21 research outputs found

    Collegii Feudalis Disputatio IV. De Rebus Quae In Feudum Dari Possunt

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    Quam ... In celeberrima Witebergensium Academia, Sub Praesidio Helfrici Ulrici Hunnii ... Privati exercitii caussa proponit Anthonius Nesenus. Ad diem 8. Iunii ...Auch in: Hunnius, Helfrich Ulrich: Disputationes Feudales XII

    Disputatio Singularis Ad Titulum Sextum Libri Quinti Decretalium De Judaeis Eorumque Iuribus Et Privilegiis

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    Quam ... Praeside Helfrico-Ulrico Hunnio ... Inclytae Academiae Marpurgensis ... In auditorio ICtorum die 23. Martii, publice ventilandam exhibet Antonius Guntherus Velstenius OldenburgensisAuch in: Hunnius, Helfrich Ulrich: Collegii Iuris Canonici Disputationes XIV

    Cruciform Specimen Design for Biaxial Tensile Testing of SMC

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    This paper presents an investigation of different cruciform specimen designs for the characterization of sheet molding compound (SMC) under biaxial loading. The considered material is a discontinuous glass fiber reinforced thermoset. We define various (material-specific) requirements for an optimal specimen design. One key challenge represents the achievement of a high strain level in the center region of the cruciform specimen in order to observe damage, at the same time prevention of premature failure in the clamped specimen arms. Starting from the ISO norm for sheet metals, we introduce design variations, including two concepts to reinforce the specimens’ arms. An experimental evaluation includes two different loading scenarios, uniaxial tension and equi-biaxial tension. The best fit in terms of the defined optimality criteria, is a specimen manufactured in a layup with unidirectional reinforcing outer layers where a gentle milling process exposed the pure SMC in the center region of the specimen. This specimen performed superior for all considered loading conditions, for instance, in the uniaxial loading scenario, the average strain in the center region reached 87 % of the failure strain in a uniaxial tensile bone specimen

    ComplexEye - a multi lens array microscope for High-Throughput embedded immune cell migration analysis

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    <p>This dataset contains raw high-resolution movies of migrating neutrophils, which were recorded using the ComplexEye, an array microscope with 16 independent aberration-corrected glass lenses spaced at the pitch of a 96-well plate. Please see the manuscript "ComplexEye - a multi lens array microscope for High-Throughput embedded immune cell migration analysis" for more information.</p><p>The movies can be assigned to the following figures in the manuscript:</p><ul><li>96-well_plate_movies_n=1_complexeye.zip: Figure 3a</li><li>96-well_plate_movies_n=1_leica.zip: Figure 3a</li><li>384-well_plate_movies_n=1_complexeye.zip: Figure 3b</li><li>384-well_plate_movies_n=16_complexeye.zip: Figure 3c</li><li>R01.zip - R17.zip: Figure 4 and 5</li></ul&gt

    Four-Scale Description of Membrane Sculpting by BAR Domains

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    BAR domains are proteins that sense and sculpt curved membranes in cells, furnishing a relatively well-studied example of mechanisms employed in cellular morphogenesis. We report a computational study of membrane bending by BAR domains at four levels of resolution, described by 1), all-atom molecular dynamics; 2), residue-based coarse-graining (resolving single amino acids and lipid molecules); 3), shape-based coarse-graining (resolving overall protein and membrane shapes); and 4), a continuum elastic membrane model. Membrane sculpting performed by BAR domains collectively is observed in agreement with experiments. Different arrangements of BAR domains on the membrane surface are found to lead to distinct membrane curvatures and bending dynamics