2,137 research outputs found

    Detection of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) technique

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    During the last decade there has been growing interest in physical-chemical oxidation processes and the behavior of free radicals in living systems. Radicals are known as intermediate species in a variety of biochemical reactions. Numerous techniques, assays and biomarkers have been used to measure reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (ROS and RNS), and to examine oxidative stress. However, many of these assays are not entirely satisfactory or are used inappropriately. The purpose of this chapter is to review current EPR (Electron Paramagnetic Resonance) spectroscopy methods for measuring ROS, RNS, and their secondary products, and to discuss the strengths and limitations of specific methodological approaches

    Adversarially Trained Autoencoders for Parallel-Data-Free Voice Conversion

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    We present a method for converting the voices between a set of speakers. Our method is based on training multiple autoencoder paths, where there is a single speaker-independent encoder and multiple speaker-dependent decoders. The autoencoders are trained with an addition of an adversarial loss which is provided by an auxiliary classifier in order to guide the output of the encoder to be speaker independent. The training of the model is unsupervised in the sense that it does not require collecting the same utterances from the speakers nor does it require time aligning over phonemes. Due to the use of a single encoder, our method can generalize to converting the voice of out-of-training speakers to speakers in the training dataset. We present subjective tests corroborating the performance of our method

    Statistical (T) rates of convergence

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    The basis for comparing rates of convergence of two null sequences is that "x = (xn) converges (stat T) faster than z = (zn) provided that (xn/zn) is T-statistically convergent to zero" where T = (tmn) is a mean. In this paper we extend the previously known results either on the ordinary convergence or statistical rates of convergence of two null sequences. We also consider lacunary statistical rates of convergence

    Classes of Analytic Functions Defined by a Differential Operator Related to Conic Domains

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    Let A be the class of functions f(z) = z + ∑ k = 2∞ a k z k analytic in an open unit disc ∆. We use a generalized linear operator closely related to the multiplier transformation to study certain subclasses of A mapping ∆ onto conic domains. Using the principle of the differential subordination and the techniques of convolution, we investigate several properties of these classes, including some inclusion relations and convolution and coefficient bounds. In particular, we get many known and new results as special cases.Нехай A — клас функцій f(z) = z + ∑∞k = 2akzk, аналітичних у відкритому одиничному крузі Δ. До вивчення деяких підкласів A, що відображають Δ на конічні області, застосовано узагальнений лінійний оператор, тісно пов'язаний з перетворенням множення. За допомогою принципу диференціального підпорядкування та техніки згорток вивчено деякі властивості цих класів, що включають деякі співвідношення включення та згорток, а також оцінки для коефіцієнтів. Наприклад, низку відомих та нових результатів отримано як частинні випадки

    Adsorption of Lactic Acid from Fermentation Broth and Aqueous Solutions on Zeolite Molecular Sieves

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    The recovery of lactic acid from fermentation broth and aqueous solutions was studied by adsorption on Silicalite molecular sieves. Batch experiments were used to measure the adsorption isotherms of the lactic acid on Silicalite. A linear correlation was found for both solutions. Silicalite showed a higher adsorptive capacity in the case of the aqueous solution than that of the fermentation broth. Henry’s constants were estimated as Formula Not Shown and Formula Not Shown for the aqueous and broth solutions, respectively. The effect of temperature on adsorption was also studied in batch mode. Henry’s constant dependency on temperature was derived from Van’t Hoff’s equation. The heat of adsorption was calculated as ( Formula Not Shown )kJ/mol. The kinetics of adsorption was investigated in column studies where the breakthrough and elution curves were measured. The adsorption process was controlled by the internal diffusion in the Silicalite pellets rather than the diffusion through the fluid film around the pellet. The fluid phase resistance was estimated as 21% of the overall resistance. The glucose presence in the fermentation broth had a negligible effect on lactic acid breakthrough curve in the studied range

    On the numerical solution of Kronecker-based infinite level-dependent QBD processes

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Infinite level-dependent quasi-birth-and-death (LDQBD) processes can be used to model Markovian systems with countably infinite multidimensional state spaces. Recently it has been shown that sums of Kronecker products can be used to represent the nonzero blocks of the transition rate matrix underlying an LDQBD process for models from stochastic chemical kinetics. This paper extends the form of the transition rates used recently so that a larger class of models including those of call centers can be analyzed for their steady-state. The challenge in the matrix analytic solution then is to compute conditional expected sojourn time matrices of the LDQBD model under low memory and time requirements after truncating its countably infinite state space judiciously. Results of numerical experiments are presented using a Kronecker-based matrix-analytic solution on models with two or more countably infinite dimensions and rules of thumb regarding better implementations are derived. In doing this, a more recent approach that reduces memory requirements further by enabling the computation of steady-state expectations without having to obtain the steady-state distribution is also considered. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved