23 research outputs found

    Characterization Of Bamboo Gigantochloa Scortechinii at different ages.

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    The anatomical, physical and chemical properties of Gigantochloa scortechinii from different ages of 0.5, 1.5, 3.5, 5.5 and 6.5 years were investigated. The bamboo culm from the sixth internode above ground was studied. This study suggests that G. scortechinii is in its growing, development and maturation phases at ages 0.5, 1.5 and 3.5 years respectively. The higher content of inorganic nutrients in bamboo showed its potential as chewing sticks. Bamboo from 3.5 years of age was suitable for any utilization purpose

    Durability Performance of Concrete Debris and Bottom Ash as an Alternative Track Ballast Material

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    Concrete debris and bottom ash has been identified as the potential materials to be used in construction industry. This would certainly reduce wastage produced from construction and demolition (C&D) activities and bottom ash from the power plant. However, the concrete debris waste and the bottom ash are been neither tested nor proven to be feasible in the construction of railway track. This paper will discuss the potential usage of concrete debris collected from destruction site and also the bottom ash waste from Coal Energy Power Plant. Currently, neither concrete debris nor bottom ash is used in railway construction. The main objective of this study is to analyse the engineering properties of bottom ash and concrete debris along with the conventional ballast to verify whether the traditional material can be replaced or otherwise. Experiments such as the sieve analysis test, Los Angeles abrasion test, aggregate impact value test and the aggregate crushing value test were conducted to measure the properties. The engineering properties tested in this research are the hardness, toughness and resistance towards impact and crushing of ballast. In terms of gradation, particle size distribution curve was plotted and compared in this research. It was found that the mixture of concrete debris and track ballast in the proportion of 50:50 each has brought some improvement to the properties and tend to behave close to the existing track ballast. The mixture of concrete debris and track ballast also shows that its crushing resistance is better than the existing track ballast. In conclusion, both the waste materials used in this research is highly potential to partially complement traditional material of track ballast

    Refractive amblyopia among children aged 4–12 years in a hospital-based setting in Gaza Strip, Palestine

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    Background: Refractive amblyopia is the most common cause of amblyopia in the Gaza Strip. However, the pattern of this condition has not yet been studied in this region. This study aimed to determine the pattern of refractive amblyopia in Gazan children aged 4–12 years. Methods: This was a hospital-based cross-sectional study using a purposive sampling method. Children aged 4–12 years who attended the Children’s Unit at Gaza Ophthalmic Hospital, Gaza Strip, Palestine from September 2019 to July 2020, were examined. A comprehensive eye test was conducted for all participants. Those who failed the eye examinations and were diagnosed with refractive amblyopia were included in the study. Demographic data and amblyopic refractive error patterns were analyzed accordingly. Results: Of the 107 children, 72.9% were newly diagnosed with refractive amblyopia. The mean ± standard deviation (SD) of age of the children who participated was 7.85 ± 1.55 years. Approximately two-thirds of the patients were female (57.9%). Unilateral amblyopia was predominant in 60.7% of the cases. Moderate amblyopia was common (81.9%). A total of 149 amblyopic eyes were examined in total, with a mean ± SD (range) of best-corrected distance visual acuity and spherical equivalent of 0.45 ± 0.19 (0.2 to 1.3) logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution and + 0.76 ± 4.51 diopters (- 10.25 to + 11.50). Astigmatism was the most common amblyogenic factor (53.7%) among children with amblyopia. Conclusions: The frequency of refractive amblyopia was 72.9%, and meridional amblyopia accounted for the highest percentage. Girls were more commonly affected than boys. The majority were in the 7-year-old age group. Most cases were unilateral with moderate refractive amblyopia. Our study yields insights into the patterns of refractive amblyopia among children in the Gaza Strip

    Absence of toxicity of strobilanthes crispaJuice in acute oral toxicity study in sprague dawley rats

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    This study evaluated four different doses of Strobilanthes crispa juice (700, 2100, 3500 and 4900 mg kg-1 of body weight) administered orally to normal female and male Sprague dawley rats on possible changes in various physical, behaviour, morphology and biochemical parameter. The rats were treated with a single dose of juice and observed for 14 days. No significant toxicity was observed with respect to clinical parameters and organ morphology. In addition, no significant changes were observed in the level of aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, creatinine and albumin. The S. crispus juice was found to be safe at the maximum dose used in this study (4900 mg kg-1 of body weight)

    Changing Dimensions of Malaysian Trade: Beyond Laissez Faire and Dirigiste Approaches

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    The debate on the role of trade in the process of industrial development in developing countries has a long history. For many years developing economies were faced with the grim prospect of facing continued economic stagnation as characterized by Africa and Latin America. It gave rise to a plethora of inward-oriented prescriptions from trade pessimists who have often argued that the capacity of developing economies to grow through export-orientation is limited because of the slow growth in world demand for their exports and the tendency of the terms of trade to disfavour them (Nurkse, 1959; Prebisch, 1959, 1983; Singer, 1950; Stewart, 1976; Lewis, 1980). Such a view was echoed by the Secretary General of the United Nations Committee for Trade and Development (UNCTAD) who maintained the developing countries did not share in three decades of post-war prosperity because of the “existence of basic weaknesses in the mechanisms that link the economies of the two groups of countries” (UNCTAD, 1977: 8-9

    Hypocholesterolemic effect of red pitaya (Hylocereus sp.) on hypercholesterolemia induced rats 1,2*

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    Abstract: This study was carried out to evaluate the total phenolic content and anti-oxidant activity of methanolic extract of red pitaya, and hypocholesterolemic effect of red pitaya (Hylocereus sp.) on lipid profiles status on hypercholesterolemia induced rats. From the analysis, total phenolic content in red pitaya is 46.06 ± 1.77 mg GAE/100 g fresh weight and antioxidant activity is 76.10% using FTC method. TBA analysis also showed red pitaya extract had high antioxidant effect (72.90%). An in-vivo study also showed red pitaya has hypocholesterolemic effect on induced hypercholesterolemia rats. After 11 weeks of study, total blood cholesterol significant decrease (p<0.05) in the groups supplement with red pitaya. The total cholesterol (TC) level for group PF1 were reduced from 3.356 mmol/L to 1.707 mmol/L (49.14%), group PF2 reduced from 3.435 mmol/L to 1.487 mmol/L (56.72%) and group PF3 reduced from 3.448 mmol/L to 1.412 mmol/L (59.06%) as compare to baseline respectively. The mean total cholesterol level in both negative (N -5.12%) and positive controls (group HC -13.79%) were not significantly different (p<0.05). The mean triglycerides (TG) level for all groups had shown a reduction (p<0.05) with value of 23.87% (group N), 22.674% (group HC), 42.81% (group PF1), 52.82% (group PF2) and 59.52% (group PF3) as compare to baseline levels. The mean HDL level increased by about 2.12% (group N), 19.31% (group PF1), 21.93% (group PF2) and much higher increase in group PF3 (34.42%). The mean LDL decreased by about 39.06% (PF3), 15.10% (PF2), 1.50% (PF1) and 4.33% (group N). The positive control has showed significantly increase with the mean value for 25.68%. In conclusion, all groups that received red pitaya supplementation has high antioxidant properties and showed a good results in managing of lipid profile. It was suggested that the consumption of red pitaya demonstrated the potential to reduce dyslipidemia and play a role in the prevention of cardiovascular disease

    Empowering Orang Asli Educators with Mobile Learning for Basic Literacy

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    This study aims to evaluate the perceptions of tutors on their readiness of implementing the basic literacy program and the module of M-Litora (basic literacy and digital transformation module for Orang Asli via mobile learning). This is important to ensure for the appropriateness of the literacy program developed by researchers from Faculty of Education and Faculty of Health Sciences, UKM in meeting the problems of reading difficulties among the children of the Orang Asli. The finding revealed that mastery on Bahasa Melayu among tutors, the capability of Orang Asli tutors to receive online training and motivation among tutors and the children were part of elements influencing the tutor's readiness towards this program. Perhaps the initiatives through this program accelerating the government inspiration in strengthening the marginalized community with education. However, there are more effort and initiative that are deemed essential to the implementation of the Bahasa Melayu program for the marginalized community

    Diabetes mellitus in a Malaysian teaching hospital: prevalence of diabetes mellitus and frequency of testing for hypercholesterolaemia, proteinuria and HBA1c

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    We examined the prevalence of diabetes among inpatients in our hospital, the relationship of the diagnoses on admission to diabetes, and the frequency of testing for HBA1c as a marker of long-term glycaemic control, proteinuria, and hypercholesterolaemia. In addition, patients with raised laboratory plasma glucose without a known history of diabetes mellitus, were studied to see if there had been further evaluation. The overall prevalence of diabetes in our hospital was 25.3% with the highest prevalence found (37.8%) on medical wards, 10.5% of admissions were due directly to diabetes and a further 58.9% of patients were admitted with illnesses which were significantly related to diabetes. Overall testing rates for HBA1c, protenuria and hypercholesterolaemia were less than ideal (51.6, 73.4 and 45.5% respectively). Less than 50% of patients without previuosly diagnosed diabetes but with high plasma glucose values had further evaluation for diabetes. In conclusion, this study has detected a high overall prevalence of diabetes among inpatients in an urban Malaysian hospital. Rates of testing for HBA1c, proteinuria and hypercholesterolaemia, are dissapointingly low, as is further evaluation of patients without known diabetes, but with elevated glucose values. More effective measures to improve the delivery of inpatient diabetes care are needed