10,266 research outputs found

    Origins of Hidden Sector Dark Matter I: Cosmology

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    We present a systematic cosmological study of a universe in which the visible sector is coupled, albeit very weakly, to a hidden sector comprised of its own set of particles and interactions. Assuming that dark matter (DM) resides in the hidden sector and is charged under a stabilizing symmetry shared by both sectors, we determine all possible origins of weak-scale DM allowed within this broad framework. We show that DM can arise only through a handful of mechanisms, lending particular focus to Freeze-Out and Decay and Freeze-In, as well as their variations involving late time re-annihilations of DM and DM particle anti-particle asymmetries. Much like standard Freeze-Out, where the abundance of DM depends only on the annihilation cross-section of the DM particle, these mechanisms depend only on a very small subset of physical parameters, many of which may be measured directly at the LHC. In particular, we show that each DM production mechanism is associated with a distinctive window in lifetimes and cross-sections for particles which may be produced in the near future. We evaluate prospects for employing the LHC to definitively reconstruct the origin of DM in a companion paper.Comment: 32 pages, 19 figures; v2: references added, published versio

    Split Leverage: Attacking the Condentiality of Linked Databases by Partitioning

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    This paper considers the risk of disclosure in linked databases when statistical analysis of micro-data is permitted. The risk of dis- closure needs to be balanced against the utility of the linked data. The current work specifically considers the disclosure risks in permit- ting regression analysis to be performed on linked data. A new attack based on partitioning of the database is presented

    Concentration and size distribution data of silicon nitride nanoparticles measured using nanoparticle tracking analysis

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    This article refers to the paper “A novel method for isolation and recovery of ceramic nanoparticles and metal wear debris from serum lubricants at ultra-low wear rates” (Lal et al., 2016) [1] and describes the concentration and size distribution data of silicon nitride nanoparticles measured using nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA). A NanoSight LM10 instrument was used to capture the video data of silicon nitride nanoparticles moving under Brownian motion in the water. The video data was then analyzed using the NanoSight NTA software. This article also describes a methodology for calculating the percentage recovery of a nanoparticle isolation process

    A Novel Method for Isolation and Recovery of Ceramic Nanoparticles and Metal Wear Debris from Serum Lubricants at Ultra-low Wear Rates

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    Ceramics have been used to deliver significant improvements in the wear properties of orthopaedic bearing materials, which has made it challenging to isolate wear debris from simulator lubricants. Ceramics such as silicon nitride, as well as ceramic-like surface coatings on metal substrates have been explored as potential alternatives to conventional implant materials. Current isolation methods were designed for isolating conventional metal, UHMWPE and ceramic wear debris. In this paper, we describe a methodology for isolation and recovery of ceramic or ceramic-like coating particles and metal wear particles from serum lubricants under ultra-low and low wear performance. Enzymatic digestion was used to digest the serum proteins and sodium polytungstate was used as a novel density gradient medium to isolate particles from proteins and other contaminants by ultracentrifugation. This method demonstrated over 80% recovery of particles and did not alter the size or morphology of ceramic and metal particles during the isolation process

    A novel method for isolation and recovery of ceramic nanoparticles and metal wear debris from serum lubricants at ultra-low wear rates.

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    UNLABELLED: Ceramics have been used to deliver significant improvements in the wear properties of orthopaedic bearing materials, which has made it challenging to isolate wear debris from simulator lubricants. Ceramics such as silicon nitride, as well as ceramic-like surface coatings on metal substrates have been explored as potential alternatives to conventional implant materials. Current isolation methods were designed for isolating conventional metal, UHMWPE and ceramic wear debris. In this paper, we describe a methodology for isolation and recovery of ceramic or ceramic-like coating particles and metal wear particles from serum lubricants under ultra-low and low wear performance. Enzymatic digestion was used to digest the serum proteins and sodium polytungstate was used as a novel density gradient medium to isolate particles from proteins and other contaminants by ultracentrifugation. This method demonstrated over 80% recovery of particles and did not alter the size or morphology of ceramic and metal particles during the isolation process. STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE: Improvements in resistance to wear and mechanical damage of the articulating surfaces have a large influence on longevity and reliability of joint replacement devices. Modern ceramics have demonstrated ultra-low wear rates for hard-on-hard total hip replacements. Generation of very low concentrations of wear debris in simulator lubricants has made it challenging to isolate the particles for characterisation and further analysis. We have introduced a novel method to isolate ceramic and metal particles from serum-based lubricants using enzymatic digestion and novel sodium polytungstate gradients. This is the first study to demonstrate the recovery of ceramic and metal particles from serum lubricants at lowest detectable in vitro wear rates reported in literature

    <sup>210</sup>Pb- <sup>226</sup>Ra chronology reveals rapid growth rate of Madrepora oculata and Lophelia pertusa on world's largest cold-water coral reef

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    Here we show the use of the 210Pb- 226Ra excess method to determine the growth rate of two corals from the world's largest known cold-water coral reef, Røst Reef, north of the Arctic circle off Norway. Colonies of each of the two species that build the reef, Lophelia pertusa and Madrepora oculata, were collected alive at 350 m depth using a submersible. Pb and Ra isotopes were measured along the major growth axis of both specimens using low level alpha and gamma spectrometry and trace element compositions were studied. 210Pb and 226Ra differ in the way they are incorporated into coral skeletons. Hence, to assess growth rates, we considered the exponential decrease of initially incorporated 210Pb, as well as the increase in 210Pb from the decay of 226Ra and contamination with 210Pb associated with Mn-Fe coatings that we were unable to remove completely from the oldest parts of the skeletons. 226Ra activity was similar in both coral species, so, assuming constant uptake of 210Pb through time, we used the 210Pb- 226Ra chronology to calculate growth rates. The 45.5 cm long branch of M. oculata was 31 yr with an average linear growth rate of 14.4 ± 1.1 mm yr -1 (2.6 polyps per year). Despite cleaning, a correction for Mn-Fe oxide contamination was required for the oldest part of the colony; this correction corroborated our radiocarbon date of 40 yr and a mean growth rate of 2 polyps yr -1. This rate is similar to the one obtained in aquarium experiments under optimal growth conditions. For the 80 cm-long L. pertusa colony, metal-oxide contamination remained in both the middle and basal part of the coral skeleton despite cleaning, inhibiting similar age and growth rate estimates. The youngest part of the colony was free of metal oxides and this 15 cm section had an estimated a growth rate of 8 mm yr -1, with high uncertainty (∼1 polyp every two to three years). We are less certain of this 210Pb growth rate estimate which is within the lowermost ranges of previous growth rate estimates. We show that 210Pb- 226Ra dating can be successfully applied to determine the age and growth rate of framework-forming cold-water corals if Mn-Fe oxide deposits can be removed. Where metal oxides can be removed, large M. oculata and L. pertusa skeletons provide archives for studies of intermediate water masses with an up to annual time resolution and spanning over many decades. © 2012 Author(s)

    Biological Impact of Silicon Nitride for Orthopaedic Applications: Role of Particle Size, Surface Composition and Donor Variation

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    The adverse biological impact of orthopaedic wear debris currently limits the long-term safety of human joint replacement devices. We investigated the role of particle size, surface composition and donor variation in influencing the biological impact of silicon nitride as a bioceramic for orthopaedic applications. Silicon nitride particles were compared to the other commonly used orthopaedic biomaterials (e.g. cobalt-chromium and Ti-6Al-4V alloys). A novel biological evaluation platform was developed to simultaneously evaluate cytotoxicity, inflammatory cytokine release, oxidative stress, and genotoxicity potential of particles using peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMNCs) from individual human donors. Irrespective of the particle size, silicon nitride did not cause any adverse responses whereas cobalt-chromium wear particles caused donor-dependent cytotoxicity, TNF-α cytokine release, oxidative stress, and DNA damage in PBMNCs after 24 h. Despite being similar in size and morphology, silicon dioxide nanoparticles caused the release of significantly higher levels of TNF-α compared to silicon nitride nanoparticles, suggesting that surface composition influences the inflammatory response in PBMNCs. Ti-6Al-4V wear particles also released significantly elevated levels of TNF-α cytokine in one of the donors. This study demonstrated that silicon nitride is an attractive orthopaedic biomaterial due to its minimal biological impact on human PBMNCs

    Neural cell responses to wear debris from metal-on-metal total disc replacements

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    PURPOSE: Total disc replacements, comprising all-metal articulations, are compromised by wear and particle production. Metallic wear debris and ions trigger a range of biological responses including inflammation, genotoxicity, cytotoxicity, hypersensitivity and pseudotumour formation, therefore we hypothesise that, due to proximity to the spinal cord, glial cells may be adversely affected. METHODS: Clinically relevant cobalt chrome (CoCr) and stainless steel (SS) wear particles were generated using a six-station pin-on-plate wear simulator. The effects of metallic particles (0.5-50 μm3 debris per cell) and metal ions on glial cell viability, cellular activity (glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) expression) and DNA integrity were investigated in 2D and 3D culture using live/dead, immunocytochemistry and a comet assay, respectively. RESULTS: CoCr wear particles and ions caused significant reductions in glial cell viability in both 2D and 3D culture systems. Stainless steel particles did not affect glial cell viability or astrocyte activation. In contrast, ions released from SS caused significant reductions in glial cell viability, an effect that was especially noticeable when astrocytes were cultured in isolation without microglia. DNA damage was observed in both cell types and with both biomaterials tested. CoCr wear particles had a dose-dependent effect on astrocyte activation, measured through expression of GFAP. CONCLUSIONS: The results from this study suggest that microglia influence the effects that metal particles have on astrocytes, that SS ions and particles play a role in the adverse effects observed and that SS is a less toxic biomaterial than CoCr alloy for use in spinal devices. These slides can be retrieved under Electronic Supplementary Material

    Bartonella clarridgeiae infection in a patient with aortic root abscess and endocarditis

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    Introduction. Bartonella species are increasingly recognized as agents of culture-negative endocarditis. However, to date, almost all human cases have been associated with two members of the genus, Bartonella henselae and Bartonella quintana. B. henselae infections are zoonotic, with domestic cats serving as reservoir hosts for the pathogen. Bartonella clarridgeiae also exploits cats as reservoir hosts, but its zoonotic potential is far less established. Case presentation. A 34-year-old male presented with palpitations after a history of aortic incompetence. During surgery for an aortic valve replacement, two vegetations were found on the aortic valve. PCR analysis of the vegetation demonstrated the presence of Bartonella species and so the patient was treated post-operatively with ceftriaxone and doxycycline, making a good recovery. Further PCR-based analysis of the patient’s aortic vegetation confirmed the presence of B. clarridgeiae . Conclusion. This report expands the number of Bartonella species associated with endocarditis and provides clear evidence that B. clarridgeiae should be considered a zoonotic pathogen