2,459 research outputs found

    Perception, Preference and Attitude of Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah Committee Toward Islamic Bank in Indonesia

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    This research is conducted among Islamic non-governmental organizations;those are Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah. This research aims todetermine the perception (X1), preference (X2), and attitude (X3) of Islamicmass organizations or non-governmental organizations in Indonesia towardIslamic Banking and their decision (Y) of using the products of IslamicBanking or Islamic Financial Institutions. We took Branch Board of NahdlatulUlama (PCNU) and the Regional Committee of Muhammadiyyah (PDM)Salatiga as population. The sample in this research is 33 respondents. Thetechniques used are multiple regression analysis and independent sample ttest.Regression result shows that the preference variables have positive and significant effect on customer's decision variables. While the perceptionand preference variables do not have a positive and significant effect on thedecision in becoming customer. And the adjusted R square or determinationcoefficient valued 0.690, which means that 69.0% of dependent variable(Y) is affected by the independent variable (X), while 31% dependent variable(Y) is influenced by other variables outside the equation. And the last, independent sample t-test shows that there is no significant differencebetween PCNU and PDM Salatiga in their perception, preference, attitudeand decision toward Islamic Bankin

    Evaluation of Electrocoagulation for the Removal of Chromium (VI) From Brackish Groundwater

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    Electrocoagulation (EC) has been evaluated for the removal of Cr (VI) from brackish groundwater using three different bench-scale EC reactors, namely batch stirred tank reactor (BSTR), continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) and a continuous electrocoagulation column (ECC). Batch EC process was experimentally examined at room temperature and the results indicated that Fe-Fe electrode pair was the most efficient arrangement and was able to achieve 100 % Cr removal at an electrocoagulation time of 5 minutes, a current density of 7.94 mA/cm2, and pH of 8. A kinetic study of batch EC was then performed using both pseudo-first-order and pseudo-second-order models. It was confirmed that removal of chromium by EC follows pseudo-first-order models. In all conditions SSE was minimized below 3.696. The generated sludge was characterized using EDS, X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and FE-SEM. The analysis confirmed the formation and precipitation of Fe(OH)3 and Cr(OH)3 as solids. The efficiency of different inlet flow rate was also assessed for both continuous CSTR and ECC, and indicated that 90 mL/min was the most efficient flow rate when continuous stirred EC (CSTR) reactor is used, and 30 mL/min using continuous column EC (ECC), at Fe/Fe pairs and room temperature 25 °C. The study affirmed that the new innovative ECC process improves the removal efficiency of chromium with lowest estimated energy consumption of 0.75 kWh/m3 and dissolved iron of 0.185 mg/l with an electrical cost of 0.030 US $/m3 of treated groundwater. Overall, the study affirmed that electrocoagulation is a reliable, environmentally compatible technique for the purification of groundwater

    Pelaksanaan Penegakan Hukum Tindak Pidana Judi Togel Berdasarkan Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Pidana di Wilayah Hukum Kepolisian Resor Kampar

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    Kampar adistrictin the city dubbed the porch mecca, butthe nicknameis juststay porch mecca name alone, whichhas beendam agedbythe community withactionsor adverseactions that are contrary tolawand religious norms. one of the formsof these adverseperbutanisgambling, various forms ofgambling, (kiw-kiw, song, cockfighting, toggle etc.), writing this essay, namely; First Kampar Knowin gand understanding the implementation of law enforcemen tagainst criminal acts gambling toggle based onthe Code of Criminal Policein thearea of Kampar Both Knowin gandunder standing the factor sinhibiting the implementation of law enforcementagainstcriminal actsgambling togglebased onCode ofCriminal Lawin Police Kampar region. Third, Knowingandunder standing theef fortto overcomethe obstaclesin the implementation oflaw enforcemen tagainst criminal acts gambling toggle based onthe Code of Criminal Policein thearea of Kampar. This type of researchis classified intotypes ofsociologicalresearch, ieresearch on theeffectiveness of the lawin force, the nature ofthisresearchisdescriptive research thatdescribesystematicallythe facts andcharacteristics ofthe object under study appropriately.From the research, there arethree main problem sthatcan beinferred. First, law enforcemen tagainst criminal acts gambling lottery jurisdiction sKampar Policeconductedlaw enforcemen tpreventiveand repressive law enforcement. Secondly, Constraints facedin theenforcement ofcriminal lawgambling toggle. AdviceAuthor, First, Kampar Police Shouldbeworking hardagainin oreradicatethe crime of lottery gamblingin the communityso thatthe community teci safe, peaceful, serene andrealization backporch meccadistrict. second, Kampar Police shouldbecloser tothe peopleso thatthe information submittedwell receivedthatcan be interconnected witheach other informed. Thirdly, For the people ofKampar Regencyin order notto cover upanylotterygamblingactionoccurs, ifthe gambling actstill continuesto eimmediately reportedto the police, the crime of gambling togglethatcan beeradicatedthroughthe roots

    Characterizing Information Propagation in Plants

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    This paper considers an electro-chemical based communication model for intercellular communication in plants. Many plants, such as Mimosa pudica (the "sensitive plant"), employ electrochemical signals known as action potentials (APs) for communication purposes. In this paper we present a simple model for action potential generation. We make use of the concepts from molecular communication to explain the underlying process of information transfer in a plant. Using the information-theoretic analysis, we compute the mutual information between the input and output in this work. The key aim is to study the variations in the information propagation speed for varying number of plant cells for one simple case. Furthermore we study the impact of the AP signal on the mutual information and information propagation speed. We aim to explore further that how the growth rate in plants can impact the information transfer rate and vice versa.Comment: 6 pages, 5 Figures, Submitted to IEEE Conference, 201

    The Reproductive Characters of Four Varieties of Groundnuts (Arachis hypogaea L.)

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    The reproductive characters of 4 groundnut varieties, Nudong V-13, Matjam and Alabama. were studied. All varieties showed similar patterns of flowering, pegging and podding. Only 15 percent of the flowers produced developed mature pods. The .low yield ,was attributed to inefficient pollination and abortion of developing kernels due to adverse envzronmental mfluences

    The Effect of Self-Control on Borrowing: Experimental Evidence

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    This paper examines the effect of reduced self-control on debt-taking in a laboratory experiment. We manipulate self-control using an ego depletion task and show that it is effective. Following the ego depletion task, participants can anonymously buy hot drinks on credit. We find no significant average effects, but find that treated individuals that have low financial literacy are more likely to buy drinks. We complement our experimental analysis with survey evidence that suggests that people with low self-control have more problems with the repayment of consumption debt, but this relationship is, in line with the experimental results, weaker for individuals with high financial literacy

    Network analysis of conjunctively operated ground water-surface water systems

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    The concept of network models is introduced and a general network model for a multiple purpose, multiple unit water resource system is developed. The "out-of-kilter" algorithm is then presented as a solution technique for network flow problems. A model for preliminary screening of alternatives for water supply from conjunctive use of ground water and surface water in the Kaskaskia River Basin in Illinois is presented and analyzed. The results from the analysis demonstrate how the network analysis procedures can be used to determine optimum investment plans, to test policy constraints, and to develop policies for future development and future constraints.U.S. Geological SurveyU.S. Department of the InteriorOpe

    Electrophoretic Deposition (EPD) of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (Mwcnts) Onto Carbon Fiber (CF) Fabric

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    The Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite (FRPC) has been widely employed in structural applications. However, adding nanoparticles such as multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) can be used to improve the composites' mechanical properties substantially. The purpose of this study is to investigate the stability of MWCNTs in distilled water (DW) and dimethylformamide (DMF). Electrophoretic deposition (EPD) was chosen as the method for depositing MWCNTs onto carbon fiber (CF) fabric because of the advantages of simple equipment and inexpensive cost. Thus, the effect of voltage and deposition time were examined to attain the ideal condition for the EPD of MWCNTs onto CF fabric. The stability of dispersed MWCNTs in various dispersing mediums was explored as the importance of the MWCNTs to remain stable in the medium is essential to achieve homogeneous deposition. The UV-Vis and colloidal stability test revealed that MWCNTs dispersed in DMF have greater stability than DW. Scanning Electrode Microscopy (SEM) images exhibited that 10 minutes and a 20 V voltage were the optimal conditions for the deposition of MWCNTs onto CF fabric.   &nbsp

    Electrophoretic Deposition (EPD) of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (Mwcnts) Onto Carbon Fiber (CF) Fabric

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    The Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite (FRPC) has been widely employed in structural applications. However, adding nanoparticles such as multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) can be used to improve the composites' mechanical properties substantially. The purpose of this study is to investigate the stability of MWCNTs in distilled water (DW) and dimethylformamide (DMF). Electrophoretic deposition (EPD) was chosen as the method for depositing MWCNTs onto carbon fiber (CF) fabric because of the advantages of simple equipment and inexpensive cost. Thus, the effect of voltage and deposition time were examined to attain the ideal condition for the EPD of MWCNTs onto CF fabric. The stability of dispersed MWCNTs in various dispersing mediums was explored as the importance of the MWCNTs to remain stable in the medium is essential to achieve homogeneous deposition. The UV-Vis and colloidal stability test revealed that MWCNTs dispersed in DMF have greater stability than DW. Scanning Electrode Microscopy (SEM) images exhibited that 10 minutes and a 20 V voltage were the optimal conditions for the deposition of MWCNTs onto CF fabric.   &nbsp