926 research outputs found

    Illumination Estimation Based Color to Grayscale Conversion Algorithms

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    In this paper, a new adaptive approach, namelythe illumination estimation approach is introduced into the colorto grayscale conversion technique. In this approach, someassumptions will be made to calculate the weight contribution ofred, green, and blue components during the conversion process.Two color to grayscale conversion algorithms are developedunder this approach, namely the Gray World Assumption Colorto Grayscale Conversion (GWACG) and Shade of GrayAssumption Color to Grayscale (SGACG) conversion algorithms.Based on the extensive experimental results, the proposedalgorithms outperform the conventional conversion techniquesby producing resultant grayscale images with higher brightness,contrast, and amount of details preserved. For this reason, theseproposed algorithms are suitable for pre- and post- processing ofdigital images

    Perbedaan Hasil Belajar Kognitif Siswa Menggunakan Model Problem Based Learning dan Model Discovery Learning pada Materi Larutan Asam dan Basa di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Limboto

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar kognitif siswa menggunakan model problem based learning dan model discovery learning pada materi larutan asam dan basa di madrasah aliyah negeri limboto. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif. Metode penelitian ini berupa eksperimen semu (quasi eksperiment) dengan desain nonequivalent control group design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI Madrasah Aliyah Limboto. Penentuan sampel dengan teknik sampling jenuh. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan tes, yaitu pretest dan posttest. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah uji t. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan diperoleh nilai thitung(0,15) lebih besar dari ttabel(2,04), maka hipotesis Ho diterima dan Ha ditolak. Hal tersebut menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar kognitif siswa menggunakan model problem based learning dan model discovery learning pada materi larutan asam dan basa di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Limboto

    New Features of Cervical Cells for Cervical Cancer Diagnostic System Using Neural Network.

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    Currently, Pap test is the most popular and effective test for cervical cancer. However, Pap test does not always produce good diagnostic performance. This problem has encouraged several studies to develop diagnosis system based on neural networks to increase the diagnostic performance

    New Solution for ICT/ELV Infrastructure Project Reporting Using Datalink Technique System

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    In infrastructure project, a failure on reliable project reporting will lead to Variation Order (VO) and Project Delay issues. It is now a normal phenomenon, which leads to many negative effects such as lawsuits, claims, loss of productivity and revenue, which may also lead to contract termination. Hence, the research aims to develop a new solution system program, called Datalink Technique System (DTS) to solve the problems that occur in an infrastructure project. The objective is to eliminate the loss and reduce the project cost. However, it is not limited to that as in future it can also be applied to others. DTS introduces the new advanced technologies system solution and reliable, yet it is still consistent with the current approach to manage the project. The program produces data/information correctly and precisely

    ETOU electricity tariff for manufacturing load shifting strategy using ACO algorithm

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    This paper presents load shifting strategy for cost reduction on manufacturing electricity demand side, by which a real test load profile had been used to prove the concept. Superior bio-inspired algorithm, Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) had been implemented to optimize the upright load profile of load shifting strategy in the Malaysia Enhance Time of Use (ETOU) tariff condition. Subsequently, significant simulation results of operation profit gain through 24 hours electricity consumption had been analyzed properly. The proposed method had shown reduction of approximately 6% of the electricity cost at peak and mid peak zones, when 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% load shifting weightages were applied to the identified 10% controlled loads consequently. It is hoped that the finding of this study can help poise the manufacturers to switch to ETOU tariff as well as support the national Demand Side Management (DSM) program

    Segmentation Of Stretched Pap Smear Cytology Images Using Clustering Algorithm.

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    Papanicolaou test or better known as Pap test is the most popular and effective screening test for cervical cancer. At time, however, the detection of abnormal or cancerous cervical cells can be missed due to technical and human errors

    Asymmetric fiber taper for narrow linewidth comb filter

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    The employment of asymmetric optical fiber taper as a means for producing narrow linewidth comb filter is proposed and demonstrated. Fiber taper with different values set for the up-taper and down-taper transition regions was used to produce narrow linewidth comb filter through coupling interaction of light in the asymmetric fiber. Two configurations; single-pass and bidirectional fiber taper filters were studied and analyzed in this project. Results showed narrower 3-dB linewidth for asymmetric taper compared with uniform taper for single pass configuration. The asymmetric taper linewidth was improved further in bidirectional configuration, narrowing down to 2 nm. Bidirectional asymmetric taper filter recorded extinction ratio of 27.14 dB, which was 18 dB and 3 dB better than single-pass asymmetric taper and bidirectional uniform taper respectively. The findings emphasize the attractiveness of bidirectional asymmetric taper as a high performance optical filter


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    Performance measurement systems (PMS) is vital for the purposed of improving the project’s performance throughout the life cycle of the project. Performance measurement refers to the indicator used to assess the performance of an organisation or a project. A proper PMS is necessary to help the organisation in measuring the performance of a project to achieve value for money (VFM). However, ineffective PMS has been identified as one of the contributing factors associated with poor project performance. Obviously, the absence of an effective PMS in construction projects acts as a trigger for not producing an optimal service quality and performance. Therefore, this paper aims to investigate the types of performance measurement systems commonly used in the Malaysian construction industry. Thus, almost all popular PMSs has been reviewed. Besides, it also attempts to investigate an effective PMS to be adopted for measuring performance in construction projects. It extends to explore the strengths and weaknesses of previous established measurement models, specific techniques and indicators for research justification. The results will be benefited to suggest an effective approach of PMS for the construction project’s implementation in accordance to the projects nature and characteristics

    Classification of Brainwave Asymmetry Influenced by Mobile Phone Radiofrequency Emission

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    AbstractA discriminant classification of human brainwave signals influenced by mobile phone radiofrequency (RF) emission is proposed in this paper. Brainwave signals were recorded using electroencephalograph (EEG) focusing on the alpha sub-band with frequency range from 8 to 12Hz. The EEG test was divided into 3 sessions; Before, During and After with 5minutes duration for each session. Analysis involved 95 participants from engineering students. The students were grouped into 3 groups according to the side of exposure; Left Exposure (LE), Right Exposure (RE) and Sham Exposure (SE). This work suggested that RF emit by the mobile phone give several effects to brainwave signals and there are significant different between the session of exposure. As result, the highest classification rate as high as 94.7% is achieved in session During

    Evaluation of earth fault location algorithm in medium voltage distribution network with correction technique

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    This paper focused on studying an algorithm of earth fault location in the medium voltage distribution network. In power system network, most of the earth fault occurs is a single line to ground fault. A medium voltage distribution network with resistance earthing at the main substation and an earth fault attached along the distribution network is modeled in ATP Draw. The generated earth fault is simulated, and the voltage and current signal produced is recorded. The earth fault location algorithm is simulated and tested in MATLAB. The accuracy of the earth fault location algorithm is tested at several locations and fault resistances. A possible correction technique is explained to minimize the error. The results show an improvement fault location distance estimation with minimum error