159 research outputs found

    Bestimmungsgründe für die Wahl von ingenieur- und naturwissenschaftlichen Studiengängen: Ausgewählte Ergebnisse einer Schwerpunktstudie im Rahmen der Berichterstattung zur technologischen Leistungsfähigkeit Deutschlands

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    Diese ZEW-Dokumentation enthält einen Überblick über zentrale Ergebnisse der Studie „Bestimmungsgründe für die Wahl von ingenieur- und naturwissenschaftlichen Studiengängen“, die als Schwerpunktstudie im Rahmen der Berichterstattung zur technologischen Leistungsfähigkeit Deutschlands von HIS und ZEW erarbeitet wurde

    Анализ эффективности процессов планирования электроснабжения в Харьковском регионе

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    Ефективність процесів електропостачання запропоновано оцінювати не тільки величиною помилки прогнозування, а й кількістю негативних і позитивних помилок, що вимірюються за методикою Тейла. Виконано аналіз планованих і фактичних добових обсягів електроспоживання в Харківському регіоні в 2008 і 2009 роках. Оцінено помилки переоцінки і недооцінки фактичних обсягів, обчислені складові загальної помилки і показано, що переважає помилка неповної коваріації прогнозованих і фактичних значень добових обсягів ринку споживачів АК "Харківобленерго".The effectiveness of the processes of electricity supply was offered to assess not only with the magnitude of forecasting error, but with the number of negative and positive errors, measured by the method of Theil. The analysis of planned and actual daily volume of electricity in Kharkov region in 2008 and 2009 is realized. Errors of revaluation and underestimation of actual volumes are estimated, components of the general error are calculated and shown that the error of incomplete covariance for predicted and actual values of daily volumes of the market of consumers АК of "Kharkovo-blenergo" prevails

    Pflanzliche Proteine als Fleischersatz: eine Betrachtung für die Schweiz

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    Soll die Eigenversorgung an pflanzlichem Protein für die menschliche Ernährung ausgebaut werden, bedarf es einer möglichst gesamthaften Betrachtung. In dieser Studie wird die Situation in der Schweiz systemisch analysiert. Es wird aufgezeigt, welche proteinreichen Pflanzen sich besonders für einen nachhaltigen und ökologischen Anbau eignen, welches ernährungsphysiologische Potenzial sie mitbringen und welche Prozessschritte notwendig sind, um sie zu Proteinkonzentraten und -isolaten aufzuarbeiten, die sich wiederum zur Herstellung von Fleischersatzprodukten eignen

    Cyclin D1-CDK4 activity drives sensitivity to bortezomib in mantle cell lymphoma by blocking autophagy-mediated proteolysis of NOXA

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    Background: Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is an aggressive B-non-Hodgkin lymphoma with generally poor outcome. MCL is characterized by an aberrantly high cyclin D1-driven CDK4 activity. New molecular targeted therapies such as inhibitors of the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) have shown promising results in preclinical studies and MCL patients. Our previous research revealed stabilization of the short-lived pro-apoptotic NOXA as a critical determinant for sensitivity to these inhibitors. It is currently unclear how cyclin D1 overexpression and aberrant CDK4 activity affect NOXA stabilization and treatment efficacy of UPS inhibitors in MCL. Methods: The effect of cyclin D1-driven CDK4 activity on response of MCL cell lines and primary cells to proteasome inhibitor treatment was investigated using survival assays (Flow cytometry, AnnexinV/PI) and Western blot analysis of NOXA protein. Half-life of NOXA protein was determined by cycloheximide treatment and subsequent Western blot analysis. The role of autophagy was analyzed by LC3-II protein expression and autophagolysosome detection. Furthermore, silencing of autophagy-related genes was performed using siRNA and MCL cells were treated with autophagy inhibitors in combination with proteasome and CDK4 inhibition. Results: In this study, we show that proteasome inhibitor-mediated cell death in MCL depends on cyclin D1-driven CDK4 activity. Inhibition of cyclin D1/CDK4 activity significantly reduced proteasome inhibitor-mediated stabilization of NOXA protein, mainly driven by an autophagy-mediated proteolysis. Bortezomib-induced cell death was significantly potentiated by compounds that interfere with autophagosomal function. Combined treatment with bortezomib and autophagy inhibitors enhanced NOXA stability leading to super-induction of NOXA protein. In addition to established autophagy modulators, we identified the fatty acid synthase inhibitor orlistat to be an efficient autophagy inhibitor when used in combination with bortezomib. Accordingly, this combination synergistically induced apoptosis both in MCL cell lines and in patient samples. Conclusion: Our data demonstrate that CDK4 activity in MCL is critical for NOXA stabilization upon treatment with UPS inhibitors allowing preferential induction of cell death in cyclin D transformed cells. Under UPS blocked conditions, autophagy appears as the critical regulator of NOXA induction. Therefore, inhibitors of autophagy are promising candidates to increase the activity of proteasome inhibitors in MCL

    Assessing the Conditions for Multilateral Interventions or Non-Interventions: Intervention and Non-Intervention in the Asia Pacific Region

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    The focus of this thesis has been on the identification of the primary conditions that attract or deter multilateral interventions into internal conflicts in the Asia Pacific region. This thesis develops a framework which is applied to four cases of internal conflict to see what roles twenty-two structural and perceptual conditions have played in determining why multilateral intervention was initiated in two of the cases, and why multilateral intervention failed to be initiated in the other two cases. The research found that multilateral organizations will accept risks and costs associated with intervention if certain structural and perceptual conditions make intervention an attractive option. These conditions are, a favourable or significant international environment or international event(s), the consent of a sovereign state (even if it is induced), sustained and critical regional and international media coverage, a complete collapse of the state in conflict tainting it with the term 'failed state', a high probability of success, potential economic benefits, a humanitarian crisis (in respect of Unregulated Population Movements and genocide/politicide), the possibility of a clear exit strategy, and a self-interested Member State who can greatly subsidize an intervention. Multilateral non-interventions, on the contrary, are driven by a combination of a lack of sustained and critically analyzed media coverage on conflict issues and consequences, generally positive tactics and strategies adopted by disputants, conflicts of a long duration, the international environment, economic factors unfavourable to intervention, resistance levels to intervention or a failure to call for intervention, lack of any clear exit points, and an escalation phase. The importance of these conditions suggest that multilateral organizations are reluctant to take risks and costs when political will, for the collective and self, are not provoked. Consequently, particular structural and perceptual conditions trigger or influence political will. The analysis of four case studies (East Timor, Solomon Islands, Philippines (Moros), and West Papua) concludes that multilateral interventions will be the exception to the rule in the foreseeable future given the obvious selection bias evident in these policies, and the project questions the ad hoc determinants of current multilateral intervention policies