63 research outputs found

    A natural antipredation experiment: predator control and reduced sea ice increases colony size in a long-lived duck

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    Anthropogenic impact on the environment and wildlife are multifaceted and far-reaching. On a smaller scale, controlling for predators has been increasing the yield from local natural prey resources. Globally, human-induced global warming is expected to impose severe negative effects on ecosystems, an effect that is expected to be even more pronounced in the scarcely populated northern latitudes. The clearest indication of a changing Arctic climate is an increase in both air and ocean temperatures leading to reduced sea ice distribution. Population viability is for long-lived species dependent on adult survival and recruitment. Predation is the main mortality cause in many bird populations, and egg predation is considered the main cause of reproductive failure in many birds. To assess the effect of predation and climate, we compared population time series from a natural experiment where a trapper/down collector has been licensed to actively protect breeding common eiders Somateria mollissima (a large seaduck) by shooting/chasing egg predators, with time series from another eider colony located within a nature reserve with no manipulation of egg predators. We found that actively limiting predator activity led to an increase in the population growth rate and carrying capacity with a factor of 3–4 compared to that found in the control population. We also found that population numbers were higher in years with reduced concentration of spring sea ice. We conclude that there was a large positive impact of human limitation of egg predators, and that this lead to higher population growth rate and a large increase in size of the breeding colony. We also report a positive effect of warming climate in the high arctic as reduced sea-ice concentrations was associated with higher numbers of breeding birds. Carrying capacity, climate change, high Arctic, population growth rate, predator effects, sea ice, Svalbard.A natural antipredation experiment: predator control and reduced sea ice increases colony size in a long-lived duckpublishedVersio

    Metodikk for kartlegging og overvåkning av fremmede marine arter i Norge - Forslag til nasjonalt program

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    Norge har i dag overvåkning av enkelte fremmede marine arter og en sporadisk generell kartlegging av forekomsten av slike arter langs deler av kysten. Det er derfor behov for en systematisk plan for kartlegging og overvåkning av fremmede marine arter i Norge. Når man skal lage en slik plan er det viktig å vite hvilke arter som kan forventes til landet, hvordan de kan komme seg hit, hvor de lever og hvor i landet de mest sannsynlig vil etablere seg først. Her gis en analyse av levested for etablerte arter og arter som forventes til landet, som kan danne basis for valg av metodikk. Begroing av skrog er trolig den vektoren som i dag utgjør den største risikoen for introduksjon av fremmede marine arter. Her gis en detaljert oversikt over havner som har høy risiko for slike introduksjoner basert på frekvensen av anløp direkte fra utenlandsk havn. Denne vurderingen danner basis for ett rullerende overvåkningsprogram etter internasjonale anbefalinger. Rapporten gir også en oppsummerende oversikt over eksisterende internasjonal metodikk og basert på dette gis tre alternative metodikkforslag for norskekysten. Forslagene som presenteres har ulik intensitet og vil ha store forskjeller i kostnader. Det anbefales at ulike metoder prøves ut for å vurdere effektiviteten og gi mer nøyaktige kostnadsoverslag.publishedVersio

    Alien marine species in Norway - Mapping, monitoring and assessment of vectors for introductions

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    Norway has the second longest coastline in the world, and it is challenging to monitor non-indigenous marine species (NIMS) along the entire shore including the Norwegian areas in the Barents Sea and along Svalbard. There is currently no national program for such monitoring, however some activity is taking place on specific species and organism groups which is presented here. Historically transport of NIMS is ballast water have been the main pathway into the Norwegian coast, but with the implementation of the Ballast Water Convention this risk is minimized. Biofouling on vessels coming into the Norwegian coast is thus considered to be the most important vector for marine introduction of new species. An analysis of the frequency and origin (last port call) for 158 000 vessel arrivals into Norwegian ports in the period 2020-2021 is presented. The results show that the Oslofjord area and the west coast is the areas with highest risk for marine introductions by vessels. Other vectors for such introductions into Norway are evaluated like the increasing amount of floating debris which can carry fouling organisms, larvae and eggs to new areas. An analysis of historical data for the established NIMS in Norway show that the southern area of Norway is most susceptible to new species. This pattern is not only dependent on the vector pressure but also reflects the temperature gradient northwards along the coast. Measures for prevention of new species to arrive and management of problematic species is also discussed.publishedVersio

    Nordic LifeWatch cooperation, final report: A joint initiative from Denmark, Iceland, Finland, Norway and Sweden

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    The main goal of the present report is to outline the possibilities for an enhanced cooperation between the Nordic countries within eScience and biodiversity. LifeWatch is one of several ESFRI projects which aim to establish eInfrastructures and databases in the field of biodiversity and ecosystem research. Similarities between Nordic countries are extensive in relation to a number of biodiversity related issues. Most species in Nordic countries are common, and frequently the same challenges concerning biodiversity and ecosystem services are addressed in the different countries. The present report has been developed by establishing a Nordic LifeWatch network with delegates from each of the Nordic countries. The report has been written jointly by the delegates, and the work was organized by establishing working groups with the following themes: strategic issues, technical development, legal framework and communication. Written during two workshops, Skype meetings and emailing, the following main issues are discussed in the present report: * Scientific needs for improved access to biodiversity data and advanced eScience research infrastructure in the Nordic countries. * Future challenges and priorities facing the international biodiversity research community. * Scientific potential of openly accessible biodiversity and environmental data for individual researchers and institutions. * Spin-off effects of open access for the general public. * Internationally standardized Nordic metadata inventory. * Legal framework and challenges associated with environmental-, climate-, and biodiversity data sharing, communication, training and scientific needs. * Finally, some strategic steps towards realizing a Nordic LifeWatch construction and operational phase are discussed. Easy access to open data on biodiversity and the environment is crucial for many researchers and research institutions, as well as environmental administration. Easy access to data from different fields of science creates an environment for new scientific ideas to emerge. This potential of generating new, interdisciplinary approaches to pre-existing problems is one of the key features of open-access data platforms that unify diverse data sources. Interdisciplinary elements, access to data over larger gradients, compatible eSystems and eTools to handle large amounts of data are extremely important and, if further developed, represent significant steps towards analysis of biological effects of climate change, human impact and development of operational ecosystem service assessment techniques. It is concluded that significant benefits regarding both scientific potential, technical developments and financial investments can be obtained by constructing a common Nordic LifeWatch eInfrastructure. Several steps concerning organizing and funding of a future Nordic LifeWatch are discussed, and an action plan towards 2020 is suggested. To analyze the potential for future Nordic LifeWatch in detail, our main conclusion is to arrange a Nordic LifeWatch conference as soon as possible. This conference should involve Nordic research councils, scientists and relevant stakeholders. The national delegates from the participating countries in the Nordic LifeWatch project are prepared to present details from the report and developments so far as a basis for further development of Nordic LifeWatch. The present work is financed by NordForsk and in-kind contributions from participating institutions


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    Skripsi ini berjudul “Peranan Pelukis Ade Moelyana Dalam Mengembangkan Seni Lukis Pelepah Pisang di Cimahi Kajian Historis Tahun 1969-2010”. Permasalahan pokok yang dikaji dalam skripsi ini adalah bagaimana perkembangan seni lukis dari limbah pelepah pisang di Cimahi dari tahun 1969-2010 dan keterkaitannya dengan potensi ekonomi dari seni lukis pelepah pisang yang terabaikan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode historis yang melalui empat tahap yaitu pengumpulan sumber lisan maupun sumber tertulis, kritik, interpretasi, dan historiografi. Untuk memperdalam analisis, penulis menggunakan pendekatan interdisipliner melalui kajian ilmu sosial dan ilmu ekonomi dengan memakai konsep-konsep seperti interaksi sosial, distribusi, ekonomi kreatif, kewirausahaan, dll. Teknik penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan teknik wawancara. Hal ini dilakukan karena terbatasnya sumber tertulis yang mengkaji secara langsung mengenai permasalahan di atas. Berdasarkan hasil temuan di lapangan, seni lukis dari limbah pelepah pisang ini telah ada sejak tahun 1969. Seni lukis ini merupakan seni lukis yang unik karena menggunakan limbah dari pelepah pisang. Pada awal perkembangannya seni lukis ini tidak serta merta dapat diterima oleh masyarakat sekitar, dan barulah pada tahun 2002 seni lukis dari limbah pelepah pisang ini mengalami puncak perkembangan. Pasalnya seni lukis ini tidak hanya dipasarkan di Cimahi saja, melainkan sampai ke mancanegara. Seni lukis dari limbah pelepah pisang ini dapat dijadikan sebagai sektor ekonomi kreatif dan dapat dijadikan sebagai lahan lapangan pekerjaan. Banyak upaya yang dilakukan oleh pelukis untuk mengembangkan seni lukis dari limbah pelepah pisang, selain itu pula pemerintah turut serta dalam mengembangkan seni lukis pelepah pisang. Kata kunci : Seni Lukis Pelepah Pisang, Ekonomi Kreatif, Pemasaran This skripsi titled Ade Moelyama role in developing the art painting of wasted banana leaves in Cimahi of historical studies from 1969 to 2010. The main issue studied in this skripsi was “How Development Art Painting of Wasted Banana Leaves in Cimahi from 1969 to 2010 and linkages with economic potential of art painting of banana leaves neglected. The method used is the historical method through four phases of heuristics, criticism, interpretation and historiography. To deepen the analysis, the author use the approach interdisciplinary through the study of social and economic by using concepts such as social interaction, distribution, creative economy, entrepreneurship, and other. A research technique used in this research is to use interview techniques. This is done because of the limited resources that examines written directly on the above problems. Based on the research results, the art painting of wasted banana leaves has existed since 1969. This painting is a painting that is unique because it uses waste form banan leaves. In the early development of art is not necessarily acceptable to the local community, and then in 2002 the art painting of wasted banana leaves is experiencing the peak development. This is because not only do marketing painting around Cimahi but abroad as well. Painting of wasted banana stalks can be used as a creative economic sector and creates jobs. Lack of awareness of the various parties to make this painting became dormant. Many attempts were made by the painter to develop the art of waste banana leaves, in addition the goverment also participated in the development the art of painting banana leaves. Keywords : Art Painting of Banana Leaves, Creative Economy, Marketin

    High-resolution modeling of uplift landscapes can inform micrositing of wind turbines for soaring raptors

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    Collision risk of soaring birds is partly associated with updrafts to which they are attracted. To ident ify the risk-enhancinglandscape features, a micrositing tool was developed to model orographic and thermal updraft velocities from high-resolution remote sensing data. The tool was applied to the island of Hitra, and validated using GPS-tracked white-tailedeagles (Haliaeetus albicilla). Resource selection functions predicted that eagles preferred ridges with high orographic uplift,especially at flight altitud es within the rotor-swept zone (40–110 m). Flight activity was negatively associated with thewidely distributed areas with high thermal upli ft at lower flight altitudes (<110 m). Both the existing wind-power plant andplanned extension are placed at locations rendering maximum orographic updraft velocities around the minimum sink ratefor white-tailed eagles (0.75 m/s) but slightly higher therm al updraft velocities. The tool can contribute to improvemicrositing of wi nd turbines to reduce the environmental impacts, especially for soaring Raptors.publishedVersio

    Identifying high‑risk areas for introduction of new alien species: the case of the invasive round goby, a door‑knocker for Norway

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    Identifying new areas of colonisation by alien species is important for early detection and management. Door-knocker species pose problems for traditional predictive models because of lacking presence–absence data, but habitat suitability modelling might overcome this. We here identify the most likely areas for introduction and frst establishment of the invasive round goby Neogobius melanostomus to Norway, where it has not yet been registered. We implemented knowledge on dispersal pathways and the species’ biology in a simplifed suitability model based on spatial data representing the most relevant environmental variables: distance to international harbours in Norway, distance to the closest population in neighbouring country, salinity, wave exposure, depth and water temperature. The results suggest that there are many potential localities for introduction and frst establishment and reveal several hotspots of such areas, especially in less-exposed coastal brackish areas of southern Norway. Especially the region around the Oslo Fjord stands out as being associated with higher risk. Our results could guide future monitoring programmes and increase the chance of early detection of this potential new invader. The study illustrates how spatial analyses can be used to identify the most likely areas for future invasion by an aquatic door-knocker species despite lacking presence–absence data. Brackish · Door-knocker · Suitability modelling · Fish · Neogobius melanostomus · Atlantic Ocea

    Identifying high‑risk areas for introduction of new alien species: the case of the invasive round goby, a door‑knocker for Norway

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    Identifying new areas of colonisation by alien species is important for early detection and management. Door-knocker species pose problems for traditional predictive models because of lacking presence–absence data, but habitat suitability modelling might overcome this. We here identify the most likely areas for introduction and frst establishment of the invasive round goby Neogobius melanostomus to Norway, where it has not yet been registered. We implemented knowledge on dispersal pathways and the species’ biology in a simplifed suitability model based on spatial data representing the most relevant environmental variables: distance to international harbours in Norway, distance to the closest population in neighbouring country, salinity, wave exposure, depth and water temperature. The results suggest that there are many potential localities for introduction and frst establishment and reveal several hotspots of such areas, especially in less-exposed coastal brackish areas of southern Norway. Especially the region around the Oslo Fjord stands out as being associated with higher risk. Our results could guide future monitoring programmes and increase the chance of early detection of this potential new invader. The study illustrates how spatial analyses can be used to identify the most likely areas for future invasion by an aquatic door-knocker species despite lacking presence–absence data. Brackish · Door-knocker · Suitability modelling · Fish · Neogobius melanostomus · Atlantic OceanpublishedVersio

    Performance test and verification of an off-the-shelf automated avian radar tracking system

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    Microwave radar is an important tool for observation of birds in flight and represents a tremendous increase in observation capability in terms of amount of surveillance space that can be covered at relatively low cost. Based on off-the- shelf radar hardware, automated radar tracking systems have been developed for monitoring avian movements. However, radar used as an observation instrument in biological research has its limitations that are important to be aware of when analyzing recorded radar data. This article describes a method for exploring the detection capabilities of a dedicated short-range avian radar system used inside the operational Smøla wind-power plant. The purpose of the testing described was to find the maximum detection range for various sized birds, while controlling for the effects of flight tortuosity, flight orientation relative to the radar and ground clutter. The method was to use a dedicated test target in form of a remotely controlled unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) with calibrated radar cross section (RCS), which enabled the design of virtually any test flight pattern within the area of interest. The UAV had a detection probability of 0.5 within a range of 2,340 m from the radar. The detection performance obtained by the RCS-calibrated test target (−11 dBm2, 0.08 m2 RCS) was then extrapolated to find the corresponding performance of differently sized birds. Detection range depends on system sensitivity, the environment within which the radar is placed and the spatial distribution of birds. The avian radar under study enables continuous monitoring of bird activity within a maximum range up to 2 km dependent on the size of the birds in question. While small bird species may be detected up to 0.5–1 km, larger species may be detected up to 1.5–2 km distance from the radar. D S bird monitoring, clutter, detection probability, swerling, target detection, unmanned aerial vehiclepublishedVersio

    High-resolution modeling of uplift landscapes can inform micrositing of wind turbines for soaring raptors

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    Collision risk of soaring birds is partly associated with updrafts to which they are attracted. To ident ify the risk-enhancinglandscape features, a micrositing tool was developed to model orographic and thermal updraft velocities from high-resolution remote sensing data. The tool was applied to the island of Hitra, and validated using GPS-tracked white-tailedeagles (Haliaeetus albicilla). Resource selection functions predicted that eagles preferred ridges with high orographic uplift,especially at flight altitud es within the rotor-swept zone (40–110 m). Flight activity was negatively associated with thewidely distributed areas with high thermal upli ft at lower flight altitudes (<110 m). Both the existing wind-power plant andplanned extension are placed at locations rendering maximum orographic updraft velocities around the minimum sink ratefor white-tailed eagles (0.75 m/s) but slightly higher therm al updraft velocities. The tool can contribute to improvemicrositing of wi nd turbines to reduce the environmental impacts, especially for soaring Raptors