82 research outputs found

    Business Report : TIZ 6938 - Final Project and Internal Industrial Internship

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    The report is about Myriad Solutions Sdn Bhd, an ICT Company. The report consist of Company Profile, business plan 'teleworking', sales achievement report and company's future plan

    Synthesis and characterization of [4-(2,4-dichlorophenoxybutyrate)-zinc layered hydroxide] nanohybrid

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    A new layered organic–inorganic nanohybrid material in which an agrochemical, 4-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy)butyrate (DPBA) is intercalated into inorganic interlayers of zinclayeredhydroxide (ZLH) was synthesized by direct reaction of aqueous DPBA solution with zinc oxide. The resulting nanohybrid is composed of the organic moieties, DPBA sandwiched between ZLH inorganic interlayers. The nanohybrid afforded well ordered crystalline layered structure, a basal spacing of 29.6 Å, 23.5% carbon (w/w) and 47.9% (w/w) loading of DPBA. FTIR study shows that the absorption bands of the resulting nanohybrid composed the FTIR characteristics of both the DPBA and ZLH which further confirmed the intercalation episode. The intercalated organic moiety in the form of nanohybrid is thermally more stable than its sodium salt. Scanning electron micrograph shows the ZnO precursor has very fine granular structure and transformed into a flake-like when the nanohybrid is formed. This work shows that the nanohybrid of DPBA-ZLH can be synthesized using simple, direct reaction of ZnO and DPBA under aqueous environment for the formation of a new generation of agrochemical

    Assessing the Effect of Digital Social Media towards Face to Face Communication during Pandemic COVID-19 in Higher Educational Institutions

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    This paper will assess the effect of social media on face-to-face (F2F) communication among students in a higher education institution. Previous scholars found that social media is a platform to connect people, especially in the current pandemic COVID-19. However, another study has shown the negative effect of social media among university students because it hampers students' real-life experiences. A literature survey has been selected to explore the effect of social media on F2F communication among students in a higher education institution. This paper also highlights the significant role of social media in higher education institutions during the pandemic of Covid19. Keywords: F2F communication, social media, Social Networking Sites (SNS), technology eISSN: 2398-4287 © 2022. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by E-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open-access article under the CC  BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer-review under the responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behavior Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioral Researchers on Asians), and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behavior Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia


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       The ZnO/TiO2 bilayer was fabricated on the fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO) substrate. The ZnO nanorods and TiO2 nanoparticles were developed as photoanode material that were fabricated by using sol-gel immersion and squeegee method. The structure of ZnO/TiO2 bilayer showed a good properties for photoanode in DSSCs application. The ZnO/TiO2 bilayer has large surface area that could increase a dye loading and performance of photoanode. Meanwhile, the micro-Raman spectra of ZnO/TiO2 bilayer indicated a good crystallinity. Therefore, the ZnO/TiO2 bilayer showed a good structure for photoanode in DSSCs application.Key words: ZnO nanorods, TiO2 nanoparticles, ZnO/TiO2 bilayer, Photoanode ABSTRAKLapisan ZnO/TiO2 difabrikasi di atas substrat oksida timah yang di doping florin (FTO). Batang nano ZnO dan partikel nano TiO2 dikembangkan sebagai material fotoanoda yang difabrikasi menggunakan metode pencelupan sol-gel dan squeegee. Struktur lapisan ZnO/TiO2menunjukkan sifat fotoanoda yang baik dalam aplikasi DSSCs. Lapisan ZnO/TiO2memiliki luas permukaan yang besar yang bisa meningkatkan muatan dye dan performa fotoanoda. Sedangkan spktrum mikro-Raman lapisan ZnO/TiO2mengindikasikan kristalinitas yang bagus. Oleh karena itu, lapisan ZnO/TiO2menunjukkan struktur yang baik untuk fotoanoda di dalam aplikasi DSSCs.Kata Kunci: batang nano ZnO, partikel nano TiO2, lapisan ZnO/TiO2, fotoanod

    Controlled release formulation of agrochemical pesticide based on 4-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy)butyrate nanohybrid

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    Hybridization of beneficial organic guest with inorganic host affords scientists an opportunity to synthesize various combinations of new organic-inorganic nanohybrids with various potential applications, especially for controlled delivery of beneficial agent and storage. A new layered organic-inorganic nanohybrid material containing an agrochemical, 4-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy)butyrate (DPBA) in Zn-Al-layered double hydroxide inorganic interlayer was synthesised by direct and indirect methods. Both methods yielded mesoporous-type, phase pure, well-ordered layered nanohybrids with similar basal spacing of 28.5-28.7 angstroms and organic loading of around 54.3%. Compared to the material prepared by direct method, the ion exchanged product inherited more of the host's properties especially the pore structure and the organic moiety is also more easily released. This shows that the method of preparation plays an important role in determining the resulting physicochemical properties, in particular the release property and therefore can be used as a means to tune up the release property of the beneficial agent

    Synthesis of dichlorprop-Zn/Al-hydrotalcite nanohybrid and its controlled release property

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    New phase-pure nanohybrids of dichlorprop[2(2,4-dichlorophenoxy)propionate]-intercalated Zn/Al-LDH were successfully prepared using either co-precipitation or ion exchange methods. The basal spacing expansion from 8.9 Å in the layered double hydroxide (LDH) to 18.7 and 21.7 Å of the nanohybrids was observed. This together with FTIR, DTG/TGA and compositional studies show that dichlorprop was successfully intercalated into the Zn/Al-layered double hydroxides interlayer. Release study of dichlorprop showed that it is dependent on the concentration of the incoming ionic species and governed by the pseudo-second order kinetic. This study suggests that the layered double hydroxide might be used as a matrix for controlled release formulation for a herbicide, dichlorprop and the release of the herbicide can be tuned using parameters such as method of synthesis and the concentration of the incoming ionic species to be ion exchange with. This is towards new generation of agrochemicals which are safer as well as user- and environmentally-friendly

    Formation of zinc aluminium layered double hydroxides: 4-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy) butyrate nanocomposites by direct and indirect methods

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    4-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy) butyric acid (DPBA)was intercalated between the interlamellae of Zn/Al layered double hydroxides (LDHs). Two methods of intercalation were adopted,(a) direct synthesis by co-precipitation of metal nitrates and DPBA and (b) ion exchange of LDH nitrate with the organic anion. The resulting materials were characterized by x-ray diffraction and infrared spectroscopy. Both methods afford well ordered nanocomposite materials at the same pH and ratio but at different concentrations. The x-ray diffraction patterns showed that the interlayer spacing distances increased from 8.9 Å to 28.7 Å and 29.4 Å for DPBA-LDH synthesized by ion exchange method and by direct method, respectively. The optimum condition were obtained at DPBA concentration of 0.2 M by direct co-precipitation method compared to 0.025 M by ion exchange method

    Green Human Resource Management for Organization Sustainability: A Bibliometric Analysis

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to quantitively evaluate and measure various aspects of GHRM practices and aid in the comprehension of GHRM studies. It involves the statistical analysis of bibliographic data, such as citations, co-authorship patterns, publication trends, and other related information, to gain insights into the productivity, influence, and patterns of GHRM. A green working environment has captured the interest of both academia and business during the past ten years. This led to the emergence of new academic fields including green human resource management (GHRM). Greening the work environment refers to typical business functions such as supply operations, marketing, supply chain management, and human resource management. Organizations can execute and develop sustainable strategies with the aid of GHRM, which can also assist them in achieving corporate sustainability.   Design/Methodology/Approach: In this study, 278 publications written in the English language were extracted from the SCOPUS database for nearly more than one decade, from 2010 to 2022. The author did not include the conference papers, book chapters, and papers written in other languages. These papers were analyzed using the VOS viewer software program, version 1.6.16 created by Van Eck and Waltman, and conclusions were drawn using the bibliometric analysis method. The methodology consists of the following steps: data collection, data analysis, and interpretation.   Findings: The study reveals that authors like Renwick and Jabbour make a great contribution to the field of GHRM. The research trend of 278 papers shows that since 2015, the academic incline in the subject has grown and scholars have shown a keen interest in the field of GHRM. This indicates that GHRM studies acquired impetus after 2015. Asian nations, such as Malaysia and China, are home to significant authors and institutions that have emerged as prominent contributors to the field of GHRM research.   Practical implications: This study provides some intriguing observations that can aid academics, managers, and top management in conceptualizing GHRM practices in their organizations, which are now only restricted to a few HRM practices such as recruiting, selection, training, and reward. This paper clarifies green HR practices while concentrating on business sustainability objectives. It assists top management and senior managers in making GHRM a key component of accomplishing sustainable objectives. Additionally, these results may serve as a guide for future study into the GHRM field


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    A new layered material-drug nanocomposite namely, Zn/Al-layered double hydroxide-ferulate (Zn/Al-LDH-FA) has been synthesized using the ion exchange method. PXRD pattern and elemental analysis showed that Zn/Al-LDH-FA nanocomposite yielded high crystalline and pure phase material with a basal spacing of 17.4 Å and anion loading of 35.9 % respectively. The FTIR spectra reveal the presence of FA in the interlayer of Zn/Al-LDH, while the thermal analysis shows that the Zn/Al-LDH has enhanced the thermal stability of FA in the interlayer compared to its pure form. Anionic FA intercalated into the interlayer of Zn/Al-LDH as vertical monolayer with the carboxylate groups pointing towards the Zn/Al-LDHs layers. The intercalation of FA into the interlayer of Zn/Al-LDH is also supported by morphology analysis, FESEM.Keywords: Synthesis, Intercalation, Layered Double Hydroxide, Ferulic AcidABSTRAKSebuah bahan-obat berlapis nanokomposit baru yaitu, Zn/Al-berlapis ganda hidroksida-ferulate (Zn/Al-LDH-FA) telah disintesis dengan menggunakan metode pertukaran ion. Pola PXRD dan analisis unsur menunjukkan bahwa Zn/Al-LDH-FA nanokomposit menghasilkan kristalinitas tinggi dan material fase murni dengan jarak basal dari 17,4 Å dan pemuatan anion 35,9%. Spektrum FTIR mengungkapkan adanya FA di lapisan Zn/Al-LDH, sedangkan analisis termal menunjukkan bahwa Zn/Al-LDH telah meningkatkan stabilitas termal FA di antar lapisan dibandingkan dengan bentuk murninya. Anionik FA diselingi ke dalam interlayer Zn/Al-LDH sebagai monolayer vertikal dengan gugus karboksilat menunjuk ke arah lapisan Zn/Al-LDHs. Interkalasi dari FA ke dalam interlayer Zn/Al-LDH juga didukung oleh analisis morfologi, FESEM.Kata kunci: Sintesis, interkalasi, hidroksida berlapis ganda, asam feruli


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    In this work, graphene oxide (GO) and reduced GO (rGO) thin films were fabricated from GO and rGO using the custom-made and commercial surfactants, which were sodium 1,4-bis (neopentyloxy)-3-(neopentyloxycarbonyl)-1,4-dioxobutane-2-sulphonate and sodium dodecyl sulphate, respectively. The GO solution was synthesized using electrochemical exfoliation method followed by reduction process utilizing hydrazine hydrate to produce rGO solution. The GO and rGO transfer process were done using spraying deposition method on fluorine-doped tin oxide substrate. The fabricated GO and rGO thin films consists of several layers resulted in high transparency over 85% with maximum transmittance of 93.69%. Based on several characterizations, the fabricated GO and rGO thin films have potential to be applied as transparent conductive electrode.Key words: Custom-made, Surfactant, Electrochemical, Spraying, Electrode. ABSTRAKDalam penelitian ini, film tipis grafin oksida (GO) dan grafin oksida yang direduksi (rGO) difabrikasi dari GO dan rGO menggunakan surfaktan yang dibuat khusus dan surfaktan komersial yaitu secara berurutan adalah sodium 1,4-bis (neopentyloxy)-3-(neopentyloxycarbonyl)-1,4-dioxobutane-2-sulphonate dan sodium dodecyl sulphate. Larutan GO disintesis menggunakan metode eksfoliasi elektrokimia diikuti dengan proses reduksi menggunakan hidrazin hidrat untuk menghasilkan larutan rGO. Proses transfer GO dan RGO dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode deposisi penyemprotan diatas substrat oksida timah oksida dengan doping florin. Film tipis GO dan rGO yang difabrikasi terdiri dari beberapa lapis dengan transparansi tinggi mencapai 85% dengan transmitansi maksimum sebesar 93,69%. Berdasarkan beberapa karakterisasi, film tipis GO dan rGO ini memiliki potensi untuk diaplikasikan sebagai elektroda konduktif transparan.Kata Kunci: dibuat khusus, surfaktan, elektrokimia, penyemprotan, elektrod