1,389 research outputs found

    A versatile microfadometer for lightfastness testing and pigment identification

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    The design and experimental method for the use of a novel instrument for lightfastness measurements on artwork is presented. The new microfadometer design offers increased durability and portability over the previous, published design, broadening the scope of locations at which data can be acquired. This reduces the need for art handling or transportation in order to gain evidence-based risk assessments for the display of light-sensitive artworks. The instrument focuses a stabilized high powered xenon lamp to a spot 0.25 millimeters (FWHM) while simultaneously monitoring color change. This makes it possible to identify pigments and determine the lightfastness of materials effectively and non-destructively. With 2.59mW or 0.82 lumens (1.7 x107 lux for a 0.25mm focused spot) the instrument is capable of fading Blue Wool 1 to a measured 11 ΔEab value (using CIE standard illuminant D65) in 15 minutes. The temperature increase created by focused radiation was measured to be 3 to 4°C above room temperature. The system was stable within 0.12 ΔEab over 1 hour and 0.31 ΔEab over 7 hours. A safety evaluation of the technique is discussed which concludes that some caution should be employed when fading smooth, uniform areas of artworks. The instrument can also incorporate a linear variable filter. This enables the researcher to identify the active wavebands that cause certain degradation reactions and determine the degree of wavelength dependence of fading. Some preliminary results of fading experiments on Prussian blue samples from the paint box of J. M. W Turner (1755-1851) are presented

    Photochemical colour change for traditional watercolour pigments in low oxygen levels

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    An investigation for light exposure on pigments in low-oxygen environments (in the range 0–5% oxygen) was conducted using a purpose-built automated microfadometer for a large sample set including multiple samples of traditional watercolour pigments from nineteenth-century and twentieth-century sources, selected for concerns over their stability in anoxia. The pigments were prepared for usage in watercolour painting: ground and mixed in gum Arabic and applied to historically accurate gelatine glue-sized cotton and linen-based papers. Anoxia benefited many colorants and no colorant fared worse in anoxia than in air, with the exception of Prussian blue and Prussian green (which contains Prussian blue). A Prussian blue sampled from the studio materials of J.M.W. Turner (1775 − 1851) was microfaded in different environments (normal air (20.9% oxygen) 0, 1, 2, 3.5, or 5% oxygen in nitrogen) and the subsequent dark behaviour was measured. The behaviour of the sample (in normal air, anoxia, and 5% oxygen in nitrogen) proved to be consistent with the 55 separately sourced Prussian blue samples. When exposed to light in 5% oxygen in nitrogen, Prussian blue demonstrated the same light stability as in air (at approximately 21°C and 1 atmosphere). Storage in 5% oxygen is proposed for ‘anoxic’ display of paper-based artworks that might contain Prussian blue, to protect this material while reducing light-induced damage to other components of a watercolour, including organic colorants and the paper support

    The homotopy theory of simplicial props

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    The category of (colored) props is an enhancement of the category of colored operads, and thus of the category of small categories. In this paper, the second in a series on "higher props," we show that the category of all small colored simplicial props admits a cofibrantly generated model category structure. With this model structure, the forgetful functor from props to operads is a right Quillen functor.Comment: Final version, to appear in Israel J. Mat

    Universal and unique features of kinesin motors: Insights from a comparison of fungal and animal conventional kinesins

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    Kinesins are microtubule motors that use the energy derived from the hydrolysis of ATP to move unidirectionally along microtubules, The founding member of this still growing superfamily is conventional kinesin, a dimeric motor that moves processively towards the plus end of microtubules, Within the family of conventional kinesins, two groups can be distinguished to date, one derived from animal species, and one originating from filamentous fungi. So far no conventional kinesin has been reported from plant cells. Fungal and animal conventional kinesins differ in several respects, both in terms of their primary sequence and their physiological properties. Thus all fungal conventional kinesins move at velocities that are 4-5 times higher than those of animal conventional kinesins, and all of them appear to lack associated light chains. Both groups of motors are characterized by a number of group-specific sequence features which are considered here with respect to their functional importance. Animal and fungal conventional kinesins also share a number of sequence characteristics which point to common principles of motor function. The overall domain organization is remarkably similar. A C-terminal sequence motif common to all kinesins, which constitutes the only region of high homology outside the motor domain, suggests common principles of cargo association in both groups of motors. Consideration of the differences of, and similarities between, fungal and animal kinesins offers novel possibilities for experimentation (e.g., by constructing chimeras) that can be expected to contribute to our understanding of motor function

    Dynamic concentration of motors in microtubule arrays

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    We present experimental and theoretical studies of the dynamics of molecular motors in microtubule arrays and asters. By solving a convection-diffusion equation we find that the density profile of motors in a two-dimensional aster is characterized by continuously varying exponents. Simulations are used to verify the assumptions of the continuum model. We observe the concentration profiles of kinesin moving in quasi two-dimensional artificial asters by fluorescent microscopy and compare with our theoretical results.Comment: 4pages, 4 figures revte

    Simple Ignition Furnaces

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    Imuni sustav i prekomjeran trening kod športaša: kliničke implikacije

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    The primary objective of this review is to provide an overview of how overtraining and the overtraining syndrome (OTS) affect the immune system of athletes. A secondary objective is to provide sports medicine clinicians with guidance as to how best to prevent and/or treat some of the health consequences of overtraining and the OTS as related to the development of a compromised immune system associated with exercise training. The OTS is a physically debilitating condition that results in athletes being totally compromised in their capacity to perform and compete. Many physiological systems are affected by the process of overtraining and the OTS; but one system in particular, the immune, is highly susceptible to degradation resulting in a reduction in overall health and performance. Monitoring of an athlete’s exercise training load and other life stresses is critical to the determination of when their training regimen may be excessive, thereby increasing the risk of OTS developing. Taking steps to mitigate prolonged exposure to extreme stress (training + life or otherwise) in athletes as well as promoting a healthy immune system can significantly aid in the advancement of an athlete’s training regimen progression and ultimate physical performance and overall health. In this light, this review provides approaches to aid sports medicine clinicians in promoting a healthy immune system in athletes.Primarni cilj ovoga rada je dati pregled načina na koje prekomjeran trening i sindrom prekomjernog treninga utječu na imuni sustav športaša. Sekundarni cilj je pružiti kliničarima koji se bave športskom medicinom smjernice kako najučinkovitije spriječiti i/ili liječiti neke od zdravstvenih posljedica prekomjernog treninga i sindroma prekomjernog treninga u odnosu na razvoj poremećaja imunog sustava udruženih s treningom. Sindrom prekomjernog treninga je stanje onemoćalosti koje kod športaša potpuno onemogućava športske aktivnosti i natjecanje. Proces prekomjernog treninga i sindroma prekomjernog treninga utječe na mnoge fiziološke sustave, no jedan od tih sustava, tj. imuni sustav, osobito je osjetljiv na te utjecaje, što dovodi do poremećaja općeg zdravstvenog stanja i smanjene sposobnosti za športske aktivnosti. Ključno je pratiti opterećenje treningom i drugim životnim stresnim situacijama kod pojedinog športaša kako bi se utvrdilo kad je režim treniranja možda pretjeran pa postoji opasnost od razvoja sindroma prekomjernog treninga. Poduzimanjem mjera za ublažavanje izloženosti krajnjem stresu (trening + životne situacije ili drugo) kod športaša te podržavanjem zdravog imunog sustava može se značajno pomoći u promicanju progresivnog režima treniranja i krajnje fizičke učinkovitosti, kao i zdravlja općenito. U tom smislu ovaj pregled upućuje kako pomoći kliničarima koji se bave športskom medicinom u promicanju zdravog imunog sustava kod športaša

    3013/9975 Surveillance Program Interim Summary Report

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    The K-Area Materials Storage (KAMS) Documented Safety Analysis (DSA) requires a surveillance program to monitor the safety performance of 3013 containers and 9975 shipping packages stored in KAMS. The SRS surveillance program [Reference 1] outlines activities for field surveillance and laboratory tests that demonstrate the packages meet the functional performance requirements described in the DSA. The SRS program also supports the complexwide Integrated Surveillance Program (ISP) [Reference 2] for 3013 containers. The purpose of this report is to provide a summary of the SRS portion of the surveillance program activities through fiscal year 2010 (FY10) and formally communicate the interpretation of these results by the Surveillance Program Authority (SPA). Surveillance for the initial 3013 container random sampling of the Innocuous bin and the Pressure bin has been completed and there has been no indication of corrosion or significant pressurization. The maximum pressure observed was less than 50 psig, which is well below the design pressure of 699 psig for the 3013 container [Reference 3]. The data collected during surveillance of these bins has been evaluated by the Materials Identification and Surveillance (MIS) Working Group and no additional surveillance is necessary for these bins at least through FY13. A decision will be made whether additional surveillance of these bins is needed during future years of storage and as additional containers are generated. Based on the data collected to date, the SPA concludes that 3013 containers in these bins can continue to be safely stored in KAMS. This year, 13 destructive examinations (DE) were performed on random samples from the Pressure & Corrosion bin. To date, DE has been completed for approximately 30% of the random samples from the Pressure & Corrosion bin. In addition, DE has been performed on 6 engineering judgment (EJ) containers, for a total of 17 to date. This includes one container that exceeded the 3013 Standard moisture limit which was opened at LANL. The container pieces and an oxide sample were sent to SRNL for examination in FY11. No significant pressurization has been observed for the Pressure & Corrosion bin containers. Relatively minor corrosion has been observed on some convenience containers and the inside of two inner containers. While the limited extent of corrosion does not jeopardize the integrity of the outer 3013 containers, it does highlight the importance of continuing to perform DE and the Shelf Life program to assure that the corrosion rate is not accelerating or changing to a different corrosion mechanism (e.g., stress corrosion cracking). Statistical sampling is currently scheduled to be completed in FY17, but there is a proposed reduction of the number of DE's per year for FY11 and beyond which may delay the completion date. Since 3013 containers are stored inside 9975 containers, surveillances of 9975 containers are performed in conjunction with 3013 container surveillances. Results of 9975 container nondestructive examinations (NDEs) and DEs indicate that the containers will provide adequate protection of the 3013 containers in K-Area storage for at least 15 years [Reference 4]

    Quasi-simultaneous observations of the BL Lac object MK 501 in X-ray, UV, visible, IR and radio frequencies

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    Quasi-simultaneous observations of the BL Lacertae (Lac) objects MK 501 were performed for the first time at X-ray, ultraviolet, visible, infrared, and radio frequencies. The observed spectral slope from the X-ray to UV regions is positive and continuous, but that from the mid UV to visible light region becomes gradually flat and possibly turns down toward lower frequencies; the optical radio emission can not be accounted for by a single power law. Several theoretical models were considered for the emission mechanism. A quantitative comparison was performed with the synchrotron-self-Compton model; the total spectrum is found consistent with this model. The spectrum from visible light to X-ray is consistent with synchrotron radiation or with inverse-Compton scattering by a hot thermal cloud of electrons. The continuity of the spectral slope from X-ray to UV implied by the current data suggests that the previous estimates of the total luminosity of this BL Lac object is underestimated by a factor of about three or four