2,949 research outputs found

    What Explains the Incidence of the Use of a Common Sediment Control on Lots with Houses Under Construction?

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    To analyze compliance with one aspect of the regulation of stormwater discharge, we estimate a random-utility model of the probability that a builder uses a silt fence to control sediments on a lot with a house under construction in an urbanizing county of South Carolina. The probability increases if the builder is responsible to the subdivision’s developer or if a homeowners association exists. The probability also increases as the cost to install a silt fence decreases or the number of houses under construction per built house in a subdivision increases. The results can help county officials target inspection to improve compliance.compliance with regulation, erosion and sediment control, filter fabric, management of stormwater runoff, random-utility model, silt fence, storm water pollution prevention plan, Agribusiness, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Demand and Price Analysis, Environmental Economics and Policy, Industrial Organization, Land Economics/Use, Q01, Q24, Q53, Q58,

    Parents' involvement in child care: do parental and work identities matter?

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    The current study draws on identity theory to explore mothers' and fathers' involvement in childcare. It examined the relationships between the salience and centrality of individuals’ parental and work-related identities and the extent to which they are involved in various forms of childcare. A sample of 148 couples with at least one child aged 6 years or younger completed extensive questionnaires. As hypothesized, the salience and centrality of parental identities were positively related to mothers' and fathers' involvement in childcare. Moreover, maternal identity salience was negatively related to fathers' hours of childcare and share of childcare tasks. Finally, work hours mediated the negative relationships between the centrality of work identities and time invested in childcare, and gender moderated this mediation effect. That is, the more central a mother's work identity, the more hours she worked for pay and the fewer hours she invested in childcare. These findings shed light on the role of parental identities in guiding behavioral choices, and attest to the importance of distinguishing between identity salience and centrality as two components of self-structure


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    Species in the pleurocerid genus Elimia are important components of freshwater systems in the eastern United States, but little is known about their natural history. Using dual-simultaneous linear regression and principal components analyses, we show patterns of morphological change in two populations of E. comalensis from the Edwards Plateau, Texas. Both populations had similar rates of change for all shell measurements analyzed, and both showed similar decreases in growth as total length of shell increased. However, the size at which growth slowed was different between populations, and small shells tended to have a consistent shape, while larger shells were more variable. - Aunque las especies del ge´nero Elimia son componentes importantes de los sistemas de agua dulce del este de los Estados Unidos, se sabe poco de su historia natural. Usando dos ana´lisis, uno de regresio´n linear dual simulta´nea y otro de componentes principales, mostramos patrones de cambio morfolo´gico en dos poblaciones de E. comalensis del Edwards Plateau, Texas. Las dos tuvieron tazas de cambios similares para todas las medidas de conchas analizadas y las dos tuvieron disminuciones similares en el crecimiento mientras la longitud total de concha aumentaba. Sin embargo, el taman˜o al que el crecimiento disminuyo´ fue diferente entre las poblaciones y las conchas pequen˜as tendieron a tener una forma consistente y las conchas ma´s grandes fueron ma´s variables

    Additive-Assisted, Cerium-Based, Corrosion-Resistant e-coating

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    Corrosion resistance of metallic components such as stainless steel components of vehicles, and especially aluminum- based components of aircraft, is enhanced by application of an e-coat paint or primer which is enhanced by incorporation of cerium ions into the e-coat electrolytic bath. The resulting overall coating includes a cerium-based layer under a cerium-enhanced e-coat paint or primer layer

    Proterozoic oxygen rise linked to shifting balance between seafloor and terrestrial weathering.

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    types: JOURNAL ARTICLEA shift toward higher atmospheric oxygen concentration during the late Proterozoic has been inferred from multiple indirect proxies and is seen by many as a prerequisite for the emergence of complex animal life. However, the mechanisms controlling the level of oxygen throughout the Proterozoic and its eventual rise remain uncertain. Here we use a simple biogeochemical model to show that the balance between long-term carbon removal fluxes via terrestrial silicate weathering and ocean crust alteration plays a key role in determining atmospheric oxygen concentration. This balance may be shifted by changes in terrestrial weatherability or in the generation rate of oceanic crust. As a result, the terrestrial chemical weathering flux may be permanently altered-contrasting with the conventional view that the global silicate weathering flux must adjust to equal the volcanic CO2 degassing flux. Changes in chemical weathering flux in turn alter the long-term supply of phosphorus to the ocean, and therefore the flux of organic carbon burial, which is the long-term source of atmospheric oxygen. Hence we propose that increasing solar luminosity and a decrease in seafloor spreading rate over 1,500-500 Ma drove a gradual shift from seafloor weathering to terrestrial weathering, and a corresponding steady rise in atmospheric oxygen. Furthermore, increased terrestrial weatherability during the late Neoproterozoic may explain low temperature, increases in ocean phosphate, ocean sulfate, and atmospheric oxygen concentration at this time.NER

    A transient positive association between direct-acting antiviral therapy for hepatitis C infection and drug-related hospitalization among people who inject drugs: self-controlled case-series analysis of national data

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    Background and Aims: Direct-acting antiviral (DAA) treatment has an established positive effect on liver outcomes in people with hepatitis C infection; however, there is insufficient evidence regarding its effects on the 'extra-hepatic' outcomes of drug-related hospitalization and mortality (DRM) among people who inject drugs (PWID). We investigated associations between these outcomes and DAA treatment by comparing post-treatment to baseline periods using a within-subjects design to minimize selection bias concerns with cohort or case-control designs.Design: This was a self-controlled case-series study.Setting: Scotland, 1 January 2015-30 November 2020.Participants: The study population of non-cirrhotic, DAA-treated PWID was identified using a data set linking Scotland's hepatitis C diagnosis, HCV clinical databases, national inpatient/day-case hospital records and the national deaths register. Three principal outcomes (drug overdose admission, non-viral injecting related admission and drug-related mortality) were defined using ICD codes.Measurements: Self-controlled case-series methodology was used to estimate the relative incidence (RI) of each outcome associated with time on treatment and up to six 90-day exposure risk periods thereafter.Findings: A total of 6050 PWID were treated with DAAs in the sampling time-frame. Compared with the baseline period, there was a significantly lowered risk of a drug overdose hospital admission in the second to fifth exposure risk periods only [relative incidence (RI) = 0.86, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.80-0.99; 0.89, 95% CI = 0.80-0.99; 0.86, 95% CI = 0.77-0.96; 0.88, 95% CI = 0.78-0.99, respectively]. For non-viral injecting-related admission, there was a reduced risk in the first, third and fourth exposure risk periods (RI = 0.76, 95% CI = 0.64-0.90; 0.75, 95% CI = 0.62-0.90; 0.79, 95% CI = 0.66-0.96, respectively). There was no evidence for reduced DRM risk in any period following treatment end.Conclusions: Among people who inject drugs in Scotland, direct-acting antiviral treatment appears to be associated with a small, non-durable reduction in the risk of drug-related hospital admission, but not drug-related mortality. Direct-acting antiviral therapy, despite high effectiveness against liver disease, does not appear to offer a panacea for reducing other drug-related health harms.</p

    A meta-analysis of third wave mindfulness-based cognitive behavioral therapies for older people

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    Objectives: The aim of this study is to review the effectiveness of third wave mindfulness-based cognitive behavioral therapies (CBTs) for depressive or anxiety symptomatology in older adults across a wide range of physical and psychological conditions. Methods: Electronic literature databases were searched for articles, and random-effects meta-analysis was conducted. Results: Ten studies met the inclusion criteria, of which nine reported the efficacy of interventions on depressive symptoms and seven on anxiety symptoms. Effect-size estimates suggested that mindfulness-based CBT is moderately effective on depressive symptoms in older adults (g = 0.55). The results demonstrated a similar level of overall effect size for anxiety symptoms (g = 0.58). However, there was a large heterogeneity, and publication bias was evident in studies reporting outcomes on anxiety symptoms, and thus, this observed efficacy for late-life anxiety may not be robust. The quality of the included studies varied. Only one study used an active psychological control condition. There were a limited number of studies that used an intent-to-treat (last observation carried forward method) analysis and reported appropriate methods for clinical trials (e.g., treatment-integrity reporting). Conclusions: Third wave mindfulness-based CBT may be robust in particular for depressive symptoms in older adults. We recommend that future studies (i) conduct randomized controlled trials with intent-to-treat to compare mindfulness-based CBT with other types of psychotherapy in older people and (ii) improve study quality by using appropriate methods for checking treatment adherence, randomization, and blinding of assessors. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Maximal planar networks with large clustering coefficient and power-law degree distribution

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    In this article, we propose a simple rule that generates scale-free networks with very large clustering coefficient and very small average distance. These networks are called {\bf Random Apollonian Networks}(RAN) as they can be considered as a variation of Apollonian networks. We obtain the analytic results of power-law exponent γ=3\gamma =3 and clustering coefficient C=46/3−36ln3/2≈0.74C={46/3}-36\texttt{ln}{3/2}\approx 0.74, which agree very well with the simulation results. We prove that the increasing tendency of average distance of RAN is a little slower than the logarithm of the number of nodes in RAN. Since most real-life networks are both scale-free and small-world networks, RAN may perform well in mimicking the reality. The RAN possess hierarchical structure as C(k)∼k−1C(k)\sim k^{-1} that in accord with the observations of many real-life networks. In addition, we prove that RAN are maximal planar networks, which are of particular practicability for layout of printed circuits and so on. The percolation and epidemic spreading process are also studies and the comparison between RAN and Barab\'{a}si-Albert(BA) as well as Newman-Watts(NW) networks are shown. We find that, when the network order NN(the total number of nodes) is relatively small(as N∼104N\sim 10^4), the performance of RAN under intentional attack is not sensitive to NN, while that of BA networks is much affected by NN. And the diseases spread slower in RAN than BA networks during the outbreaks, indicating that the large clustering coefficient may slower the spreading velocity especially in the outbreaks.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure
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