1,111 research outputs found

    Adapting workflows to intelligent environments

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    Intelligent environments aim at supporting the user in executing her everyday tasks, e.g. by guiding her through a maintenance or cooking procedure. This requires a machine processable representation of the tasks for which workflows have proven an efficient means. The increasing number of available sensors in intelligent environments can facilitate the execution of workflows. The sensors can help to recognize when a user has finished a step in the workflow and thus to automatically proceed to the next step. This can heavily reduce the amount of required user interaction. However, manually specifying the conditions for triggering the next step in a workflow is very cumbersome and almost impossible for environments which are not known at design time. In this paper, we present a novel approach for learning and adapting these conditions from observation. We show that the learned conditions can even outperform the quality as conditions manually specified by workflow experts. Thus, the presented approach is very well suited for automatically adapting workflows in intelligent environments and can in that way increase the efficiency of the workflow execution

    Psychiatric Comorbidities in Gambling and the ClubsNSW Chaplaincy Program (Australia)

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    A recent systematic review of population studies conducted over the last 12 years indicated that 57.5% of individuals meeting criteria for a gambling disorder have a comorbid substance use disorder, 60.1% a nicotine dependence, 57.5% a mood disorder, and 37.4%, any anxiety disorder. In a proportion of these, the comorbid condition predates the onset of gambling disorders suggesting these might represent a vulnerability factor. These findings suggest important implications for gambling prevention and treatments. Instead of promoting only gambling specific interventions and treatments, the emphasis needs to be on a more holistic approach that includes screening for and treating comorbid psychiatric conditions as well as problem gambling. One example of such an approach is the chaplaincy program currently being offered by some clubs in NSW, Australia. This program is an innovative combined venture between ClubsNSW and the Salvation Army, and aims to identify, train and place chaplains in registered clubs to provide practical and emotional support on a variety of issues to patrons. It is argued that a more comprehensive support program targeting emotional difficulties rather than focused on problem gambling may (a) be more acceptable to staff and gamblers, (b) prevent the development (incidence) of gambling disorders in response to mood and emotional disturbances

    Praxisbericht: Evaluation der Frauen-Gemeinschaftsunterkunft des Landkreises Gießen

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    Der Landkreis Gießen betreibt seit MĂ€rz 2016 eine Unterkunft fĂŒr geflĂŒchtete Frau-en in Gießen. Sie dient dem Schutz und der besonderen UnterstĂŒtzung der Bedarfe al-leinstehender schwangerer Frauen, allein-erziehender Frauen sowie Frauen mit Ge-walterfahrung. In der Unterkunft stehen Zimmer mit eigenen oder gemeinschaftlich genutzten SanitĂ€rrĂ€umen, eine KĂŒche, ein Gemeinschaftsbereich, sowie ein Wasch-raum zur VerfĂŒgung. Im Zeitraum der Erhebung wurden der Au-torin keine FĂ€lle gewaltsamer Übergriffe gegen Bewohnerinnen, insbesondere keine FĂ€lle von sexueller und genderbasierter Gewalt (SGBV) bekannt. Auch das subjekti-ve Sicherheitsempfinden der Frauen ist ge-nerell als sehr positiv zu werten. Zudem bieten die initiierten, flankierenden Projek-taktivitĂ€ten ein erweitertes UnterstĂŒt-zungsangebot und spielen eine wichtige Rolle fĂŒr das Wohlbefinden und insbeson-dere fĂŒr das angestrebte (Self-)Empowerment der Frauen. Zusammengefasst lĂ€sst sich sagen, dass eine sichere Unterbringung geflĂŒchteter Frauen in der Gemeinschaftsunterkunft in Gießen gegeben ist und insbesondere der Schutz vor SGBV gewĂ€hrleistet wird. Da-her leistet der Landkreis einen wichtigen Beitrag zum Schutz einer besonders vul-nerablen Gruppe geflĂŒchteter Menschen. Im Falle akuter GefĂ€hrdung (bspw. durch partnerschaftliche Gewalt), bleibt der Zu-gang geflĂŒchteter Frauen zu weitergehen-der Schutz-Infrastruktur, bspw. die kurz-fristige Unterbringung in FrauenhĂ€user, wichtig. Ein Weiterbetreiben der Gemein-schaftsunterkunft zur temporĂ€ren Unter-bringung geflĂŒchteter Frauen am gegen-wĂ€rtigen Standort sowie das Aufrecht-erhalten und Weiterentwickeln der beglei-tenden AktivitĂ€ten wird empfohlen. Sicherheit und Wohlbefinden der Frauen werden sowohl von Faktoren beeinflusst, die unmittelbar auf die Unterbringungssi-tuation zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren sind, als auch von verschiedenen Kontextfaktoren. Diese sind nachfolgend aufgelistet und werden im Text ausfĂŒhrlicher erlĂ€utert

    Coaching als Grundform pÀdagogischer Beratung

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    Basierend auf der WeiterfĂŒhrung einer Synthese ausgewĂ€hlter theoretischer AnsĂ€tze erfolgt in der vorliegenden Arbeit die Darlegung einer formalen Verortung und theoretischen Grundlegung eines VerstĂ€ndnisses von Coaching als Grundform professioneller pĂ€dagogischer Beratung im Sinne eines genuin pĂ€dagogischen Bildungsgeschehens

    Effectiveness of culturally tailoring smoking cessation interventions for reducing or quitting combustible tobacco: a systematic review and meta-analyses

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    Background and Aims: Standard approaches to smoking cessation may not be as effective for certain populations, and tailoring on cultural factors could improve their effectiveness. This systematic review measured the effectiveness of culturally tailoring smoking cessation interventions on quitting or reducing smoking combustible tobacco. Method: We searched MEDLINE, PsychInfo, Embase and Cochrane Central Register from inception to 21 June 2023 for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of community-based, primary care or web-based interventions for smoking cessation in adults who smoked tobacco, with measurement of smoking abstinence or reduction at least 3 months following baseline. We examined comparisons between either an intensity-matched culturally tailored intervention and a non-tailored intervention or a standard non-tailored intervention and the same intervention plus a culturally tailored adjunct. We sub-grouped studies according to the level of tailoring and performed subgroup analyses where appropriate. We assessed risk of bias and certainty of evidence. Results: We identified 43 studies, 33 of which were meta-analyzed (n = 12 346 participants). We found moderate certainty evidence, limited by heterogeneity, that intensity-matched culturally tailored cessation interventions increased quit success when compared with non-tailored interventions at 3-month follow-up or longer (n = 5602, risk ratio [RR] = 1.29 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.10, 1.51, I2 = 47%, 14 studies). We found a positive effect of adding a culturally tailored component to a standard intervention compared with the standard intervention alone (n = 6674, RR = 1.47, 95% CI 1.10, 1.95, I2 = 74%, 18 studies), but our certainty in this effect was low due to imprecision and substantial statistical heterogeneity. Conclusion: Culturally tailored smoking cessation interventions may help more people to quit smoking than a non-tailored intervention. Adapting or adding cultural components to smoking cessation interventions originally developed for majority populations could improve cessation rates in populations who do not fully identify with majority cultural norms

    Compliance and value orientations at universities

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    Compliance, defined as the obligation to follow particular rules1 at the institutional level, can hardly be considered while disregarding individual actors: after all, it depends on the value orientation of their attitudes and actions.2 Compliance with the law forms the basis for the actions of all companies, including universities. In Switzerland, most universities have no explicit compliance guides, but they often do have other guidelines that allow making statements about the identity of the institution. The Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) has made social integration a priority for 2017/2018. Within the scope of this priority area, 13 research projects were funded; in this case, the subtopic was 'work, diversity, living space and social security'. In addition, the Department of Social Work provided ad hoc support for smaller projects that illustrate the aspect of social integration. Thus, this institution does not only set guidelines, but also actively promotes them. However, the question remains open as to whether the individual actors act and think in accordance with the guidelines of their institution. As part of a research project on value orientation funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation, ZHAW employees were selected as a reference group and asked about their value orientation. The social factor being a crucial focal point at institutions of higher education, the survey was intended to show both the heterogeneity of the group and its common ground: the values shared by all the respondent members that are instrumental in guiding their actions. The precise manifestation of the respondents' social values was also of interest

    The Effect of Metronidazole versus a Synbiotic on Clinical Course and Core Intestinal Microbiota in Dogs with Acute Diarrhea

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    The usefulness of antibiotics in dogs with acute diarrhea (AD) is controversial. It is also unclear what effect metronidazole has on potential enteropathogens such as Clostridium perfringens and Escherichia coli. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of metronidazole vs. a synbiotic on the clinical course and core intestinal bacteria of dogs with AD. Twenty-seven dogs with AD were enrolled in this prospective, randomized, blinded clinical trial and treated with either metronidazole (METg) or a synbiotic (SYNg; E. faecium DSM 10663; NCIMB 10415/4b170). The Canine Acute Diarrhea Severity (CADS) index was recorded daily for eleven days. Bacteria were quantified using qPCR. Data were analyzed using mixed models with repeated measures. A higher concentration of E. coli was observed in the METg group vs. the SYNg group on Day 6 (p < 0.0001) and Day 30 (p = 0.01). Metronidazole had no effect on C. perfringens. C. hiranonis was significantly lower in the METg group than in the SYNg group on Days 6 and 30 (p < 0.0001; p = 0.0015). No significant differences were observed in CADS index, fecal consistency, or defecation frequency between treatment groups (except for the CADS index on one single day). In conclusion, metronidazole negatively impacts the microbiome without affecting clinical outcomes. Thus, synbiotics might be a preferred treatment option for dogs with AD

    Post Hoc Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial on Fasting and Plant-Based Diet in Rheumatoid Arthritis (NutriFast): Nutritional Supply and Impact on Dietary Behavior

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    This study aimed at comparing the nutrient supply and dietary behaviors during a plant-based diet (PBD) combined with time-restricted eating (TRE) to standard dietary recommendations in rheumatoid arthritis patients. In this open-label, randomized, controlled clinical trial, patients were assigned to either a 7-day fast followed by an 11-week PBD including TRE (A) or a 12-week anti-inflammatory diet following official German guidelines (German Nutrition Society, DGE) (B). Dietary habits were assessed by 3-day food records at weeks -1, 4 and 9 and food frequency questionnaires. 41 out of 53 participants were included in a post-hoc per protocol analysis. Both groups had similar energy, carbohydrate, sugar, fiber and protein intake at week 4. Group A consumed significantly less total saturated fat than group B (15.9 +/- 7.7 vs. 23.2 +/- 10.3 g/day; p = 0.02). Regarding micronutrients, group B consumed more vitamin A, B-12, D, riboflavin and calcium (each p <= 0.02). Zinc and calcium were below recommended intakes in both groups. Cluster analysis did not show clear group allocation after three months. Hence, dietary counselling for a PBD combined with TRE compared to a standard anti-inflammatory diet does not seem to lead to two different dietary clusters, i.e., actual different dietary behaviors as expected. Larger confirmatory studies are warranted to further define dietary recommendations for RA

    Effect of amoxicillin‐clavulanic acid on clinical scores, intestinal microbiome, and amoxicillin‐resistant Escherichia coli in dogs with uncomplicated acute diarrhea

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    Background Despite limited evidence of efficacy, antibiotic treatment is still frequently prescribed in dogs with uncomplicated acute diarrhea (AD). Objective To assess whether amoxicillin‐clavulanic acid has a clinical benefit, an effect on the fecal microbiome, and the proportion of amoxicillin‐resistant Escherichia coli in dogs with AD. Animals Sixteen dogs with AD of <3 days duration. Methods Prospective, placebo‐controlled, double‐blinded study. Clinical scores were compared between client‐owned dogs randomly assigned to an antibiotic (AG) or a placebo (PG) group. The intestinal microbiome was analyzed using quantitative PCR assays. Amoxicillin‐resistant fecal E. coli were assessed semiquantitatively with microbiological methods. Results There was no difference in clinical recovery between treated dogs or controls (CADS index day 10: AG group median: 2 (range: 1‐3; CI [1.4; 2.6]); PG group median: 1.6 (range: 1‐3; CI [1.1; 2.4]); P > .99). All dogs gained normal clinical scores (CADS index ≀3) after 1 to 6 days (median 2 days) after presentation. There was no significant difference in the fecal dysbiosis index (during treatment: AG mean −2.6 (SD 3.0; CI [−5.1; 0.0]); PG mean −0.8 (SD 4.0; CI [−4.2; 2.5]; P > .99) or its bacterial taxa. The proportion of resistant fecal E. coli increased (to median: 100%; range: 35%‐100%) during treatment with amoxicillin‐clavulanic acid and was still increased (median: 10%; range 2%‐67%) 3 weeks after treatment, both of which were significantly higher proportions than in the placebo group for both time points (during treatment AG median 100% versus PG median 0.2% (P < .001); after treatment AG median 10% versus PG median 0.0% (P = .002)). Conclusions and Clinical Importance Our study suggests that treatment with amoxicillin‐clavulanic acid confers no clinical benefit to dogs with AD, but predisposes the development of amoxicillin‐resistant E. coli , which persist for as long as 3 weeks after treatment. These findings support international guideline recommendations that dogs with diarrhea should not be treated with antimicrobials unless there are signs of sepsis
