166 research outputs found

    Uniaxial and biaxial soft deformations of nematic elastomers

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    We give a geometric interpretation of the soft elastic deformation modes of nematic elastomers, with explicit examples, for both uniaxial and biaxial nematic order. We show the importance of body rotations in this non-classical elasticity and how the invariance under rotations of the reference and target states gives soft elasticity (the Golubovic and Lubensky theorem). The role of rotations makes the Polar Decomposition Theorem vital for decomposing general deformations into body rotations and symmetric strains. The role of the square roots of tensors is discussed in this context and that of finding explicit forms for soft deformations (the approach of Olmsted).Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, RevTex, AmsTe

    Measurement of Magnetic Relaxation in the peak regime of V3Si

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    Magnetization relaxation measurements are carried out in the Peak effect regime of superconducting V3Si crystal, using Quantum Design SQUID magnetometer. Relaxation in the increasing field scan is logarithmic in time, consistent with the theory of flux creep. The relaxation on the decreasing field scan however exhibits athermal behavior which is predominantly governed by the flux avalanches triggered by the small external field perturbation experienced by the superconductor during measurement scan in an inhomogeneous field.Comment: PDF, 17 pages including 9 figure


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    This paper is available online at http://www.dmd.org ABSTRACT: Oral treatment with ifosfamide results in dose-limiting encephalopathy. Methylene blue is effective in reversal and prophylaxis of this side effect. In the present study, the pharmacokinetics of ifosfamide after iv and po therapy in combination with prophylactic administration of methylene blue were investigated. Nine patients with metastatic non-small cell lung cancer were treated by a combination of ifosfamide (3 days), sodium 2-mercaptoethane sulfonate (4 days), and etoposide (8 days). Cycles were repeated every 28 days. Ifosfamide was administered orally, with the exception of one of the first two cycles, when it was administered as a short infusion (randomly assigned). The patients received methylene blue in doses of 50 mg po 3 times daily; an initial dose of 50 mg was given the evening before chemotherapy. Urine samples were collected over the entire treatment period, and concentrations of ifosfamide and its major metabolite, 2-chloroethylamine, were measured by gas liquid chromatography. By the same technique, 2-and 3-dechloroethylifosfamide were determined in plasma and urine. Overall alkylating activity in urine was assayed by reaction of the alkylating metabolites with 4-(4-nitrobenzyl)-pyridine. The chemotherapeutic regimen was well-tolerated by all of the patients studied. There was no evidence of a shift in the metabolic pattern dependent on the route of administration. From the data, we conclude that methylene blue has a neuroprotective effect and that the pharmacokinetics of ifosfamide are not influenced by its comedication

    Plasticity and memory effects in the vortex solid phase of twinned YBa2Cu3O7 single crystals

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    We report on marked memory effects in the vortex system of twinned YBa2Cu3O7 single crystals observed in ac susceptibility measurements. We show that the vortex system can be trapped in different metastable states with variable degree of order arising in response to different system histories. The pressure exerted by the oscillating ac field assists the vortex system in ordering, locally reducing the critical current density in the penetrated outer zone of the sample. The robustness of the ordered and disordered states together with the spatial profile of the critical current density lead to the observed memory effects

    Peak effect, vortex-lattice melting-line and order - disorder transition in conventional and high-T superconductors

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    We investigate the order - disorder transition line from a Bragg glass to an amorphous vortex glass in the H-T phase diagram of three-dimensional type-II superconductors with account of both pinning-caused and thermal fluctuations of the vortex lattice. Our approach is based on the Lindemann criterion and on results of the collective pinning theory and generalizes previous work of other authors. It is shown that the shapes of the order - disorder transition line and the vortex lattice melting curve are determined only by the Ginzburg number, which characterizes thermal fluctuations, and by a parameter which describes the strength of the quenched disorder in the flux-line lattice. In the framework of this unified approach we obtain the H-T phase diagrams for both conventional and high-Tc superconductors. Several well-known experimental results concerning the fishtail effect and the phase diagram of high-Tc superconductors are naturally explained by assuming that a peak effect in the critical current density versus H signalizes the order - disorder transition line in superconductors with point defects.Comment: 15 pages including 11 figure

    Slow stress relaxation in randomly disordered nematic elastomers and gels

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    Randomly disordered (polydomain) liquid crystalline elastomers align under stress. We study the dynamics of stress relaxation before, during and after the Polydomain-Monodomain transition. The results for different materials show the universal ultra-slow logarithmic behaviour, especially pronounced in the region of the transition. The data is approximated very well by an equation Sigma(t) ~ Sigma_{eq} + A/(1+ Alpha Log[t]). We propose a theoretical model based on the concept of cooperative mechanical resistance for the re-orientation of each domain, attempting to follow the soft-deformation pathway. The exact model solution can be approximated by compact analytical expressions valid at short and at long times of relaxation, with two model parameters determined from the data.Comment: 4 pages (two-column), 5 EPS figures (included via epsfig

    Differential-thermal analysis around and below the critical temperature Tc of various low-Tc superconductors: A comparative study

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    We present specific-heat data on the type-II superconductors V3Si, LuNi2B2C and NbSe2 which were acquired with a low-temperature thermal analysis (DTA) technique. We compare our data with available literature data on these superconductors. In the first part we show that the DTA technique allows for fast measurements while providing a very high resolution on the temperature scale. Sharp features in the specific heat such as at the one at the transition to superconductivity are resolved virtually without instrumental broadening. In the second part we investigate the magnetic-field dependence of the specific heats of V3Si and LuNi2B2C at a fixed temperature T=7.5K to demonstrate that DTA techniques also allow for sufficiently precise measurements of absolute values of cp even in the absence of a sharp phase transition. The corresponding data for V3Si and LuNi2B2C are briefly discussed

    Evolution of the fishtail-effect in pure and Ag-doped MG-YBCO

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    We report on magnetic measurements carried out in a textured YBa2_2Cu3_3O7δ_{7-\delta} and YBa2_2(Cu1x_{1-x}Agx_x)3_3O7δ_{7-\delta} (at xx \approx 0.02) crystals. The so-called fishtail-effect (FE) or second magnetization peak has been observed in a wide temperature range 0.4~<T/Tc<<T/T_c<~0.8 for Hc\textbf{H}\parallel c. The origin of the FE arises for the competition between surface barrier and bulk pinning. This is confirmed in a non-monotonically behavior of the relaxation rate RR. The value HmaxH_{max} for Ag-doped crystals is larger than for the pure one due to the presence of additional pinning centers, above all on silver atoms.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    New insights into the nature of semi-soft elasticity and “mechanical-Fréedericksz transitions” in liquid crystal elastomers

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    The mechanical properties of an all-acrylate Liquid Crystal Elastomer (LCE) with a glass transition of 14±1°C are reported. The highly nonlinear load curve has a characteristic shape associated with semi-soft elasticity (SSE). Conversely, measurements of the director orientation throughout tensile loading instead indicate a “mechanical-Fréedericksz” transition (MFT). Values of the step length anisotropy, r, are independently calculated from the theories of SSE (r= 3.2±0.4), MFT (9.3<r<30.0) and thermally-induced length change (r=3.8±0.5). From simultaneously recorded polarising microscopy textures, the consequences of the above discrepancies are considered. Further, a mechanically-induced negative order parameter is observed. Results show the tensile load curve shape cannot solely be used to determine the underlying physics. Consequently, the LCE properties cannot be fully described by theories of SSE or MFTs alone. This suggests that the theory of LCEs is not yet complete. The conclusions suggest that both the LC order parameter and r must be functions of the mechanical deformation