1,010 research outputs found

    A Textured Silicon Calorimetric Light Detector

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    We apply the standard photovoltaic technique of texturing to reduce the reflectivity of silicon cryogenic calorimetric light detectors. In the case of photons with random incidence angles, absorption is compatible with the increase in surface area. For the geometrically thin detectors studied, energy resolution from athermal phonons, dominated by position dependence, is proportional to the surface-to-volume ratio. With the CaWO4 scintillating crystal used as light source, the time constants of the calorimeter should be adapted to the relatively slow light-emission times.Comment: Submitted to Journal of Applied Physic

    Search as learning (SAL) workshop 2016

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    The "Search as Learning" (SAL) workshop is focused on an area within the information retrieval fi

    Paired EMI-HIMU hotspots in the South Atlantic-Starting plume heads trigger compositionally distinct secondary plumes?

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    Age-progressive volcanism is generally accepted as the surface expression of deep-rooted mantle plumes, which are enigmatically linked with the African and Pacific large low-shear velocity provinces (LLSVPs). We present geochemical and geochronological data collected from the oldest portions of the age-progressive enriched mantle one (EMI)-type Tristan-Gough track. They are part of a 30- to 40-million year younger age-progressive hotspot track with St. Helena HIMU (high time-integrated U-238/Pb-204) composition, which is also observed at the EMI-type Shona hotspot track in the southernmost Atlantic. Whereas the primary EMI-type hotspots overlie the margin of the African LLSVP, the HIMU-type hotspots are located above a central portion of the African LLSVP, reflecting a large-scale geochemical zonation. We propose that extraction of large volumes of EMI-type mantle from the margin of the LLSVP by primary plume heads triggered upwelling of HIMU material from a more internal domain of the LLSVP, forming secondary plumes

    Geochemical approaches to the quantification of dispersed volcanic ash in marine sediment

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    Volcanic ash has long been recognized in marine sediment, and given the prevalence of oceanic and continental arc volcanism around the globe in regard to widespread transport of ash, its presence is nearly ubiquitous. However, the presence/absence of very fine-grained ash material, and identification of its composition in particular, is challenging given its broad classification as an “aluminosilicate” component in sediment. Given this challenge, many studies of ash have focused on discrete layers (that is, layers of ash that are of millimeter-to-centimeter or greater thickness, and their respective glass shards) found in sequences at a variety of locations and timescales and how to link their presence with a number of Earth processes. The ash that has been mixed into the bulk sediment, known as dispersed ash, has been relatively unstudied, yet represents a large fraction of the total ash in a given sequence. The application of a combined geochemical and statistical technique has allowed identification of this dispersed ash as part of the original ash contribution to the sediment. In this paper, we summarize the development of these geochemical/statistical techniques and provide case studies from the quantification of dispersed ash in the Caribbean Sea, equatorial Pacific Ocean, and northwest Pacific Ocean. These geochemical studies (and their sedimentological precursors of smear slides) collectively demonstrate that local and regional arc-related ash can be an important component of sedimentary sequences throughout large regions of the ocean

    The CRESST Dark Matter Search

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    We present first competitive results on WIMP dark matter using the phonon-light-detection technique. A particularly strong limit for WIMPs with coherent scattering results from selecting a region of the phonon-light plane corresponding to tungsten recoils. The observed count rate in the neutron band is compatible with the rate expected from neutron background. CRESST is presently being upgraded with a 66 channel SQUID readout system, a neutron shield and a muon veto system. This results in a significant improvement in sensitivity.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, to be published in the proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on the Identification and Detection of Dark Matter IDM 2004, Edinburgh, Sept. 2004, World Scientifi

    Turbulent cross-field transport of non-thermal electrons in coronal loops: theory and observations

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    <p><b>Context:</b> A fundamental problem in astrophysics is the interaction between magnetic turbulence and charged particles. It is now possible to use Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI) observations of hard X-rays (HXR) emitted by electrons to identify the presence of turbulence and to estimate the magnitude of the magnetic field line diffusion coefficient at least in dense coronal flaring loops.</p> <p><b>Aims:</b> We discuss the various possible regimes of cross-field transport of non-thermal electrons resulting from broadband magnetic turbulence in coronal loops. The importance of the Kubo number K as a governing parameter is emphasized and results applicable in both the large and small Kubo number limits are collected.</p> <p><b>Methods:</b> Generic models, based on concepts and insights developed in the statistical theory of transport, are applied to the coronal loops and to the interpretation of hard X-ray imaging data in solar flares. The role of trapping effects, which become important in the non-linear regime of transport, is taken into account in the interpretation of the data.</p> <p><b>Results:</b> For this flaring solar loop, we constrain the ranges of parallel and perpendicular correlation lengths of turbulent magnetic fields and possible Kubo numbers. We show that a substantial amount of magnetic fluctuations with energy ~1% (or more) of the background field can be inferred from the measurements of the magnetic diffusion coefficient inside thick-target coronal loops.</p&gt
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