7,950 research outputs found

    Modular smoothed analysis of median-of-three Quicksort

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    Spielman’s smoothed complexity - a hybrid between worst and average case complexity measures - relies on perturbations of input instances to determine where average-case behavior turns to worst-case. This approach simplifies the smoothed analysis and achieves greater precession in the expression of the smoothed complexity, where a recurrence equation is obtained as opposed to bounds. Moreover, the approach addresses, in this context, the formation of input instances–an open problem in smoothed complexity. In [23], we proposed a method supporting modular smoothed analysis and illustrated the method by determining the modular smoothed complexity of Quicksort. Here, we use the modular approach to calculate the median of three variant and compare these results with those in [23]

    The effect of strategic supplementation with trans-10,cis-12 conjugated linoleic acid on the milk production, estrous cycle characteristics, and reproductive performance of lactating dairy cattle

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    Peer-reviewedThis is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Journal of Dairy Science. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Journal of Dairy Science, Volume 95, Issue 5, May 2012, Pages 2442-2451: DOI 10.3168/jds.2011-4632The objective was to determine the effects of a protected (lipid-encapsulated) conjugated linoleic acid (LE-CLA) supplement on milk production, estrous cycle characteristics, and reproductive performance in lactating dairy cows on a pasture-based diet. Spring calving dairy cows (n = 409) on a single pasture-based commercial dairy farm were used in a completely randomized block design. Cows were assigned to 1 of 2 dietary supplements [LE-CLA (n = 203) or no supplement (control, n = 206)]. The LE-CLA cows received 51 g/d of a lipid supplement containing 5 g of both trans-10,cis-12 and cis-9,trans-11 CLA from 0 to 60 d in milk. Milk samples were collected 3 times weekly, and each sample was analyzed for progesterone to determine the interval to first ovulation and estrous cycle characteristics. Milk yield and concentrations of fat, protein, and lactose were measured every 2 wk. Cows were inseminated following visual observation of estrus. The breeding season commenced on April 8, 2009 and continued for 16 wk. Transrectal ultrasonography was carried out at 30 to 36 d and 60 to 66 d post-AI to diagnose pregnancy. The LE-CLA treatment resulted in a decrease in milk fat concentration (36.9 ± 0.06 g/kg vs. 30.7 ± 0.06 g/kg for control and LE-CLA, respectively) and yield (0.91 ± 0.02 kg/d vs. 0.84 ± 0.02 kg/d for control and LE-CLA, respectively); however, milk yield was increased by LE-CLA supplementation (24.7 ± 0.7 kg/d vs. 27.2 ± 0.7 kg/d for control and LE-CLA, respectively), resulting in no overall difference in milk energy output. No effect of LE-CLA was observed on any estrous cycle characteristics or measures of reproductive performance. These results support that in pasture-based systems of dairy production, where energy intake limits milk production, energy spared by CLA-induced milk fat depression is partitioned toward increasing milk yield rather than toward body reserves

    Modular smoothed analysis

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    Spielman’s smoothed complexity - a hybrid between worst and average case complexity measures - relies on perturbations of input instances to determine where average-case behavior turns to worst-case. The paper proposes a method supporting modular smoothed analysis. The method, involving a novel permutation model, is developed for the discrete case, focusing on randomness preserving algorithms. This approach simplifies the smoothed analysis and achieves greater precession in the expression of the smoothed complexity, where a recurrence equation is obtained as opposed to bounds. Moreover, the approach addresses, in this context, the formation of input instances–an open problem in smoothed complexity. To illustrate the method, we determine the modular smoothed complexity of Quicksort

    Effect of supplementation with different fat sources on the mechanisms involved in reproductive performance in lactating dairy cattle

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    peer reviewedSupplementary fat positively influences reproductive performance in dairy cattle, although the mechanisms involved are not clearly defined. Our objective was to determine the effects of four different fat supplements on follicle development, plasma steroid hormone concentrations and prostaglandin (PG) synthesis in lactating dairy cattle. Forty-eight early lactation Holstein-Friesian cows (21 primiparous, 27 multiparous) were used in a completely randomized block design. Cows were fed the same basal TMR diet and received one of four fat supplements: (i) palmitic acid (18:0 fatty acid; Control), (ii) flaxseed (rich in 18:3 n-3 fatty acid; Flax), (iii) conjugated linoleic acid (a mixture of cis-9, trans-11 and trans-10, cis-12 isomers; CLA), and (iv) fish oil (rich in 20:5 and 22:6 n-3 fatty acids; FO). All lipid supplements were formulated to be isolipidic; palmitic acid was added as necessary to provide a total lipid supplement intake of 500 g/day. Cows were synchronized to be in estrus on Day 15 of dietary treatment. All antral follicles were counted, and dominant follicles, subordinate follicles and corpora lutea were measured daily via transrectal ovarian ultrasonography for one complete estrous cycle. Blood samples were collected daily, and selected samples were analyzed for progesterone, estradiol, insulin-like growth factor-1, insulin, cholesterol and non-esterified fatty acids. Estrus was synchronized a second time, and liver and endometrial biopsies were collected on Day 7 of the estrous cycle. Gene expression was evaluated for a number of genes involved in prostaglandin synthesis (endometrium) and fatty acid uptake and utilization (liver). Fat supplementation had little effect on follicle development. Cows receiving supplementary n-3 fatty acids had lesser plasma progesterone (P4) and smaller corpora lutea than cows receiving the CLA or Control supplements. Effects of fat supplementation on the endometrial expression of genes involved in PG synthesis were minor. Hepatic expression of SREBF1, ASCL1 and FABP1 was reduced by FO supplementation. Reduced plasma P4 in n-3 supplemented cows may lead to a suboptimal uterine environment for embryo development and hence reduced fertility compared to cows receiving the control or CLA supplements

    Wavelength- and material-dependent absorption in GaAs and AlGaAs microcavities

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    The quality factors of modes in nearly identical GaAs and Al_{0.18}Ga_{0.82}As microdisks are tracked over three wavelength ranges centered at 980 nm, 1460 nm, and 1600 nm, with quality factors measured as high as 6.62x10^5 in the 1600-nm band. After accounting for surface scattering, the remaining loss is due to sub-bandgap absorption in the bulk and on the surfaces. We observe the absorption is, on average, 80 percent greater in AlGaAs than in GaAs and in both materials is 540 percent higher at 980 nm than at 1600nm.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, 1 table, minor changes to disucssion of Qrad and Urbach tai

    Mobilisation or dilution? Nitrate response of karst springs to high rainfall events

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    peer-reviewedNitrate (NO3−) contamination of groundwater associated with agronomic activity is of major concern in many countries. Where agriculture, thin free draining soils and karst aquifers coincide, groundwater is highly vulnerable to nitrate contamination. As residence times and denitrification potential in such systems are typically low, nitrate can discharge to surface waters unabated. However, such systems also react quickest to agricultural management changes that aim to improve water quality. In response to storm events, nitrate concentrations can alter significantly, i.e. rapidly decreasing or increasing concentrations. The current study examines the response of a specific karst spring situated on a grassland farm in South Ireland to rainfall events utilising high-resolution nitrate and discharge data together with on-farm borehole groundwater fluctuation data. Specifically, the objectives of the study are to formulate a scientific hypothesis of possible scenarios relating to nitrate responses during storm events, and to verify this hypothesis using additional case studies from the literature. This elucidates the controlling key factors that lead to mobilisation and/or dilution of nitrate concentrations during storm events. These were land use, hydrological condition and karstification, which in combination can lead to differential responses of mobilised and/or diluted nitrate concentrations. Furthermore, the results indicate that nitrate response in karst is strongly dependent on nutrient source, whether mobilisation and/or dilution occur and on the pathway taken. This will have consequences for the delivery of nitrate to a surface water receptor. The current study improves our understanding of nitrate responses in karst systems and therefore can guide environmental modellers, policy makers and drinking water managers with respect to the regulations of the European Union (EU) Water Framework Directive (WFD). In future, more research should focus on the high-resolution monitoring of karst aquifers to capture the high variability of hydrochemical processes, which occur at time intervals of hours to days.Teagasc Walsh Fellowship Programm

    Correlated and zonal errors of global astrometric missions: a spherical harmonic solution

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    We propose a computer-efficient and accurate method of estimation of spatially correlated errors in astrometric positions, parallaxes and proper motions obtained by space and ground-based astrometry missions. In our method, the simulated observational equations are set up and solved for the coefficients of scalar and vector spherical harmonics representing the output errors, rather than for individual objects in the output catalog. Both accidental and systematic correlated errors of astrometric parameters can be accurately estimated. The method is demonstrated on the example of the JMAPS mission, but can be used for other projects of space astrometry, such as SIM or JASMINE.Comment: Accepted by AJ, to be published in 201

    Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics with Anderson-localized Modes

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    A major challenge in quantum optics and quantum information technology is to enhance the interaction between single photons and single quantum emitters. Highly engineered optical cavities are generally implemented requiring nanoscale fabrication precision. We demonstrate a fundamentally different approach in which disorder is used as a resource rather than a nuisance. We generate strongly confined Anderson-localized cavity modes by deliberately adding disorder to photonic crystal waveguides. The emission rate of a semiconductor quantum dot embedded in the waveguide is enhanced by a factor of 15 on resonance with the Anderson-localized mode and 94 % of the emitted single-photons couple to the mode. Disordered photonic media thus provide an efficient platform for quantum electrodynamics offering an approach to inherently disorder-robust quantum information devices

    Modelling Winter Grass Growth and Senescence

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    In temperate climates, because net grass growth in winter is low, most grass growth models deal with the main growing season (Mar-Oct in the N Hemisphere), with little emphasis on grass growth in winter (Nov-Feb). However, grass tissue turns over continuously (Hennessy et al., 2004) and the fate of herbage entering the winter is important in extended grazing season systems. This study aimed to model winter grass growth for the period 15 Oct 2001 to 28 Jan 2002 for a range of autumn closing dates (1 Sep, 20 Sep and 10 Oct) by modifying an existing model, so that the amount of green leaf could be predicted at intervals over the winter
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