25 research outputs found

    The Characterization of Foam Glass Ceramic Based on Industrial Solid Waste

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    An initial characterization of the raw materials for manufacturing foam glass ceramics has been done using raw materials derived from industrial solid waste. The raw material is in the form of fly ash, a waste of coal combustion in steam power plants, stone crusher industrial waste in the form of basalt rock ash, glass bottle waste, and used aluminum smelting waste. The initial characterization was done by analyzing the chemical composition using the XRF method, identifying the crystalline phase in the raw materials using the XRD method, and morphological analysis using SEM. From the results of raw material analysis, the dominant chemical composition is SiO2, CaO, Fe2O3, and Al2O3 compounds. At the same time, the glass-ceramic foam formed has wollastonite, anorthite, and diopside crystalline phases. The pore structure formed is a closed pore


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    Green sand is one of the most important components in the process of metal casting. The sand in Indonesia region is varied level of subtlety, size of sand, and shape of sand. Green sand used in the process of metal casting is possible can affect the quality of casting product. This aims to determine the potential of Tanjung Bintang sand as green sand and the quality of the product in terms of porosity defects. The research was conducted by varying sand river from Tanjung Bintang and sand from Maringgai. Composition made varying  is 100%,75%, 50%, and 25% Tanjung Bintang sand compared Maringgai sand with bentonit and water is 10% and 5% constantly .The Examine of the green sand by SNI 15-0312-1989 among other water content, clay content, Grain Finnest Number (GFN), Shape of grain. The result said aluminium casting product with  50% Tanjung Bintang sand has the lowest value of porosity, 5.08% and the higher value with 75% composition of Tanjung Bintang sand, 6.98%


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    Sand casting as a main material in the casting process. To result from the product in good quality sand casting must be standardized such as high-temperature resistance, good permeability to gas flow, high strength to enough to hold the loading press, and high shear strength to accept shear force. This study to aims effect of material added on green sand as sand casting to find the best composition on permeability, green compressive strength, and green shear strength. Glass powder in sample A and feldspar in sample B used to material binder selected an alternative beside bentonite because have high Silica (SiO) and Alumina (Al2O3) to optimizing the sand casting characteristic. The binder material meshing in < 80 Mesh with 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, and 50% composition respectively with 10% constant addition of water. Every sample three times testing included clay content, Grain Fine Number based on SNI 19-0312-1989 while permeability, green compressive strength, and green shear strength. The result shows the permeability directly proportional with glass powder addition has a maximum of 63.67, while the addition of feldspar affected decrease the permeability value with a minimum of 51.67. The higher green compressive strength obtained from 10% w/t glass powder with value 96.87  kN/m2 inversely proportional with green shear strength with value 76.27 kN/m2 in 10% w/t addition

    Optimization of Stir Casting of Aluminum Matrix Composites (AMCs) with Filler of Recycled Glass Powder (RGP) for The Mechanical Properties

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    A study of making Aluminum Matrix Composites (AMCs) uses recycled glass powder (RGP) as a filler has been carried out through the stir casting process. The experimental design uses the Taguchi method of 3^3 orthogonal array L9 with the parameters of powder size (20>x> 80, 80>y> 200, 200>z> 325), percentage of filler vs matrix (2%, 7%, 12%), and stirring time (30 Seconds, 3 Minutes, 12 Minutes). The optimum conditions for the hardness of Al-GRp composites were obtained from specimens with Mesh powder size parameters 200> z> 325, the percentage of glass vs aluminum powder was 12% wt, stirring time was 12 minutes. The experimental factor that has the greatest contribution to the hardness value of Al-GRP composites is the size of glass powder of 73.77%, followed by the percentage of glass powder to aluminum by 19.98%, and the stirring time of 1.21%. The optimum experimental parameters for tensile strength can be obtained from specimens with particle size parameters of 20> x> 80, the percentage of glass powder to the weight of aluminum 12%, and the stirring time of 30 seconds. The biggest contribution to the tensile strength value of the Al-GRP composite was the stirring time of 72.71%, followed by the percentage of glass powder to aluminum by 13.67%, and the size of the powder was 9.97%


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    Material stainless steel banyak digunakan di dunia industri dan alat-alat kesehatan karena memiliki sifat korosif yang baik, mampu mencegah kontaminasi, dapat didaur ulang, dekoratif dan mudah dibersihkan. Penggunaan stainless steel tidak lepas dari proses pengelasan, oleh karena itu penulis melakukan penelitian dengan memvariasikan Fluida Pendingin (Air, Oli dan Udara) menggunakan las GTAW dengan parameter debit aliran gas 17 liter/menit, arus 130 Amper dan Elektroda EWTh-2. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh pendinginan terhadap sifat mekanik dan struktur mikro. Hasil Pengujian Tarik nilai rata-rata σy = 374,0 MPa, σmax = 626,0 MPa, ΔL = 27,5 mm dan ε= 54,8 % fluida air. Nilai rata-rata σy = 335,3 MPa, σmax = 543,7 MPa, ΔL = 22,1 mm dan ε = 44,2 % fluida oli. Nilai rata-rata σy = 299,3 MPa, σmax = 481,3 MPa, ΔL = 19,4 mm dan ε = 38,8 % fluida udara.Hasil Pengujian Kekerasan nilai rata-rata fluida air daerah weld = 74,93 HRb, HAZ = 75,50 HRb. Nilai rata-rata fluida oli daerah weld = 74,77 HRb, HAZ = 74,60 HRb. Nilai rata-rata fluida udara daerah weld = 73,40 HRb, HAZ = 74,43 HRb. Fasa yang terbentuk sebelum pengelasan adalah fasa austenite, setelah dilakukan pengelasan terdapat penambahan fasa karbida crom. Dari hasil pengujian sifat mekanik yang telah dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa untuk pengelasan GTAW dengan material stainless steel jenis 304 fluida pendingin yang terbaik adalah dengan menggunakan fluida pendingi air.Kata Kunci: GTAW, fluida pendingin, stainless steel 304, sifat mekanik, struktur mikro.ABSTRACT: Cooling fluid analysis of mechanical properties and micro structure on stainless steel 304 material. Stainless steel materials widely used in the industrial and medical equipment becausehaving the nature of corrosive, capable of preventing contamination, can be recycled, decorative and easily cleared. The use of stainless steel can’t be separated from the process of welding, writer do research by varying fluid cooling (Water, Oli and Air) using GTAW welding with discharge of the parameters a stream of gas 17 liters per minute, the current 130 Ampere and Electrodes EWTh-2. The purpose of this research to know the cooling influence against mechanical properties and micro structure. The results of tensile test value is σy = 374,0 MPa, σmax = 626,0 MPa, ΔL = 27,5 mm and ε = 54,8 % water fluid. The value is σy = 335,3 MPa, σmax = 543,7 MPa, ΔL = 22,1 mm and ε = 44,2 % oil fluid. The value is σy = 299,3 MPa, σmax = 481,3 MPa, ΔL = 19,4 mm and ε = 38,8 % airfluid. The results of hardness test value of water fluid in welding area = 74,93 HRb, HAZ = 75,50 HRb. The results value of oil fluid in welding area = 74,77 HRb, HAZ = 74,60 HRb. The results value of air fluid in welding area = 73,40 HRb, HAZ = 74,43 HRb. The phase that is formed before welding is the austenite phase, through welding there are adding the phase carbide crom. From the testing mechanical properties that has been in conclusion that for GTAW welding with the material stainless steel 304 cooling kind of fluid the list is water cooling fluid.Keywords: GTAW, cooling fluid, stainless steel 304, mechanical properties, micro structure


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    An experimental study on the manufacture of polyester resin matrix composites using basalt powder as a reinforcing filler has been carried out. Basalt is a volcanic igneous rock often found in East Lampung and has not been utilised. Basalt is chosen as a reinforcing filler because basalt has advantages such as wear resistance, corrosion resistance, resistance to chemical reactions, and high hardness. The research parameters used were variations in the size of the basalt powder, the composition of the polyester resin matrix to the basalt powder, and the percentage of the catalyst. All parameters were mixed according to the research procedure, and all samples were formed under pressure 20 kN. Tensile test results showed the highest value of 0.961 kgf/mm2 from 60 mesh-25% polyester-1/30 catalyst variation parameter. The highest compressive strength value of 28.331 kgf/mm2 was obtained from the various parameters of 270 mesh-20% polyester-1/20 catalyst and 270 mesh-25% polyester-1/30 catalyst. The results were not much different from those, which is 27.787 kgf/mm2. The use of 1/30 hardener catalyst to the amount of polymer by 25 %wt gives optimal results on the characterisation material testing. However, the effect of the filler grain size gave different results for each test carried out. Therefore, to obtain the desired mechanical properties when using basalt rock powder as a filler, it is necessary to pay attention to the correct grain size


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh las GTAW menggunakan Filler ER308L pada material SS JIS410J1 terhadap nilai uji tarik dan struktur mikro. Proses penelitian ini menggunakan las GTAW dengan variasi arus 150A, 200A, 250A dan menggunakan kampuh V. Untuk mengetahui hasil penelitian diatas maka dilakukan beberapa pengujian yaitu uji penetran, uji komposisi kimia, uji tarik serta struktur mikro. Dari hasil pengujian penetran tidak didapatkan cacat pada semua sampel. Dari hasil uji komposisi kimia setelah dilakukan perbandingan dengan standar JISG4303(2015), menunjukan bahwa material dasar adalah SS JIS410J1. Dari hasil pengujian uji tarik nilai yang terbaik terdapat pada proses pengelasan dengan variasi arus 150 A, dimana tegangan luluh 386,388 MPa, tegangan maksimal 830,392 MPa, perpanjangan 42,86 mm, regangan 40,81%. Hasil struktur mikro sebelum dilakukan pengelasan adalah fasa martensite, setelah dilakukan pengelasan terdapat penambahan fasa ferrite dan karbida crom pada HAZ dan fasa austenite pada daerah lasan.Kata kunci : stainless steel JIS410J1, sifat mekanik, variasi arus, pengelasan GTAWABSTRACT: Analysis Of Flow Variation Using Gtaw Ware On Ss Jis410j1 Material With Filler Er308l. The purpose of this research is to know the effect of GTAW welding using Filler ER308L on SS JIS410J1 material to tensile test value and micro structure. The research process uses GTAW welding with current variations of 150 A, 200 A, 250 A and using V. To find out the results of the above research then performed some testing that is penetrant test, chemical composition test, tensile test and micro structure. From the result of penetrant testing there is no defect in all samples. From the result of chemical composition test after comparison with JISG4303 (2015) standard, it shows that the basic material is SS JIS410J1. From the best value of tensile test result, there is welding process with variation of current 150 A, where yield stress 386,388 MPa, maximum voltage 830,392 MPa, extension 42,86 mm, strain 40,81%. The result of microstructure before welding is martensite phase, after welding there is addition of ferrite phase and carbide crom at HAZ and austenite phase in weld area. Keywords: stainless steel JIS410J1, mechanical properties, current variation, GTAW welding


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh las GTAW pada material SS JIS410J1 menggunakan Filler ER308L terhadap nilai uji tarik dan struktur mikro. Proses penelitian ini menggunakan las GTAW dengan variasi arus 150 A, 200 A, 250 A dan menggunakan kampuh X. Untuk mengetahui hasil penelitian diatas maka perlu dilakukan pengujian antara lain uji penetran, uji komposisi kimia, uji tarik serta struktur mikro. Hasil nilaitegangan luluh tertinggi adalah arus 250 Amper dengan nilai 384,105 MPa. Nilai tegangan maksimal tertinggi adalah arus 150 Amper dengan nilai 812,871 MPa. Nilai perpanjangan tertinggi setelah dilakukan pengelasan adalah pada arus 150 Amper dengan nilai 45,74 mm. Nilai regangan tertingi setelah dilakukan pengelasan adalah 150 Amper dengan nilai 43,56%. Struktur mikro pada pengelasan dengan parameter arus menghasilkan struktur yang sama, yaitu terdapatnya fasa martensite, austenite, ferrite, unsur crom, nikel dan karbida crom.Kata kunci : stainless steel 410J1, sifat mekanik, variasi arus, pengelasan GTAW.ABSTRACT: Variations Of Welding Current Analysis Gtaw Use Er308l Filler In The Material Of Stainless Steel Jis410j.Research aims to understand the influence of las GTAW in the material the SS JIS410J1 use Filler ER308L on the tensile test and structure micro. The process of las gtaw was used in the study with variations of current 150 A, 200 A, 250 A and use joint X. To know the results of research needs to be done above testing among others penetrant test, test the chemical composition, tensile test and micro structure test. The results of valuevoltage highest level is the current 250 Ampère with the 384,105 MPa. The highest voltage is the current maximum of 150 Ampere with the 812,871 MPa. Value extra highest after conducted welding is the 150 Ampère with the 45,74 mm. The value of strain predicted highest economic growth of after the event was done welding is 150 Ampere with the 43,56 %. In welding micro structure with the parameters of a current ofproduce a similar structure, namely the existence of the phase martensite, of austenite, ferrite, crom element, nickel and carbide crom.Keywords: stainless steel 410J1, mechanical properties, current variation, GTAW welding

    Leaching Basalt Rock using Averrhoa Bilimbi Extract

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    This research was conducted to determine the effect of solid/liquid ratio (s/v), temperature, and stirring Speed on per cent extraction of iron using oxalic acid from Averrhoa bilimbi. The variation of the solid/liquid (s/v) is 10%, 15% and 20 (%), the temperature variations used are 30, 60 and 90 oC, while the variation of the stirring Speed uses 200, 400 and 600 rpm. Some basalt rock samples are put into the reactor and leached using an oxalic acid solution from Averrhoa bilimbi. Within a certain period of time, the filtrate was taken and analyzed for Fe content using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. The residue was analyzed using XRF and XRD. The results showed that the highest percentage of iron extraction for basalt rock leaching experiments using oxalic acid from Averrhoa bilimbi was achieved at a temperature of 90oC, 10% of solid/liquid ratio, 400 rpm stirring speed and 120 minutes of leaching time with a percent iron extraction of 65.90%. XRD analysis results showed that the compounds formed in the residual leaching were Anorthite, Ferrosilite, Cristobalite and quart low


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    This study was conducted to determine the effect of the concentration of basalt as a cement substitution material in mortar. Basalt was analysed by XRD and XRF. From the XRD results, the diffractogram shows the dominant phases, such as anorthite, augite, forsterite, and quartz or silicon oxide. SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3 are the main components in basalt, as can be seen from the XRF. With the concentration at 5% of the basalt before the calcination, the optimum compressive strength of the OPC and PCC cement mortar was obtained. The highest compressive strength of the OPC cement mortar was 24.97MPa with a porosity of 2.4% and absorption of 1.29 %. Furthermore, the highest compressive strength of the PCC cement mortar was 22.55MPa with a porosity of 4.8% and absorption of 2.52 %. This result indicates that the substitution of composite cement with a basalt with a concentration of 5% can increase the compressive strength of the mortar