18,805 research outputs found

    Physical space description of decorated quasicrystals

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    In this paper the systematic method of dealing with the arbitrary decorations of quasicrystals is presented. The method is founded on the average unit cell formalism and operates in the physical space only, where each decorating atom manifests itself just by an additional component of the displacement density function in the average unit cell. Such approach allows us to use almost all classical crystallography algorithms for structure refining based on experimental data and may meaningly decrease the number of parameters which have to be fit. Further help for such analysis may be the use of proposed recently average Patterson function, here applied to decorated sets. As an example we present a description of a class of decorated quasicrystals based on Sturmian sequence of two interatomic spacings: we calculate explicitly structure factor, the shape of average Patterson function and give an algorithm for pattern analysis.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    Photocatalytic production of organic compounds from CO and H2O in a simulated Martian atmosphere

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    [14C]CO2 and [14C]organic compounds are formed when a mixture of [14C]CO and water vapor diluted in [12C]CO2 or N2 is irradiated with ultraviolet light in the presence of soil or pulverized vycor substratum. The [14C]CO2 is recoverable from the gas phase, the [14C]organic products from the substratum. Three organic products have been tentatively identified as formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and glycolic acid. The relative yields of [14C]CO2 and [14C]organics are wavelength- and surface-dependent. Conversion of CO to CO2 occurs primarily at wavelengths shorter than 2000 angstrom, apparently involves the photolysis of water, and is inhibited by increasing amounts of vycor substratum. Organic formation occurs over a broad spectral range below 3000 angstrom and increases with increasing amounts of substratum. It is suggested that organic synthesis results from adsorption of CO and H2O on surfaces, with excitation of one or both molecules occurring at wavelengths longer than those absorbed by the free gases. This process may occur on Mars and may have been important on the primitive earth

    An overview of the demonstration advanced avionics system guest pilot evaluation conducted at Ames Research Center

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    The guest pilot flight evaluation of the Demonstration Advanced Avionics System (DAAS) is discussed. The results are based on the fifty-nine questionnaires that were completed by the participants. The primary purpose of the pilot evaluation was to expose the Demonstration Advanced Avionics System to the various segments of the general aviation community and solicit comments in order to determine the effectiveness of integrated avionics for general aviation. Segments of the community that were represented in the evaluation are listed. A total of sixty-four (64) flights were conducted in which one hundred and seventeen (117) pilots and observers participated. It was felt that the exposure each subject had with the DAAS was too short to adequately assess the training requirements, pilot workload, and the reconfiguration concept of the DAAS. It is recommended that an operational evaluation of the DAAS be made to assess: the training requirements or varying experience levels, the pilot workload in the ATC environment with unplanned route changes, and the viability of the reconfiguration concept for failures

    The Nature of the Peculiar Virgo Cluster Galaxies NGC 4064 and NGC 4424

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    We present a detailed study of the peculiar HI-deficient Virgo cluster spiral galaxies NGC 4064 and NGC 4424, using 12^{12}CO 1-0 interferometry, optical imaging and integral-field spectroscopic observations, in order to learn what type of environmental interactions have afected these galaxies. Optical imaging reveals that NGC 4424 has a strongly disturbed stellar disk, with banana-shaped isophotes and shells. NGC 4064, which lies in the cluster outskirts, possesses a relatively undisturbed outer stellar disk and a central bar. In both galaxies H-alpha emission is confined to the central kiloparsec. CO observations reveal bilobal molecular gas morphologies, with H-alpha emission peaking inside the CO lobes, implying a time sequence in the star formation process.Gas kinematics reveals strong bar-like non-circular motions in the molecular gas in both galaxies, suggesting that the material is radially infalling. In NGC 4064 the stellar kinematics reveal strong bar-like non-circular motions in the central 1 kpc. On the other hand, NGC 4424 has extremely modest stellar rotation velocities (Vmax ~ 30 km s-1), and stars are supported by random motions as far out as we can measure it. The observations suggest that the peculiarities of NGC 4424 are the result of an intermediate-mass merger plus ram pressure stripping. In the case of NGC 4064, the evidence suggests an already stripped "truncated/normal" galaxy that recently suffered a minor merger or tidal interaction with another galaxy. We propose that galaxies with "truncated/compact" H-alpha morphologies such as these are the result of the independent effects of ram pressure stripping, which removes gas from the outer disk, and gravitational interactions such as mergers, which heat stellar disks, drive gas to the central kpc and increase the central mass concentrations.Comment: 42 pages, 21 figure

    Surface Brightness and Stellar Populations at the Outer Edge of the Large Magellanic Cloud: No Stellar Halo Yet

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    We present a high quality CMD for a 36'x 36' field located 8 degrees (7 kpc) from the LMC center, as well as a precise determination of the LMC surface brightness derived from the resolved stellar population out to this large galactocentric radius. This deep CMD shows for the first time the detailed age distribution at this position, where the surface brightness is V=26.5 mag/sq". At a radius R=474' the main sequence is well populated from the oldest turnoff at I=21.5 to the 2.5 Gyr turnoff at I=19.5. Beyond this radius, a relatively strong gradient in the density of stars with ages in the 2.5-4 Gyr range is apparent. There are some stars brighter and bluer than the main population, quite uniformly distributed over the whole area surveyed, which are well matched by a 1.5 Gyr isochrone and may be indicative of a relatively recent star formation, or merger, event. The surface brightness profile of the LMC remains exponential to this large galactocentric radius and shows no evidence of disk truncation. Combining the information on surface brightness and stellar population we conclude that the LMC disk extends (and dominates over a possible stellar halo) out to a distance of at least 7 kpc. These results confirm that the absence of blue stars in the relatively shallow off-center CMDs of dIrr galaxies is not necessarily evidence for an exclusively old stellar population resembling the halo of the Milky Way.Comment: ApJLett, in press 13 pages including 3 color figure

    Log-concavity and lower bounds for arithmetic circuits

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    One question that we investigate in this paper is, how can we build log-concave polynomials using sparse polynomials as building blocks? More precisely, let f=_i=0da_iXiR+[X]f = \sum\_{i = 0}^d a\_i X^i \in \mathbb{R}^+[X] be a polynomial satisfying the log-concavity condition a\_i^2 \textgreater{} \tau a\_{i-1}a\_{i+1} for every i{1,,d1},i \in \{1,\ldots,d-1\}, where \tau \textgreater{} 0. Whenever ff can be written under the form f=_i=1k_j=1mf_i,jf = \sum\_{i = 1}^k \prod\_{j = 1}^m f\_{i,j} where the polynomials f_i,jf\_{i,j} have at most tt monomials, it is clear that dktmd \leq k t^m. Assuming that the f_i,jf\_{i,j} have only non-negative coefficients, we improve this degree bound to d=O(km2/3t2m/3log2/3(kt))d = \mathcal O(k m^{2/3} t^{2m/3} {\rm log^{2/3}}(kt)) if \tau \textgreater{} 1, and to dkmtd \leq kmt if τ=d2d\tau = d^{2d}. This investigation has a complexity-theoretic motivation: we show that a suitable strengthening of the above results would imply a separation of the algebraic complexity classes VP and VNP. As they currently stand, these results are strong enough to provide a new example of a family of polynomials in VNP which cannot be computed by monotone arithmetic circuits of polynomial size

    Prime numbers, quantum field theory and the Goldbach conjecture

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    Motivated by the Goldbach conjecture in Number Theory and the abelian bosonization mechanism on a cylindrical two-dimensional spacetime we study the reconstruction of a real scalar field as a product of two real fermion (so-called \textit{prime}) fields whose Fourier expansion exclusively contains prime modes. We undertake the canonical quantization of such prime fields and construct the corresponding Fock space by introducing creation operators bpb_{p}^{\dag} --labeled by prime numbers pp-- acting on the vacuum. The analysis of our model, based on the standard rules of quantum field theory and the assumption of the Riemann hypothesis, allow us to prove that the theory is not renormalizable. We also comment on the potential consequences of this result concerning the validity or breakdown of the Goldbach conjecture for large integer numbers.Comment: 20 pages in A4 format, 2 figure

    Magnetic anisotropy and geometrical frustration in the Ising spin-chain system Sr5Rh4O12

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    A structural and thermodynamic study of the newly synthesized single crystal Sr5Rh4O12 is reported. Sr5Rh4O12 consists of a triangular lattice of spin chains running along the c-axis. It is antiferromagnetically ordered below 23 K with the intrachain and interchain coupling being ferromagnetic (FM) and antiferromagnetic (AFM), respectively. There is strong evidence for an Ising character in the interaction and geometrical frustration that causes incomplete long-range AFM order. The isothermal magnetization exhibits two step-like transitions leading to a ferrimagnetic state at 2.4 T and a FM state at 4.8 T, respectively. Sr5Rh4O12 is a unique frustrated spin-chain system ever found in 4d and 5d based materials without a presence of an incomplete 3d-electron shell.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure