203 research outputs found

    Analisis Kinerja Pemasaran UMKM Produk Olahan Singkong di Wilayah Lebak-Banten

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    The purpose of this research To realize economic and social resilience, which is oriented towards poverty alleviation in the context of community welfare in the Lebak Regency, Banten, through product innovation analysis, Market Orientation, and Entrepreneurship orientation towards the MSME marketing performance of cassava processed products in the Lebak-Banten region. The research method used was a mixed-method, with a population of SMEs processed by cassava in the Cibadak area, Lebak, Banten. The number of respondents used was 72 respondents. Product innovation and entrepreneurial orientation do not affect marketing performance, but market orientation has significantly related to marketing performance. The MSMEs in Lebak Banten are not supported by inappropriate information technology. In this case, it is to improve the entrepreneurial orientation of the MSME actors by displaying all products that are sold either the same or not the same as the intended product so that consumers walk on their own to see the uniqueness said indirectly

    Pengaruh Kombinasi PMR (Progressive Muscle Relaxation) Dengan Musik Terhadap Kadar Gula Darah Pada Pasien Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 Di Rumah Sakit Islam Jemursari Surabaya

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    Pasien diabetes mellitus masalah utama yang sering terjadi adalah peningkatan guladarah. Gula darah yang tidak terkontrol dapat dalam waktu yang lama dapat menimbulkanbebagi komplikasi. Tujuan penelitian mengertahui pengaruh kombinasi PMR dengan musikterhadap kadar gula darah. Desain penelitian quasy experimen dengan pendekatan pre post testkontrol group design. Besar sampel 34 responden yang dibagi menjadi 17 kelompok intervensidan 17 kelompok kontrol. Kelompok intervensi diberikan kombinasi PMR dengan musikselama 1 bulan. Kelompok kontrol diberikan tindakan sesuai standar rumah sakit. Instrumentmenggunakan lembar observasi. Penelitian menggunakan uji paired t test dan independent t testdengan Ī± < 0.05Hasil penelitian menunjukan rata-rata kadar gula kelompok intervensi sebelum latihan310 mg/dl dan sesudah latihan 221 mg/dl. Kelompok kontrol sebelum diberikan tindakan sesuaistandar rumah sakit didapatkan rata-rata 310 mg/dl dan sesudahnya didapatkan rata-rata 296mg/dl. Berdasarkan uji independent t test kadar gula darah di dapatkan Ļ 0.000 (Ī± < 0.05).Sehingga H0 ditolak artinya ada pengaruh kombinasi PMR dengan musik terhadap gula darahdan ABI.Kombinasi PMR dengan musik yang rutin dilakukan mampu menurunkan kadar guladarah. Perawat dan keluarga perlu menerapkan latihan ini pada pasien DM selama 1 bula

    Strategi Pengembangan Bisnis Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah Keripik Pisang Dengan Pendekatan Business Model Kanvas

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    The aim of this research is to describe the business model canvas and to create a business transformation design. The research was carried out at the MSMEs Arabar Shop Bandar Lampung, which is one of the MSMEs whose main activity is marketing Banana Chips. This research uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach, namely explaining in depth about the situation or process being researched, namely the Arabar Shop MSMEs. The key informants in this research are the owners of MSMEs and staff. Data collection was carried out through in-depth interviews with key informants to obtain clear information about the application of the business model canvas at the Arabar Shop MSMEs. The general description of the company is explained by the position of company resources and their performance. The business transformation model is analyzed using a business model canvas approach and a customer empathy map. The result of the Arabar Shop MSMEs business transformation development strategy is to improve the preservation of customer segments and as their key resource. Increasing value propositions such as customer customization service, and social media in its value in customer channels and relationships generate a revenue stream from selling new products made of bananas and other ingredients. Increases are also needed in social activities in the main activities, increasing partners such as supplier and delivery services as the main partners, as well as additional costs for adjustments and social activities to the cost structure. &nbsp; Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan Bisnis model kanvas dan menciptakan desain transformasi bisnis. Riset ini dilakukan pada UMKM Arabar Shop Bandar Lampung yang kegiatan utamanya adalah memasarkan keripik Pisang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif, yakni menjelaskan dan menggambarkan secara mendalam tentang situasi atau proses objek yang diteliti yaitu UMKM Arabar Shop. Informan kunci dalam penelitian ini adalah pemilik UMKM dan staf bagian pemasaran. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui&nbsp; wawancara mendalam kepada informan penelitian sehingga diperoleh gambaran yang jelas mengenai penerapan business model canvas pada UMKM Arabar Shop. Deskripsi umum perusahaan dijelaskan melalui posisi sumber daya perusahaan dan kinerjanya. Model transformasi bisnisnya dianalisis dengan pendekatan bisnis model kanvas dan peta emphaty pelanggan. Hasil strategi pengembangan transformasi bisnis UMKM Arabar Shop adalah meningkatkan pelestarian segmen pelanggan sebagai kunci sumber daya mereka. Peningkatan proposisi nilai seperti layanan penyesuaian pelanggan, dan media sosial dalam nilainya di saluran dan hubungan pelanggan menghasilkan aliran pendapatan dari penjualan produk baru yang terbuat dari pisang dan bahan lainnya. Kata kunci: Bisnis Model Canvas; Keripik Pisang; Strategi Pengembangan


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh model pembelajaran Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) berbantuan aplikasi PowToon terhadap kemampuan literasi numerasi siswa pada materi penyajian data kelas VII-3 SMP Swasta Syuhada Tahun Ajaran 2022/2023. Jenis penelitian ini adalah quasy experiment dengan desain penelitian two group pre test dan post test. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas VII yang terdiri dari 3 kelas. Sampel penelitian yang digunakan yaitu 2 kelas (Kelas VII-2 dan VII-3). Pada kelas VII-3 sebagai kelas eksperimen menggunakan model pembelajaran Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) dan pada kelas VII-2 sebagai kelas kontrol menggunakan model pembelajaran Ekspositori. Nilai rata-rata pre test kelas eksperimen (10,60) sedangkan kelas kontrol (11,33). Setelah pembelajaran selesai diberikan diperoleh nilai rata-rata post test dikelas eksperimen (77,87) sedangkan kelas kontrol (64,60). Hasil uji T diperoleh Thitung (3,774)> Ttabel(2,001) maka Ha diterima dengan demikian terdapat pengaruh positif dan siginifikan dalam penerapan model pembelajaran Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) berbantuan aplikasi PowToon terhadap kemampuan literasi numerasi siswa.Kata kunci: Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL), Kemampuan Literasi Numerasi,Penyajian Dat

    The lifelikeness of character in John Steinbeckā€™s the grapes of wrath

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    This research focuses on the way of the author present the lifelikeness of character and its function as a technique of realism. Character in realist fiction imitates the real person in the real life to give effect as if really life. The problem of this research is the lifelikeness of character and the function of the lifelikeness of character in the novel. To find out the problems above, the researcher uses theory of Scharnhorst (2010) about the lifelikeness of character, Habib (2005) about realism and Abrams (1999) and Hawthorn (1985) about character and characterization. This research is using descriptive qualitative method which describe or explain it systematically, accurately base on the fact. The result of this research the researcher found there are six characters are revealed by decription or report method, five characters were revealed by action method, eight characters were revealed by conversation or thought method, and three characters were revealed by symbol method. Trough these methods, the lifelikeness of character is analyzed. In The Grapes of Wrath,each character imitates the real person in the real life. Realist fiction reflect the reality in the literary work, it portrayed like human being. So, the lifelikeness of character becomes as one of techniques of realism to represent the real world in literary work

    Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Berbasis Pendekatan Struktural Bahasa pada Mahasiswa UIN Raden Fatah Palembang

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    Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah (1) membuat perancangan atau pendesainan bahan ajar materi bahasa berbasis pendekatan struktural; (2) melaksanakan Ā prosedur operasional bahan ajar materi bahasa berbasis pendekatan struktural; (3) menganalisis efektifitas penerapan bahan ajar materi bahasa berbasis pendekatan struktural. Pengumpulan data penelitian meliputi observasi, angket, dan wawancara. Instrumen pengembangan model adalah dengan one two one dan angket uji lapangan. Dengan pendekatan struktural bahasa dengan prosedur penelitian pengembangan (RnD), diperoleh bahan ajar materi bahasa Indonesia MI berbasis pendekatan struktural bahasa untuk tingkat dasar. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa semester II yang mengikuti MK MateriĀ  Bahasa Indonesia MI di Program Studi PGMI FITK UIN Raden Fatah Palembang. Dari uji lapangan diperoleh hasil bahwa Bahan ajar berbasis pendekatan struktural pada materi ajar mata pelajaran bahasa di PGMI FITK UIN Raden Fatah Palembang yang dikembangkan efektif pada hasil belajar mahasiswa. Hal ini berdasarkan nilai rata-rata hasil tes atau evaluasi akhir pada saat field test

    Legal Protection of Women Victims of Sexual Harassment in Indonesia

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    The rise of sexual and non-verbal sexual harassment against women by men makes women not have bargaining in criminal law as a victim, this has implications for the psychology of women feeling humiliated, lacking confidence, trauma and fear, due to the above women who are victims of sexual harassment who are unable to carry out their work or even have mental illness, stress or some who commit suicide. The purpose of this study was to determine the legal arrangements for the protection of women due to acts of sexual harassment by men today and how the legal efforts of victims of sexual harassment against women. The methodology used in this study is normative legal research with primary, secondary and tertiary materials such as laws, journals and books. The researcher concludes:Ā  First; There is a need for regulations governing the protection of women, especially regarding acts of sexual harassment. Second; Preventive and repressive efforts are needed to prevent acts of sexual harassment against women in order to protect women so that women are able to rise up, advance, prosperous, happy, independent and contribute to the Family, Nation and State. Preventive efforts can be carried out through socialization, workshops and training on legal awareness of women's protection while repressive efforts include taking action by the police.Keywords: Women, Sexual Harassment, Legal ProtectionĀ Perlindungan Hukum terhadap Perempuan Korban Pelecehan Seksual di IndonesiaĀ Abstrak : Maraknya tindakan pelecehan seksual baik verbal maupun non verbal terhadap perempuan yang dilakukan oleh laki laki menjadikan perempuan tidak memliki bergaining dalam hukum pidana sebagai korban, hal demikian berimplikasi pada pisikologi perempuan merasa direndahkan, kurang percaya diri, trauma dan takut, akibat hal di atas perempuan yang menjadi korban pelecehan seksual yang tidak bisa menjalankan pekerjaanya atau pun ada juga sakit jiwa, stress atau ada juga yang bunuh diri. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaturan hukum perlindungan perempuan akibat tindakan pelecehan seksual oleh laki-laki saat ini serta bagaimana upaya hukum korban pelecehan seksual terhadap perempuan. Metodelogi yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum yuridis normatif dengan bahan primer, sekunder dan tersier seperti peraturan perundang undangan, jurnal dan buku. Hasil penelitianĀ  Pertama; Perlu adanya peraturan yang mengatur mengenai perlindungan perempuan khusunya mengenai tindakan pelecehan seksual. Kedua; Perlu adanya upaya preventif dan represif dalam mencegah tindakan pelecehan seksual terhadap perempuan dalam rangka melindungi para perempuan agar perempuan mampu bangkit, maju, sejahtera, bahagia, mandiri dan berkontribusi bagi Keluarga, Bangsa dan Negara . Upaya preventif dapat dilakukan dengan sosialisasi, workshop dan pelatihan-pelatihan kesadaran hukum perlidungan perempuan sedangkan upaya refresif berupa penindakan oleh aparat kepolisian.Kata Kunci :Ā  Perempuan, Pelecehan Sekual, Perlindungan Huku


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    The aim of this research is designing learning methodology teaching materials and testing the feasibility of teaching materials of learning methodology based on validity, practicality, and effectiveness tests. The research methodology used was Research and Development (RnD). Research data collection included observation, questionnaires, and interviews. The model development instruments were expert review, one two one, and small group. The subjects of this research were students of the fifth semester of PGMI FITK UIN Raden Fatah Palembang Study Program. The results show that the findings with validity test is very valid, it is 86%,practicality test with the result is very practical 84%, and effectiveness test with the result is very effective with the result85%.Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah merancang bahan ajar metodologi pembelajaran dan menguji kelayakan bahan ajar metodologi pembelajaran berdasarkan uji validitias, kepraktisan, dan evektivitas. Dengan metodologi penelitian berupa Research and Development (RnD) model Tessmer, maka pengumpulan data penelitian meliputi observasi, angket, dan wawancara, dengan pola pengembangan melalui expert review, one two one, dan&nbsp; small grup. Subjek penelitian adalah mahasiswa Prodi PGMI FITK UIN Raden Fatah Palembang semester V. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan temuan dengan uji validitas sangat valid, yakni 86%, uji kepraktisan dengan hasil sangat prakatis 84%, dan uji efektivitas dengan hasil sangat efektif&nbsp; berjumlah 85 %

    Hybrid Speckle Noise Reduction Method for Abdominal Circumference Segmentation of Fetal Ultrasound Images

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    Fetal biometric size such as abdominal circumference (AC) is used to predict fetal weight or gestational age in ultrasound images. The automatic biometric measurement can improve efficiency in the ultrasonography examination workflow. The unclear boundaries of the abdomen image and the speckle noise presence are the challenges for the automated AC measurement techniques. The main problem to improve the accuracy of the automatic AC segmentation is how to remove noise while retaining the boundary features of objects. In this paper, we proposed a hybrid ultrasound image denoising framework which was a combination of spatial-based filtering method and multiresolution based method.Ā  In this technique, an ultrasound image was decomposed into subbands using wavelet transform. A thresholding technique and the anisotropic diffusion method were applied to the detail subbands, at the same time the bilateral filtering modified the approximation subband. The proposed denoising approach had the best performance in the edge preservation level and could improve the accuracy of the abdominal circumference segmentation
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