236 research outputs found

    Implementación de la Metodología BIM para incrementar la eficiencia del Proyecto Unifamiliar Las Palmeras del Golf III Etapa en el Distrito de Víctor Larco Herrera, Trujillo, La Libertad

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo principal incrementar la eficiencia los rendimientos en la productividad en obra por la cual se ha desarrollado a través del programa REVIT y a su vez también la comparación con el método tradicional para verificar los tiempos y costos que pueden originar los gastos excesivos. Se aplicará la Metodología BIM durante la fase, proceso y funcionamiento del Proyecto Vivienda Unifamiliar en la Urb. Las Palmeras del Golf III Etapa, se verificará las falencias que existe en el proyecto y a su vez mejorarla para optimizar tiempos y costos, en la cual se verifico hasta un 20% de mejora. Se va a estar trabajando con diversos programas para la metodología BIM para poder comparar los metrados y presupuestos para que así se pueda ver la viabilidad del proyecto con el uso de esta nueva herramienta. Dándonos resultados más objetivos, más reales que la metodología tradicional. Estas interferencias al ser cuantitativas, no solo para determinar las falencias sino por realizar un proyecto desde el día 1 hasta el mismo el ultimo día que se termina el proyectoThe present investigation has as main objective to increase the efficiency of the yields in the productivity in work for which it has been developed through the REVIT program and in turn also the comparison with the traditional method to verify the times and costs that excessive expenses can originate. The BIM Methodology will be applied during the phase, process and operation of the Single Family Housing Project in the Urb. Las Palmers del Golf III Stage, the shortcomings that exist in the project will be verified and in turn improve it to optimize times and costs, in which I verify up to 20% improvement. They will be working with various programs for the BIM methodology to be able to compare the measurements and budgets so that the feasibility of the project can be seen with the use of this new tool. Giving us more objective results, more real than the traditional methodology. These interferences, being quantitative, not only to determine the shortcomings but also for carrying out a project from day 1 to the very last day the project is finished.Tesi

    Análisis del discurso periodístico en medios web sobre el recorte al presupuesto de universidades públicas del Ecuador. Caso de estudio: El Comercio

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    En el siguiente artículo se realiza un análisis de discurso periodístico sobre el recorte presupuestario a las Universidades Públicas del Ecuador, ya que nos parece importante que las personas entiendan y comprendan el tipo de periodismo que se está manejando en el país. Así mismo queremos saber las intenciones del gobierno y el medio en cuestión para sacar este tipo de noticias en el contexto de crisis que vive el Ecuador. En el trabajo presente abordamos sobre la función del análisis del discurso de un medio de comunicación tradicional con una trayectoria en Quito-Ecuador de más de 100 años, para el año 2019 en el mes de mayo este Diario comenzó a seguir la noticia sobre el recorte presupuestario a las 32 universidades a nivel nacional en el Ecuador noticia que se dio en un contexto de emergencia sanitaria por el virus Covid- 19 a nivel mundial. La metodología del siguiente artículo se trabajó desde un análisis del discurso por medio de cada lead de todas las noticias al igual que cada idea principal publicada por el mismo medio de comunicación, dándonos un contexto a nivel general sobre el recorte presupuestario. Siendo así entonces que el diario “El Comercio” durante toda la cobertura realizada sobre el tema del recorte presupuestario a las universidades del país busca que el público comprenda que la decisión tomada por el gobierno de Lenín Moreno fue la correcta.In the following article we analyze the journalistic discourse on the budget cut to the Public Universities of Ecuador, since we think it is important for people to understand and understand the type of journalism that is being handled in the country. We also want to know the intentions of the government and the media in question to publish this type of news in the context of the crisis that Ecuador is going through. In the present work we address the role of discourse analysis of a popular media with a history in Quito-Ecuador of more than 100 years, for the year 2019 in the month of May this newspaper began to follow the news about the budget cut to the 32 universities nationwide in Ecuador news that occurred in a context of health emergency by the Covid-19 virus worldwide. The methodology of the following article was worked from small summaries by means of each lead of all the news as well as each main idea published by the same media, giving us a context at a general level about the budget cut. In conclusion the newspaper "El Comercio" during the coverage of the budget cut to the country's universities seeks to make the public understand that the decision taken by the government of Lenín Moreno was the right one

    Micro-CT study of the root canal anatomy of maxillary canines

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    Background: This study aimed to describe the anatomy of maxillary canines from a Western Mexican sub-population using micro-computed tomography (micro-CT). Material and methods: Maxillary canines (n=32) were scanned at 19.6?m voxel resolution. Number and location of canals, the distance between the cemento-enamel junction and apex, occurrence of accessory and lateral canals, presence of oval canals, number of foraminas as well as two- (area, perimeter, roundness, aspect ratio, major and minor diameters) and three-dimensional (volume, surface area, and SMI) analysis were performed. Data of two- dimensional analyses at 5 different apical levels was statistically compared using Kruskal-Wallis tests (?=0.05). Results: Overall, 31 specimens had one root with a main canal (Vertucci type I). Mean distance from the apex to the cemento-enamel junction was 16.32±2.27. Apical foraminas were present in 14 specimens (43.75%). No statistical differences were found in the two-dimensional analyses between the foramen and the 1 and 2mm apical levels ( P >0.05). Conclusions: Maxillary canines presenting one root canal were present in a high percentage of cases (96%). The prevalence of long oval canals was <12% at the apical third and at least 37% of the sample showed more than one point of exit in the last apical 3m

    Estudio de la transferencia de masa en la operación de lavado del quesillo para la elaboración del queso mantecoso

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar de qué manera influye la operación de lavado del quesillo (después de la maduración) en la determinación de la difusividad efectiva de la acidez (DEA) para la elaboración del queso mantecoso, teniendo como variables de entrada el tiempo de lavado y proporción agua/quesillo. A través de una de las ecuaciones del modelo Fickiano de Crank (1964), considerando los pedazos de queso como una lámina semi-infinita, se determinó DEA para cada tratamiento del diseño compuesto central rotable empleado (DCCR). Se halló que existen diferencias significativas entre el tiempo de lavado, así como de la interacción de las dos variables sobre la DEA (p &lt; 0.05). El modelo que más se ajustó fue lineal, con un R2 =0.86 y un valor p = 0.002, prediciendo la DEA con un alto nivel de confiabilidad (un error máximo del 10 %). De ahí que el nivel óptimo de tiempo de lavado resultó ser de 12.2 horas, y una proporción de agua/queso de 23.2/1 ml/g., aunque, considerando el tiempo que los artesanos emplean en el lavado del quesillo, se obtendría un óptimo de 42 horas y con una relación agua/queso 86.8/1 ml/g. Se puede concluir que  se encontró un nivel óptimo en las variables estudiadas para la desacidifación del quesillo, lo cual asegura la disminución en el contenido de ácido láctico, lo que podría repercutir en la textura y las características sensoriales del producto final; de ahí, la importancia del estudio de la operación de lavado

    Association of Childhood Adversities and Early-Onset Mental Disorders With Adult-Onset Chronic Physical Conditions

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    Context: The physical health consequences of childhood psychosocial adversities may be as substantial as the mental health consequences, but whether this is the case remains unclear because much prior research has involved unrepresentative samples and a selective focus on particular adversities or physical outcomes. The association between early-onset mental disorders and subsequent poor physical health in adulthood has not been investigated. Objective: To investigate whether childhood adversities and early-onset mental disorders are independently associated with increased risk of a range of adult-onset chronic physical conditions in culturally diverse samples spanning the full adult age range. Design: Cross-sectional community surveys of adults in 10 countries. Setting: General population. Participants: Adults (ie, aged >= 18 years; N=18 303), with diagnostic assessment and determination of age at onset of DSM-IV mental disorders, assessment of childhood familial adversities, and age of diagnosis or onset of chronic physical conditions. Main Outcome Measures: Risk (ie, hazard ratios) of adult-onset (ie, at age > 20 years) heart disease, asthma, diabetes mellitus, arthritis, chronic spinal pain, and chronic headache as a function of specific childhood adversities and early-onset (ie, at age <21 years) DSM-IV depressive and anxiety disorders, with mutual adjustment. Results: A history of 3 or more childhood adversities was independently associated with onset of all 6 physical conditions (hazard ratios, 1.44 to 2.19). Controlling for current mental disorder made little difference to these associations. Early-onset mental disorders were independently associated with onset of 5 physical conditions (hazard ratios, 1.43 to 1.66). Conclusions: These results are consistent with the hypothesis that childhood adversities and early-onset mental disorders have independent, broad-spectrum effects that increase the risk of diverse chronic physical conditions in later life. They require confirmation in a prospectively designed study. The long course of these associations has theoretical and research implications

    Development of lifetime comorbidity in the world health organization world mental health surveys

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    CONTEXT: Although numerous studies have examined the role of latent variables in the structure of comorbidity among mental disorders, none has examined their role in the development of comorbidity. OBJECTIVE: To study the role of latent variables in the development of comorbidity among 18 lifetime DSM-IV disorders in the World Health Organization World Mental Health Surveys. DESIGN: Nationally or regionally representative community surveys. SETTING: Fourteen countries. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 21 229 survey respondents. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: First onset of 18 lifetime DSM-IV anxiety, mood, behavior, and substance disorders assessed retrospectively in the World Health Organization Composite International Diagnostic Interview. RESULTS: Separate internalizing (anxiety and mood disorders) and externalizing (behavior and substance disorders) factors were found in exploratory factor analysis of lifetime disorders. Consistently significant positive time-lagged associations were found in survival analyses for virtually all temporally primary lifetime disorders predicting subsequent onset of other disorders. Within-domain (ie, internalizing or externalizing) associations were generally stronger than between-domain associations. Most time-lagged associations were explained by a model that assumed the existence of mediating latent internalizing and externalizing variables. Specific phobia and obsessive-compulsive disorder (internalizing) and hyperactivity and oppositional defiant disorders (externalizing) were the most important predictors. A small number of residual associations remained significant after controlling the latent variables. CONCLUSIONS: The good fit of the latent variable model suggests that common causal pathways account for most of the comorbidity among the disorders considered herein. These common pathways should be the focus of future research on the development of comorbidity, although several important pairwise associations that cannot be accounted for by latent variables also exist that warrant further focused study

    Efecto de los métodos escaldado y congelación previos a la liofilización sobre la retención de vitamina c en aguaymanto (Physalis peruviana L.)

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    El objetivo de la presente investigación fue optimizar el proceso de escaldado y método de congelación previos a la liofilización sobre la variación del contenido de vitamina C en una muestra de aguaymanto (Physalis peruviana L.) envasado procedente de la ciudad de Huánuco, provincia de Huánuco. Las variables de entrada consideradas fueron: tipo de escaldado (por inmersión a 75 °C durante 2 minutos y a vapor a 95 °C durante 2 minutos), y, el tipo de congelación (ultrarrápida con nitrógeno líquido, a -196 °C, y lenta, a -25 °C durante 1 día), aplicadas bajo la metodología de Taguchi con 12 ensayos (3 réplicas). Luego del pretratamiento de escaldado y congelación, las muestras se liofilizaron a condiciones de 0,22 mbar y -50 °C durante 24 horas. Esto se hizo con el fin de cuantificar la retención de la vitamina C en las muestras analizadas. Las muestras que fueron escaldadas por vapor y con una congelación ultrarrápida presentaron mayor retención del contenido de vitamina C (73,33 ± 2,07 mg/100 g de materia seca) en comparación con el producto inicial sin ningún tratamiento (175,94 ± 11,31 mg/100 g de materia seca). El análisis de resultados sugiere que la aplicación del escaldado a vapor como pretratamiento a la liofilización es una tecnología que favorece la conservación de vitamina C del Aguaymanto, permitiendo conservar mejor la calidad y características funcionales

    Association of childhood adversities and early-onset mental disorders with adult-onset chronic physical conditions

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    CONTEXT: The physical health consequences of childhood psychosocial adversities may be as substantial as the mental health consequences, but whether this is the case remains unclear because much prior research has involved unrepresentative samples and a selective focus on particular adversities or physical outcomes. The association between early-onset mental disorders and subsequent poor physical health in adulthood has not been investigated. OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether childhood adversities and early-onset mental disorders are independently associated with increased risk of a range of adult-onset chronic physical conditions in culturally diverse samples spanning the full adult age range. DESIGN: Cross-sectional community surveys of adults in 10 countries. SETTING: General population. PARTICIPANTS: Adults (ie, aged ≥18 years; N = 18 303), with diagnostic assessment and determination of age at onset of DSM-IV mental disorders, assessment of childhood familial adversities, and age of diagnosis or onset of chronic physical conditions. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Risk (ie, hazard ratios) of adult-onset (ie, at age >20 years) heart disease, asthma, diabetes mellitus, arthritis, chronic spinal pain, and chronic headache as a function of specific childhood adversities and early-onset (ie, at age <21 years) DSM-IV depressive and anxiety disorders, with mutual adjustment. RESULTS: A history of 3 or more childhood adversities was independently associated with onset of all 6 physical conditions (hazard ratios, 1.44 to 2.19). Controlling for current mental disorder made little difference to these associations. Early-onset mental disorders were independently associated with onset of 5 physical conditions (hazard ratios, 1.43 to 1.66). CONCLUSIONS: These results are consistent with the hypothesis that childhood adversities and early-onset mental disorders have independent, broad-spectrum effects that increase the risk of diverse chronic physical conditions in later life. They require confirmation in a prospectively designed study. The long course of these associations has theoretical and research implications