199 research outputs found

    Calibration and accuracy assessment of Leica ScanStation C10 terrestrial laser scanner

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    Requirement of high accuracy data in surveying applications has made calibration procedure a standard routine for all surveying instruments. This is due to the assumption that all observed data are impaired with errors. Thus, this routine is also applicable to terrestrial laser scanner (TLS) to make it available for surveying purposes. There are two calibration approaches: (1) component, and (2) system calibration. With the intention to specifically identify the errors and accuracy of the Leica ScanStation C10 scanner, this study investigates component calibration. Three components of calibration were performed to identify the constant, scale error, accuracy of angular measurement and the effect of angular resolution for distance measurement. The first calibration has been processed using closed least square solutions and has yielded the values of constant (1.2 mm) and scale error (1.000008879). Using variance ratio test (F-Test), angles observation (horizontal and vertical) for Leica C10 scanner and Leica TM5100A theodolite have shown significance difference. This is because the accuracy of both sensors are not similar and these differences are 0.01 and 0.0075º for horizontal and vertical measurements, respectively. Investigation on the resolution setting for Leica C10 scanner has highlighted the drawback of the tilt-and-turn target. Using the highest resolution, Leica Cyclone software only able to recognize the tilt-and-turn target up to 10 m distance compare to 200 m for the black and white target

    Coordinate Systems Integration for Craniofacial Database from Multimodal Devices

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    This study presents a data registration method for craniofacial spatial data of different modalities. The data consists of three dimensional (3D) vector and raster data models. The data is stored in object relational database. The data capture devices are Laser scanner, CT (Computed Tomography) scan and CR (Close Range) Photogrammetry. The objective of the registration is to transform the data from various coordinate systems into a single 3-D Cartesian coordinate system. The standard error of the registration obtained from multimodal imaging devices using 3D affine transformation is in the ranged of 1-2 mm. This study is a step forward for storing the craniofacial spatial data in one reference system in database

    Cephalometric measurements: comparison between analog X-Ray film and digital cephalometric image

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    This research is focused on the comparison of measurements between analog x-ray film and digital cephalometric image. This study is designed to determine the best measurement method between manually tracing and using computer software. Two (2) types of data from the same patient were used in this research. The data is analog x-ray film and digital cephalometric image (obtained from scanned x-ray film). A total of ten landmarks were used for comparison. All landmarks on the film and digital cephalometric image were traced using manual method (via tracing paper) and computerized method (via Rhinoceros 2.0 software) respectively. The landmarks were identified five times for each method to ensure the precision of the landmark identification. The results of landmark identification for both manual and computerize methods were compared by measurement of angle SNA, SNB, ANB and MMPA, and linear distance between Po-Or, PNS-ANS and Go-Me. This comparison gives the value of mean and standard deviation to show the best measurement method between manual and computerized approaches

    Private Cloud Deployment on Shared Computer Labs

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    A computer laboratory in a school or college is often shared for multiple class and lab sessions. However, often the computers in the lab are just left idling for an extended period of time. Those are potential resources to be harvested for cloud services. This manuscript details the deployment of a private cloud on the shared computer labs. Fundamental services like operation manager, configuration manager, cloud manager, and schedule manager were put up to power on/off computers remotely, specify each computer’s OS configuration, manage cloud services (i.e., provision and retire virtual machines), and schedule OS switching tasks, respectively. OpenStack was employed to manage computer resources for cloud services. The deployment of private cloud can improve the computers’ utilization on the shared computer labs

    Pembuatan Aplikasi Penjadwalan Dan Reservasi Untuk Penggunaan Private Cloud Computing

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    Cloud computing is a new technology that is being hotly discussed by experts in information technology. Cloud computing technology is here to address the challenge of more efficient computing technologies. So an idea has come about to build a cloud system in the Petra Christian University's computer laboratory. However implementing the cloud could interfere with the use of existing lab. The application aims to help the user manage the cloud system to run according to the desired schedule.The application development involved evaluation on the scheduling system, enhancement on the filter scheduler to accommodate a time schedule, and creation of the web-based user interface to manage the time schedule (in the form of a calendar).The application can restrict the OpenStack's instance deployment only on the time schedule allowed by the system administrator. In addition, the system scheduler has negligible latency (overhead), so that it will not affect the system scheduler's performance

    Aplikasi Pertempuran 10 November 1945 berbasis Android

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    Pemanfaatan teknologi mobile device seperti pada smartphone ataupun tablet-pc telah merambah ke berbagai bidang. Mulai dari dunia hiburan, pendidikan, bisnis, kesehatan, life-style, dan tidak ketinggalan pada bidang wisata. Konvergensi teknologi komputasi, multimedia, dan komunikasi data berbasis telepon seluler ini telah mengubah banyak gaya hidup manusia termasuk dalam mengakses informasi. Penelitian yang dilakukan berusaha mengembangkan sebuah aplikasi untuk mengeksplorasi sejarah pertempuran 10 November 1945 di Surabaya. Aplikasi ini diharapkan pengguna dapat belajar seputar sejarah kepahlawanan Surabaya dalam bentuk yang menarik dengan menggabungkan antara text, picture, sound, dan fasilitas google map; sehingga, dapat memberikan pemahaman yang menarik seputar sejarah peristiwa pertempuran 10 November 1945. Aplikasi dibuat pada mobile device berbasis Android yang dapat dijalankan pada smartphone dan pc-tablet sehingga mudah dijalankan oleh khalayak umum terutama generasi muda untuk memahami sejarah pertempuran Surabaya dengan media yang menarik. Dari pengujian, aplikasi telah mampu melakukan fungsi seperti yang telah direncanakan sebelumnya. Sedangkan, pengujian dengan menggunakan sampling kuestioner kepada pengguna didapatkan bahwa aplikasi menarik minat dari pengguna, sebesar 80%. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa aplikasi yang dibuat cukup memenuhi target awal penelitian

    Comparison of camera calibration parameters using Photomodeler and Australis

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    Photomodeler and Australis are two common photogrammetry software that provide camera calibration, and the camera calibration parameters. Each software uses different calibration approach (circular point detection in Australis and intersection of lines in Photomodeler). This paper compares the calibration parameters of Canon IXUS S400 PowerShot digital camera using both Photomodeler and Australis. During calibration, several images were taken with the same camera setting and the distance from the camera to the calibration field was 0.8 meter. All seven camera calibration parameters obtained from the software are compared and tested for statistical significance. The seven parameters are focal length, xp, yp, radial distortion ( K1 and K2 ) and tangential distortion ( P1 and P2 )

    Pr0.67Ba0.33MnO3 in bulk and thin film ceramic

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    Bulk polycrystalline of Pr0.67Ba0.33MnO3 (PBMO) ceramic prepared via solid‐state reaction and converted into thin films on corning glass, fused silica and MgO (100) by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique. As compared to bulk PBMO, the unit cell in thin film PBMO experienced positive misfit due to lattice strain induced by substrate used resulting MnO6 to deform (change in Mn‐O‐Mn bond angle and Mn‐O bond length). Bulk PBMO had large grains (∼1.5μm) as compared to thin film which are nano‐sized (<100 nm). Two metal‐insulator transition temperatures, TP (156 K and 190 K) were observed in bulk due to core‐shell effect as proposed by Zhang et al.. In summary, variation of electrical behaviour was observed between bulk and thin film samples which believed to be due to the difference of ordering in core (body) and grain surface

    Effect of sintering temperature on the microstructure, electrical and magnetotransport properties of La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 compound

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    In this work, we report the effect of sintering temperature (900°C, 1000°C, 1100°C and 1200°C) on the electrical and magnetotransport properties of polycrystalline La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 (LSMO). Single phase of LSMO hexagonal structure (R-3c) accompanied with minor phases was successfully synthesized by co-precipitation method. With increasing sintering temperature, grain growth was promoted and grain connectivity was improved. It was found that an enhancement of resistivity on smaller grain size was due to larger grain surface over volume (grain boundaries effect). The shifting of the metal-insulator transition (TMI) to higher temperature was also responsible for observed changes in physical properties. TMI of 900°C, 1000°C and 1100°C were 232 K, 278 K and 298 K respectively however 1200°C was out of measurement range (higher than 300 K). In summary, CP900 with smaller grain size distribution (~200 nm) displayed the highest resistivity and MR% of -19.2% (at 80 K, 10 kG)

    Effect of rare earth elements substitution in La site for LaMnO3 Manganites

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    With a view to understanding the effect of rare earth element (Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm and Gd) substitution for the La site in LaMnO3 (LMO), the samples were prepared via solid-state reaction. Structure investigation by X-ray diffraction (XRD) showed that structure transformation from trigonal (LMO) to orthorhombic (PMO, NMO, SMO and GMO) occurred when smaller trivalent rare earth element was replaced. The MnO6octahedra were tilted and elongated or compressed, corresponding to the ionic radii of the rare earth inserted. Meanwhile, microstructure study using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) illustrated that La substitution by another rare earth element caused a reduction in grain size. This might due to the changes in enthalpy of fusion by other rare earth ions, where higher enthalpy of fusion favours formation of smaller grain size. However, CeMnO3 did not form under this preparation condition. The magnetic properties studied from the hysteresis plot taken at room temperature indicated that the substitution of La with other magnetic trivalent rare earth ions strongly weakened the magnetic strength of the system