969 research outputs found

    Prospects for direct cosmic ray mass measurements through the Gerasimova-Zatsepin effect

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    The Solar radiation field may break apart ultra high energy cosmic nuclei, after which both remnants will be deflected in the interplanetary magnetic field in different ways. This process is known as the Gerasimova-Zatsepin effect after its discoverers. We investigate the possibility of using the detection of the separated air showers produced by a pair of remnant particles as a way to identify the species of the original cosmic ray primary directly. Event rates for current and proposed detectors are estimated, and requirements are defined for ideal detectors of this phenomenon. Detailed computational models of the disintegration and deflection processes for a wide range of cosmic ray primaries in the energy range of 10^16 to 10^20 eV are combined with sophisticated detector models to calculate realistic detection rates. The fraction of Gerasimova-Zatsepin events is found to be of the order of 10^-5 of the cosmic ray flux, implying an intrinsic event rate of around 0.07 km^-2 sr^-1 yr^-1 in the energy range defined. Event rates in any real experiment, however, existing or under construction, will probably not exceed 10^-2 yr^-1.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Prospects for determining air shower characteristics through geosynchrotron emission arrival times

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    Using simulations of geosynchrotron radiation from extensive air showers, we present a relation between the shape of the geosynchrotron radiation front and the distance of the observer to the maximum of the air shower. By analyzing the relative arrival times of radio pulses at several radio antennas in an air shower array, this relation may be employed to estimate the depth of maximum of an extensive air shower if its impact position is known, allowing an estimate for the primary particle's species. Vice versa, the relation provides an estimate for the impact position of the shower's core if an external estimate of the depth of maximum is available. In realistic circumstances, the method delivers reconstruction uncertainties down to 30 g/cm^2 when the distance to the shower core does not exceed 7 km. The method requires that the arrival direction is known with high precision.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in Astroparticle Physics

    Cosmic-ray energy spectrum and composition up to the ankle - the case for a second Galactic component

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    We have carried out a detailed study to understand the observed energy spectrum and composition of cosmic rays with energies up to ~10^18 eV. Our study shows that a single Galactic component with subsequent energy cut-offs in the individual spectra of different elements, optimised to explain the observed spectra below ~10^14 eV and the knee in the all-particle spectrum, cannot explain the observed all-particle spectrum above ~2x10^16 eV. We discuss two approaches for a second component of Galactic cosmic rays -- re-acceleration at a Galactic wind termination shock, and supernova explosions of Wolf-Rayet stars, and show that the latter scenario can explain almost all observed features in the all-particle spectrum and the composition up to ~10^18 eV, when combined with a canonical extra-galactic spectrum expected from strong radio galaxies or a source population with similar cosmological evolution. In this two-component Galactic model, the knee at ~ 3x10^15 eV and the second knee at ~10^17 eV in the all-particle spectrum are due to the cut-offs in the first and second components, respectively. We also discuss several variations of the extra-galactic component, from a minimal contribution to scenarios with a significant component below the ankle (at ~4x10^18 eV), and find that extra-galactic contributions in excess of regular source evolution are neither indicated nor in conflict with the existing data. Our main result is that the second Galactic component predicts a composition of Galactic cosmic rays at and above the second knee that largely consists of helium or a mixture of helium and CNO nuclei, with a weak or essentially vanishing iron fraction, in contrast to most common assumptions. This prediction is in agreement with new measurements from LOFAR and the Pierre Auger Observatory which indicate a strong light component and a rather low iron fraction between ~10^17 and 10^18 eV.Comment: Added Table 4; Published in A&A, 595 (2016) A33 (Highlight paper

    Central Acceptance Testing for Camera Technologies for CTA

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    The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is an international initiative to build the next generation ground based very-high energy gamma-ray observatory. It will consist of telescopes of three different sizes, employing several different technologies for the cameras that detect the Cherenkov light from the observed air showers. In order to ensure the compliance of each camera technology with CTA requirements, CTA will perform central acceptance testing of each camera technology. To assist with this, the Camera Test Facilities (CTF) work package is developing a detailed test program covering the most important performance, stability, and durability requirements, including setting up the necessary equipment. Performance testing will include a wide range of tests like signal amplitude, time resolution, dead-time determination, trigger efficiency, performance testing under temperature and humidity variations and several others. These tests can be performed on fully-integrated cameras using a portable setup at the camera construction sites. In addition, two different setups for performance tests on camera sub-units are being built, which can provide early feedback for camera development. Stability and durability tests will include the long-term functionality of movable parts, water tightness of the camera housing, temperature and humidity cycling, resistance to vibrations during transport or due to possible earthquakes, UV-resistance of materials and several others. Some durability tests will need to be contracted out because they will need dedicated equipment not currently available within CTA. The planned test procedures and the current status of the test facilities will be presented.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures. In Proceedings of the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2015), The Hague, The Netherlands. All CTA contributions at arXiv:1508.0589

    Results from the KASCADE, KASCADE-Grande, and LOPES experiments

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    The origin of high-energy cosmic rays in the energy range from 10^14 to 10^18 eV is explored with the KASCADE and KASCADE-Grande experiments. Radio signals from air showers are measured with the LOPES experiment. An overview on results is given.Comment: Talk at The ninth International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics, TAUP 2005, Zaragoza, September 10-14, 200

    Dissecting the knee - Air shower measurements with KASCADE

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    Recent results of the KASCADE air shower experiment are presented in order to shed some light on the astrophysics of cosmic rays in the region of the knee in the energy spectrum. The results include investigations of high-energy interactions in the atmosphere, the analysis of the arrival directions of cosmic rays, the determination of the mean logarithmic mass, and the unfolding of energy spectra for elemental groups