79 research outputs found

    QTL analysis of flowering time and ripening traits suggests an impact of a genomic region on linkage group 1 in Vitis.

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    Fechter I, Hausmann L, Zyprian E, et al. QTL analysis of flowering time and ripening traits suggests an impact of a genomic region on linkage group 1 in Vitis. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 2014;127(9):1857-1872.In the recent past, genetic analyses of grapevine focused mainly on the identification of resistance loci for major diseases such as powdery and downy mildew. Currently, breeding programs make intensive use of these results by applying molecular markers linked to the resistance traits. However, modern genetics also allows to address additional agronomic traits that have considerable impact on the selection of grapevine cultivars. In this study, we have used linkage mapping for the identification and characterization of flowering time and ripening traits in a mapping population from a cross of V3125 ('Schiava Grossa' × 'Riesling') and the interspecific rootstock cultivar 'Börner' (Vitis riparia × Vitis cinerea). Comparison of the flowering time QTL mapping with data derived from a second independent segregating population identified several common QTLs. Especially a large region on linkage group 1 proved to be of special interest given the genetic divergence of the parents of the two populations. The proximity of the QTL region contains two CONSTANS-like genes. In accordance with data from other plants such as Arabidopsis thaliana and Oryza sativa, we hypothesize that these genes are major contributors to control the time of flowering in Vitis

    Genome Sequences of Both Organelles of the Grapevine Rootstock Cultivar ‘Börner’

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    Frommer B, Holtgräwe D, Hausmann L, et al. Genome Sequences of Both Organelles of the Grapevine Rootstock Cultivar ‘Börner’. Microbiology Resource Announcements. 2020;9(15): e01471-19.Genomic long reads of the interspecific grapevine rootstock cultivar ‘Börner’ (Vitis riparia GM183 × Vitis cinerea Arnold) were used to assemble its chloroplast and mitochondrion genome sequences. We annotated 133 chloroplast and 172 mitochondrial genes, including the RNA editing sites. The organelle genomes in ‘Börner’ were maternally inherited from Vitis riparia

    A Partially Phase-Separated Genome Sequence Assembly of the Vitis Rootstock ‘Börner’ (Vitis riparia × Vitis cinerea) and Its Exploitation for Marker Development and Targeted Mapping

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    Holtgräwe D, Rosleff Soerensen T, Hausmann L, et al. A Partially Phase-Separated Genome Sequence Assembly of the Vitis Rootstock ‘Börner’ (Vitis riparia × Vitis cinerea) and Its Exploitation for Marker Development and Targeted Mapping. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2020;11: 156.Grapevine breeding has become highly relevant due to upcoming challenges like climate change, a decrease in the number of available fungicides, increasing public concern about plant protection, and the demand for a sustainable production. Downy mildew caused by Plasmopara viticola is one of the most devastating diseases worldwide of cultivated Vitis vinifera. In modern breeding programs, therefore, genetic marker technologies and genomic data are used to develop new cultivars with defined and stacked resistance loci. Potential sources of resistance are wild species of American or Asian origin. The interspecific hybrid of Vitis riparia Gm 183 x Vitis cinerea Arnold, available as the rootstock cultivar ‘Börner,’ carries several relevant resistance loci. We applied next-generation sequencing to enable the reliable identification of simple sequence repeats (SSR), and we also generated a draft genome sequence assembly of ‘Börner’ to access genome-wide sequence variations in a comprehensive and highly reliable way. These data were used to cover the ‘Börner’ genome with genetic marker positions. A subset of these marker positions was used for targeted mapping of the P. viticola resistance locus, Rpv14, to validate the marker position list. Based on the reference genome sequence PN40024, the position of this resistance locus can be narrowed down to less than 0.5 Mbp on chromosome 5

    Characterization of genes and alleles involved in the control of flowering time in grapevine.

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    Kamal N, Ochßner I, Schwandner A, et al. Characterization of genes and alleles involved in the control of flowering time in grapevine. PLoS One. 2019;14(7): e0214703.Grapevine (Vitis vinifera) is one of the most important perennial crop plants in worldwide. Understanding of developmental processes like flowering, which impact quality and quantity of yield in this species is therefore of high interest. This gets even more important when considering some of the expected consequences of climate change. Earlier bud burst and flowering, for example, may result in yield loss due to spring frost. Berry ripening under higher temperatures will impact wine quality. Knowledge of interactions between a genotype or allele combination and the environment can be used for the breeding of genotypes that are better adapted to new climatic conditions. To this end, we have generated a list of more than 500 candidate genes that may play a role in the timing of flowering. The grapevine genome was exploited for flowering time control gene homologs on the basis of functional data from model organisms like A. thaliana. In a previous study, a mapping population derived from early flowering GF.GA-47-42 and late flowering ‘Villard Blanc’ was analyzed for flowering time QTLs. In a second step we have now established a workflow combining amplicon sequencing and bioinformatics to follow alleles of selected candidate genes in the F1 individuals and the parental genotypes. Allele combinations of these genes in individuals of the mapping population were correlated with early or late flowering phenotypes. Specific allele combinations of flowering time candidate genes within and outside of the QTL regions for flowering time on chromosome 1, 4, 14, 17, and 18 were found to be associated with an early flowering phenotype. In addition, expression of many of the flowering candidate genes was analyzed over consecutive stages of bud and inflorescence development indicating functional roles of these genes in the flowering control network

    Comparative study of three-dimensional localization accuracy in conventional, confocal laser scanning and axial tomographic fluorescence light microscopy

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    key words: conventional and confocal fluorescence light microscopy, spatial resolution, point spread function, axial tomography, quantitative image analysis ABSTRACT For many biological applications, precise and accurate 3D object localizations and 3D-distance measurements are necessary. Point spread functions of artifical objects of subwavelength dimensions have been measured in order to characterize the image foririing properties as well as to localize extended objects in both conventional and confocal fluorescence light microscopy with and without the axial tomographic technique. With the axial tomographic technique it is possible to tilt the object in such a way, that substructures are located in the same focal plane. The distance of two points measured under this optimal perspective fits best to the real 3D-distance. In this case, optical sectioning is unnecessary, if only distance measurements have to be performed