2,406 research outputs found

    До питання визначення змістовної та видової характеристики категорій «інтеграція» та «правова інтеграція» у доктрині конституційного права

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    Розглядаються теоретико-методологічні, онтологічні, праксіологічні та аксіологічні аспекти визначення змістовної характеристики категорій «інтеграція» та «правової інтеграції». Окремо приділяється увага значенню даних категорій для розвитку сучасної доктрини конституційного права, що формується в умовах міждержавної інтеграції.Рассматриваются теоретико-методологические, онтологические, праксиологические и аксиологические аспекты определения содержательной характеристики категорий «интеграция» и «правовая интеграции». Отдельно уделяется внимание значению данных категорий для развития современной доктрины конституционного права, которая формируется в условиях межгосударственной интеграции.The article considers the theoretical, the methodological, the praxiological, the ontological and the axiological issues of defining meaningful description of such categories as «integration» and legal integration. It separately pays attention to the meaning of such categories for the developing of modern constitutional law doctrine, which is formed in conditions of interstate integration

    Cauliflower mosaic virus protein P6 is a multivalent node for RNA granule proteins and interferes with stress granule responses during plant infection

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    Cauliflower mosaic virus intersects with components of the stress granule pathway within its replication factories and has a global capacity to suppress stress granule assembly in plants.Biomolecular condensation is a multipurpose cellular process that viruses use ubiquitously during their multiplication. Cauliflower mosaic virus replication complexes are condensates that differ from those of most viruses, as they are nonmembranous assemblies that consist of RNA and protein, mainly the viral protein P6. Although these viral factories (VFs) were described half a century ago, with many observations that followed since, functional details of the condensation process and the properties and relevance of VFs have remained enigmatic. Here, we studied these issues in Arabidopsis thaliana and Nicotiana benthamiana. We observed a large dynamic mobility range of host proteins within VFs, while the viral matrix protein P6 is immobile, as it represents the central node of these condensates. We identified the stress granule (SG) nucleating factors G3BP7 and UBP1 family members as components of VFs. Similarly, as SG components localize to VFs during infection, ectopic P6 localizes to SGs and reduces their assembly after stress. Intriguingly, it appears that soluble rather than condensed P6 suppresses SG formation and mediates other essential P6 functions, suggesting that the increased condensation over the infection time-course may accompany a progressive shift in selected P6 functions. Together, this study highlights VFs as dynamic condensates and P6 as a complex modulator of SG responses

    Arabidopsis RNA processing body components LSM1 and DCP5 aid in the evasion of translational repression during Cauliflower mosaic virus infection

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    Viral infections impose extraordinary RNA stress, triggering cellular RNA surveillance pathways such as RNA decapping, nonsense-mediated decay, and RNA silencing. Viruses need to maneuver among these pathways to establish infection and succeed in producing high amounts of viral proteins. Processing bodies (PBs) are integral to RNA triage in eukaryotic cells, with several distinct RNA quality control pathways converging for selective RNA regulation. In this study, we investigated the role of Arabidopsis thaliana PBs during Cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) infection. We found that several PB components are co-opted into viral factories that support virus multiplication. This pro-viral role was not associated with RNA decay pathways but instead, we established that PB components are helpers in viral RNA translation. While CaMV is normally resilient to RNA silencing, dysfunctions in PB components expose the virus to this pathway, which is similar to previous observations for transgenes. Transgenes, however, undergo RNA quality control-dependent RNA degradation and transcriptional silencing, whereas CaMV RNA remains stable but becomes translationally repressed through decreased ribosome association, revealing a unique dependence among PBs, RNA silencing, and translational repression. Together, our study shows that PB components are co-opted by the virus to maintain efficient translation, a mechanism not associated with canonical PB functions.Arabidopsis RNA processing body components LSM1 and DCP5 are co-opted by Cauliflower mosaic virus to maintain efficient virus translation in the presence of RNA DEPENDENT POLYMERASE6-governed silencing

    Tutorial: Remote entanglement protocols for stationary qubits with photonic interfaces

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    Generating entanglement between distant quantum systems is at the core of quantum networking. In recent years, numerous theoretical protocols for remote entanglement generation have been proposed, of which many have been experimentally realized. Here, we provide a modular theoretical framework to elucidate the general mechanisms of photon-mediated entanglement generation between single spins in atomic or solid-state systems. Our framework categorizes existing protocols at various levels of abstraction and allows for combining the elements of different schemes in new ways. These abstraction layers make it possible to readily compare protocols for different quantum hardware. To enable the practical evaluation of protocols tailored to specific experimental parameters, we have devised numerical simulations based on the framework with our codes available online

    Relevance of Translational Regulation on Plant Growth and Environmental Responses

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    The authors acknowledge funding by MINECO BIO2015-70483-R to AF, by CAM S2013/ABI-2734 and by ERC GA260468 to MMC, by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, grant TRR175-C05) to DL, by NSF IOS 1444561 and NSF IOS PAPM-EAGER 1650139 to AS, and by Bio4Energy, a Strategic Research Environment appointed by the Swedish government to JH.Ferrando Monleón, AR.; Castellano, M.; Lisón, P.; Leister, D.; Stepanova, AN.; Hanson, J. (2017). Relevance of Translational Regulation on Plant Growth and Environmental Responses. Frontiers in Plant Science. 8:1-2. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2017.02170S128Hummel, M., Cordewener, J. H. G., de Groot, J. C. M., Smeekens, S., America, A. H. P., & Hanson, J. (2012). Dynamic protein composition of Arabidopsis thaliana cytosolic ribosomes in response to sucrose feeding as revealed by label free MSE proteomics. PROTEOMICS, 12(7), 1024-1038. doi:10.1002/pmic.201100413Vermeulen, S. J., Campbell, B. M., & Ingram, J. S. I. (2012). Climate Change and Food Systems. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 37(1), 195-222. doi:10.1146/annurev-environ-020411-130608Vogel, C., & Marcotte, E. M. (2012). Insights into the regulation of protein abundance from proteomic and transcriptomic analyses. Nature Reviews Genetics, 13(4), 227-232. doi:10.1038/nrg318

    Prevalence of RT-qPCR-detected SARS-CoV-2 infection at schools: First results from the Austrian School-SARS-CoV-2 prospective cohort study.

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    BACKGROUND: The role of schools in the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is much debated. We aimed to quantify reliably the prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infections at schools detected with reverse-transcription quantitative polymerase-chain-reaction (RT-qPCR). METHODS: This nationwide prospective cohort study monitors a representative sample of pupils (grade 1-8) and teachers at Austrian schools throughout the school year 2020/2021. We repeatedly test participants for SARS-CoV-2 infection using a gargling solution and RT-qPCR. We herein report on the first two rounds of examinations. We used mixed-effects logistic regression to estimate odds ratios and robust 95% confidence intervals (95% CI). FINDINGS: We analysed data on 10,734 participants from 245 schools (9465 pupils, 1269 teachers). Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infection increased from 0·39% at round 1 (95% CI 028-0·55%, 28 September-22 October 2020) to 1·39% at round 2 (95% CI 1·04-1·85%, 10-16 November). Odds ratios for SARS-CoV-2 infection were 2·26 (95% CI 1·25-4·12, P = 0·007) in regions with >500 vs. ≤500 inhabitants/km2, 1·67 (95% CI 1·42-1·97, P<0·001) per two-fold higher regional 7-day community incidence, and 2·78 (95% CI 1·73-4·48, P<0·001) in pupils at schools with high/very high vs. low/moderate social deprivation. Associations of regional community incidence and social deprivation persisted in a multivariable adjusted model. Prevalence did not differ by average number of pupils per class nor between age groups, sexes, pupils vs. teachers, or primary (grade 1-4) vs. secondary schools (grade 5-8). INTERPRETATION: This monitoring study in Austrian schools revealed SARS-CoV-2 infection in 0·39%-1·39% of participants and identified associations of regional community incidence and social deprivation with higher prevalence. FUNDING: BMBWF Austria

    Sucrose-mediated translational stalling involves a conserved ribosomal pocket

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    Within eukaryotes, 20-50% of the mRNAs contain short open reading frames (uORFs) located upstream of the main ORF. A significant fraction of these uORFs encode conserved peptides (CPuORFs) that regulate translation in response to specific metabolites. A well-studied example includes uORF2 of the plant growth inhibiting transcription factor bZIP11. Elevated intracellular sucrose levels lead to ribosome stalling at the stop codon of uORF2, thus reducing bZIP11 protein synthesis. Similar examples can be found in bacteria and animals, e.g. on the bacterial TnaC and human CDH1-NPN* ORFs that both induce stalling at the stop codon when in the presence of tryptophan and the drug-like molecule PF846, respectively. In this study, we affinity-purified in vitro translated sucrose-stalled wheat ribosomes translating bZIP11-uORF2 and determined the ribosomes’ structures using cryo-electron microscopy. This revealed density inside a pocket in the ribosomal exit tunnel of the plant Triticum aestivum, that colocalizes with the binding locations of tryptophan and PF846 in E. coli and humans, respectively. We suggest this density corresponds to sucrose. Tryptophan and PF846 mode-of-action was previously proposed to inhibit release factor binding or function. Mutation of the uORF2 stop codon shows that its presence is crucial for sucrose-induced stalling, suggesting that the stalling only manifests during termination and not elongation. Moreover, the structural similarities with tryptophan-induced stalled ribosomes near the peptidyl transferase center indicates that an analogous mechanism of inhibition of release factor function is likely. Our findings suggest a conserved mechanistic framework across different organisms, wherein specific molecules interact with the nascent peptide and ribosome to modulate protein synthesis

    Nonlinear Quantum Photonics with a Tin-Vacancy Center Coupled to a One-Dimensional Diamond Waveguide

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    Color-centers integrated with nanophotonic devices have emerged as a compelling platform for quantum science and technology. Here we integrate tin-vacancy centers in a diamond waveguide and investigate the interaction with light at the single-photon level. We observe single-emitter induced extinction of the transmitted light up to 25% and measure the nonlinear effect on the photon statistics. Furthermore, we demonstrate fully tunable interference between the reflected single-photon field and laser light back-scattered at the fiber end and show the corresponding controlled change between bunched and anti-bunched photon statistics in the reflected field

    Expression patterns within the Arabidopsis C/S1 bZIP transcription factor network: availability of heterodimerization partners controls gene expression during stress response and development

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    Members of the Arabidopsis group C/S1 basic leucine zipper (bZIP) transcription factor (TF) network are proposed to implement transcriptional reprogramming of plant growth in response to energy deprivation and environmental stresses. The four group C and five group S1 members form specific heterodimers and are, therefore, considered to cooperate functionally. For example, the interplay of C/S1 bZIP TFs in regulating seed maturation genes was analyzed by expression studies and target gene regulation in both protoplasts and transgenic plants. The abundance of the heterodimerization partners significantly affects target gene transcription. Therefore, a detailed analysis of the developmental and stress related expression patterns was performed by comparing promoter: GUS and transcription data. The idea that the C/S1 network plays a role in the allocation of nutrients is supported by the defined and partially overlapping expression patterns in sink leaves, seeds and anthers. Accordingly, metabolic signals strongly affect bZIP expression on the transcriptional and/or post-transcriptional level. Sucrose induced repression of translation (SIRT) was demonstrated for all group S1 bZIPs. In particular, transcription of group S1 genes strongly responds to various abiotic stresses, such as salt (AtbZIP1) or cold (AtbZIP44). In summary, heterodimerization and expression data provide a basic framework to further determine the functional impact of the C/S1 network in regulating the plant energy balance and nutrient allocation

    SnRK1-triggered switch of bZIP63 dimerization mediates the low-energy response in plants

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    Metabolic adjustment to changing environmental conditions, particularly balancing of growth and defense responses, is crucial for all organisms to survive. The evolutionary conserved AMPK/Snf1/SnRK1 kinases are well-known metabolic master regulators in the low-energy response in animals, yeast and plants. They act at two different levels: by modulating the activity of key metabolic enzymes, and by massive transcriptional reprogramming. While the first part is well established, the latter function is only partially understood in animals and not at all in plants. Here we identified the Arabidopsis transcription factor bZIP63 as key regulator of the starvation response and direct target of the SnRK1 kinase. Phosphorylation of bZIP63 by SnRK1 changed its dimerization preference, thereby affecting target gene expression and ultimately primary metabolism. A bzip63 knock-out mutant exhibited starvation-related phenotypes, which could be functionally complemented by wild type bZIP63, but not by a version harboring point mutations in the identified SnRK1 target sites