375 research outputs found

    Electronic structure investigation of the cubic inverse perovskite Sc3AlN

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    The electronic structure and chemical bonding of the recently discovered inverse perovskite Sc3AlN, in comparison to ScN and Sc metal have been investigated by bulk-sensitive soft x-ray emission spectroscopy. The measured Sc L, N K, Al L1, and Al L2,3 emission spectra are compared with calculated spectra using first principle density-functional theory including dipole transition matrix elements. The main Sc 3d - N 2p and Sc 3d - Al 3p chemical bond regions are identified at -4 eV and -1.4 eV below the Fermi level, respectively. A strongly modified spectral shape of 3s states in the Al L2,3 emission from Sc3AlN in comparison to pure Al metal is found, which reflects the Sc 3d - Al 3p hybridization observed in the Al L1 emission. The differences between the electronic structure of Sc3AlN, ScN, and Sc metal are discussed in relation to the change of the conductivity and elastic properties.Comment: 11 pages, 5 picture

    Towards Automated PKI Trust Transfer for IoT

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    IoT deployments grow in numbers and size and questions of long time support and maintainability become increasingly important. To prevent vendor lock-in, standard compliant capabilities to transfer control of IoT devices between service providers must be offered. We propose a lightweight protocol for transfer of control, and we show that the overhead for the involved IoT devices is small and the overall required manual overhead is minimal. We analyse the fulfilment of the security requirements to verify that the stipulated requirements are satisfied.Comment: Accepted at 2022 IEEE International Conference on Public Key Infrastructure and its Applications (PKIA). 8 pages, 4 figure

    Robust assignment of cancer subtypes from expression data using a uni-variate gene expression average as classifier

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Genome wide gene expression data is a rich source for the identification of gene signatures suitable for clinical purposes and a number of statistical algorithms have been described for both identification and evaluation of such signatures. Some employed algorithms are fairly complex and hence sensitive to over-fitting whereas others are more simple and straight forward. Here we present a new type of simple algorithm based on ROC analysis and the use of metagenes that we believe will be a good complement to existing algorithms.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The basis for the proposed approach is the use of metagenes, instead of collections of individual genes, and a feature selection using AUC values obtained by ROC analysis. Each gene in a data set is assigned an AUC value relative to the tumor class under investigation and the genes are ranked according to these values. Metagenes are then formed by calculating the mean expression level for an increasing number of ranked genes, and the metagene expression value that optimally discriminates tumor classes in the training set is used for classification of new samples. The performance of the metagene is then evaluated using LOOCV and balanced accuracies.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We show that the simple uni-variate gene expression average algorithm performs as well as several alternative algorithms such as discriminant analysis and the more complex approaches such as SVM and neural networks. The R package <it>rocc </it>is freely available at <url>http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/rocc/index.html</url>.</p

    Constitutive and differential expression of transport protein genes in Parascaris univalens larvae and adult tissues after in vitro exposure to anthelmintic drugs

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    The equine roundworm Parascaris univalens has developed resistance to the three anthelmintic substances most commonly used in horses. The mechanisms responsible for resistance are believed to be multi-genic, and transport proteins such as the P-glycopmtein (Pgp) family have been suggested to be involved in resistance in several parasites including P. univlaens. To facilitate further research into the mechanisms behind drug metabolism and resistance development in P. univalens we aimed to develop an in vitro model based on larvae. We developed a fast and easy protocol for hatching P. univalens larvae for in vitro studies, resulting in a hatching rate of 92 %. The expression of transport protein genes pgp-2, pgp-9, pgp-11.1, pgp-16.1 and major facilitator superfamily (MFS) genes PgR006_g137 and PgR015_g078 were studied in hatched larvae exposed to the anthelmintic drugs ivermecin (IVM) 10(-9) M, pyrantel citrate (PYR) 10(-6) M and thiabendazole (TBZ) 10(-5) M for 24 h. In comparison, the expression of these transport protein genes was studied in the anterior end and intestinal tissues of adult worms in vitro exposed to IVM, TBZ and PYR, at the same concentrations as larvae, for 3 h, 10 h and 24 h. Larval exposure to sub-lethal doses of IVM for 24 h did not affect the expression levels of any of the investigated genes, however larvae exposed to PYR and TBZ for 24 h showed significantly increased expression of pgp-9. In vitro drug exposure of adult worms did not result in any significant increases in expression of transport protein genes. Comparisons of constitutive expression between larvae and adult worm tissues showed that pgp-9, pgp11.1, pgp-16.1 and MFS gene PgR015_g078 were expressed at lower levels in larvae than in adult tissues, while pgp-2 and MFS gene PgR006_g137 had similar expression levels in larvae and adult worms. All investigated transport protein genes were expressed at higher rates in the intestine than in the anterior end of adult worms, except pgp-11.1 where the expression was similar between the two tissues. This high constitutive expression in the intestine suggests that this is an important site for xenobiotic efflux in P. univalens. Despite the fact that the results of this study show differences in expression of transport protein genes between larvae and adult tissues, we believe that the larval assay system described here will be an important tool for further research into the molecular mechanisms behind anthelmintic resistance development and for other in vitro studies

    Exploring the beta-tubulin gene family in a benzimidazole-resistant Parascaris univalens population

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    Benzimidazole (BZ) drugs are frequently used to treat infections with the equine ascarid Parascaris univalens due to increasing resistance to macrocyclic lactones and pyrantel. Benzimidazole resistance is rare in ascarids in contrast to strongyle parasites where this resistance is widespread. In strongyles, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at codons 167, 198 and 200 in a 13-tubulin gene have been correlated to BZ resistance, but little is known about the 13-tubulin genes and their possible involvement in BZ resistance in P. univalens and other ascarids. Previously two 13-tubulin genes have been identified in P. univalens. In this study, we present five additional 13-tubulin genes as well as the phylogenetic relationship of all seven genes to 13-tubulins of other clade III and V nematodes. In addition, the efficacy of fenbendazole for treatment of P. univalens on a Swedish stud farm was studied in 2019 and 2020 using faecal egg count reduction test. Reductions varied from 73% to 88%, indicating the presence of a resistant P. univalens population on the farm. The emergence of BZ resistance emphasizes the need for development of molecular markers for rapid and more sensitive detection of resistant populations. We therefore investigated whether possible SNPs at positions 167, 198 or 200 in any of the 13-tubulin genes could be used to distinguish between resistant and susceptible P. univalens populations. Amplicon sequencing covering the mutation sites 167, 198 and 200 in all seven 13-tubulin genes revealed an absence of SNPs in both resistant and susceptible populations, suggesting that the mechanism behind BZ resistance in ascarids is different from that in strongyle nematodes and the search for a molecular marker for BZ resistance in P. univalens needs to continue

    The identification and semi-quantitative assessment of gastrointestinal nematodes in faecal samples using multiplex real-time PCR assays

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    Background: The diagnosis of gastrointestinal nematode (GIN) infections in ruminants is routinely based on morphological/morphometric analysis of parasite specimens recovered by coprological methods, followed by larval culture (LC) techniques. Such an approach is laborious, time-consuming, requires a skilled expert, and moreover suffers from certain limitations. Molecular tools are able to overcome the majority of these issues, providing accurate identification of nematode species and, therefore, may be valuable in sustainable parasite control strategies.Methods: Two multiplex real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays for specific detection of five main and one invasive GIN species, including an internal amplification control to avoid false-negative results, were designed targeting SSU rRNA and COI genetic markers, as well as established ITS1/2 sequences. The assays were optimized for analysis of DNA extracted directly from sheep faeces and verified for Haemonchus contortus, Teladorsagia circumcincta, Trichostrongylus colubriformis, Nematodirus battus, Chabertia ovina, and Ashworthius sidemi. Semi-quantitative evaluation of infection intensity was enabled using a plasmid construct and a dilution series of sheep faeces with a known number of nematode eggs. Assays were tested on 44 individually collected faecal samples from three farms, and results were compared to those from faecal egg counts (FEC) using the concentration McMaster technique and LC.Results: Multiplex real-time PCR assays showed great specificity to target nematodes. During the analysis of faecal samples, the assays proved to have higher sensitivity in strongylid-type egg detection over FEC by revealing three false-negative samples, while showing moderate agreement in evaluation of infection intensity. The multiplex assays further clarified GIN species identification compared to LC, which had confused determination of Teladorsagia spp. for Trichostrongylus spp.Conclusions: Our multiplex assays proved to be a rapid and accurate approach enabling simultaneous and reliable GIN species identification from faeces and semi-quantitative estimation of the number of eggs present. This approach increases diagnostic value and may add a high degree of precision to evaluation of anthelmintic efficacy, where it is important to identify species surviving after treatment

    Intra-Individual Behavioural Variability:A Trait under Genetic Control

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    When individuals are measured more than once in the same context they do not behave in exactly the same way each time. The degree of predictability differs between individuals, with some individuals showing low levels of variation around their behavioural mean while others show high levels of variation. This intra-individual variability in behaviour has received much less attention than between-individual variability in behaviour, and very little is known about the underlying mechanisms that affect this potentially large but understudied component of behavioural variation. In this study, we combine standardized behavioural tests in a chicken intercross to estimate intra-individual behavioural variability with a large-scale genomics analysis to identify genes affecting intra-individual behavioural variability in an avian population. We used a variety of different anxiety-related behavioural phenotypes for this purpose. Our study shows that intra-individual variability in behaviour has a direct genetic basis that is largely unique compared to the genetic architecture for the standard behavioural measures they are based on (at least in the detected quantitative trait locus). We identify six suggestive candidate genes that may underpin differences in intra-individual behavioural variability, with several of these candidates having previously been linked to behaviour and mental health. These findings demonstrate that intra-individual variability in behaviour appears to be a heritable trait in and of itself on which evolution can act

    An integrated genomics analysis of epigenetic subtypes in human breast tumors links DNA methylation patterns to chromatin states in normal mammary cells.

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    To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field or click on the hyperlink at the top of the page marked Files. This article is open access.Aberrant DNA methylation is frequently observed in breast cancer. However, the relationship between methylation patterns and the heterogeneity of breast cancer has not been comprehensively characterized.Whole-genome DNA methylation analysis using Illumina Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip arrays was performed on 188 human breast tumors. Unsupervised bootstrap consensus clustering was performed to identify DNA methylation epigenetic subgroups (epitypes). The Cancer Genome Atlas data, including methylation profiles of 669 human breast tumors, was used for validation. The identified epitypes were characterized by integration with publicly available genome-wide data, including gene expression levels, DNA copy numbers, whole-exome sequencing data, and chromatin states.We identified seven breast cancer epitypes. One epitype was distinctly associated with basal-like tumors and with BRCA1 mutations, one epitype contained a subset of ERBB2-amplified tumors characterized by multiple additional amplifications and the most complex genomes, and one epitype displayed a methylation profile similar to normal epithelial cells. Luminal tumors were stratified into the remaining four epitypes, with differences in promoter hypermethylation, global hypomethylation, proliferative rates, and genomic instability. Specific hyper- and hypomethylation across the basal-like epitype was rare. However, we observed that the candidate genomic instability drivers BRCA1 and HORMAD1 displayed aberrant methylation linked to gene expression levels in some basal-like tumors. Hypomethylation in luminal tumors was associated with DNA repeats and subtelomeric regions. We observed two dominant patterns of aberrant methylation in breast cancer. One pattern, constitutively methylated in both basal-like and luminal breast cancer, was linked to genes with promoters in a Polycomb-repressed state in normal epithelial cells and displayed no correlation with gene expression levels. The second pattern correlated with gene expression levels and was associated with methylation in luminal tumors and genes with active promoters in normal epithelial cells.Our results suggest that hypermethylation patterns across basal-like breast cancer may have limited influence on tumor progression and instead reflect the repressed chromatin state of the tissue of origin. On the contrary, hypermethylation patterns specific to luminal breast cancer influence gene expression, may contribute to tumor progression, and may present an actionable epigenetic alteration in a subset of luminal breast cancers.Swedish Cancer Society Swedish Research Counci

    A Molecular Taxonomy for Urothelial Carcinoma.

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    PURPOSE: Even though urothelial cancer is the fourth most common tumor type among males, progress in treatment has been scarce. A problem in day-to-day clinical practice is that precise assessment of individual tumors is still fairly uncertain; consequently efforts have been undertaken to complement tumor evaluation with molecular biomarkers. An extension of this approach would be to base tumor classification primarily on molecular features. Here, we present a molecular taxonomy for urothelial carcinoma based on integrated genomics. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: We use gene expression profiles from 308 tumor cases to define five major urothelial carcinoma subtypes: urobasal A, genomically unstable, urobasal B, squamous cell carcinoma like, and an infiltrated class of tumors. Tumor subtypes were validated in three independent publically available data sets. The expression of 11 key genes was validated at the protein level by immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: The subtypes show distinct clinical outcomes and differ with respect to expression of cell-cycle genes, receptor tyrosine kinases particularly FGFR3, ERBB2, and EGFR, cytokeratins, and cell adhesion genes, as well as with respect to FGFR3, PIK3CA, and TP53 mutation frequency. The molecular subtypes cut across pathologic classification, and class-defining gene signatures show coordinated expression irrespective of pathologic stage and grade, suggesting the molecular phenotypes as intrinsic properties of the tumors. Available data indicate that susceptibility to specific drugs is more likely to be associated with the molecular stratification than with pathologic classification. CONCLUSIONS: We anticipate that the molecular taxonomy will be useful in future clinical investigations. Clin Cancer Res; 1-10. ©2012 AACR
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