105 research outputs found


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    The objective of this research is to determine patterns of interaction between fishers and foreign investors (Malaysia) in the fishing business. Research conducted on May 2009 in the Nunukan, East Kalimantan. The data retrieval was conducted by in depth interviews (deep interviews) with the fishersand middlemen as well as direct observations on the condition of the fishing business and marketing in both the Nunukan District and in Tawau Malaysia. The results showed that there is a relatively large dependence of the fishers in Nunukan District to the owners of capital from Tawau regarding capital provision, marketing of the catch, and social security

    Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Perikanan Tangkap Dalam Rangka Pengembangan Industrialisasi Perikanan Laut (the Development of Capture Fisheries Management Information System in Relation to the Development of Marine Fisheries Industrialization)

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    Developing capture fisheries management information system needs a Management Information System (MIS) which could support various aspects within an integrated and holistic system to gain better access of information on Marine Fisheries Industrialization in Indonesia. The objectives of the research are to investigate the management information system in lobster fisheries and develop management infomation system to support marine fisheries industrialization. This research implemented integrated approach information system for holistic system application. Applies a systems approach that takes into account the system as a whole integrated information for each activity or application. The system limits on the development of the lobster fishery in PPN Palabuhanratu. The technology used for processing the data and information on the lobster fishery is a computerized information technology. Analysis of system requirements derived from the fishing company, fishermen and stakeholders. Establishing the design of information systems in the lobster fisheries at PPN Palabuhanratu by identifying the real system, preparation of the scheme, providing menus, preparation of the logical flow of programs and computer applications. With the establishment of fisheries information management system will facilitate information services more quickly and accurately


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    Wilayah Pengelolaan Perikanan Negara Republik Indonesia atau sering disingkat dengan WPP NRI merupakan wilayah pengelolaan perikanan untuk penangkapan ikan, konservasi, penelitian, dan pengembangan perikanan yang meliputi perairan pedalaman, perairan kepulauan, laut teritorial, zona tambahan, dan zona ekonomi ekslusif Indonesia (ZEEI). Setiap tahun Pemerintah Indonesia mengalami kerugian yang besar akibat pencurian ikan dibeberapa wilayah di WPP 711, salah satu permasalahan disebabkan oleh belum terpilihnya satuan kerja utama di WPP 711, memilih satuan kerja utama tidaklah mudah karena harus mempertimbangkan banyak kriteria sehingga Kementrian Kelautan dan Perikanan dalam mengambil keputusan harus melalui perhitungan dan pemikiran jangka panjang agar keputusan yang diambil tidak salah, maka diperlukan suatu sistem pendukung keputusan yang dapat memperhitungkan segala kriteria yang mendukung pengambilan keputusan dalam menentukan wilayah satuan kerja utama di WPP 711. Metode yang digunakan dalan mengambil keputusan adalah AHP (Analytical Hierarcy Process) dan TOPSIS (Technique For Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution). Dengan menggunakan metode tersebut, maka diperoleh wilayah satuan kerja utama dari beberapa kriteria (Daerah perbatasan, potensi sumber daya ikan, alur laut international, fasilitas & sarana prasarana, jumlah armada, penegakan hokum) adalah Satker Pontianak (0.780), Satker Natuna (0.778) dan Satker Batam (0.769). Hasil perangkingan tersebut akan dijadikan acuan sebagai dasar penentuan strategi peningkatan pengawasan wilayah perikanan di WPP 711 sehingga mampu meminimalisasi kerugian Negara akibat pencurian SDA di wilayah WPP 711 Indonesia


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    Construction of a fishing port requires special conditions to be properly developed. The right choice of location from the land and water aspects is the basic requirement to build a fishing port facilities


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    Fish freshness plays an importantant role in determining quality of fish product. Organoleptic is one of sensorik method for determining fish freshness. The fish deterioration mainly affected by temperature. This study aimed to determine the best method for determining organoleptic quality of skipjact tuna based on chilling methods and storage time. Fish sampling were taken from the Seram Sea, Maluku Province. Chilling methods was done by the different ratio between the ice and fish: first was without using ice, second was ratio 1:1 and the third was ratio 1:2. The time storage were 0, 2, 4, and 6 hours.The results showed that chilling methods ratio between the ice and fish of 1:1 with 6 hours storage time provided the best organoleptic quality with eye 8.87, mucus 8.83, gill 8.67, meat 8.73, odour 8.80, and texture 8.86.  Keywords: chilling methods, organoleptics, skipjact tun

    Sistem USAha Perikanan Tangkap di Kabupaten Kulon Progo, Daerah Istimewa YOGYAKARTA

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    Kulon Progo's Regency constitutes one of region at Yogyakarta's Province who have potency of fishery resources that needs to be developed. Fishery effort at Kulon Progo's Regency starts amends on year 2000 by wreaked its fishermen from outside regions, one of it comes from Cilacap. This effort can pull local society for tries at the fishery area, although with medium and infrastructure that still circumscribed. System approximate methods is utilized to analize fishery catches effort's system at Kulon Progo's Regency. Effort's analyze include type establishment fishes out superior, effort productivity, technical aspect, social aspect, and financial aspect. SWOT's analyze is utilized to determine strategy alternative and fishery effort catches development at Kulon Progo's Regency. Result of the researches pointed that type fishes out superior at Kulon Progo's Regency is tigawaja fishes (Johnius dussumieri), white pomfret (Pampus argentus), and lobster (Panulirus sp.). Averagely haul productivity have gyration among 19,96 until with 32,22 kg per trip per year. Tool catches in point be utilized is sirang's net or bottom gillnet. Kulon Progo's Regency society works as farmer. Profession as fisherman constitutes to main part time work of large part society at kulon Progo. Acquired effort of bottom gillnet as big as Rp 132.812.500 per year, Ratio per Cost as big as 1,68 per year, and Payback Period as big as 0,24 year. Strategy alternative which one that as priority in develop fishery catches effort in Kulon Progo, which is increasing medium and infrastructure of production, increasing arrest fleet, increasing human resources quality of fishery, and accelerate landing base fishes development

    Pola Musim Penangkapan Cumi-cumi Di Perairan Luar Dan Dalam Daerah Penambangan Timah Kabupaten Bangka Selatan (Squid Fishing Seasons Pattern Inside and Outside Waters of Tin Mining Area in South Bangka District)

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    Squid fishing inside and outside waters of tin mining area in South Bangka District is carried out by using boat lift nets, stationary lift nets, and hand lines. Squid fishing activities need effective information to achieve maximum results. Good information related to fishing areas and seasonsfor squid fishing can optimize the cost of fishing operations, time and energy. An alternative solution is understanding the patterns of the squid fishing seasons. The objective of this research is to analyze the patterns of the squid fishing seasons outside and inside waters of tin mining area in South Bangka District. Collecting data was done from January to December 2013. This research applied a descriptive survey method using a case study. The results indicatedsquid fishing season outside waters of tin mining area is in September, October, and November (Musim Peralihan II). Whereas in the inside waters of tin mining area, the best season for squid fishing is December, January, and February (Musim Barat), with the highest is in December

    Training and extension program on responsible fishing in Indonesia

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    Series of research and seminars were currently carried out in Indonesia to build sufficient scientific evidences in formulating national policy on Responsible Fishing. With those activities, it is expected that suitable and proper training materials could be established. Five Fishing Training Center within the country are ready to conduct intensive training program in Responsible Fishing. Action program for this matter, is yet to be planned. A subregional or regional collaboration on research and training material provisions might accelerate the implementation of the Responsible Fishing


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    ABSTRACTMinistry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Republic of Indonesia has a management information system on data processing of fishing surveillance. The information system can be useful if the system is works successfully. This research aim to formulate a strategic plan for the successful implementation of management information systems of data processing fisheries resources surveillance. Elements of the system on strategy was condected by using interpretative structural modeling (ISM), which is a strategic planning technique. The results show for the implementation of the model, there are seven elements of the system that need to be considered. Seven elements of the system with each sub element key, namely Directorat General PSDKP as affected sectors, support policies / regulations, conflict of interest between units echelon 1, up date data licensing continuity and fixed information technology (IT) expert. The implementation of fisheries resources surveillance program by IT based, mostly regional operators started to use information systems surveillance of fishery resources, increased access to data and information across echelons in MMAF and involvement MMAF as agencies involved in the success of the program.Keywords: Directorate of fisheries resources surveillance and management, information system,        implementing strategy, ISMABSTRAKKementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan  memiliki sistem informasi manajemen pengolahan data pengawasan penangkapan ikan. Sistem informasi tersebut berguna jika dalam implementasi sistem berhasil dengan baik. Penelitian  ini  bertujuan merumuskan rencana strategis untuk keberhasilan implementasi sistem informasi manajemen pengolahan data pengawasan perikanan tersebut. Strategi penerapan implementasi sistem informasi dilakukan dengan teknik interpretative structural modelling (ISM). Elemen sistem pada strategi perencanaan implementasi sistem informasi, yaitu Direktorat jenderal Pengawasan Sumberdaya Kelautan dan Prikanan (PSDKP) sebagai sektor yang terpengaruh, dukungan kebijakan/peraturan, up datedata perizinan yang kontinuitas dan tenaga ahli Teknologi Informasi (IT), terlaksananya program pengawasan sumber daya perikanan berbasis IT, sebagian besar operator daerah mulai menggunakan sistem informasipengawasan sumber daya perikanan, peningkatan akses data dan informasi lintas eselon lingkup Kementerian Kelautan Perikanan (KKP) dan  keterlibatan Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan sebagai lembaga yang terlibat dalam keberhasilan program.Kata kunci:  Dit. PPSDP, Sistem Informasi, Strategi implementasi, IS

    Konsep Pengelolaan Perikanan Tangkap Cakalang (Katsuwonus Pelamis) Di Kawasan Teluk Bone Dalam Perspektif Keberlanjutan

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    Fisheries management ideally could prevent the occurrence of overfishing which nowadays has occurred globally, including in Indonesia. On the basis of fishing status and biology of skipjack tuna, as well as analysis of relationship between sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-a with skipjack tuna catches, the fisheries management should implement zoning regulation. The north zone was suggested to be prioritized as a conservation area for protecting skipjack juvenile (< 46,5 cm FL) from fishing activity. The middle and south zones were suggested to be fishing area where sustainable fishing is applied. The Application of these regulations has an implication on total allowable catches from Bone Bay. The number has lower value than the previous MSY and F-opt values. Number of skipjack tuna which was allowed to be caught in the north zone is 573 ton yr -1 , in the middle zone was 5,820 ton yr and in the south zone was 2,210 ton yr -1 . Overall, the value of allowed number of skipjack tuna catches in Bone Bay was estimated to be 8,600 ton yr effort per year is equivalent with 5,376 operational trips from pole and line boats. -1 with fishing-