148 research outputs found

    The Role Of The Nurse Practitioner In Health Promotion During Pregnancy

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    Health promotion is fundamental to nurse practitioner practice. To be effective in health promotion, the nurse practitioner must have a clear understanding of the nature of behavioral change, the individual issues each client brings to a particular behavior, and have expertise in health promotion. The nurse practitioner must possess specific skills to facilitate the client’s movement along the continuum of health behavior change. Health promotion that enhances prenatal care has been described and established by evidence-based research and professional practice guidelines. The purpose of this evidence-based research project was to develop a current nurse practitioner knowledgebase regarding the role of the nurse practitioner in health promotion during pregnancy. Literature indicated that health promotion during pregnancy is crucial, yet the current level of health care knowledge regarding the role of the nurse practitioner is limited. Further research into the role of the nurse practitioner is critically needed to better serve nurse practitioners and their clients. Nola Pender’s Health Promotion Model (HPM) was used to guide this project. The HPM has served as a framework for research aimed at predicting overall healthpromoting lifestyles and specific behaviors and using wellness orientation to clarify health-promoting behaviors

    Women in Mathematics: Motivating Factors For Doctorates in Academia Versus Professionals in the Actuarial Sciences

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    The topic under investigation is women in math-related careers and the motivating factors. Two careers, college professors and actuaries, were selected from the many math-related careers because both require advanced studies in mathematics. They also provide a contrast: one is in the business world while the other is in the world of academia. The purpose of this research is to determine if the numbers of women in upper level mathematics and these two careers are increasing. To accomplish this we first analyze women’s enrollment in mathematical programs from high school through graduate school from 1965-1995 in order to assess the impact of affirmative action. Then we compare and contrast performance levels for males and females on two standardized tests, National Assessment of Educational Progress Mathematics Test for age 17 and the Mathematics Section of the SAT. Next, the employment statistics for actuaries and women in academia are presented. The sources of the statistics are the National Science Foundation, American Mathematical Society, and the Society of Actuaries. The second component of the research deals with what can be done to recruit more women into math-related careers by looking at the factors that encourage or dissuade women from this choice. Mathematical stereotypes, mathematical skill levels of women, female patterns of knowing, and social factors which influence academic and professional choices of women are investigated. Additional focus is given to summer math intervention programs since they are so successful in persuading women to continue with graduate studies in mathematics. The research indicates, that although the gap on mathematical Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics standardized tests between males and females is getting smaller and enrollment in high school and undergraduate mathematics is on par with the number of women in the general population, the number of women choosing math careers in academia and graduate studies in mathematics is much lower than the number of men and is increasing at a lower rate

    Immunogenicity of a 24-Valent Klebsiella Capsular Polysaccharide Vaccine and an Eight-Valent Pseudomonas O-Polysaccharide Conjugate Vaccine Administered to Victims of Acute Trauma

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    We measured the antibody response in 10 victims of acute blunt trauma and penetrating trauma who were immunized against Klebsiella pneumoniae and Pseudomonas species within 72 hours of injury. The two vaccines, which were previously shown to be safe and immunogenic in uninjured humans, were a 24-valent K. pneumoniae capsular polysaccharide vaccine and an eight-valent Pseudomonas a-polysaccharide-toxin A conjugate vaccine. The patients were between 18 and 44 years of age, had Injury Severity Scores that ranged between 9 and 34, and did not have chronic infections or malignancies. On days 14 and 28 after immunization, all patients had a response of greater than fourfold to at least six of the nine Pseudomonas vaccine antigens. Half of the patients responded to eight of the nine antigens. Nine patients responded to at least 18 of 24 Klebsiella antigens, and seven patients responded to 22 of the 24 antigens. No important side effects were attributed to the vaccines. The results of this preliminary study indicate that active immunization against potential pathogens is possible in victims of acute traum

    Mechanical design engineering. NASA/university advanced design program: Lunar Bulk Material Transport Vehicle

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    The design of a Lunar Bulk Material Transport Vehicle (LBMTV) is discussed. Goals set in the project include a payload of 50 cubic feet of lunar soil with a lunar of approximately 800 moon-pounds, a speed of 15 mph, and the ability to handle a grade of 20 percent. Thermal control, an articulated steering mechanism, a dump mechanism, a self-righting mechanism, viable power sources, and a probable control panel are analyzed. The thermal control system involves the use of small strip heaters to heat the housing of electronic equipment in the absence of sufficient solar radiation and multi-layer insulation during periods of intense solar radiation. The entire system uses only 10 W and weighs about 60 pounds, or 10 moon-pounds. The steering mechanism is an articulated steering joint at the center of the vehicle. It utilizes two actuators and yields a turning radius of 10.3 feet. The dump mechanism rotates the bulk material container through an angle of 100 degree using one actuator. The self-righting mechanism consists of two four bar linkages, each of which is powered by the same size actuator as the other linkages. The LBMTV is powered by rechargeable batteries. A running time of at least two hours is attained under a worst case analysis. The weight of the batteries is 100 pounds. A control panel consisting of feedback and control instruments is described. The panel includes all critical information necessary to control the vehicle remotely. The LBMTV is capable of handling many types of cargo. It is able to interface with many types of removable bulk material containers. These containers are made to interface with the three-legged walker, SKITTER. The overall vehicle is about 15 feet in length and has a weight of about 1000 pounds, or 170 lunar pounds

    An Investigation Comparing the Efficacy of Topical Ocular Application of Tacrolimus and Cyclosporine in Dogs

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    The purpose of this paper was to determine the efficacy and safety of topical tacrolimus, compared to cyclosporine, for treating keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS) in dogs. This study was a two-phase, randomized, controlled, masked clinical trial. Phase 1 evaluated ophthalmic 0.03% tacrolimus in normal dogs. Ocular examinations were performed daily. Phase 2 evaluated the efficacy of tacrolimus in treating KCS. Half the dogs received 2% cyclosporine A; the others received 0.03% tacrolimus, both diluted in olive oil. Four ophthalmic examinations were done over 12 weeks. There was no significant difference between groups in phase I. In phase 2, there was no significant difference in Schirmer tear test I (STT) results between the two groups, and both groups had a significant increase in STT over time. Both drugs were effective in increasing the STT in dogs naïve to lacrimostimulants. Tacrolimus was effective in increasing the STT in 4 dogs currently nonresponsive to cyclosporine

    Climate change increases the risk of fisheries conflict

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    The effects of climate change on the ocean environment – especially ocean warming, acidification, and sea level rise – will impact fish stocks and fishers in important ways. Likely impacts include changes in fish stocks’ productivity and distribution, human migration to and away from coastal areas, stresses on coastal fisheries infrastructure, and challenges to prevailing maritime boundaries. In this paper, we explore these and other related phenomena, in order to assess whether and how the impacts of climate change on fisheries will contribute to the risk of fisheries conflict. We argue that climate change will entail an increase in the conditions that may precipitate fisheries conflict, and thereby create new challenges for existing fisheries management institutions. Several potential changes in fisheries management policy are recommended to avert the growing risk of fisheries-related conflicts

    Model-based predictions of protective HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis adherence levels in cisgender women

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    Most human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infections occur in cisgender women in resource-limited settings. In women, self-protection with emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate pre-exposure prophylaxis (FTC/TDF-PrEP) constitutes a major pillar of HIV prevention. However, clinical trials in women had inconsistent outcomes, sparking uncertainty about adherence requirements and reluctance in evaluating on-demand regimens. We analyzed data from published FTC/TDF-PrEP trials to establish efficacy ranges in cisgender women. In a ‘bottom-up’ approach, we modeled hypotheses in the context of risk-group-specific, adherence–efficacy profiles and challenged those hypotheses with clinical data. We found that different clinical outcomes were related to the proportion of women taking the product, allowing coherent interpretation of the data. Our analysis showed that 90% protection was achieved when women took some product. We found that hypotheses of putative male/female differences were either not impactful or statistically inconsistent with clinical data. We propose that differing clinical outcomes could arise from pill-taking behavior rather than biological factors driving specific adherence requirements in cisgender women

    The association of diabetes and obesity with prostate cancer aggressiveness among Black Americans and White Americans in a population-based study

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    Few studies have investigated the role of race in the association of diabetes and obesity with prostate cancer aggressiveness. Here we evaluate the independent association between diabetes and obesity with prostate cancer aggressiveness in White Americans and Black Americans

    The Stem Cell Phenotype of Aggressive Breast Cancer Cells

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    Aggressive cancer cells are characterized by their capacity to proliferate indefinitely and to propagate a heterogeneous tumor comprised of subpopulations with varying degrees of metastatic propensity and drug resistance properties. Particularly daunting is the challenge we face in the field of oncology of effectively targeting heterogeneous tumor cells expressing a variety of markers, especially those associated with a stem cell phenotype. This dilemma is especially relevant in breast cancer, where therapy is based on traditional classification schemes, including histological criteria, differentiation status, and classical receptor markers. However, not all patients respond in a similar manner to standard-of-care therapy, thereby necessitating the need to identify and evaluate novel biomarkers associated with the difficult-to-target stem cell phenotype and drug resistance. Findings related to the convergence of embryonic and tumorigenic signaling pathways have identified the embryonic morphogen Nodal as a promising new oncofetal target that is reactivated only in aggressive cancers, but not in normal tissues. The work presented in this paper confirms previous studies demonstrating the importance of Nodal as a cancer stem cell molecule associated with aggressive breast cancer, and advances the field by providing new findings showing that Nodal is not targeted by standard-of-care therapy in breast cancer patients. Most noteworthy is the linkage found between Nodal expression and the drug resistance marker ATP-binding cassette member 1 (ABCA1), which may provide new insights into developing combinatorial approaches to overcome drug resistance and disease recurrence

    The Stem Cell Phenotype of Aggressive Breast Cancer Cells

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    Aggressive cancer cells are characterized by their capacity to proliferate indefinitely and to propagate a heterogeneous tumor comprised of subpopulations with varying degrees of metastatic propensity and drug resistance properties. Particularly daunting is the challenge we face in the field of oncology of effectively targeting heterogeneous tumor cells expressing a variety of markers, especially those associated with a stem cell phenotype. This dilemma is especially relevant in breast cancer, where therapy is based on traditional classification schemes, including histological criteria, differentiation status, and classical receptor markers. However, not all patients respond in a similar manner to standard-of-care therapy, thereby necessitating the need to identify and evaluate novel biomarkers associated with the difficult-to-target stem cell phenotype and drug resistance. Findings related to the convergence of embryonic and tumorigenic signaling pathways have identified the embryonic morphogen Nodal as a promising new oncofetal target that is reactivated only in aggressive cancers, but not in normal tissues. The work presented in this paper confirms previous studies demonstrating the importance of Nodal as a cancer stem cell molecule associated with aggressive breast cancer, and advances the field by providing new findings showing that Nodal is not targeted by standard-of-care therapy in breast cancer patients. Most noteworthy is the linkage found between Nodal expression and the drug resistance marker ATP-binding cassette member 1 (ABCA1), which may provide new insights into developing combinatorial approaches to overcome drug resistance and disease recurrence