36 research outputs found

    Touch Screen Avatar English Learning System For University Students Learning Simplicity

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    This paper discusses on touch screen avatar for an English language learning application system. The system would be a combination of avatar as Animated Pedagogical Agent (APA) and a touch screen application that adapt the up to date gesture-based computing which is found as having potential to change the way how we learn as it could reduce the amount of Information Communication Technology (ICT) devices used during teaching and learning process. The key here is interaction between university students and touch screen avatar intelligent application system as well as learning resources that could be learned anytime anywhere twenty four hours in seven days 24/7 based on their study time preference where they could learn at their own comfort out of the tradition. The students would be provided with a learning tool that could help them learn interactively with the current trend which they might be interested with based on their own personalization. Apart from that, their performance shall be monitored from a distance and evaluated to avoid disturbing their learning process from working smoothly and getting rid of feeling of being controlled. Thus, the students are expected to have lower affective filter level that may enhance the way they learn unconsciously. Keywords: Gesture-Based Computing, Avatar, Portable Learning Tool, Interactivity, Language Learnin

    Penggunaan Media Gambar Untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa Dalam Pembelajaran IPS Siswa Kelas IV SD Negeri 6 Tolitoli

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    Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah rendahnya motivasi belajar siswa kelas IV SD Negeri 6 Tolitoli. dalam pembelajaran IPS. penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa kelas IV SD Negeri 6 Tolitoli Tolitoli dalam pembelajaran IPS dengan menggunakan media gambar. Metode penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas yang terdiri dari 2 siklus dan tiap siklus terdiri dari 4 tahap, yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi, dan refleksi Berdasarkan data hasil angket motivasi belajar siswa siklus I kategori sangat baik sebesar 8%, kategori baik sebesar 68% dan kategori cukup sebesar 24%. Sedangkan untuk kategori motivasi belajar kurang  0%. Dari data ini menunjukkan bahwa kategori motivasi belajar siswa terbesar adalah baik yaitu 68%. Pada siklus II  sangat baik 12 %, kategori baik sebesar 88 %. sedangkan untuk kategori, cukup   0 % dan kurang  0 %. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kategori motivasi sangat baik mengalami peningkatan 4 %, sedangkan kategori baik miningkat sebesar 20 %. Hal ini berarti bahwa siswa dengan kategori motivasi belajar cukup jumlahnya menurun. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang didapatkan, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa: Penerapan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan media gambar dapat meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran IPS kelas IV SD Negeri 6 Tolitoli. Kata Kunci: Motivasi, Hasil Belajar, Media Gambar

    Kemahiran berfikir kritis melalui permainan digital dalam persekitaran pembelajaran konstruktivisme sosial

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    The process of implementation of the educational transformation requires a new approach and strategy so that each student can afford to own and master the skills required in the 21st century. Therefore to ensure the development of creativity of educators, methods and strategies of teaching and learning undertaken should take into account the tendencies, abilities and capability maturity of students and be able to think at the level is higher. The increase in popularity is the use of computer technology and communication in human daily life especially in the simulation and digital games have attracted the interest of researchers-researchers to mendalaminya that can increase the capacity and fostering critical thinking skills among students. This concept paper discusses the potential use of digital game toward critical thinking skills of students through social constructivism learning environment

    The Penetration of CCA Preservative on four under-utilized Malaysian hardwood species

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    Four under-utilized Malaysian hardwood species, namely Mempening (Lithocarpus spp.), Nyatoh Nangka Kuning (pouteria malaccensis (Clarke) Baehni), Pauh Kijang (lrvingia malayana Oliv.) and Petai (Parkia speciosa Hassk.) were selected for the treatability study. Two popular timber species, namely Jelutong (Dyera costulata Hk. f.) and Merbau (lntsia palembanica Miq.) were included as controls. The moisture content and density of all the selected timbers were determined prior to the treatment. All the seasoned specimens were vacuum pressure treated with three per cent copper-chrome-arsenate (CGA) preservative (Celcure "A'j solution. There is a general correlation between the density (specific gravity) of wood and the penetration of CGA-preservative. Petai exhibited the deepest side penetration (5.0) followed lJyJelutong (4.9), Nyatoh Nangka Kuning (3.6), Mempening (1.75), Pauh K~'ang (1.5) and Merbau (0). Lower density timber species (Jelutong, Nyatoh Nangka Kuning and Petai) attained deeper penetration when compared to higher density timber species (Mempening, Merbau and Pauh Kijang). Significant differences in side penetration were found among the six species. The four under-utilized Malaysian hardwood species are amenable to the vacuum-pressure treatment with CGA preservative

    Implikatur Dan Kesantunan Positif Dalam Wacana Rapat Dinas Di Lingkungan Kelurahan Berlatar Belakang Budaya Jawa

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini ada tiga, yaitu: (1) Mengidentifikasi wujud implikatur dalam wacana rapat dinas di lingkungan kelurahan berlatar belakang budaya Jawa. (2) Mengidentifikasi wujud kesantunan positif dalam wacana rapat dinas di lingkungan kelurahan berlatar belakang budaya Jawa. (3) Mengidentifikasi teknik dan strategi berdasarkan implikatur dan kesantunan positif dalam wacana rapat dinas di lingkungan kelurahan berlatar belakang budaya Jawa. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan teknik simak dan teknik rekam, catat. Metode analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode padan intralingual dengan menghubungbandingkan unsur-unsur yang bersifat lingual dan padan ekstralingual dengan menghubungbandingkan unsur-unsur bahasa yang berupa bentuk itu dengan hal yang di luar bahasa. Hasil penelitian ini, dari 19 data dapat disimpulkan bahwa Terdapat empat wujud implikatur tuturan lurah dalam wacana rapat dinas di lingkungan kelurahan berlatar belakang budaya Jawa, yakni: berita, tanya, perintah, dan seru. Dari keempat wujud implikatur tuturan lurah tersebut lurah desa cenderung menggunakan wujud implikatur berita sebanyak (6 data), sedangkan lurah kota cenderung menggunakan wujud implikatur perintah sebanyak (8data). Selain itu terdapat delapan strategi kesantunan yang digunakan Lurah saat melakukan rapat dinas di lingkungan kelurahan, yakni dengan jumlah presentase Lurah kota lebih banyak menggunakan strategi kesantunan bila dibandingkan dengan Lurah desa, jumlah strategi kesantunan positif yang di gunakan oleh Lurah kota sebanyak enam strategi, yaitu (menunjukkan hal-hal yang dianggap mempunyai kesamaan melalui basa-basi (small talk) dan peranggapan (presupatision), menggunakan penanda identitas kelompok, melibatkan mitra tutur dalam aktivitas tuturan, menghindari ketidaksetujuan, memberikan tawaran, menggunakan kelakar atau lelucon). Sedangkan Lurah desa menggunakan tiga strategi kesantunan positif, yaitu (menunjukkan hal-hal yang dianggap mempunyai kesamaan melalui basa-basi (small talk) dan peranggapan (presupatision), menunjukkan keoptimisan, mengulang sebagian ujaran dari mitra tutur). Identifikasi teknik dan strategi yang digunakan dalam wacana rapat dinas di lingkungan kelurahan berlatar belakang budaya Jawa ditemukan satu strategi dan satu teknik yang digunakan yakni strategi langsung dan teknik langsung literal


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    Purpose of the Study: This study aims to identify the forms of directive politeness act found in the educational discourse, to describe the directive politeness act technique and to formulate directive politeness act that can be used to form the readers’ character, especially the students in Indonesia. Methodology: This study used a qualitative approach with multi-column data analysis technique design. The data source of this study was the directive politeness speech act containing a message of character formation in the discourse of education column in the Daily National Newspaper (DNN) Kompas and Republika in the period from January 2018 to March 2018. The data analysis in this research was carried out while the data processing and data validation technique were being conducted. The data analysis is supported by the taxonomy data analysis technique of the Levinson model underlain by the Indonesian cultural background. Result: The research results report that the use of directive politeness acts, in the discourse of education column in the daily national newspaper, can be divided into the politeness act of advising (9.62%), supporting (9.62%), and instructing (9.62%), by which the greatest number is gained. The directive speech act strategy in the discourse of education column can be divided into two types: direct strategy (83%) and indirect strategy (17%). The implication of the directive politeness act in the discourse of education column of DNN can be formulated into 11 character building values, which are religiosity, honesty, harmony-tolerance, discipline, sincerity and hard work, creativity, independence, democracy, curiosity, love for the homeland, and appreciation for other people’s works and achievements. The value of honesty, religiosity, and tolerance becomes the strong feature of the discourse of education column in DNN. The results describe that the thriving and excellent main capital in building Indonesia are divinity, harmony, unity, and tolerance. Implications: The values of character education become a worthwhile benchmark in the framework to instill educational values and build readers’ independence and maturity in the Indonesian context

    Dynamic Response of Commuter Rail Vehicle under Lateral Track Irregularity

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    Lateral track irregularities normally occur when both rail lines have some displacement laterally with respect to the original track due to prolonged exposure to sun’s heat, or may also arise from specific features such as switch and crossing work of track. These track irregularities will cause unwanted body vibration of commuter rail vehicle. These vibrations have to be suppressed for the purpose of ride comfort. This paper presents two control strategies in semi-active suspension systems which are PID and disturbance rejection control to improve passenger ride comfort. A half car model of commuter rail vehicle with three-degree-of-freedom (3-DOF) was developed based on Newton's Second Law. Vibration analyses based on simulation results in time domains are compared with passive system using MATLAB-Simulink software. The results show that the semi-active controllers are able to suppress rail vehicle body responses effectively

    Preliminary characterization of corn cob ash as an alternative material for ceramic hollow fiber membrane (CHFM/CCA)

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    Currently, exchanging trends in the expensive usage of ceramic materials such as alumina, zirconia etc. into economical ceramic raw sources have been extensively studied over the last decade for various technological applications. Despite the fact that this ceramic compound or elements offer a great performance and stability, especially at high temperature, the basic commercial price and higher sintering temperature of this compound which is a little bit higher have hindered the used of these materials. Thus interest in fabricating of bio-ceramic membrane using corn cob ash (CCA), an agricultural by product not only offered the development of new low cost materials but also able to enhance better properties and performance. The suitability of corn cob ash as an alternative material for ceramic hollow fiber membrane fabrication (CHFM/CCA) as a main substrate was investigated via combined phase inversion and sintering technique based on several controlled operating parameters. The effects of selected bore fluid (5, 10, 15 and 20 mL/min) and different sintering temperature (800 °C, 900 °C, 1000 °C, 1100 °C) towards membrane structure and properties were observed and studied. Interestingly, characterization analysis of the SEM morphology showed that the potential of the main constituents of corn cob ash which highly consisted of silica, alumina and calcium oxide are able to improve the properties of CHFM/CCA by lowering sintering temperature (1000 °C) as compared to the standard CHFM bodies which normally has sintering temperature higher than 1200 °C. Thus, the use of corn cob ash not only able to enhance ceramic properties but also able to reduce sintering temperature. Reduction in energy consumption with slightly reduced sintering temperature also will offer a better sustainable process through recycling abundant waste materials as well as emphasis on the green resources. With that respect, the bio-material of corn cob ash is capable to replace the commercial ceramic membrane materials for membrane applications by considering the availability of this agro waste product as the main crops in most countries in the world

    Karakteristik serta Profil Koagulasi Pasien Covid-19

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    Latar belakang: Derajat keparahan Covid-19 dikaitkan dengan koagulasi dan kerusakan endotel yang dipicu oleh reaksi inflamasi akibat dari pelepasan sitokin proinflamasi yang berlebihan oleh karena infeksi SARS CoV-2. Metode: Penelitian deskriptif analitik yang dilakukan dengan pendekatan kohor retrospektif dilakukan di Rumah Sakit Umum Pemerintah Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar dengan mengumpulkan data rekam medis pasien Covid-19 pada bulan Juni 2020 – Juni 2021 dengan menggunakan total sampling yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Hasil: Pada penelitian ini didapatkan rerata trombosit lebih rendah (265.442) pada kasus berat, sedangkan rerata fibrinogen (405,54) dan D-dimer (9,84) lebih tinggi pada derajat keparahan lebih berat, serta Prothrombin time (PT) lebih panjang (10,92) pada derajat keparahan lebih berat. Kesimpulan: Profil koagulasi penderita Covid-19 didatakan rerata rombosit lebih rendah pada derajat keparahan lebih berat, sedangkan fibrinogen dan D-dimer lebih tinggi serta Prothrombin time (PT) lebih panjang pada derajat keparahan lebih berat