentation model training pipeline. Preliminary benchmarking results are also provided to demonstrate the efficacy of our approach

    Assessing the effect of sample bias correction in species distribution models

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    1. Open-source biodiversity databases contain a large number of species occurrence records but are often spatially biased; which affects the reliability of species distribution models based on these records. Sample bias correction techniques require data filtering which comes at the cost of record numbers, or require considerable additional sampling effort. Since independent data is rarely available, assessment of the correction technique often relies solely on performance metrics computed using subsets of the available – biased – data, which may prove misleading. 2. Here, we assess the extent to which an acknowledged sample bias correction technique is likely to improve models’ ability to predict species distributions in the absence of independent data. We assessed variation in model predictions induced by the aforementioned correction and model stochasticity; the variability between model replicates related to a random component (pseudo-absences sets and cross-validation subsets). We present, then, an index of the effect of correction relative to model stochasticity; the Relative Overlap Index (ROI). We investigated whether the ROI better represented the effect of correction than classic performance metrics (Boyce index, cAUC, AUC and TSS) and absolute overlap metrics (Schoener’s D, Pearson’s and Spearman’s correlation coefficients) when considering data related to 64 vertebrate species and 21 virtual species with a generated sample bias. 3. When based on absolute overlaps and cross-validation performance metrics, we found that correction produced no significant effects. When considering its effect relative to model stochasticity, the effect of correction was strong for most species at one of the three sites. The use of virtual species enabled us to verify that the correction technique improved both distribution predictions and the biological relevance of the selected variables at the specific site, when these were not correlated with sample bias patterns. 4. In the absence of additional independent data, the assessment of sample bias correction based on subsample data may be misleading. We propose to investigate both the biological relevance of environmental variables selected, and, the effect of sample bias correction based on its effect relative to model stochasticity. Accessibility maps Cross-validation Performance metrics Overlap Pseudo-absence selection Terrestrial vertebrates Variable selection Virtual speciespublishedVersio

    Remote sensing for monitoring grasslands’ conservation status

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    Grasslands are vital elements of the European landscape. Extensively managed, semi-natural grasslands are among the most diverse ecosystems in Europe and are crucial in maintaining landscape-scale habitat and species diversity. However, many grassland habitats are currently experiencing a decrease in conservation status, mainly due to nitrogen pollution from agriculture and traffic. Conservation status is defined here as “the sum of the influences acting on a natural habitat and its typical species that may affect its long-term survival natural distribution, structure and functions, as well as the long-term survival of its specific species within the territory.” The main objective of this research will be to assess the potential of a remote sensing-based processing chain for assessing the conservation status of grasslands. Examples of conservation status indicators are ‘presence of small ditches’ and ‘grass and shrub encroachment’. We will use diverse sources of input data (hyperspectral and LiDAR) to analyze the scientific potential of remote sensing for extracting grassland status indicators and to study the impact of spectral and spatial resolution. Finally, we will run our application on freely available images (Sentinel 2, ASTER, Landsat 8, aerial images) to assess the discrepancy between its scientific potential and its current operational status. This will allow us to formulate recommendations on the type of (satellite) sensors that need to be deployed to asses grassland conservation status with remote sensing.status: publishe

    Machine learning methods for sub-pixel land-cover classification in the spatially heterogeneous region of Flanders (Belgium): a multi-criteria comparison

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    Until now, few research has addressed the use of machine learning methods for classification at the sub-pixel level. To close this knowledge gap, in this article, six machine learning methods were compared for the specific task of sub-pixel land-cover extraction in the spatially heterogeneous region of Flanders (Belgium). In addition to the classification accuracy at the pixel and the municipality level, three evaluation criteria reflecting the methods’ ease-of-use were added to the comparison: the time needed for training, the number of meta-parameters, and the minimum training set size. Robustness to changing training data was also included as the sixth evaluation criterion. Based on their scores for these six criteria, the machine learning methods were ranked according to three multi-criteria ranking scenarios. These ranking scenarios correspond to different decision-making scenarios that differ in their weighting of the criteria. In general, no overall winner could be designated: no method performs best for all evaluation scenarios. However, when both time available for preprocessing and the magnitude of the training data set are unconstrained, Support Vector Machines (SVMs) clearly outperform the other methods.peerreview_statement: The publishing and review policy for this title is described in its Aims & Scope. aims_and_scope_url: http://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?show=aimsScope&journalCode=tres20status: publishe

    The effect of imposing ‘fractional abundance constraints’ onto the multilayer perceptron for sub-pixel land cover classification

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    publisher: Elsevier articletitle: The effect of imposing ‘fractional abundance constraints’ onto the multilayer perceptron for sub-pixel land cover classification journaltitle: International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation articlelink: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jag.2015.09.007 content_type: article copyright: Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.status: publishe

    A Procedure for Semi-automatic Segmentation in OBIA Based on the Maximization of a Comparison Index

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    In an Object Based Image Analysis Classification (OBIA) process, the quality of the classification results are highly dependent on segmentation. However, a high number of the studies that make use of an OBIA process find the segmentation parameters by making use of trial-and-error methods. It is clear that a lack of a structured procedure to determine the segmentation parameters produces unquantified errors in the classification. This paper aims to quantify the effects of using a semi-automatic approach to determine optimal segmentation parameters. To this end, an OBIA process is performed to classify land cover types produced by both a manual and an automatic segmentation. Even though the classification using the manual segmentation outperforms the automatic segmentation, the difference is only 2%. Since the automatic segmentation is performed with optimal parameters, a procedure to accurately determine those parameters must be performed to minimize the error produced by a misjudgment in the segmentation step.status: publishe

    On how crowdsourced data and landscape organisation metrics can facilitate the mapping of cultural ecosystem services : An Estonian case study

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    Funding Information: Funding: This research was funded by the European Social Fund’s Dora Plus Programme, the ALTER-Net mobility fund, and the IMAGINE project (ERANET BIODIVERSA 3). The APC was partly funded by the IMAGINE project (ERANET BIODIVERSA 3). Funding Information: This research was funded by the European Social Fund's Dora Plus Programme, the ALTER-Net mobility fund, and the IMAGINE project (ERANET BIODIVERSA 3). The APC was partly funded by the IMAGINE project (ERANET BIODIVERSA 3). This research was supported by the European Social Fund's Dora Plus Programme, ALTER-Net mobility fund, and the IMAGINE project (ERANET BIODIVERSA 3). We credit Olha Kaminska (University of Ghent, Belgium) for the methodological suggestion to use topic modelling, and Ms. Edith Chenault, who provided English proofreading for the manuscript. Publisher Copyright: © 2020 by the authors.Social media continues to grow, permanently capturing our digital footprint in the form of texts, photographs, and videos, thereby reflecting our daily lives. Therefore, recent studies are increasingly recognising passively crowdsourced geotagged photographs retrieved fromlocation-based social media as suitable data for quantitative mapping and assessment of cultural ecosystem service (CES) flow. In this study, we attempt to improve CES mapping from geotagged photographs by combining natural language processing, i.e., topic modelling and automated machine learning classification. Our study focuses on three main groups of CESs that are abundant in outdoor social media data: landscape watching, active outdoor recreation, and wildlife watching. Moreover, by means of a comparative viewshed analysis, we compare the geographic information system- and remote sensing-based landscape organisation metrics related to landscape coherence and colour harmony. We observed the spatial distribution of CESs in Estonia and confirmed that colour harmony indices are more strongly associated with landscape watching and outdoor recreation, while landscape coherence is more associated with wildlife watching. Both CES use and values of landscape organisation indices are land cover-specific. The suggested methodology can significantly improve the state-of-the-art with regard to CES mapping from geotagged photographs, and it is therefore particularly relevant for monitoring landscape sustainability.Peer reviewe

    Potential of ensemble tree methods for early-season prediction of winter wheat yield from short time series of remotely sensed normalized difference vegetation index and in situ meteorological data

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    We aimed at analyzing the potential of two ensemble tree machine learning methods—boosted regression trees and random forests—for (early) prediction of winter wheat yield from short time series of remotely sensed vegetation indices at low spatial resolution and of in situ meteorological data in combination with annual fertilization levels. The study area was the Huaibei Plain in eastern China, and all models were calibrated and validated for five separate prefectures. To this end, a cross-validation process was developed that integrates model meta-parameterization and simple forward feature selection. We found that the resulting models deliver early estimates that are accurate enough to support decision making in the agricultural sector and to allow their operational use for yield forecasting. To attain maximum prediction accuracy, incorporating predictors from the end of the growing season is, however, recommended.status: publishe

    A comparison of machine learning algorithms for regional wheat yield prediction using NDVI time series of SPOT-VGT

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    This study compares two machine learning algorithms to predict regional winter wheat yields. The models, based on Boosted Regression Trees (BRT) and Support Vector Machines (SVM), are constructed of Normalized Difference Vegetation Indices (NDVI) derived from low resolution SPOT VEGETATION imagery. Three types of NDVI-related predictors were used: Single NDVI, Incremental NDVI and Targeted NDVI. BRT and SVM were first used to select features with high relevance for predicting the yield. Periods of high influence spanning from March to June were detected by both machine learning methods. After feature selection, BRT and SVM models were applied to the subset of selected features for yield forecasting. BRT seems to consistently outperform SVM.status: publishe

    Assessing the effect of sample bias correction in species distribution models

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    Open-source biodiversity databases contain a large amount of species occurrence records, but these are often spatially biased, which affects the reliability of species distribution models based on these records. Sample bias correction techniques include data filtering at the cost of record numbers or require considerable additional sampling effort. However, independent data are rarely available and assessment of the correction technique must rely on performance metrics computed with subsets of the only available (biased) data, which may be misleading. Here we assess the extent to which an acknowledged sample bias correction technique is likely to improve models' ability to predict species distributions in the absence of independent data. We assessed the variation in model predictions induced by the correction and model stochasticity. We present an index of the effect of correction relative to model stochasticity, the Relative Overlap Index (ROI). We tested whether the ROI better represented the effect of correction than classic performance metrics and absolute overlap metrics using 64 vertebrate species and 21 virtual species with a generated sample bias. When based on absolute overlaps and cross-validation performance metrics, we found no effect of correction, except for cAUC. When considering its effect relative to model stochasticity, the effect of correction depended on the site and the species. Virtual species enabled us to verify that the correction actually improved distribution predictions and the biological relevance of the selected variables at the sites with a clear gradient of sample bias, and when species distribution predictors are not correlated with sample bias patterns.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures + Appendi